
Reporting from Guadeloupe County in Texas over here. Can confirm that vote was changed from Donald J. Trump to Hillary Clinton on summary screen of a DIEBOLD voting machine. Switched back with no further problems. Anyone know if this company is linked to (((anyone)))?

I thought they had pulled all the Diebold machines out of circulation. As far as I know they exited the voting machine business because their machines were shitty.

The admin password is hardcoded, it's just a string of nine 1's. "111111111"

You could have logged in and switched all the votes.

I bet you were the only white person there. My polling location in Tarrant county was full of Mexicans that couldn't speak English.

You couldn't have taken a video of it happening? I know it's illegal there, but still.

Anyway, god damn that's despicable.

I went with my family, and this station was in a pretty white area. It's also unfortunately pretty liberal too.

I wish, but I honestly didn't think about it beforehand fuck me

No video = it doesn't matter. Fuck your shit, OP.

You still can't trust the machine to have registered your vote correctly. Just request a paper ballot.

Most places in Texas have no provision for that and do no allow it. Electronic vote, or no vote. Period.

Cameron county here only paper ballots here.

its illegal for them to deny a paper ballot.

They did it during the primaries, and got really angry with me for asking for one.

Also in Cameron county. Can confirm paper only.

Paper would be just as bad though right? All they gotta do is shred the real ones and replace with fake ones.


Getting rid of the shredded ones is HARD. Remember, don't know how the USA does it but every ballot here in Greekistan has at least 2 volunteers assigned from various parties overseeing the counting.


Holy shit, how can they get away with breaking the law -this- bad?

Make this video go viral.

Primaries are not federally regulated like the general election.

yet they result in the nominee for the presidency, which makes that a horseshit excuse

This appears to be some kind of slide thread.

The real issue is that they just reenter the votes electronically to expedite counting.

Saw this on Reddit a while ago:
Diebold is linked to Dominion Voting Services, which is in turn linked to Soros.
http:// www.truth-out.org/archive/item/90265-on-heels-of-dieboldpremier-purchase-canadian-firm-also-acquires-sequoia-lies-about-chavezties-in-announcement
https:// www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/58g0ce/operation_stop_soros_crowd_sourced_weaponized/

Almost all voting machines link back to him. Doesn't matter what company made the machine, don't use it and request paper.

Thanks for the link, it seems Soros literally has his fingers everywhere huh. Any I'm going to ask my friend to use the same machine (assuming they didn't move it) and to do exactly what I did and have him videotape it. Any help on how to make your cell phone into a hidden camera would be nice.

Wrong. Dealing with atoms makes the process labor intensive and expensive. Millions and millions of shredded+reentered paper ballots? Don't think so.

Fraud via Electronic Voting otoh is easy as pie.

You're a dummy. All it takes is simply software design for (((them))) to coincidence the voting machines.

Whereas coincidencing and replacing all the paper ballots would be infinity more work for (((them))).