Tuesday November 1st at noon, I am going to Manhattan to protest the existence of the Federal Reserve

This is going to be my third protest in almost a month. The first protest was also held in Manhattan, and I went alone. It was a success. The second protest was held in Boston. This was also a success, and a few anons showed up too. You can see those threads here:
1st protest: archive.is/ub8v7
2nd protest: archive.is/W4LSc there were more posts ITT, but I forgot to archive afterwards like a retard

I am making this thread to let you anons know, and if anyone nearby is interested in joining, do it. I will name the Jew, and I will tell you from experience how satisfying it is to trigger these kikes. You can see the fear in their eyes as you explain their connections, and resisting their shame tactics of calling you anti-semetic or racist. Not only that, but there is a surprising amount of people who are interested in what I have to say, and people who agree. It really just takes that one person to sound his voice, and let the others know that you CAN speak the truth.

My biggest American role model is George Lincoln Rockwell. A man with balls of steel who spoke the truth because he couldn't stand to see it shut out from the public eye. We need another Rockwell, and while I will never come close to his greatness, I will do what I can. That is what this whole movement is about. Just saying what we already know here, but out in public. The worst thing you can do to a Jew is to call him a Jew, and I believe doing just that will rid us of their degenerate influence once and for all.

And no, I do not fear the consequences even death. If war and economic depression is imminent and I know this and why, it would be a terrible thing to just let it happen and not do what I could to avoid it. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


Once again I will be at this location. The Maiden Lane side of the Fed building. This side has the employees entrance, and the most sidewalk room. And like I said before I will be here at noon, and I should stay until some time after 3. The business hours for the Fed on this day is 11:15-3pm, so I like to stay late enough to see the kike employees stream out

Godspeed, Kamerad.


You're doing God's work, user. Keep it up and good luck.

For anyone interested in coming, here are things you must know
We have a legal right to protest. There are rules though.

If you cant follow these rules then do not come. It is important that this is done the right way.
Someone in Boston took some video of my protest and uploaded it to the internet. I have the video here, and yes that's me. I think it is a good example of how to go about things

This is much better than the armed silent protests that we've had. Movements don't spread unless you disseminate information explaining said movement.

dumping fed/central banking pics



I still don't know why you are doing this during the election. Trump has spoken out against Janet Yellen multiple times now. You would be more effective memeing for Trump or pushing Trump in the real world if you want to affect the central bank.

Have fun though.

I made a Fed thread about a month ago. Here's the archive. Some good redpills in here if anyone is interested. archive.is/oaJ1T
Daily reminder to watch The Money Masters if you haven't already

Here's a good economics thread too from around the same time archive.is/5L4B1


You bring up a point I forgot to mention in my rules post

Do not mention the election in any way
The last thing we need is for this to be connected to Trump a week before the election. People will ask too, just politely decline. We don't need more ebil nazi press for Trump since that's the way the kikes will spin it.

Also until Trump names the Jew, it is up to us to do it. We can't just sit back and hope. We need to show the people how this system really works. I am convinced that if the people knew how things really worked, there would be a revolution and real change. The kind we have been waiting for. But we have to do it right if we are to see the desired results. One day our government will exist to serve the people, not the other way around

Nice work user. I have to admit I was skeptical when I saw your first thread a couple of weeks ago, but you come off as intelligent and articulate. If nothing else, you're pushing the overton window, which is a very good thing.

One word of advice: if you are approached by a journalist, be VERY careful what you say. They WILL twist your words to fit their narrative that you are a racist anti-semitic bigot. Stick to the facts. Be very careful with your words, especially when you are justifying yourself. They will do whatever they can to create the perception that your mind is twisted.

Don't give in. Keep fighting. You're doing great.

The modern-day currency is not a fiat currency, it is a debt currency.
Fiat currencies are issued by governmental decree ("fiat"), not for-profit cental banks.

I'm surprised I haven't been confronted by any journalist. If they were smart they would stay away since I talk about things they want to shut down, but these kikes inevitably will come to me just as you said. I will simply just have to state the facts. I'm sure they'll also talk about muh holocaust. At that point I can say it was a fabrication to demonize the germans and give the jews their best victim card which they use constantly. "Why is it that you cannot be critical of Jews without the Holocaust being brought up?" is something I'd say

You better early vote first incase you get offed

good job you fucking ignoramus

Father Coughlin did NOTHING WRONG

This is why I know you are still a cuck fag or fed. All the rest of your bullshit can be undermined by subversive elements of the system itself like always.

Ron Paul was the peaceful chance to address that issue and they destroyed that. The illusion of 'leave me alone and I leave you alone' was destroyed then, libertarian values tossed onto the heap of failed ideological movements.

Now, after we have moved on to Trump you want to backtrack on the well worn and easily attacked and de-legitimized ground of shit that does NOT matter anymore? Now, when we are having to mobilize for an actual open conflict of blood and violence once they rig this shit out of the god emperors hands, you want to pretend words and faggot protests have any fucking meaning? Twenty thousand fucking people at a Trump rally is offhandedly ignored by the fucking system you worthless git. What exactly do you think can be accomplished by this OTHER than reveal idiot user's whom still haven't come to understand the reality of how fucking serious this stage is? Give the feds free access to the names and faces of fools?

You want to shut down the fed before Trumps election, then destroy it with iron and fire and bring fear into the hearts of our enemies to show what is coming. Otherwise go sit in the kiddy corner and wait for the real fucking movement to show you how this is done. Nobody is going to do either of open fire or silent protest for good reason at this point.

If you are serious about this you may as well chain up whatever fucking women you have in your family and let them be gang raped by niggers. This is what you are doing. Giving away any semblance of your power and conforming to the lies of the fucking juden propaganda. Letting the system decide when and how to bring such 'problematic' fools to heel is in (((their))) best interest.

As a salt prospector I have to say it looks like you struck a vein.

Are you retarded? Do you think I have an army of people ready to just destroy the fed "with iron and fire and bring fear into the hearts of our enemies"

The purpose of this whole thing is to spread information to these who are unaware, AND to let other anons out there know that you CAN go out and speak the truth. It doesn't even have to be on the Fed there are other problems that aren't being discussed.
If you think violence is the answer then why don't you go out there and start the fire tough guy. I'm not going to be the one who fires the first shot, I'm going to be the one that tells the kikes right to their faces that I know what they're doing and I'm telling everyone. If war breaks out and/or the DOTR comes then you probably won't see me dressed up in a suit with signs

You call me a fed but you advise me to do exactly what they'd want me to do, get arrested and never heard from again.

godspeed user

may you start awooooovement

godspeed user

may you start awooooovement

Wishing you all the best from across the pond OP

Maybe I am retarded. But I do know you are.

It does not take an army to destroy the fed building. If you are not willing to do so, your heart is not in it either. And that means you should stay the fuck home. Even if it enrages you that nobody is doing fuck all. The fed no longer matters. Period.

Everyone already knows they can go out and speak the truth. The reality is, you have to show you can bring effective change with those words of truth. Four years ago that ability died on the vine. Decades have shown that protests do nothing, and serve only them. Anyone whom isn't braindead or just hit the red pill should understand that by now.

Why don't I go out and start the fire? Because you start the fire when the tinder is dry and you have gathered enough wood to catch the flame. And if you want the wider world to burn, you strike when the time is right, not when YOU want it to be right. You new here? Or just a fool or shill/fed? Why do I ask?


Do you not understand that letting them know everything about you and allowing them to move against you for it is not a good thing? You start spewing 'kike' shit in the open they can nail you for inciting a riot or some other bullshit charge. They can let your job know they harbor a vile racist, good luck with that since most are paycheck to paycheck now. And if the job has a redpilled boss? They can hire/bribe any shitskinn / female to come out against you and them and get a two for one. Or maybe it is beyond that now, and they decide to blackbag you. How hard would it be to do it openly? Say you had some CP, video's of anons rabid kike hate, illegal weapons, abusive relationship history, drug dealer. Doesn't matter if you are pure as the driven snow, these fuckers will just say you have / did it and that is that.

And for your information. The day iron and fire is struck. There is no get arrested. You are in it for life. Even if you are not there. They will come when 'we' decide enough is enough and bring the fire. You visit, you are one of us, even if you are a shill or fed, you have been exposed to problematic thought crime, and tyrannical systems always think it prudent to dispose of useful idiots like such.

This is a fight to the death. If you do not understand that. Good luck to you, and anyone else whom has some hope of a peaceful empty threat being enough. I'll offer an little prayer to kek that I am wrong and you are right.

Why is an user proactively spreading the word triggering you so hard? I'm sure he's aware of the risks and this doesn't hurt our cause. You come across as a LARPing autist.

I am not triggered. That should be clear. And it doesn't matter if I do larp or not. We are all autists, but whom not of us would know it.

I post because I warn other user's whom are not from here when this idea was put to rest. If they blow me off, so be it. Their loss. If they believe me in some small way, let them look back and search, and then decide for themselves. If I speak anything but truth then I do so out of ignorance and do not do so willfully.

But I will not hold silent while others try and steer good men into doing foolish things. I will at the least allow those men enough information to make a more informed decision. I couldn't care less if he does this or not. It effects nothing unless the system is laying an trap, which could actually 'hurt our cause' what ever that fucking means.

And I will keep larping the fuck out faggot CTR.

The Fed does matter. Kikes get their power because they control how currency is created, among other things. They keep their power by keeping the masses ignorant. That's where I come in.
I'm a poorfag young user with nothing to lose. So what if they come after me? I'm under the impression that war and depression can break out at any moment anyways, and I want to try and make a difference that can tilt the odds in our favor. The more people know, the better it is for us. I believe the best way for me to bring effective change is by spreading information. I don't have any resources to begin a massive movement, but I do have the truth on my side. As long as I can get that truth to others, and if I can encourage other anons to do the same, that's how we create those conditions you talked about where we can start the fire.

Your warnings are legitimate. But regarding OP's activities, I believe the general population isn't ready to accept anything other than peaceful activism regarding the jewish problem right now. If we're ever going to start a fire that will have impact, far more people are going to need to be woke first. Trump and the various movements forming around him are helping but most of them aren't ready to call out the jew. When he wins the election (or has it stolen) I hope that will spark the beginning of the movement we need. But right now, OP knows what he is getting into and is at least projecting some high spirits even if his efforts are relatively futile. Plus watching the kikes confront him is entertaining.

same thing you stupid nigger

This is interesting user.

What kind of reaction do you get from normies?

Do people listen? Have you delivered any redpills?

Anecdotes would be very welcome!

15-20% of responses I would say are positive. Most people who are negative only say a couple insulting words as they walk by. Few people actually come up to me triggered and ranting like the jew in the video I posted. Most jews are pussies that look away from you if you look them in the eye. But there are people who come up to me interested in what I have to say. In Boston over 60 people willingly took pamphlets I made, and a lot of people requested them

You do your people and ancestors proud user. Never bend a knee to evil.

Fucking bloated tick squawking Racist, Racist! The word "racist" was invented by Bolshevik Kike Leon Trotsky (((Lev Davidovich Bronstein))) so the chosen could shut down any protest from whites being mistreated and abused.

Interesting. 15-20% is fantastic. If you'd asked me to guess I would have said maybe 5% positive.

Have you noticed positive responses increasing over time? Maybe Trump being in the news has emboldened people…

Thankfully I know to combat this you just need to accept it. Some people would come up to me simply asking if I was a racist or anti-semite. When I say yes it looks like their best tactic just bounces off of me, and they're usually horrified, scared, pissed

Both protests were about the same 15-20%. This includes people who agree with my Fed point, but disagree with my jew points. However they still are willing to listen to those points. I hope I've started the road to the redpill for those people


Hahaha thats the spirit lad, its like calling a jew a jew to their face, they have never been forced to deal with people who speak the truth, not recently anyway. Truth is truly their greatest weakness.

kek, triggered kike. Nice job OP, keep it up.

Godspeed user.

My go to excuse about why I'm "racist" against Jews is that I'm a non-Evangelical Lutheran, and it's a core value of my religion.

If they don't like it, then they hate Jesus and the Constitution.


Bring up the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan, The Hooten Plan, and Palestinian genocide, be careful if you open up with Holohoax facts, the goyim might turn against you and marginalize you, as they are still too indoctrinated. Show these genocidal, land grabbing, usurious yids for what they are if they get nasty on camera.

You came off well spoken and rational. Be aware the feds are probably watching you and this. In my town a protest of 50 grew to 200 000. You wouldn't believe how fast these things can grow and spread.

I followed your first two threads, and though I live too far to contribute personally, I think I speak for most of Holla Forums in saying we're rooting for you from the sidelines.

You've done far more real world activism than most of us will do in our lifetimes and that's a commendable thing. Remember to be confident, articulate and well-dressed and people won't immediately dismiss your message when they see you. The first step to solving the enormous social problems in the West is naming the source – Jews – so thank you for having the bravery not to beat around the bush when most try to skirt the issue.

Keep us updating with pics and I hope other anons in the area can come support you. However, by your third protest there are problem agencies who are keeping tabs on this and might try to subvert you. Be friendly but not overly trusting of anyone who wants to come join your protest.

***probably not problem

As we all know you can't debate a Jew. So the goyim that bring up the holohoax will hopefully be willing to hear my counter arguments. I can do the same against jews that bring it up but it would not have any benefits just disagreement

I'm so glad to be American. I don't know if I could do this anywhere else. I feel for the euro-anons on this board. The Feds probably are watching but I just want to spread information. As long as my goals and intentions are true I think I will be okay, and if I'm not then at least I tried

Thank you user. And I really hope others come by. It's great to be able to talk with people who are on the same page with you, and can share in the kike triggering.

Good job user.


Good work so far user, I greatly respect what you're doing.

Taking this from online spaces to reality is incredibly important if we want to engage with the older generations who are incredibly important voting blocs who are far more conservative than the youth, if the youth of today can't be saved, we can use the youth of yesteryear to create a better youth of tomorrow.

lmao look what came up when I googled "boston federal reserve"

reddit.com/r /boston/comments/57c8ov/protest_in_front_of_federal_reserve/


I object to everything, because of feels. Oy vey, don't look at what we do in Israel. What a #Hillbully

That was a badass shrug, when you accept being a racist, they lose all power. You can see how he laughed nervously unsure what to do. He shifted his emotional attack to user's credibility. user didn't get baited, easy to get caught up in the moment but user played him like a fiddle. Reminds me of this guy,

Here is a redpill folder I got from Holla Forums in case you need some extra images and info for your protests. mega.nz/#F!oxIXEbrJ!9wUfnvpoXDZ0JD7T0vvjUA the banking folder might have some good items.

On second thought, I need to make a gif can't see you shrug well with the signs.


Way to get out and actually do something positive user, good to see you can recognize FBI shills as easily as the oldfags can too. I would join you but I live too far away and prefer to stay off the radar as much as I can, the CCTV begin everywhere in addition to normalfags with cameras made me a bit of a recluse in the last couple of decades.

Just know that violence isn't required in these things. When the time comes to jump there are plenty of us laying in wait. Now isn't the time for it we need to get out there and actively redpill and present the information to normalfags in a way they will accept. Once the public opinion shifts back to our side we can start rounding up those that have committed crimes against the people. We must be civil in that regard, hanging them isn't enough we must present their crimes to the normalfags to set an example that such behavior will not be tolerated in the society we will build.

God speed user.

Triggered (((brian)))
archive.is/o/afeLJ/https://twitter.com/bamaral44/status/786643998094000128 this reporter deserves to go on #TheList.

I realized that Islam kills reporters for not saying what they like, look at the Mohammed cartoons, mussies kill a few journos and the world wide media machine goes silent, and does not publish the images out of fear. When white people have enough, the tide will change fast.

Why is that black people protesting labeling white people, is not racist but white people labeling any other group is "racist" just naming the Jew gets a huge backlash. You can see the brain washing just by mentioning the Jew, not even the kikes, just jew and people's programming get triggered hard. Relevant webm

I think both types of protests are good for us. The OP is good for spreading redpills and informing normalfags that they are a slave class. Most of the slave class hasn't realized they are slaves yet or they have a vague idea that they are but don't know why or who their masters are.

The armed protests are good as a show of force and aren't intended for anything but letting the masters know that we are armed and can appear and disappear at any time. It's to remind them that we out number them and their illusion of power is just an illusion. We must remain totally silent at such protests though for them to remain effective. It's best to not link the two types of protests together and to let the normalfags come to that understanding themselves.

webm of censorship, because the media is and was scared of Islamic retaliation. They are not the only ones, all across the world lugenpresse didn't publish the images.

Wow I didn't see that before. Of course the first thing this bitch does is complain to reddit

Thank you user I appreciate it. And I remember that based AZ cop too. Liberals and jews can't stand to see their shaming tactics fail

If we don't nuke ourselves to oblivion in the coming months, the western world will belong to the nationalists I'm convinced of it. Maybe I'll see you one day user under much better circumstances, and we won't need to hide anymore

The silent protests not continuing after Texas was one of my biggest motivations for starting this. I hope it gets started up again, I support it

they weren't scared of retaliation.

they were muslims, and their koran/kora/torah forbids them. it's simply not halal, it's haram.

associated press - lebanese, iraqi, jordan, iranian
thomson reuters - lebanese, iraqi, jordan, iranian, turks
ge msnbc historychan - jews, clueless whites
viacom cartoons netflix - jews, cucks, and more jews
disney abc espn - jews, cucks, and more jews
news corp fox

see the pattern? ap and reuters do the news-report-generation circuit - that's they're specific revenue stream. everyone else does not news as news if needed, or content holdings from production companies, such as movies, cartoons, 'history' shows, etc.

the media is not, has not, never will be scared of islam. because that media, which does report generation, is almost entirely stocked full of sandcoons. muslim 'reporters' staging photos, videos, sound bites, etc are all characteristic in their race-culture-genetic pathognomonic signature: hyper dramatic drama and 110% cucked mega 'masculine' chest beating while crying and screaming like toddlers. these people are just following their desert saga instructions, as clueless as they've ever been.

you might as well say mohammad is scared of mohammad's retaliation for saying mohammad. sure, i guess. but that's a very odd way of thinking about it.

moving on.

ranked accordingly, your single greatest utility is to stand outside the fed regional branches and scare the shit out of the meek kikes, dykes, and cunts that staff the buildings in the inside. this super charges these gossip centers into overdrive of feelz bad, and their ability to lie and peddle treasury bond fictions to soros et al grinds to a halt. carry on.

Several employees over the past 2 protests have come out of their building, nervously confronted me, and walked back inside or walked away. They really hate the jew sign more than anything. Which is why I'm using it again :^)
On the subject of my signs, I'm using the same ones as the first two protests. I don't really have the time and I would rather make new and improved pamphlets. The signs have been really successful and nobody has mentioned them other than to point out what they say. They're a bit sloppy because I freehanded it but you can only really tell up close

you seem a bit new to feral animals.

they speak english, insist that you grant them credit of speaking english, and do certainly drone on with even more english. but it's all mimicry. while women have this regardless of race, shitskins have it far more noticably, with and shitskin cross bred women having it noticably-but-with-intermittent-peroids (eg schizophrenic).

they said alot of things, but what said (reads: facts, statements) didn't matter at all to them. listen carefully to them next time: their feelz are their focus. they are female (female, not feminine), and a putrid sort at that: self-fullness, self-ishness, self-centeredness, is what they speak. they said oh gods we're nervous, stop making us feel nervous. and what you said was, whether you realized it or not, is 'good' - feel nervous nao.

your signs are irrelevant, but make them anyway. they provide the meek with something to latch on to in feigned confrontation. think of them as card tricks and slights of hands. a fortune teller sets up shop outside the fed X, the gossipers can't resist and come to have their fortunes told, and you tell them. the cards… don't tell shit other than parlor tricks to the never-knows-anything. you're the show, the only thing they see. they love cheating – shaking the 8 ball and stacking the deck until they 'win' (walk away with good feelz) – just don't let them.

those are the two outcomes. they're tiny, but definite: seize the business personnel queues, and seed the gossip narrative networks to pass on more seizures.

tell them their fortune.

t. works with jpm jpm&c c bs com ba nav on a regular basis, hate them all, saw the increased unanswered phone calls, returned vm delays, and increases email response despondency. sure, your work fucks up my business banking. but please, fuck it up anyway.

my typing is so damn lazy tonight. long day. >

Bearded user here.

When do I receive qt trad waifu for my service to the cause?


OP, great fucking job.

Just curious–do your family/friends know about this? Do they tolerate it?

I think the reason a lot of us don't do this stuff because we have subverted families, jobs, etc.

Gas yourself.

This. It's the only reason I'm not out there somewhere doing something similar.

I don't think you should particularly name the jew. maybe throw in a star of remphan but other than that just avoid the scapegoat youre giving them, when they look into it of course they will find the jews but publicly displaying the trigger word jewish like that will just put SO many people off however unfortunately

Godspeed user. Perhaps I shall be lurking in the shadows.

Still have Evangelical in my Synod's name, but pretty right wing otherwise, except cucked on Justification. What Lutheran group are you?

The few people that do know are not surprised. I am a known shitlord among those who know me well. It helps with the redpill though.
I've been able to show a few people the true nature of jews so you might not be comfortable being in public, but you can still make a difference with those around you





I appreciate that you would like your thread to get attention but bump-spamming at 6 AM when there are other threads with open discussions is really inconsiderate.

I bumped 3 times in 16 hours. That's not spam. I'm just trying to keep this thread reasonably up the list so people who haven't seen the thread can see. Nobody even has to post. But I don't know if there are anons who would be interested in joining who are lurking

OP has done nothing wrong. OP is a goddamn hero for his actions.

thanks user

just wanted to let you guys know that I'm making flyers for this protest. I should finish them tonight and I'll post it here when I'm done
shoutout to my friend for helping me with them

i cant go, but support is here


Bump for OP. Cheers

i remember when they started protests in atlanta houston and austin with very small protests.

it is time for pol to show up with or without legal kit.

protest the fed; collect the salt

stop talking like a girl and start lifting some weights

Triggering kikes and spreading truth isn't talking like a girl, but a man
Valid point, but I remember OP saying that he's doing that now I think in the Boston thread

Also OP good luck tomorrow, we are watching and I'm sure you'll make us proud again

Confirmed shill.
You ain't done shit, no anons have showed up. You WANT people to go so you can V& them.

You're the shill here

Anons have showed up. You're low energy shill scum and you will swing when the time comes.

Here are my flyers. Double sided so this is front and back, and I made 100 of them. Please let me know what you think. Some paragraphs are copied from my previous pamphlets, but most of it is new information.
After this post I'm going to bed. I have a long day tomorrow, but a day fighting against the kikes is a day well spent. Hopefully I see some anons show up, but none have said they were coming. I will go alone again if I have to, but I know that even if I'm alone you're all with me in spirit.

Goodnight Holla Forums

Morning bump, today is the day

This is a good thing.

Non-American here. God-speed you glorious shitlord and best of luck.
There are many people through-out the world who await that of an awakened America. Western allies, western influenced.
The lies that have been spun on not only your people, but our own, are well and truly on the brink of being ended.

Also since you guys have all that classified research done by Tesla, I really look forward to seeing what a Nazi-esq America will do with it.

Thanks user. One of the biggest reasons for why I'm doing this is because I want to see us get our shit together. My ultimate goal is a white empire spanning the galaxy, but we will never leave our planet other than corporate Jew interests in our own solar system if the kikes win. If we are to reach the ultimate goal, this nation needs to shed the dead weight, non-whites, and especially Jews. And women will have to go back to traditional roles. Once that happens the sky isn't even the limit. I don't want us to fail, maybe the jews are the great filter that we need to overcome to become a more advanced civilization

Well, it's the big day.

Their greatest trick was mimicry. If Jews were of any skin color other than white they'd be nothing more than a small unremarkable tribe in the middle east.

That's why pointing them out genuinely frightens them. They're seeing their most precious asset being made worthless and can't effectively counter it.

I'd rather not see the white race loses empathy and trust for their fellow white man because a parasite can mimic their outwards appearance but it seems as if this needs to occur to move forward.

You are correct, and I really admire that goal. It's something that is on my mind often.

There's another thread that talks about the lies rooted in the current science of our world. You might enjoy that, if you haven't already come across it. I think a lot of what it discusses is only the beginning of the road we must take to achieve that goal:

I've already tried discussing this with others from the academic community. They instantly dismiss it and stick their head in the sand.
However recently I've started coming across people of more sound, logic-driven minds, who are willing to listen and understand it. Non-surprisingly, they are engineers who are for the most-part, self-taught. Some have also been fortunate to experience life among many of the white nations in our world. So their findings are very well-fed and won't be easily discouraged.

I believe that more and more of these people are beginning to realize this, so the chance of many getting their shit together is definitely on the horizon. As you said, we simply have a filter that needs to be overcome…and I am confident that this filter is also responsible for the dismissal of traditional roles among women. It has brought upon the world a countless wave of sacrifice, for all the wrong reasons.

I wish you all the best on your day, and may the numbers that join you forever grow.

Sadly I think it definitely had to occur. Just ask yourself, how many whites are struggling to accept reality in its current form at this moment. Then simply observe that sub-set of people. The many who are on brain-numbing medications, and who spend every day directly surrounded by Jews or even just the work of the Jew. It adds up quickly. At this current date in time, it's never been this many.
I don't think the peak has been reached yet, but it's close.

I'm on my way to Manhattan now, as always I'll give updates

Is this the return of Occupy Wall St?

Goodspeed, user. May Kek watch over you.

Can it be an armed protest? I would assume not given that Jew York is a Fun-Free Zone.

So at first I was like:
And a moment later:

Well fuck. I'm a believer. I can say without hesitation that you did GLR very proud, and I hope you make his dream come to life.

t. A bitter old man who really needed this
(Thanks, bro)

I read over your flyer and I must say it is very well done.

This is how we win. We get the word out. Stay safe, brother.

I dunno, meng my mouth still tastes like shit from Chanology and WWP protests

PR faggotry, 'leaders', egofaggotry and moralfaggotry.

Protests are ineffectual, waste of everyone's precious time. Push or do something that's beneficial to everyone: IE dispensing red pills to masses and/or pushing trump.

OP here. Stuck on FDR drive traffic. Shitty highway named after a shitty president

those types of protesting are all for attention and virtue signalling. nothing more.

The FED silent protests arent about that. Its about sending a message to the kikes that 'oy vey the goyim know'.

yea.. you dont belong here.

dont have the time to read it all atm but i read the first section.

very concise. thats worth spending $20 at staples to get a shit ton of prints and just scatter around. If every user spent a couple dollars on a bunch of copies and just scattered them around town this would spread pretty well.


heres an idea…..

maybe sign the bottom of the last page as "anonymous - we do not forgive we do not bla bla bla"

you would literally die

OP here. Finding parking is proving to be a nightmare. Going to be a but late because of it

God speed, user.


I enjoyed your video, it was nice seeign that triggered jew

fucking lying kikes

Finally going to the location now from a few blocks away


Godspeed user

OP on site


I'd fuck your face

Looking sharp.

I was pointing out examples of how ineffective *chon protests were in the past. I had to watch how grassroots bullshit and chanology turned anons and chan culture laughing stock.

Trolling or triggering of non-whites, kikes, etc is completely justified. That's the only reason I would protest or counter-protest to be quite honest

(In case you weren't aware of the fact that the bullshit chanology was lulzy small scale trolling before MUH FREEDUMB OF SPEECH faggots started pushing PR bullshit and OWS later)

fuckin poes law man

OP update. Seen a few friendly anons, triggered kikes, passing out flyers. Good start

Are you recording any of the triggerings?

No because I'm holding two signs so my hands are occupied. I'll try

This triggered Jew just spewed insults and said he was going to contact his friends in the JDL. Then asked if the car next to me was mine, I replyed maybe it isn't and threatened to fuck with it later

Doing Gods work, keep it up Anons

3 ways to lie user

a. tell fiction, non-truth
b. tell half-truth, omit facts
c. tell truth… in non-convincing way

Use method C. on (((jews))) they'll never believe someone is telling the truth so it works great.
NO that's NOT MY car… shifty eyes & other tells of the lie present if possible

set the brightest light upon them.

You are a big protester.

For you

You need to get a bodycam for the next time. Those pen style cameras are great and cheap.

Can you upload the text/document somewere? I want to make it look a bit more professional

In case that Jew wasn't bluffing about the JDL you need to get ready for anything ranging from harassment to Stasi tactics and violence. Start thinking about a counter strategy for retaliation, dox of JDL members would be helpful.

OP leaving site. Another successful day

I will fondly remember passing out flyers for you and the triggered looks on their faces.

I can't thank you enough. Shadilay, brother

I'm driving home now. I'll tell you guys how everything went soon. Another great success I'm really happy with how it turned out

thanks user. bumping for your hard work and lookin forward to your report.

Any reports from the day?

CHYNAnon here, hooked a Jew with crocodile tears.

"I'm a Jew, do you want to deport me?"

I have a 33 min video and ~2 other good clips, I'll try to get them up, but I've never uploaded, edited, or recorded a video, so no guarantees.

OP back from Manhattan. I'll respond to anons, then give my summary of today, and I'll check in on the thread after to respond if need be

NYC is probably the worst place for that. I think it is a great idea for locations where it is allowed though

Thank you anons. I love how the flyers turned out so I'll probably keep printing them off for future Fed protests, and maybe hand them out in my local area

Sure. What is the best place to upload a word document?

Next post

Thank you for everything even without the video. 33 minutes is a long time so I don't really know what your best course of action is, if any other anons want to help him out and give advice that will be great. I'm going to go in detail in my summary post about this encounter

Pastebin probably.


The experience
My second time protesting the Fed in Manhattan, and third time overall, all in less than a month. I think it is safe to say that by now it isn't a life changing experience to go out there and do this anymore, but more of a routine. I know what to expect, how to act, and how to prepare. At least for the level of protest I'm currently doing. Last night for the first time I wasn't nervous the night before a protest which I think is natural in this situation. I was nervous walking to the location but once I got there I felt confident and comfortable since I guess this has become a new comfort zone for me as crazy as it sounds. It's like all this time I've been waiting on something I can be passionate about and I finally found it. Whenever doubt went in my mind I just thought about how you guys are counting on me to succeed, and how many brave men before me have stood up to the jew as well. It motivated me every time.

Once again a couple of anons showed up. We had good conversations and they helped with the flyers. I figured that people on Holla Forums had to be more intelligent than the average person and I think I can confirm that now. Once again it was really great to be able to see eye to eye with another person and actually talk about Holla Forums things in real life. None of my friends or family are up to speed with what we know here. Wherever you guys are I want to give you again my sincerest gratitude.

Once again an army of triggered kikes walked by me today. Many nasty comments, middle fingers, disgusted glances, the usual. One kike kicked over a bag near me that he thought belonged to me. Another kike spit at our feet. Some female kikes oy veying and calling me names, almost always anti-semite. I was called anti-semetic or racist dozens of times, and every single time I agreed. It has proven to be a flawless tactic against shaming. Once again the majority of positive comments came from non-whites. For some reason today was especially profound, as I think I only heard positivity from 2 whites. Maybe it is a city thing? I'm sure going to a rural midwestern location would yield different results, at least I hope. Another thing I noticed that anyone that "looked" like they belong on wall street gave me negative feed back. Basically everyone in a fancy expensive looking suit. There seems to be a correlation between income and positive attitude on the Fed, and Jews. This too could just be a product of the area I was in.

One kike was so triggered that he deserves his own paragraph. Next post

Actually two kikes. I want to reference the kike from this post
He was pissed enough to threaten me, the first time I experienced that. He thought the car next to me was mine, and said he and his friends are going to trash it or something like that. Funny thing is later I noticed it belonged to a Fed security guard, so I dare him to fuck up. And in reply to , thank you for the heads up. I expected that behavior at some point. Let it be known that it is my nature to double down when I'm antagonized. And if they decide to hurt me in any way, they really would be unleashing a monster. The holocaust never happened but it should have.

Then the other kike argued with me for over a half an hour. This user took video of it. I didn't call this kike out on it but I am almost sure he was a literal faggot. He had these weird piercings on his ears and kind of had the "gay voice". He said he was a jew but he doesn't practice it, so he was one of those degenerate athiest jews we all know about. I called him out on that at one point but he didn't understand where I was coming from, maybe I didn't articulate that argument well. In fact there were a few moments where I didn't know what to say when I was explaining certain things. The argument covered a wide variety of things and I guess I need to continue learning and touching up on certain subjects before I can consider myself a master debater, but I honestly think I did a good job explaining what we know and believe in. If the video is uploaded in its entirety, just be aware that there are moments where I need improvement, but I will keep practicing and working on it.

This jew kept arguing that calling out the jews only hurts my message, and denied they ever did anything wrong. He also denied that there are any differences between the races. I mentioned how in Africa there are entire nations with a sub 70 IQ, to which he said IQ was a measure by racist white men to make themselves look superior. Then I mentioned the fact that minorities today may have even more opportunity to advance and succeed than whites thanks to PC culture and affirmative action, among other things. He denied it. I mentioned that failed Kansas City program or whatever it was where they gave minorities, mostly african americans, the best resources and education they could possibly have and it still failed. He didn't even try to make an argument, choosing to switch subjects. That happened a few times.

I also tried to explain how a nation state works when it functions for the people, and the people must be of one race. I said America was founded as a white nation, and what is happening now is only a product of the last few decades and has proven everywhere that multiculturalism and diversity doesn't work. The thing that triggered him more than anything was the fact that I said to fix this, we need to deport all non-whites. I told him to his face that I would deport him. Now I truly believe that jews should be exterminated, but to his face I just said deported, which I guess could still work for America but not for the world if we were to get rid of them that way. And even then it would probably hurt us down the road some way. He tried to make me say that I would resort to violence so that's a big reason for just saying deportation. He asked me if people resisted deportation how to I respond. I said forceful deportation. Then he asked if there was still resistance, and I said something along the lines of "it won't be good for them".

The whole day I was as respectful and polite as I could be, but some subjects and thoughts I have will not come off as polite, and it shouldn't. If you're going to ask me what I think about something I will not sugar coat it and wrap it up with a bow. I'm going to tell you that you should leave my country, or I'll say your race technically is inferior, because I have facts to back up those statements and why certain policies would work even if it sounds tough. The fact that tens of millions of people will need to leave this country by force is not my sin, but the sins of my forefathers. If I were to do nothing and let this country fester then that is my sin, and I won't just sit by and try to play nice when you put me on the spot.

It's probably an area thing if you were near the reserve it is most likely people who work directly for the FR or institutions that profit from them. If you went to a place that was much harder hit by the 2008 recession like Michigan you would probably see a lot more support from whites. Damnit now I want to do something to help user.

Very nice. Mentioning Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders should appeal to people from different parts of the political spectrum, and was a good move.

For future reference, mixtape.moe is good for word documents. Pastebin works too.

What I learned
I got more debate experience which is worth its weight in gold to me. Speaking isn't my forte, but that's probably because my natural introverted personality over the years have made me generally quiet and shy, and it has only been recently that I've opened up.

More evidence of minorities being more receptive to the jewish question. And I'd like to add that women almost always react negatively to that. Thanks to Holla Forums I know women basically just follow what is socially acceptable. More evidence that if we make traditional gender roles socially acceptable, and we make degeneracy a vilified act, we will get our women back from the clutches of the jew. They will fall in line as they always do, we just have to stop being pussies and get back to our dominant position as a gender.

I will always be asked if I like Trump. I was asked multiple times today if I was voting for him. I denied it every time. One nigress who was triggered when she heard me say that all minorities should be deported asked me while I was debating fagjew. I said I wasn't going to vote in this election, and that Trump's pro Israel rhetoric turned me off to him. Little do they know that they were talking to someone who waited in the cold rain 5 hours early to a Trump rally to see him up close and personal. I'm still pissed I didn't get that autograph though…

You anons are based. Every one I've met has been intelligent and a joy to talk to. I hope I can meet many more.

I need to continue learning and doing research. I want to get to the point where I can shut down anyone in a debate. I'm making it a goal. As well as continuing lifting and running. I'm making good gains with a healthy diet, starting strength routine, and a 30 min run 3 times a week.

I'm ready for the next step
I think I have established my anti-Fed and anti-semetic stance and my legitimacy. My next protest will not be against the Fed. My next protest will move on to globalism, and the kike connections to it. I am thinking about going to the UN but I have to see if that's a good visible location. I want publicity because bad press is still good press, as we all know. If other anons have other globalism targets let me know. Keep in mind that I can't really travel too far right now. Big cities I can reach are NY, Boston, and MAYBE Philly.
I'm thinking of making two signs for this. One saying "nationalism will fly" with a bald eagle pro American theme, and "globalism will die" with a jewish theme. Tell me what you guys think, I value your opinions. Of course pamphlets and flyers will accompany it. I think I passed out over 70 of the flyers today

That concludes my summary. I'll respond to you guys now on and off until the thread dies

Do it user. You won't know how satisfying things like this are until you try it. I try to be the change I wish to see in this world, and I couldn't be happier even with all the opposition. I have a clear conscious. If I were to die now I can die happy knowing that at the very least, I tried

Thank you for the suggestion

Can you offer any sort of advice?

There will be a lot of people who will not want to talk about the jewish question, for various reasons. And I understand that. If that is the case then you can still point out many of the problems affecting us today. Like how immigration is hurting us, globalism in general, etc. Pick something and spread accurate information. That's how we will win this battle, by spreading knowledge and breaking the conditioning that everything is alright. Information and facts are your friend. Even if you don't mention the jews, these problems are perpetuated by them, and spreading knowledge of it still undermines them.

If you do not want to shy away from the Jews, then once again knowledge and facts will be on your side. Don't sugarcoat things, and don't concede on anything. Stick to your facts and ruthlessly shut down their counter arguments which will always be based on lies or muh feels. Be prepared if you do this because once an anti-semite, always an anti-semite. Look at Mel Gibson for example. You must not be afraid of these consequences. I for one feel like we only have limited time to save this country, so these consequences are way less intimidating than it would be if I knew I had a promising future like my forefathers.

Always remember to be polite and respectful, present yourself well, and know the facts. Fear is the mind killer. Be motivated and positive, and remember whatever happens there ARE people who are behind you, even if you are alone like I was my first protest in Manhattan.

Keep up this fantastic work OP. You've seriously inspired me to take action. You're a god amongst men

Thank you user that is why I'm doing this. It makes my day knowing that I'm achieving my goals with this movement

i appreciate the reference m8. made me laugh.

Kek bless you, OP. You glorious bastard.

only if you don't fuck up like the jews have been doing for the last decade

Though I kind of agree with what one user said to not mention the JQ and let them figure it out on their own, but you do you.

Also saying you arent voting Trump because he is pro Israel is genius, maybe you should say your voting for Clinton since she is friends with Byrd and screwed over the Jew Bernie :^)

those sound like great ideas but the presentation is important so make sure it looks catchy good, presentation is really important user

for instance, a black or blue jew star is jsut a star, but a red jew star is a rothchild star

and for the eagle you need something simply and catchy like the iron eagle
not the classic shape of the american eagle outfitters and american eagle party, that's used for a lot of american stuff, keep the bird no more than three colors like brown white and yellow and it would be great

also classic american eagle with primitive coloring

I just really believe the problem won't be fixed unless it is addressed. Now you are right that eventually they could figure it out, but that process can take a while. I don't really think we have too much time. So I am taking the risk of having some disregard me while reaching out to those who are more open minded, who happen to be larger in number than you might think

I like your ideas. My main concern over these signs is my lack of artistic ability. I suck. Trying to figure out how to construct these signs because freehanding it like my current signs won't work

OP back, I have decided to do the UN protest next since this location looks good. Not sure when yet but of course I will let you guys know

Anxious for your videos. You are doing more than most anyone here. Anyone complaining about your debating is a kike shill

Good work soldier keep up the fight and as soon as they draw first blood we crush them and wipe out the cancer forever

I checked online and I didn't see anything. Lots of people took videos and pictures though, I wonder what they did with them. I don't have any video myself, and I will see if I can change that for future protests.

If the kikes were smart they'd give me the Ron Paul treatment, but we all know they won't resist poking the bear


"Something bad happened to a group of people, therefore you're not allowed to criticize that group anymore" - makes them furiously walk away.
Make sure to always sum up their arguments from a neutral point of view, for example, if they mention whites and blacks, talk about race A and race B, the abstraction makes the unsound logic stand out like a sore thumb.




Is this from the protest?


Maximum smug.

I mentioned the protest in Boston to one of my buddies. People were actually asking him about it and wondering what was going on. It may not have picked up news or social media coverage but you're still making impressions on people and even if they don't stop to talk to you or take your pamphlets it's leaving a subconscious mark on them. You won't see the fruits of your labor immediately but trust that you're having an effect on people. Keep fighting the good fight.


Hey op. I make posters and stuff for fun, if you need anything designed for your protest shoot me an email at fullmoon%redchan.it


holy shit my sides. Thanks user

thanks for letting me know, that's what I was hoping for

That's an excellent idea. I will try this


OP here. Please let this thread die. It has served its purpose already and I don't want it to slide presently important threads. There will be an anti globalist protest thread soon