I got an inspiration from this thread from the Worst Korean thread about occultist controlling their decadent bourgeois government. It lay in the back of my mind for some quite time, but seeing how Gooks are willing to sacrifice a whole ship of children to Moloch, I decided to make it.

It occurred to me that the path of the 2017 US solar eclipse passes the Georgia Guide stones by pure coheincidence, so I dug a little. The Elite have a boner for the occult so I decided to dig into the connection between the 2017 eclipse and the Shabbos Goy Stones.
To refresh your memories with the new Ten Commandments, laid down on 3. 22. 1980hint:

If you add 2+1+8+2+1+7 together you get 21:

This is also what an eclipse symbolises.

We are also living in the 21. century.

Tl;dr: The Chinese were right with the year of the Fire Rooster or better known as the Phoenix.

The date 21.8.2017 is also significant since it marks the transition from Leo to Virgo in the Small year. This has a symbolic connection with the Autumn Equinox, which is currently passing from Leo to Virgo in the context of the Platonic Great Year while the Pisces goes into Aquarius. Revelation 12 supposedly occurs exactly one month after this date

Third pic is the view from the Guidestones when the eclipse becomes full. Leo has the sun in it's paws, consuming it.
Fourth pic is the position of the planets in the Solar system, where Saturn is the only one of the ancient planets on the dark side. Also, Mercury/Hermes is the closest to Earth.

So, anons, what can we expect on that date?
The final Happening?

Other urls found in this thread: guidestones destroyed&oq=georgia guidestones des&

kml files for the eclipse path with a marker for Guidestones:

Did they ban you from /x/ for this tedious bullshit?
Astrology faggots need to die.


Should've made the 54. thread about elections then?
Get fucked.

Am I being detained?

I can't believe this still has to be said: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE user BECAUSE THE KIKES BELIEVE ALL THIS CRAZY SHIT. Understanding what makes them tick is never useless.

So they've failed hard at fucking all of them and haven't realized yet.

Year of the Spicy Chicken Tendies.>>8019516

Next September is the true happening. A little under a year of Trump is perfect for them to crash the world, blame it on him and nationalism and start the great war and one world currency.

>year of the spicy tendies

someone destroy the stones and steal the time capsule already

it can't be that hard

First it was last September, then it was this October, now it's next September. Not saying it's not true but man I am pretty exhausted with this September shit.


Hitler tried this the hardest, though.
He even had some plans to forest up parts of Germany again.

But *someone* got pissy at it all.

This. It's good to know this, since the elites are still observing the stars.

First comes the reset, user.
Coheincidentally there are no ancient symbolic meanings about eclipses on Wiki.

Suns in alchemy
The Eclipse will be in the paws of Leo.





An eclipse is a good time to start cleansing.
And a global nuclear war would be the best method for nigredo IMO. To destroy the unworthy and cull the numbers down to 500 mil.
Then comes the purification of humanity with the next stages.


With the Whore of Babylon pulling the trigger.

relevant i don't remember?


absolutely fucking nothing
screenshot this

Too bad Trump threw him self into their path and will MAGA.

Year of the FireCock is the year of Trump.

Fuck George Soros :^)

What is that cool software you're using for star and planet positions?

... and Stellaris.

(dubledubs selfcheck)

I'm sure the whole thing is a pointless scavenger hunt that would only be thought of by someone with to much time on their hands. I have a feeling that Ted Turner lives a sad and miserable life.

Nice to check your get checking my get.

just remember to recognize the antichrist as what he is

complete opposites are nearly identical

So Jesus?

Bad goys that study scripture had deducted that the anti-christ would be Hebrew in origin.

So many people get caught up disbelieving the esoteric aspect of all of this, and don't realize that kikes could try and make it happen. I've heard theories that jews got fed up waiting for their messiah, so at some point in history they decided to be their own messiah and force the ancient prophecies to come about. I don't totally disbelieve in the supernatural, but it makes perfect sense that these psychos would want to try and bring about Armageddon on their own. The last hundred years or so maybe have both been trying to bring about the chaos that is suppose to exist before the end, but also to put themselves in a beneficial position. It would explain why they seem to be rushing as of late, where they were generally careful in past generations. They need to have things in a certain state before a certain date. They are growing more panicked because whites are beginning to wake up. If there is a sizeable population of aware whites after the end, they wouldn't have the total hegemony that they want, and will have to face hordes of pissed off survivors when they crawl out of their bunkers. Just imagine what would happen if even a handful of Holla Forums survived to guide wayward white groups.

They want to be like Atlantian survivors or some shit, with their magic technology and infinite knowledge of shit like farming and the wheel (aka books), but if they are rightfully seen as the monsters they are, they can't pretend to be gods like they want.

Three times dubledubs and three normal dubs in my thread? I'm not worthy.

What's the defining difference then?

Don't forget the brainwashed Zionist Christians and their accelerationism.
Modern Evangelicalism is a kike tool.


Now this is actually interesting


Checking all these digits since this goy fucked up the check

And check'd.

The frog fags own this board now sadly

That doesn't make much sense seeing as Satan literally translates to opposer in Hebrew. But then again you are trying to project fairytales into real life that usually doesn't work to well.


go back to your board

Beware of stand alone complexes!

shit, forgot sage

People say there is no meaning to anything. This has always affected me, it is too perfect.

Someone already did. guidestones destroyed&oq=georgia guidestones des&

My thought exactly, butthurt zealot jews that lost faith and said fuck it (wasn't it around 1666?). Just like the 6 gorillion number. They needed martyrs, even if they are real only in their minds.
But they like to make it flashy and symbolic, which is the reason for this thread. And by that I mean that they want to be like the ancients that modeled their world after the clockwork in the stars. As above, so below. See! We can do it too!

I think that they would have gotten their victory and would have been preparing for the sacrifice by now, had Hitler not thrown a gigantic wrench in their plans by sacrificing Germany.

First, he delayed their plans to conquer Europe. That tape of the conversation between Mannerheim and Hitler comes to mind where he says that he's astounded how much military ordnance have the Soviets built since they got into power. Soviet Union was supposed to attack the economic troubled Europe by 1942ish Also the reason why Germany had all those jews trying to take control of the country instantly after the war.
But instead they got knocked down militarily, technologically(nukes) and ideologically(using nationalism to win the war).
Second, he laid the plans of the Rothschild bankers in plain sight for the next generations to see. Anyone could get My Kampf or listen to his speeches. That's why they demonized him so much. And now both are accessible instantly.

They had to wait 50 years, and now on a tight astronomic schedule, arrogantly drank their own Koolaid, took the degeneracy temperature up too much and slipped. People noticed that shit's happening and mustered an uprising around a leader of the opposite deep state faction.

The point of gematria is adding. Nothing else.

The number of dubs in the thread say it's no coincidence. It's happening.

You'd need a lot of dynamite to destroy that. And IIRC they're under surveillance now.
I take the stones more as an astronomical marker, just like the pyramids are. Wouldn't change the plans. Just letting the goys know they're getting culled.

Fucking September fags

the guide stones werent destroyed you faggot it was just another masonic kikery ritual.

Gods of thunder, lightning, and rain
Lustful succubuses of death and pain
Are gathered tonight up in the steel sky
Down on the field of battle stand
Warriors draped in leather with iron swords in hand
Ready to sing their enemies their last lullabies
The sunlight disappears, only torchlights break the dark
Depressive silence broken only by hard pounding hearts
Mist falls down shrouding the field in mystery
After this night all false metallers will rest in peace

The metal horde raise they swords and hail
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal
Sure of they coming victory, they swear on
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal

The massive volume of their chanting, false ears bleed
It's nothing but a massacre when the titans clash with the weak
Trying to put us down cries out for revenge
The gods of metal will blow the wimps away

The metal horde raise they swords and hail
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal
Sure of they coming victory, they swear on
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal

The metal horde raise they swords and hail
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal
Sure of they coming victory, they swear on
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal
The metal horde raise they swords and hail
Iron, steel, metal
Iron, steel and metal
Sure of they coming victory, they swear on
Iron, steel, metal

The Georgia Guidestones have nothing to do with the Elites, It is just some hippie bullshit.

Guide reproduction wisely? Let all nations rule internally? Does this sound to you like the fucking kikes? Avoid petty laws and useless officials? No. Just some hippie bullshit.

have any nuggets of wisdom about bohemian grove, too? just larping right?

Sure rabbi.

You fags always expect like another Sept 11th or a meteor to hit the earth, sometimes these changes are in other manners.

Think about how shit got real after 2012, and how after last Sept. the Trump stuff started to get real.

Sometimes there is more subtle things going on.

You gotta start and finish step 1 user before you move to step 2.

What's with all these cucks who are afraid to say "jews" or "kikes".

Honestly, the Bohemian Grove really isn't the big deal Jonestein presented it as, nor is it as secretive as he claimed it was. The local fire dept. is apparently there for the fireworks display during the "Cremation of Care", and half the people there are guests.

Someon posted a map showing that the last time we had a fire cock was 1933 and 1828

aka Hitler and Andrew Jackson. This time its 2016 and we get Trump.





This is all a metaphor. Read the power of Now, and the Hero with 1000 faces.

You missed 1957, the beginning of the space race with the launch of Sputnik.

And so that makes the playing out of a sacrifice (even if fake) to a kike god acceptable? Kek will have no mercy on you.

Because it would be a grave error to assume that they are the only enemy. Many, many whites - real lily-white Whites with a major W - who work against their own people, for monetary or occult gain.

I doubt any of you have heard about GATE, but for those that have this might mean something. In 4th grade I was brought into a program at Elberton County Elementary School. They kind of asked us if we've ever been underground and seen anything strange. A bunch of the other children had stories of being masked and taken to a cold room that smelled of musty stone and dust. They could hear clanks of tools on stone and men singing disharmonious chants. I only later heard the word "GATE" when I was brought into the offices with my parents, being told I was not what they were looking for and would be reintegrated into regular classes.

It's not a serious ritual. The whole idea of the "Cremation of Care" is that they stop caring, and take a break from serving their jewish overlords to engage in various forms of degeneracy.

The existence of goy traitors doesn't change that jews and jewishness are the enemy.

August 21st? Nice weather. Have a beer, watch a ballgame, fuck bitches. It's MAGA time faggot. Get this spooky, low energy shit out of here. Let the cucks and Jews be afraid.

Yeah, but how did your asshole feel later? Do you remember a burning? An inability to sit still for long periods for time for a few weeks? Little memory lost? Funny taste in your mouth? A new aversion to adults?

Yes let's take a small child down to our super secret base that needs to remember secret for a few more decades because that's how you judge a child and keep things quite because little kids really know how to keep their mouth shut.


I'm coming out of the drug use period all GATE kids seem to go through. I've been clean for 3 years since finding Holla Forums, stay strong brothers.

Many of us have been there too user. Shadilay brother.

If this wasn't officially a /fringe/ thread that settled it

Many of us have been there too user. Shadilay brother.>>8027859

You faggots worship a frog and think you can manifest reality by shitposting memes, you believe the entire government is corrupt and we will soon find that Weiner, Huma and Clinton are involved in a fucking global child sex trafficking ring and yet you call people /fringe/ when they're simply a little ahead of you. Naive little cunt.

I don't even worship fagbook frog either

That'll make for a cool birthday

/x/ and /fringe/ cross over into Holla Forums territory a lot. One would be wise to study the occult, even if it's bullshit it's obvious (((they))) believe in it. It's the same thing with religion, even if you don't believe in it you read about it just because it's tied so strongly with our culture.


shut up bitch

This. It's not that here we have completely standard, open, by-the-books politics and there, over there, are the kooks and tinfoil hatters with their crazy conspiracies.

Politics and the so-called occult heavily, heavily overlap.

Oy vey goyim, only second-best Korea is ruled by a fanatical cult of religious SJW wackos, I promise you're perfectly safe, there's no way your own countries might be subject to the same psychic parasitism and don't you know (((science))) disproved the existence of supernatural powers 6 gorillion times already? What are you, stupid?


I keep expecting this guy to tell me what a loyal Blue Sox fan he is.

Does this mean Im finally going to get my magical powers? I mean the awakening was suppossed to happen in 2012.

if 15/16 of humanity died, all their life force would seperate out into the remaining 1/16 of humanity.

I don't know how do deal with this stuff man. I don't know whether to be scared or excited.


Fucking Commies and your pretend world.

Did they leave an address where I can donate, or a Bitcoin wallet ID or paypal or something?

holy fuck this shit again you fucker claimed something would happen earlier this year now your like OH WAIT ITS NEXT YEAR.
keep drinking the coolaid fuck tard


They're already doing it.

The Rothschilds are investing into bioengineering and god knows what else in their Israel compounds. They want to create the perfect red heifer, which will then be sacrificed in order to speed up the messiah's arrival.

Doesn't even matter if the Jews seriously believe in this nonsense, which they do, because Trump will irreversibly fuck up their plans.

user, you are more right than you realize. If you know enough about the Bible, then you will know that the Synagogue of Satan is prophesied to start The Abomination of Desolation, a.k.a. The Apocalypse, through the crowning of the Antichrist, who is also the first Horseman. Whether it's through the supernatural, or simply the Jews truly being that predictable, the Bible gets a ton of things right that are still applicable today.


Now I know why the Old Testament sentenced witches and sorcerers to death. It wasn't because they were actually casting forbidden magic, but because they were another type of faggot.

This is the first time I have ever actually read what's on the Georgia guidestones.

Uh, I thought it was a 2spooky4u illuminati thing. Those actually look like quite good principles to follow. The only things I'm not sure about is one world language and external courts. While pretty globalist it would be good if done right.

One language would be great to be able to go anywhere and communicate with people but at the same time would erode native languages.

World court is a great idea in theory but in practice it would be used by big countries to fuck small countries.

The rest of it is fucking goat though and a population reduction to 500m white American/euros would be great. There are way too many people on this fucking planet, especially with 3rd world hordes breeding out off control because we give them free shit.

Good thing I'm in the top 1/14th of humanity in terms of intelligence
that's not at all a hard task, you just have to have iq 122 or above

kek fag. Where does it say its gonna be 500 million *white* people? Your ass is doomed for being so retarded

Exactly, this clearly has nothing to do with any of the most powerful as much of what is written advocates for the opposite of what they want.


Pastor Steven Anderson "The Book of Revelation: Chapter 12 of 22"

Godspeed, user!

dig into fallen angels, if you're not into it already.

It's a lot more expensive to build such a monument than it is destroy it.