Full Jewish Redpill

Hey gang. I've been studying the Talmud (Jewish Commentary on Bible they consider more important than Bible) and Mishna Torah (Compiled list of rules from Talmud) in order to try to understand our enemy.

What I've found is extremely enlightening. It confirms essentially everything we already suspected as well as illuminates (((their))) future plans for us goy. I'm sharing with you some of the redpills I've found because many of the copypastas and first websearch results on this topic provide fake lists of quotes which can't be found in any text or are easily debunked. It's almost as if (((they))) planted a bunch of easily debunked lies so no one would look deeper. Well I did look deeper and I have the quotes and sources to prove it.

Summary by former congressman on Jew plan to subject world to Judaic courts/law and exterminate Christianity. This explains their animosity to Christianity but not islam and efforts to bring down the West. takebackourrights.org/docs/Christians-full page.html

Babylonion Talmud: come-and-hear.com/ Note that in the english they often replace Goy (non Jew) with Egyptian or some other more specific and less damning word.

One specifically damning section is in Berakoth 58a we see a rabbi teaching all goyim are asses and when he is threatened by the goyim finding out he kills the informant in cold blood. come-and-hear.com/berakoth/berakoth_58.html

Mishnah Torah is a compilation of the retarded rambling and complicated Talmud into a more concise linear format: chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/682956/jewish/Mishneh-Torah.htm

Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 2:11 teaches that when a jew murders a non-jew he should not be punished.

In fact this tradition is so bad that a holocaust survivor Jew wrote a whole book about it detailing the racism inherent to Judiasm: biblebelievers.org.au/jewhis1.htm

Here is a summary by a Jewish learning source which in no way refutes or debunks its contents: myjewishlearning.com/article/israel-and-anti-gentile-traditions/

Don't believe these medieval texts reflect on the modern jew? Well here is the premier Jewish teaching organization defending genocide: chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2494730/jewish/Torah-and-Genocide-FAQ.htm

Please contribute to this thread with direct quotes from Jews, the Talmud, or Mishneh Torah. Please double check your sources with a source text because there is a lot of disinfo (possibly deliberate) out there that can make us look pretty foolish if repeated.

Other urls found in this thread:

biblebelievers.org.au/jewhis5.htm#The Laws Against Non-Jews


Jewish History, Jewish Religion: Chapter 5 "The Laws Against Non-Jews"

Part 1: Murder and Genocide

ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH religion, the murder of a Jew is a capital offense and one of the three most heinous sins (the other two being idolatry and adultery). Jewish religious courts and secular authorities are commanded to punish, even beyond the limits of the ordinary administration of justice, anyone guilty of murdering a Jew. A Jew who indirectly causes the death of another Jew is, however, only guilty of what talmudic law calls a sin against the 'laws of Heaven', to be punished by God rather than by man.

When the victim is a Gentile, the position is quite different. A Jew who murders a Gentile is guilty only of a sin against the laws of Heaven, not punishable by a court.1 To cause indirectly the death of a Gentile is no sin at all.2

Thus, one of the two most important commentators on the Shulhan Arukh explains that when it comes to a Gentile, 'one must not lift one's hand to harm him, but one may harm him indirectly, for instance by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice .., there is no prohibition here, because it was not done directly:3 He points out, however, that an act leading indirectly to a Gentile's death is forbidden if it may cause the spread of hostility towards Jews.4

A Gentile murderer who happens to be under Jewish jurisdiction must be executed whether the victim was Jewish or not. However, if the victim was Gentile and the murderer converts to Judaism, he is not punished.5

All this has a direct and practical relevance to the realities of the State of Israel. Although the state's criminal laws make no distinction between Jew and Gentile, such distinction is certainly made by Orthodox rabbis, who in guiding their flock follow the Halakhah. Of special importance is the advice they give to religious soldiers.

Since even the minimal interdiction against murdering a Gentile outright applies only to 'Gentiles with whom we [the Jews] are not at war', various rabbinical commentators in the past drew the logical conclusion that in wartime all Gentiles belonging to a hostile population may, or even should be killed.

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: Chapter 5 "The Laws Against Non-Jews"

Part 2: Saving of Life

THIS SUBJECT - the supreme value of human life and the obligation of every human being to do the outmost to save the life of a fellow human - is of obvious importance in itself. It is also of particular interest in a Jewish context, in view of the fact that since the Second World War Jewish opinion has - in some cases justly, in others unjustly - condemned 'the whole world' or at least all Europe for standing by when Jews were being massacred. Let us therefore examine what the Halakhah has to say on this subject.

According to the Halakhah, the duty to save the life of a fellow Jew is paramount.14 It supersedes all other religious obligations and interdictions, excepting only the prohibitions against the three most heinous sins of adultery (including incest), murder and idolatry.

As for Gentiles, the basic talmudic principle is that their lives must not be saved, although it is also forbidden to murder them outright. 15 The Talmud itself expresses this in the maxim 'Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]'. Maimonides16 explains:

"As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war … their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: 'neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow'17 - but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow."

In particular, a Jewish doctor must not treat a Gentile patient. Maimonides - himself an illustrious physician - is quite explicit on this; in another passage18 he repeats the distinction between 'thy fellow' and a Gentile, and concludes: 'and from this learn ye, that it is forbidden to heal a Gentile even for payment…'

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: Chapter 5 "The Laws Against Non-Jews"

Part 3: Sexual Offenses

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE between a married Jewish woman and any man other than her husband is a capital offense for both parties, and one of the three most heinous sins. The status of Gentile women is very different. The Halakhah presumes all Gentiles to be utterly promiscuous and the verse 'whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue [of semen] is like the issue of horses'40 is applied to them. Whether a Gentile woman is married or not makes no difference, since as far as Jews are concerned the very concept of matrimony does not apply to Gentiles ('There is no matrimony for a heathen'). Therefore, the concept of adultery also does not apply to intercourse between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman; rather, the Talmud41 equates such intercourse to the sin of bestiality. (For the same reason, Gentiles are generally presumed not to have certain paternity.)

According to the Talmudic Encyclopedia: 42 'He who has carnal knowledge of the wife of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written: "thy fellow's wife"43 rather than the alien's wife; and even the precept that a man "shall cleave unto his wife"44 which is addressed to the Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony for a heathen; and although a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the Gentiles, in any case a Jew is exempted.'

This does not imply that sexual intercourse between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman is permitted - quite the contrary. But the main punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew: 'If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble'45 The Jew, however, must be flogged, and if he is a Kohen (member of the priestly tribe) he must receive double the number of lashes, because he has committed a double offense: a Kohen must not have intercourse with a prostitute, and all Gentile women are presumed to be prostitutes.46

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: Chapter 5 "The Laws Against Non-Jews"

Part 4: Money and Property

(1) Gifts. The Talmud bluntly forbids giving a gift to a Gentile. However, classical rabbinical authorities bent this rule because it is customary among businessmen to give gifts to business contacts. It was therefore laid down that a Jew may give a gift to a Gentile acquaintance, since this is regarded not as a true gift but as a sort of investment, for which some return is expected. Gifts to 'unfamiliar Gentiles' remain forbidden. A broadly similar rule applies to almsgiving. Giving alms to a Jewish beggar is an important religious duty. Alms to Gentile beggars are merely permitted for the sake of peace. However there are numerous rabbinical warnings against allowing the Gentile poor to become 'accustomed' to receiving alms from Jews, so that it should be possible to withhold such alms without arousing undue hostility.

(2) Taking of interest. Anti-Gentile discrimination in this matter has become largely theoretical, in view of the dispensation (explained in Chapter 3) which in effect allows interest to be exacted even from a Jewish borrower. However, it is still the case that granting an interest-free loan to a Jew is recommended as an act of charity, but from a Gentile borrower it is mandatory to exact interest. In fact, many - though not all - rabbinical authorities, including Maimonides, consider it mandatory to exact as much usury as possible on a loan to a Gentile.

(3) Lost property. If a Jew finds property whose probable owner is Jewish, the finder is strictly enjoined to make a positive effort to return his find by advertising it publicly. In contrast, the Talmud and all the early rabbinical authorities not only allow a Jewish finder to appropriate an article lost by a Gentile, but actually forbid him or her to return it.48 In more recent times, when laws were passed in most countries making it mandatory to return lost articles, the rabbinical authorities instructed Jews to do what these laws say, as an act of civil obedience to the state - but not as a religious duty, that is without making a positive effort to discover the owner if it is not probable that he is Jewish.

(4) Deception in business. It is a grave sin to practice any kind of deception whatsoever against a Jew. Against a Gentile it is only forbidden to practice direct deception. Indirect deception is allowed, unless it is likely to cause hostility towards Jews or insult to the Jewish religion. The paradigmatic example is mistaken calculation of the price during purchase. If a Jew makes a mistake unfavorable to himself, it is one's religious duty to correct him. If a Gentile is spotted making such a mistake, one need not let him know about it, but say 'I rely on your calculation', so as to forestall his hostility in case he subsequently discovers his own mistake.

(5) Fraud. It is forbidden to defraud a Jew by selling or buying at an unreasonable price. However, 'Fraud does not apply to Gentiles, for it is written: "Do not defraud each man his brother";49 but a Gentile who defrauds a Jew should be compelled to make good the fraud, but should not be punished more severely than a Jew [in a similar case].'50

(6) Theft and robbery. Stealing (without violence) is absolutely forbidden - as the Shulhan 'Arukh so nicely puts it: 'even from a Gentile'. Robbery (with violence) is strictly forbidden if the victim is Jewish. However, robbery of a Gentile by a Jew is not forbidden outright but only under certain circumstances such as 'when the Gentiles are not under our rule', but is permitted 'when they are under our rule'. Rabbinical authorities differ among themselves as to the precise details of the circumstances under which a Jew may rob a Gentile, but the whole debate is concerned only with the relative power of Jews and Gentiles rather than with universal considerations of justice and humanity. This may explain why so very few rabbis have protested against the robbery of Palestinian property in Israel: it was backed by overwhelming Jewish power.

Can you also post this in /christian/ its important to convert them from being cucks and prepping their bulls?

This explains exactly why illuminti seem to always be telling us what they're doing before they do it. It's just Jews following their retarded law that permits only indirect deception.

This explains why pedophile rings and pornography are dominated by Jews. All goy women are presumed to be prostitutes.

You're the third or fourth user to do this, a thorough analysis, and likely not the last.
Every fresh pair of eyes is welcome however.

You can read that jewish holy bulshid for the rest of your life and still not to be red-pilled.
Semites are 20% up to 40% Neanderthal. That is their ultimate secret, not fuckin Talmud or Torah.
Search for Svante Paabo&Krause 2010 research abouth Neanderthal admix in world populations. It shows, Middle East is heawy Neandethal, while Europe is less than 1%.
This is ultimate red-pill about the jews.

Who owns the Central Banks? The Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank? Goldman Sachs? Its almost like there is a pattern or something…..

damnit wrong thread

Can someone please post the webm of the Jew nervously explaining that it's permissible under certain rabbinic teachings to kill children?

Ideally, the one with dancing in it.

Just saying they're neanderthal does very little to teach us anything about their mentality or intentions.

I thought it was the exact opposite, that Northern Europeans have the most Neanderthal blood while niggers have almost none of it which is why they look and often behave like apes.

/christian/ has been vehemently anti-jew from as long as it's existed. It's cucked for other reasons (i.e. being compromisers too ashamed to stand for what the bible says or hard preachers preach on unpopular issues in the world today.) Get your shilling together.

But they still worship someone who himself was jewish and their holy scriptures are not much different from the Torah.

So, why are so many Jewish women also involved in pornography as talent?

Good work, user.

Jesus outright rejected the Talmud. That's why the bitter rabbis killed him. Rejecting the Talmud eliminates essentially all of the hypocritical anti-goy stuff while maintaining the healthy focus on ethnic cohesion.

the talmud didn't exist back then. it was written as revenge to christianity.

Many jews are backslidden. Their mindset and cultural identity is still influenced by the orthodox core even though they reject most of the laws. Furthermore fucking goy isn't considered a super big deal unless the jew is married.

Incorrect, the talmud is just a written version of their oral traditions. These were well in place by the time Jesus was around. Much of what Jesus rebukes and speaks against is oral tradition adding to and corrupting the law. Read the new testament some time.

it is the exact opposite. the 'hurr neanderkikes' meme is pushed by a smelly shitskin who refuses to give any sort of citation, reasoning, or evidence beyond 'pablo-haavara study' and calls you a kike for disagreeing.

No dancing but some singing: youtube.com/watch?v=hDzl2iXn6Ik

Are the board members actually passing this info down to their congregation irl?

For anyone doubting that kikies are everywhere on this board… Look no further than this neanderkike

No mate. Find a picture of Israel zangwill.
These people are basically troglodite subhumans that have acquired enough Aryan DNA to seem human.

You can't just forget Hollywood like that. Just look at this image (error uploading right now) img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1453/87/1453876353625.jpg

The Jews have crazy over-representation in a ridiculous number of things and the Academy Awards/Oscars is basically nothing more than Jews giving themselves (and niggers) awards.

Hey OP. Would you please make a YouTube video, of you reading the passages in Hebrew, and then translating them? I'm a stickler for proof, and if u are the real deal - then you should share that future video with a holtz.
It will hit all the right people if u do

This is really my own fault for not typing "Your next words will be" and posting a picture of Joseph.

Who the fuck do you think I am? I don't read hebrew but I trust that translations hosted on Jewish websites or written by Jews and then supported by other jews are accurate.

Well here's another thing to remember. Jews are the most heavily inbred population on the planet. So much so that Jews have a large number of disgusting and abhorrent genetic diseases unique only to Jews. This also causes Jews to be more prone to schizophrenia, sociopathy, and psychopathy than any other. The Jews are inherently fucked up at the genetic level and deserve to be locked up in padded heated rooms that can reach 900C on the dials. They are a danger to mankind just as Voltaire predicted as if their absolutely insane Samson Option doesn't say it all itself.

Judaism is an evil faith at its core. That's the real redpill and why they were expelled pretty much damn everywhere except the orient for some godforsaken reason.

He seemed pretty redpilled.

I can do that hoarking sound but no way am I going to be the target.

The subversive dogma of Christianity has already served (((their))) purpose in softening the population, so now (((they))) want to completely "replace" whitey to finish (((their))) master plan.
Luckily, we are here to show (((them))) that we have had enough of their parasitic shit.

I have sad news for you, user.


Jesus spoke Aramaic not Hebrew, so Yeshua wasn't his name it was Eashoa. He was most likely Assyrian, Armenian, or some other Aramaic speaking people, and was raised in Egypt. Since he was raised in Egypt and probably studied Hermeticism his views were very Gnostic or Hermetic(essenes?), the reason his parents took him to Egypt being the jew Herod wanting to kill him as a baby.What we have been told about Jesus and his teachings is through the kike Saul and Constantines faggot church, look up The Council of Nicea in 325AD, all of which was hundreds of years after the jews murdered Jesus. I think there is more to the story than we know, all I can prove is that jews absolutely hate Jesus more than anyone ever. Always remember though RACE BEFORE RELIGION. I see kikes on here always using religion to try to d&c.

Might be relevant.

You're obviously a shill.

I'm inclined to agree with this, and South Korea is a good case study.

I remember some years ago (maybe ten?) my father ran into a SK Christian group numbering in the hundreds singing hymns in the centre of a major city here in the UK. Being a Christian himself he got talking to them and was amazed by what they told him of SK undergoing some kind of Christian revolution. I personally found there was something really off about the lot of them, kind of like meeting the Jonestown cult face-to-face.

Fast-forward to current year and we now find out SK is in the control of a shadow government comprised of female billionaires, a bizarre religious cult and militant feminists - and the majority population are Christians who avidly read the Torah/Talmud (every home has a copy).

Regardless of your personal religious convictions, it's time to start looking at Christianity objectively. Even if it wasn't always a tool of (((them))), it is now and clearly has been for some time.

Not an argument.

He’s a shill.

None of that is in the bible though, instead it says that all people are the same and that we should love each other so it's not the different from the "muh equality" bullshit we see so much today. You're worshipping a kike, it's your loss really, not mine. If you want to keep being part of your jewish cult then go ahead mate.

Is this a jewish bottle balancing ritual for ants?

No wonder NT, after the death of Christ, was mostly about End of Times and how to not fall over jewish lies, while being a huge anti-thesis to kikery in general.
Like sometimes, even in this board, people might not believe that jews were pushing this line of thinking since Biblical times and Christ was straight up against it and preached thngs that contradicted it. Hence why is told on the Torah to destroy every book with NT, while its known that jews have being subverting Christianity into following a "safer" version of NT and "rewrite history".
It feels insane to think that kikes have being purposely misguiding followers as a retaliation to God, since Christ's death was meant to bring salvation to all and abolished the need of "chosen people" by bringing salvation to everybody(like it was predicted since OT times).
A small detail that always passes by most people minds, this supremacist trait of kikes was always hinted as it showed that (((they))) expected Christ to be a warrior leader that would lead his people into a "Golden" age and crush anyone that wasnt Jewish, not a bringer of peace, hope, salvation and redemption to mankind.
Kikes are the saltest motherfuckers, i tell you that.

That is what jews want you to belive. Why do you think they spread this misinformation?

It is not "pablo-havara study".
It is Svante Paabo&Krause 2010 study. Best geneticists lab in the world.
Search for this study, if you have academic credentials. If dont, I cant help you.
See, I didnt call you a kikel.

In other words, unless they don't think they can get away with it- Which is never.

It teaches us, why they behave like nonhumans. Because they are not exactly human. They are 20% to 40% of different species - Homo Neanderhalensis.
Why are niggers so different from Caucasians? Same thing. They are from different species - Homo Erectus.
Their intentions? Revenge, because Cro-magnon (European white species) is cause of their extinction via race war and racemixing.
Mentality? Schizophrenic and psychotic. Autistic. Without human soul. Not human.

My guess: This is where you get the "Atheist Jew" It's a fun way of saying "the rules don't apply to me" while still reaping the benefits of nepotism and inclusion.

How true is this? I don't really watch enough porn to take notice. I know for a fact that the production is very fucking Jewish. You would think they would peddle goyim girls.

Babylonian Talmud…fixed that for you.

Not a commentary on the Bible, a re-interpretation to bastardize it and corrupt it.


Does this mean freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/van_hyning.html made up the related quote?

Many of the anti-jew quote lists are fake and gay. I suspect jews themselves put them together so they could debunk them point by point and discredit simpletons. The real racist stuff is burried deeper. I've uncovered a few for you in the OP.

Cheers, I'll have a read tommorow. That freemason link is otherwise defending the talmud, yet it seems at the same time they've invented and thrown in a fake one at the end.

well, maybe they haven't invented it, they've just pretended it's real.


You can't get the majority of the population to join a cult in just 10 years, though. Human nature, especially gook nature, is too traditionalistic for that.
Nice hypothesis, but it doesn't check out.

biblebelievers.org.au/jewhis5.htm#The Laws Against Non-Jews
'According to the commentators of the Tosafot, a distinction must be made between wartime and peace, so that although during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime it is a mitzvah [imperative, religious duty] to kill them.[…]
That's just sick. As long as there's a state of war, which Israel (no doubt meaning the state and the race) is perpetually engaged in, mass murder and war crimes are justified and encouraged.


But user, what if that religion teaches people to keep the nations/races separate?

If you would take a moment to look at the /Christian/ there is an entire thread based on rebuking Jewish lies


you can't just go and ignore scientific and medical reason for jewish insanity. the jews are literally so inbred they are the most prone to psychopathy and schizophrenia. this by itself is more than enough to explain their dangerous crazy behaviour.

That's not how it appears, why are you lying?

Link it or quote it. it's not obvious where it is from the link above. You haven't done a good job of sourcing this shit yourself.

In the north you have a government run by a dynasty of low t tubbies founded on gommunism and in the south you have a disgusting moderntard dystopia run by feminists where everyone is busy killing themselves and getting plastic surgery. If the Koreans had traditions they don't anymore.

Bumping so JIDF will have to slide it and get more jew guilt.

Kek says,it's getting warmer…. must be a trail there, hidden beneath the kike stank….

The tower of babel, folks…. these morons never learn… destroying their towers is not enough… next, time it will be them…. why do you think the SON will come back….

to finish off the garbage who refuses it's creator

Jesus was a Judean, not a Jew - important difference. INRI = IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM. The latter word has (((falsely))) been translated as "Jews", while in reality it means "Judeans". The following is good background reading:


No one speaks Hebrew, because they never existed. But his name would of been traditional, not "armenian" no matter how hard you want to make the sand niggers into white men

Jews like Jesus more than me or Hitler or Mel Gibson. They just talk shit about him so young Jews wont join the Christian-slave-cult.
It's a slave cult and Jews are your master

>probably studied Hermeticism
Freemason mythology. That pleb shit didn't exist then, it came later with the destruction of philosophy do to Christians.

It's more likely that Jesus was a story based on the Jewish wars to Hellenize Jews

You mean the Ziggerate where the languages of sand niggers were mixed up so they couldn't keep building it? Yeah, nothing about race science you fucking backwoods Christian retard. Christians are laughing at you


No more hand holding.

Jesus was a jew and that's the whole point of the bible.
He studied the jewish law and tried to remove the corruption from the religious government and then declared himself Moshiah (messiah for the Jews).

archive it you massive faggot, don't direct link kike sites to here


Archived this thread for future reference.

Only to the jew is a swarm of pepes an act of horror even to this day. Maybe like that genetic holohoax trauma that can be pased down , the original is the jewish fear of frogs. There was no exodus yet the jew apparently still fears our amphibian friends and Kek, MEME IT

All jews must be exterminated this time. Every last one.

That image was edited from the Economist. They didn't do their research. Jews are closer to 1/3 of Oscar winners. Good data doesn't exist. Shocker.

That's convenient for your conclusions in the OP, which seem exaggerated after comparison with the source material. It'd look less exaggerated if you could explain your reading of Berkatoh 58a. Also this offensive quote you found in the laws of murder:

Are they saying there's no punishment for murder of a gentile or no death penalty?

Thanks for sourcing it, but it's not a red pill, unless the red pill is that the horrible quotes from the Talmud are fake.

I'm pretty sure the jew is the one using the frogs to plague the Egyptians in that story


As I understand it, Elizabeth Dillinger wrote the book 'The Jewish Religion', (Which is quoted and taken as gospel by David Duke in his book) and it contains a lot of damning Talmud quotes.

Taken in the full context, the teachings and meanings within the text become cryptic; like they were written to be vague enough to negate themselves.

Dillinger's book:

>But where a penalty is incurred, it is explicitly stated, for the commencing clause teaches: 'For murder, whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty'? How else could that clause have been taught? Could he state, 'forbidden' … 'permitted'? Surely it has been taught; A Cuthean and a [Jewish] shepherd of small cattle [sheep, goats, etc.] need neither be rescued [from a pit] nor may they be thrown [therein]!'And similar acts.' To what can this apply in the case of robbery? (and so on in this questioning vein) — come-and-hear.com/sanhedrin/sanhedrin_57.html#E57

Dillinger's book:

Our Rabbis taught: In the case of a male child, a young one is not regarded as on a par with an old one; but a young beast is treated as an old one. What is meant by this? — Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that. What is the basis of their dispute? — Rab maintains that only he who is able to engage in sexual intercourse, may, as the passive subject of pederasty throw guilt [upon the active offender]; whilst he who is unable to engage in sexual intercourse cannot be a passive subject of pederasty [in that respect]. But Samuel maintains: Scripture writes, [And thou shalt not lie with mankind] as with the lyings of a woman. It has been taught in accordance with Rab: Pederasty at the age of nine years and a day; (end of page)

Dillinger's book: Kelhuboth 11a+b (it does exist after all. if you are looking for damning quotes this is the one to study)

come-and-see: …has intercourse with a grown-up woman makes her [as though she were] injured by a piece of wood. When I said it before Samuel he said: 'Injured by a piece of wood' does not apply to flesh. Some teach this teaching by itself: [As to] a small boy who has intercourse with a grown-up woman. Rab said, he makes her [as though she were] injured by a piece of wood; whereas Samuel said: 'Injured by a piece of wood' does not apply to flesh. R. Oshaia objected: WHEN A GROWN-UP MAN HAS HAD INTERCOURSE WITH A LITTLE GIRL, OR WHEN A SMALL BOY HAS INTERCOURSE WITH A GROWN-UP WOMAN, OR WHEN A GIRL WAS ACCIDENTALLY INJURED BY A PIECE OF WOOD — [IN ALL THESE CASES] THEIR KETHUBAH IS TWO HUNDRED [ZUZ]; SO ACCORDING TO R. MEIR. BUT THE SAGES SAY: A GIRL WHO WAS INJURED ACCIDENTALLY BY A PIECE OF WOOD — HER KETHUBAH IS A MANEH! Raba said, It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye; but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman he makes her as 'a girl who is injured by a piece of wood,' and [with regard to the case of] 'a girl injured by a piece of wood,' itself, there is the difference of opinion between R. Meir and the Sages.

What is there to conclude from this?

Looking at the footnotes maybe something can be made plain, but it's a real exercise.