
Does anyone else feel like around the world globalists, secret societies, and TPTB are getting revealed at a massively unprecedented rate?

Is this all a coincidence or is the human collective consciousness rejecting the elite en mass while Kek grows in power every day?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gimme a source for the 4th one

2016 has been a shitty year for me personally, but it's been so convoluted for geopolitics.

What do you mean by this OP


Hollande, he means.

At this point just put "Korea" into google news or any other news aggregator.

Shit is going the fuck down m8

oh that makes far more sense, thanks.

damn, this shit is crazy
are they going to coup though? Koreans don't seem to me like the most armed people, and most of them are just Japanese 2.0, with a fake and plastic culture of idols and videogames.

I read the thread but jesus I can't understand this. A fucking cult running the country? What are the souks doing about it? Do you think the satanic hollywood cult here is about to be blown the fuck out?

2016 will be the greatest year of my life and an outstanding portent of things to come if we can get the trifecta of:

1) Brexit
2) Trump
3) Hofer

One of these already won, and the other two look poised for victories in the upcoming months. I think a Hofer win is a bit more assured than Trump's victory but I'm incredibly optimistic for both. If all three of these milestones are accomplished in just this year then the sky's the limit for 2017.

2016 will be the greatest year of my life and an outstanding portent of things to come if we can get the trifecta of:

1) Brexit
2) Trump
3) Hofer

One of these already won, and the other two look poised for victories in the upcoming months. I think a Hofer win is a bit more assured than Trump's victory but I'm incredibly optimistic for both. If all three of these milestones are accomplished in just this year then the sky's the limit for 2017.

The globalist parasite is being addressed as we speak. We meme'd it into the forefront of the collective consciousness, now we have to keep showing them who is pulling the strings, and they'll oust the filthy parasite soon enough. This is just the beginning, keep strong and never stop the memes

Coups and rebellions usually arise from rebellious discontent elites rallying the people behind them.

I'm sure there are many Government officials, celebrities, and Business leaders that aren't happy about secretly being ruled by a shadow government of female cultists.

If Trump gets elected we're all in for an even crazier ride in 2017. Year of the fire cock, shit is going to go down big league and a lot of people are going to die.

Actually regardless of who gets elected 2017 is going to be fucking insane but if Trump gets in it will most likely go very well for us.

Meme magic is a lot like the warp. The chaos gods are represented by the globalists, the Marxists, the jews and the rest of their ilk. They represent evil. Every story from the dawn of time to now covers a great evil and the good men who rise against it.

We are those men. No matter what form we take we will always fight or resist against this evil in some way or another. We may not be space marinesyet but Trump is our chosen Emperor and with him at the helm we shall triumph over this great evil and secure a lasting peace and prosperity for our progeny.

The Emperor protects

har hyu thur whe arenth the fortheth of KAYOTH, user-kun? Slaanesh-heika thad thath KAYOTH ith juthith!

But how do we know this consolidation of freedom isn't orchestrated by a new new world order, eager to fill up on the power gaos they create?

We aren't among the forces of chaos I can tell you that much. Trump is the one who will lead us to the stars. And his Primarchs will aid him


Its the Fire Monkey. Pleb.

Jews were jewing germany so germany revolted.
Now jews are jewing the world so the world will revolt.

Because of chaos magick buddy

Additionally the current generation that could take the reins haven't dealt with hardships and are weak. They are not prepared. Paradigm shift

Kek is chaos and the bringer of light. The light is spontaneous order always emerging though endless chaos.

That's imageboards m8

Depends on the views you prescribe to.
Very likely to be true. Chinese 240 year cycle to close, Jewish super-duper sabbath year, generational theory has us as the next great generation, Christian cultural revival/revolution cycle, the 60 year presidential shitstorm, etc etc etc.
Trump may be the unwitting anti-christ. Ten years from now we'll see Syria's partioned but peaceful self become the ground zero of WWIII, and Armageddon be the spark that creates a nuclear firestorm.
This is all the same drama that preceded the Roman Empire. Trump's youngest will reunite 'Rome', finding it plyboard and leaving it polished carbon fiber. But not before a second Civil war, chasing down the other half of a coalition government to the Mediterranean.

'Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought. It always defeats order, because it is better organized.'

We also have to understand that the current degradation and destruction of western civilization isn't chaos. It's planned and premeditated.

It's malicious order.

I submitted my vote today and I'd just like to our international anons: I love you guys. I was there shitposting with the bongs for Brexit, I now invite any and all to contribute your meme magic for the burger election.

At the end the midgets in clown costumes won.

Don't count your chickens until they've hatched

Ever since the internet was implemented and began to take off, it's like the whole world synchronized their periods. Culture wars have come and gone, but with the advent of social media, people held their heads under the sand for far too long. Now, with the whole world so interconnected in such a massive web, everyone is pulling their heads out of the sand and seeing a world they don't recognize.

Everyone is seeing this happening at the same time. Everyone is tired of being a commodity for the 1%. It's about fucking time, too. WW2-style propaganda will not work anymore because we can so easily talk to real people in those places and see the truth.

Indeed lad, Cultural Marxism and White Genocide are the millenias old war of the kikes against us and our peoples. We never knew we were at war with evil incarnate. Now we do, and we know who they are, and why, and how the war is waged on us. The internet has given knowledge that the jew would have buried forever, to everyone they have abused and defiled, every innocent raped and murdered. Retribution will find its mark and divine providence will not be denied.
Look around at the kikes and their shabbos goyim slaves, they aren't laughing anymore.


We are the knights of our time, born into this world to fight the darkness once more, with the truth as our sword we will cut down the darkness once more to enter a world of light, bantz, and qt smug waifus. Feels good man.

and the fight is only just beginning

I bet your mother finds you amusing.


You don't want our saviour to be the Antichrist, if the Antichrist exists, then by prophecy (the same that predicts him) he will lose. ==WINNERS AREN'T LOSERS==

Well Trump did make Anime real so, yeah, weird shit is about to start happening.

concern intensifies

I feel like ye knights of old did less pissing on toilet seats and jacking it to scat porn. I guess God goes to war with the army that's left, not the one it wants.


Sounds like personal problems m88


We are the Darkness - Our fight is against the false Jewish Light represented by their Volcano Demon Tetragrammaton. We have the Old Gods on our side, with Kek as their Void-Herald.

We've come to a dark world, always on the brink of falling into disaster. We are darkened just by contact with it. The false light of the Demiurge pervades all things and makes us forget where we came from, forget the pearl of great price. But maybe. Maybe in some way, we act as purifiers as well. Making the lower planes a little more genuinely light and growing our own flames as well.

I had a dream where Hillary rigged the election and won.
However the people caught on to their bullshit and marched to DC to revolt.
Obama sent the military to stop them, but over half the military and policemen went against Obama and Hillary.
Obama was scared shitless hiding under the desk at the oval office, Hillary getting trampled by rioters and Trump being one of the organizers of the revolt.

2012 was about mass awakening.

off topic but did anyone ever get to the end of what the fuck this was?

Imagine what will happen if we unshackle every Old God from Yaldabaoth the Usurper. We could reignite the spiritually pure Golden Age of Antiquity with all the 'pagan' Gods restored to their former glory.

This Kali Yuga will be crushed to dust, or I'll die trying.

I think the consensus was nobody has any fucking clue what the Norway Spiral was (it sure as fuck didn't look like an out of control missile,) and the launch off the coast of California a few years back was almost certainly a launch from a Chinese sub that the government pretended didn't happen by calling it totally an airplane goyim.

in strange aeons even death may die.

It's not a coincidence; it's the internet.

The rate of information exchange is so fast and so vast that governments aren't able to control public perception anymore. It's one of the reasons why Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. have been ramping up their tools to suppress information for governments that desperately want it (i.e. Germany).

It's gotten to the point where not even controlling all of a site's moderators (i.e. Twitter) is enough to stop the flow of information. So long as the people using it aren't controlled, the information gets out. It's a rare case where the tool people have to communicate ideas is far greater than all of the powers of suppression available to the government.

Yep. A billion English speakers simply overwhelm the capacity of a few thousand SJWs to moderate. It's quite funny. Kike's need for every last shekel is what brought them to this place; if they had been smart, they would never have commercialized the Internet. None of this was supposed to happen. The transistors they recovered from the Roswell crash were supposed to usher in total control, not unquenchable chaos.

Looks like the Jews got played.

I mean go out this winter when its semi-clear out and there is moisture in the air with a full moon. You will see concentric circles/rainbows.

The Norway Spiral was definitely something else though. My money is on a fluke, one in a million aurora type of event. Magnetism is documented in many situations to cause naturally occurring spirals and Auroras are commonly seen in the sky as spirals. This one may have just been a perfect example of it.

Unfortunately we may never know unless a similar event occurs again and we are able to gather more evidence.


Feels good to know there's still mystery in this world (((they))) desperately try to sanitize and secularize. Could it merely be a natural phenomenon or something greater? A portal?

I've seen out of control missiles. They do two, maybe three spins. There is no fucking way the Norway Spiral was a missile.

The timing of the development is uncanny though you have to admit. The ones from the weather-balloon were probably much more advanced than what we have today. The resulting technology was just a bastardized version of it.

Norway isn't too far from CERN. Maybe they caused it when they were MEDDLING WITH POWERS MAN WAS NOT MEANT TO KNOW.

It's a ripple in the fabric of reality. The fracture of reality.

Also, look at the Magic Sound over of Shadilay by PEPE.
What's that in the centre?

This is an eye-witness account of events over Nuremberg Germany in 1561.

Commercialization of the internet marked the death of the modern form of government as we know it. Every government has something to hide, and, once it is found, they will try their hardest to prevent others from knowing. So long as there are people which aren't suppressed or under their control, there is a flow of information that others can follow and use to expose governments at near instantaneous speeds.

I present to you: The Newgrange Spirals.

Look familiar?

Maybe some CERN, Project Blue Beam, or HAARP shit? Hell of a sight whatever it was. The (((globalists))) have tech beyond our wildest dreams, hell Tesla invented Wifi 100+ years ago.


The 10 years the internet was largely uncensored and free was too long a window. Their propaganda was rendered useless in a single generation - and the old fucks who run things can't even piss properly now, let alone understand memetics.

It's only a matter of time before their world comes crumbling down and we build a new one.

Mate, who would want to be a space marine when you can be a multi-dimensional ultra-shitposting memelord, taking the fight to the etheric plane and obliterating all who oppose

Yea there has been a lot of strange shit at CERN recently like that sacrifice video and the LHC being ramped up. Check out the new director as well she sure looks like one of (((the usual suspects)))


it very much looks like an out of control missile
a missile with an engine that broke during the flight but didn't disintegrate completely will gain a random lateral thrust instead of flying straight
that means the missile will turn at a constant rate on whatever rotation plane the accidental thrust happens to be
when out of the atmosphere, if the engine keeps pushing more or less constantly, the ejection gasses will be blown at a constant speed, and won't be slowed down by air
the gasses aren't at very high pressure after having been blown off, they were ejected really fast but aren't a cloud dense enough to expand much on its own beside the divergent trajectories of gas molecules
so the cloud will look stable and continuous
and if the missile spins, it will make a regular arithmetic spiral
and as the missile doesn't gain speed on its former trajectory because the thrust happens to be busy turning instead of pushing, the missile and its ejection gasses will move at constant speed, so the spiral won't get deformed by lagging behind the missile

believing it's madjik or ayylamos is a failure of the imagination

I've thought of this as well. Right wing resurgence across the world. Perhaps the ubiverse runs on reocurring cycles, or this is just the next phase the nwo is shifting into

Too many irregularities. How perfectly would a missile have to fail to make that many concentric and consistent loops? That's not one or two or three circles. That is a pattern that should be no means generated by anything less than a "perfect" failure.

no it's not
it's just a failure that has to remain stable for the 30 seconds needed to generate the spiral
maybe the failure wasn't due to partial destruction of the engine but by thrust vectoring that got uncontrolled and unstoppable
this is exactly what it is: using the engine to push sideways to turn

and when a missile begins to turn constantly you get a spiral, whatever the orientation of the plane of the spin
and if it happens out of the atmosphere, or high enough that gasses don't get slowed down notably, you get a spiral painted in the sky

now that I think a bit more about it, I remembered thar the russian advanced missiles have supposed superior abilities to evade anti-missile weapons due to their agility in flight given by thrust vectoring
so chances are it was a failure of the guidance or manoeuvering system
or maybe it wasn't a failure but a test of the missile's ability to survive extreme accelerations, or a test of its ability to resume flight after spinning, we don't know what happened afterwards

it may even be the succesful testing of a new defensive weapon:
if the ejection gasses contain metallic particles or ionized gasses and can be magnetised, such a spiral would make a remarkably efficient radar obstacle
easy to make, extremely large, can be shot in no time between the radar you want to hide from and the assets you wish to hide
probably very efficient at hiding some movements of truck-mounted missiles or vip moving somewhere for the few minutes when they might have been vulnerable to spying or drone strike

That sounds like a fucking space battle to me.

Drop 150 liberty cap mushrooms which are abundant around Newgrange and those spirals will be one of the few things you see for 3 hours.

They don't. But they showed us silicon based transistors bc that is the tech we can reproduce. We are not ready to produce their highest tech.

The instant communication of the internet and it's Court Fools are responsible for it.
People are also desperate and memes provided them with an answer for the cause of their troubles.

Normies are wide awake now and you'll see things not seen since the elder days.

Trump or Civil War 2.

I'm feeling it

I don't remember which text exactly, but there's some sort of prophecy about those types of signs appearing in the sky to herald the coming of a wave of bodhisattvas at the end of an age to usher in the beginning of the next age or something along those lines.
Not saying that's what that was, but it's one possibility. I seem to remember there being a lot of weird things like that around the time that happened.

lol no
the french are gonna elect Juppé the niggerlover, or Manuel Valls if he becomes candidate which doesnt seem to be the plan. He's scheduled for 2022 instead, logically.
Le Pen isnt going in because she sucks so much jew cock she isnt an alternative to the "ripoublique" anymore. (rotten republic)
There is no popular uprising, the white french are taking rapefugee cock up their asses with a smile, albeit a sad one.

internet culture fucked the globalists over
just like blue jeans and rock music fucked the central comitee of the ussr over

The Age of the Black Sun can be seen in the distance.

The Dawn is coming! No more despair!


kek is literally chaos god

pic at

Some details don't make it into the history books. Maybe it's for the best.


Other oldfags here will remember pic related when they logged on at work/school. Commercialization brought Eternal September but it also brought chaos.

Those are called sundogs user.

You are projecting, user.

Also they only wrote the good stuff down. Who knows what they didn't write down.

Ha. I've never seen anyone bring this up before, glad to see someone else pays attention and remembers their history.

Dang, fucking ages since I last saw Cultist-Chan

These are the end times. This is a part of biblical prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes.
It always gets better before it gets worse.