You must understand the immunology of minds and their collective mindspace. Take the terms "viral marketing", "mental illness", "inflammatory language", "culture", "X is cancer" for instance. Do you see it yet?
As an inhabitant of this board, your mind is a cell in the anatomical appendix and lymphoid tissue of our common egregore. While it wallows in shit and is frequently written off as vestigial, it plays a VITAL role in the immunology of mindspace. It is a source of renewal and evolution of memes that arise from your mind. It is a crucial spawn point. You are now part of the Memetic Immunology and Pathogenesis division of the Bureau of Memetic Warfare.
Peoples' minds are sick. Uncle Ted thought that modern society was the cause, but it is actually a combination of nearly constant pathological memetic bombardment by mostly ZOG and by proxy, the infected through weapons of mass memetic dispersal (tv, media, music, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, children's toys, religious subversion such as the Nostra aetate of Vatican II which absolves the jews of responsibility for killing Jesus, VIDEO GAMES, public policy, etc). Long-term indoctrination attempts to leave minds in a gnotomemetic state that can be easily molded into shabbos goy zombies. You've seen the zombies and the empty look in their eyes. It's real folks.
Leftism is like HIV of the mind. It convinces the mind's immune system to attack itself (self-loathing, "check your privilege", shame, weakness is strength, oppression olympics) and virally spews to infect others in the individual's social network. Side effects may include blue hair and le ironic spotty beard While the mind's guard is down, it is flooded with other memes from the evil ZOG egregore and a zombie foot soldier is created.
The jews want to understand the goy mind so that they can control it. They study the fundamentals (psychology, pharmacology, the humanities) and apply what they find (examples above). They are doing an admirable job but either got cocky or their had was forced and they acted too quickly.
You are here because your mind is somewhat immune to their inoculation. You may be depressed or frustrated with the world. This is probably chronic memetic inflammation caused by your mind's immune system working around the clock to fend off bullshit. Your mind runs on your brain's hardware, and the CPU fan is running like crazy.
Think like a T-cell. Act like an antiviral. Think about germ ecology. Exercise and share good practices for keeping a mind well through memetic hygiene. Protection and neutralization is the name of the game.
Make your web thingy but try to have some guiding principle. You can stab in the dark, but nature usually comes up with an elegant solution for things, and there is no shame in imitating and emulating it. You are part of it after all.