Do we really need EIGHT stickied threads, mods? Why are you trying to make the front page unusable?
Do we really need EIGHT stickied threads, mods? Why are you trying to make the front page unusable?
It is because over the last couple of days we have had a rash of nig dick raids.
Why did you do this OP? Was getting banned part of your plan?
Furries/Bronies are going in the ovens head-first.
Get the fuck out, horsefucker degenerate.
Front page is better for slower boards and catalog here takes too long to update because of the sheer number of pages.
I can't help myself.
We have the cure.
Its ok lad you can redeem yourself and your strange ass fetish in the war to come, fight against the (((Globalists))) and you will be pardoned. Pardoned to a place far the hell away from the rest of us.
just sterilize me and ship me off to a secluded area in iceland with high speed internet after the war
You double nigger. Your veins still carry good blood Probably and therefore you're going to the labor camps till you forget all about your cancerous furry/brony DeviantArt collection.
Dump it.
All of it.
This is your punishment - spend the next 6 days dumping it all. :^)
Nigger, pls
Do we really need some asshole not understanding that these are interesting times and that 100 stickies are not too many until after the election?
Use the catalog you triple nigger.
Too obvious. Also people are aware now.
Get the fuck out of here you furnigger