I was such a huge fan of her, such an incredibly funny women, but imitating the great Beyonceé (along with fellow Jewess Golide Hawn) was the last step.
how can we help her realize and renounce her Jewish privilege?
Boycott Amy Schumer's Racism
This is fucking classic:
Jessi weakly demurred that some of what Amy has said is “racially charged” and includes some “blind spots,” and tried to defend her own beliefs by saying she’s gotten into arguments with Amy about Black Lives Matter—suggesting Amy Schumer doesn’t support Black Lives Matter. In a terribly misguided effort to find solidarity with Alicia, Jessi claimed she got it because “I’m Jewish!”
A collective groan rattled the rafters.
Nice slide thread OP. Yeah, get us to waste our time on some Jewish whore comedian rather than on the elections and revealing Clinton corruption to the masses.
Not happening.
Seriously ?
This is a pretty pointless thread, but the whole "anything that isn't trump/hillary is sliding/shilling" argument is ridiculous. The culture war is more far reaching than just Trump vs Hillary.
This is so fucking delicious. The Jew playing the Jew card and getting btfo. Schumer getting BTFO, the nature of the beast showing it's teeth, you must submit, there is no other option, even the kikes can't stop this lel
did you ever consider that people can only push for so fucking long and need mental break? don't bring your fucking reddit bullshit here, no one is on a time clock.
an article about a jewess who tries to buddy up with niggers and then when they start turning "I get it, I'm jewish!"
Please blow it the fuck out your dead mother's ass. no one works for you here.
I really can't wait for this election to end and all your kind to leave.
even the asians are digging up her old tweets and blasting her for her support of race mixing.
These CTR shills come in yelling SLIDE THREAD SLIDE THREAD. Motherfuckers, we have a catalog here.
Why did not think to show her tits?
This thread doesn't have much to do with anything, never even heard of this woman before, but goddamn this is hilarious. Holy fuck I wish I could've been there: a comedy show. Some funny stuff, audience is laughing, show finishes, time for a little Q and A with the producers, so far so good, then suddenly RACISM - "she's racist!" "she's not racist, you're being racist" "you're also a racist!"
and then
Mother goose comes along to reassure us all that it's okay, because we're ALL racist, because SOCIETY is racist.
I mean holy shit America, you guys are behaving like characters out of a Monty Python sketch. I love it tbh, gives me something to chuckle at.
you miss the only relevant part. The Jewess tries to use her holyco$t card to get out and the niggers won't buy it, which is the entire thing.
who gives a fuck
I don't think you get just how uppity the niggers are getting until one hits you with a brick. This is now mainstream niggerology. Think about what society will be like in ten years if this keeps up.
To be fair that's pretty funny. I'm instantly suspicious as to whether she actually came up with it her self. Because she's a woman.
She has a history of stealing jokes now you mention it…
how is it funny? i don't even get it.
Did she finally lose weight? She doesn't look that fat in the photo. Or is it just the angle and lights?
No she's a fucking pig still, old photo.
all asians look alike
Women aren't funny. Get over it.
This bitch is not funny.
and nothing of value was lost.
Top kek. But your explanation sucks OP. Got a video?
I just love when leftists call each other racist.
At the heart of this article, and it's requisite virtue signaling, is this stupid supposition that 'privilege' comes with race. Except some very, very, specific instances this is just not true. Now, of course a bunch of people in the (((entertainment))) industry are going to see the world as threateningly rayciss because their very lively hood depends on avoiding anti-semitism.
It sure would be nice if leftists broke the (((entertainment industry))) conditioning and began shaming the jew. Has there ever been a time when leftists have been so very close to being ideologically forced to shame the jew?
Fuck off with your concern trolling, Chaim
What an excellent weak point to force the left onto itself. I hope you shared this with Holla Forums. They love Amy Schumer.
She could be lit on fire and it wouldnt warrant a thread OP
Exactly. This doesn't end with Trump in the White House. It ends when Judaism is a long forgotten terror in history books, like the Mongol empire
Yes it is that simple. No one uses degrees of racism. Yes it will affect everything because you have just given up your power to guilt trip white people.
Sage and go back to cuckchan.
Don't you have to be funny to earn that title? South Park has made a lot of this season using Amy Schumer as the butt of the joke by constantly demeaning her with her own repetitive garbage: "women are funny; get over it" and "my vagina".
I think it's hilarious they have the biggest "meanest" shitposter of them all, Cartman being a total Nu-male SJW, and nobody believes he's sincere.
Which leads to tons of awkward situations where his actual personality shines through, because he doesn't really get it.
Fuck Beyonce. She is a goddamn turd that just won't flush. Fuck Shumer too
I really miss the times before leddit moved in here and you had to explain things to fucking retards.
I was just thinking the same thing