Truckload of manure dumped in front of Warren County Democratic Headquarters

LEBANON, Ohio — A truckload of manure was dumped outside of the Warren County Democratic Headquarters.

Warren County Sheriff’s deputies responded Saturday morning to a call of criminal damaging at the building in the 1900 block of US 42 in Lebanon.

Bethe Goldenfield, chairperson with the Warren County Democratic Party, said that security cameras show that at 12:03 a.m., a truckload of manure was dropped at the front door of their building and that they’re working with local officials to identify who was behind it, saying "This is not going to deter or intimidate us, and will in fact motivate us even more."

She went on to say, "We will do what we need to do to increase our vote margins in Warren county. Perhaps they’re worried about how well we are doing."

Cleanup efforts continued from late morning into the early afternoon.

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Woops, forgot the article link.


in before reddit spacing

that was really thoughtful of them to donate all that valuable fertilizer. why are they upset?


excuse me, could you specify which one is the manure dump and which is the democrat HQ? they look so similar.

Reddit spacing is the worst CTR tactic yet.

Sign on the door:

What the fuck?

Clinton bus dump memes?

maybe they run their campaign out of gas stations

Every fucking time

it really is a great political statement. clinton's bus shits all over the streets, so someone does the same to a dnc headquarters

Now that's what i call shitposting.

How is that criminal damaging?

Now this, is shit posting!

Guarantee that jewess starts selling bags of Goldenfield's Premium Fertilizer a few days from now.


It's real. Try harder next time.

Hahaha the merchants never miss a beat. Premium Limited Edition Kosher Dirt from Bethlehem goy, Jesus walked on it himself I promise.

Exactly, I thought why the fuck would you waste good fertilizer like that and not just burn the fucking building down.

I guess manure carries germs so there is a physical risk.

Isn't that the exact same thing the republicans said after one of their campaign offices got fucking firebombed?


That dude posted like 60 times in that thread. I thought he was a troll at first but it became pretty obvious he had mental problems

I just see two piles of shit. What the problem in the picture?

One of them couldn't sustain plant life even if you planted the lowest of maintenance plants.


Uh, just manure is not enough to create a bomb, lol sweet kek

It's good at cultivating scum and rot though.



You know what I meant.

How horrible! What of those evil neo-nazi bigots firebombed the place? Poor poor Hillary.

Think before you type, user. Trump would never accept such sloppiness.

My bet is the sign was added very recently as a warning to not talk about sensitive shit inside.

Probably has plenty of carpet and wood furniture inside.

One is a huge pile of shit. The other is used in potting plants.

like putting makeup on a pig.


This is not fucking funny. Trump is the candidate for law and order, while the Democrats are taking their turn this time being the break-in-and-steal or otherwise fuck-shit-up side. This garbage bullshit does nothing to hurt the pricks at the polls in Ohio and anywhere they have electric jews, and everything to create a false equivalence in normies' heads. If I was in charge of Clinton's Department of Make-Believe, this is exactly what I would do just now, so the (((media))) will have something to talk about through the weekend.


Trump should condemn this act, renew his commitment to legality as opposed to some candidates and offer to pay for the cleanup to discourage "helpful" little "volunteers" like this going forward.

Seriously, fam. . . a single act of class right now wins 1,000 votes in a swing state. Fucking with property costs 1,500. Exercise some fucking fire discipline!

You are getting better at fitting in but you still haven't mastered it. Lurk more.

nope, that's dried farm-grade manure. You wouldn't want to put it in your mouth, but it's been processed.
t. someone who's shoveled manure

They should obviously be imprisoned for life for this evil high school tier prank!

Laugh all you want, dipshits, but we need more than a few Democrats to vote Trump in Ohio. How do you think they feel about their defection after seeing the building they maybe volunteered at, or where they have friends working, treated like this? Like maybe they should rethink their intent to vote Trump? Like maybe they don't want to be associated with bush-league niggering?

The Fuhrer once said that his greatest gift to the German people was that he had taught them to think clearly. Whipping out your dick and rubbing one out to an act of working class autism like this does the Emperor no favors. Shoveling manure is all you'll be good for in the New Order.

Fuck off, this is hilarious, and even normies would find it so. They fire bombed a republican center just a couple weeks ago.

Fuck that, that OP is just proper paragraphs.

Reddit spacing is like this.


Looks pretty gay.

dubs confirm reddit spacing is gay

I'm sure the six people that worked in that 100square foot building have tons of pull in the coming election.

It's not uncommon to see a variation on that in some places, usually convenience stores. It's a notice that security cameras are in use. Normally, they aren't so suspicious nor hand-made, though.

Cityfag detected. Not one farmer has gotten sick from being around cow shit.



That looks like horse shit =^), but yeah, I've been shoveling horse shit my whole life. No problems.

Here's a good way to tell if something is actually reddit spacing, and why reddit spacing is shit

friendly reminder that in the current day the mantrabot would be called out for reddit spacing and thats the best way to know that this is just a shit forced meme

It was what like 2-3 weeks ago when those faggots started screaming "reddit spacing" out of nowhere like it was a consensus.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

What are you talking about? It's been hammered home for at least two months.

Yeah, for that it'd be fine, since each line is it's own specific topic. reddit spacing is when it'll essentially spread a paragraph out by like 3-4 lines with no actual reason to do so.
And yeah, "reddit spacing" lately has been used as a way to try to shill and discredit certain threads, though sometimes those threads did get started with a copy/paste of a news article that used reddit spacing.

Nice reddit spacing

Something warms my heart about that

shit attracts flies.
it's nearly dinner time.

I found the guilty party, will have Doxx soon


I never saw anyone say it until 2-3 weeks ago or whenever those random TRS posters tried to start a shill group here. The same "Thanks for correcting the record" or "First post every time" or "LE REDDIT SPACING" is the new faggot shill techniques in a sad attempt to look like they belong here and form false consensus.


That's maybe 1/2 yard. Maybe.
Crymoar, libtards.

Let's not be too hasty. This building obviously has one unique flaw. It's steel roof.

A couple of gallons of jet fuel could probably melt the whole place and have it collapse in on itself at twice the acceleration of gravity. Leaving nothing but ruble and a sea of molten thermite.

Thats that nazi ,antisemitic, racist bovine Besse, I heard about. Look at the hate in her eyes! Oy Gevalt, its like annuda shoah, Yahweh protect us!

👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit

To be fair shills grabbing first posts was pretty widespread for a good time, although thankfully not as much anymore.


You havent seen those signs before?

They aren't a thing in rural areas.

there are hardly any niggers in rural areas, that's why

I dont live in a city either, some random stores just have them if they want to be cheeky about the fact that they have cameras.

Where I live you randomly see them in the middle of no where on logging roads stuck to trees. Not sure if it is adjacent land owners or loggers being silly. Almost exactly like this sign

It always struck me as being a bit weird. Its like its the owner disrespecting you even if you havent done anything wrong.



Democrat idiots don't know. You're supposed to close out your manure futures instead of taking delivery.

I get why they didnt, but i wouldve piled it against the doors.

We put them up on trails throughout our property. Only a few actually have trail cameras, so we switch them up on occasion. It's mostly to discourage dumping and meth labs.

It's real but it's also a part of a freech raid:


You got me good with that one user.


You could have at least done it here. You faggots are so obvious. Im surprised you havent "called out" OP for his reddit spacing.

FYI, many of us have been on imageboards for 5-10+ years, we know how people post…


(((Bethe Goldenfield)))

Whoever did this, just blew a serious blow to the credibility of what they believe in. Holla Forumsacks that do stupid shit like this are nothing but a detriment to us and our nation. Incidentally, this is why I am positive that it was a liberal that did this.

They admit it that it was their own democrat supporters.

hello PR fag. looks like you got lost on the way to >>/gamergatehq/

Lebanon full of shit like usual


Relax everyone, it turns out it was Hillary. Her bus had to dump some more of her waste, and she thought her shills there wouldn't mind cleaning it up for her. That is what they do afterall.

As long as your side is the only one left then they're won't be anyone who will care about credibility.

Those were paragraphs separated by the news agency that wrote the article you autist.


>how to tell what real plebbit spacing is

Imagine your post is being read by this (((refined gentleman)))
[spoiler]seriously, read that last post there in his voice, completely works.

Except the - part would all be separate lines too.

The latter includes a starter

A HIGH-TORQUE electric motor

To turn the crankshaft until the engine starts.[/spoiler]

Dubs confirm!!!

Definitely horse shit.
If I would have taken the time and effort to do this I would have backed the truck right up to the door and piled it high.
So you would have had to climb up on it to unlock the door and half of it would spill in the building as well.

xcuz me double-dubz, real lizardfolk r offended by the insinuation of a relation to that thing!
Found the Mycon


What an obscure reference.

Fuck off to polmeta, asshurt Common Faggot foster child.


Cuckchan detected

underrated shitpost


First is cow dung. Large as a spread hand, or bigger.
Second is horse dung, about the size of a tenis ball, if that.