Internet Leftists Trying To Imitate Us

Has anyone else been noticing this going on a lot more lately? I keep seeing these super ironic leftists on twitter/youtube etc trying to meme hard that everyone who isn't like them is some neet virgin autist. Using chan terms while doing this
They're desperately trying to make it seem like establishment views are somehow cool and edgy to have. All of this is even more ridiculous when you realize their "humor" about how shitty white right wingers are is not even liked by anyone who isnt a white swpl themselves.

Other urls found in this thread:éline

These are from the faggot in pic relateds twitter.

TRS promo thread, reported

Let em. If past attempts at this are anything to go by, it will fail horribly and provide good cringe material.

Are leftards too dumb to come up with their own stuff ?

Also this guy is a friend of Sam Hyde apparently. Talks about how Holla Forums is an NSA honeypot towards the end.

Fug, vid didn't load right

They're fucking retards, who cares. Just like with every iteration of humor before, people like this fundamentally do not understand the nature of funny. All they are capable of is grasping at the superficial trappings of humor. They can only imitate, they cannot create or evolve a work in a meaningful way because they lack comprehension of the soul, the spark that makes something funny. As a result they wander around copying forms which are quickly drained of their novelty, and stabbing in the dark praying to hit something. They rarely if ever do

yes the guy pictured on the right is weev, he's right about some things, but never forget that he's a goon and should not be trusted.

I am not a fan of TRS or their faggotry at all, this is just about commies trying hard as fuck to imitate the internet right.

I love how people actually buy the "lenin was a good guy it was stalin who wuz bad" meme
y'know, it's not like lenin had his own secret police, explicitly stated he wanted to become a dictator, or killed just as many people as stalin did.
oh wait

They had it coming, karma is a bitch.

Internet commies really bother me. Something about the way they invert everything good and praise things that would hurt them in an attempt to seem intellectual.

I don't disagree at all, they really cant create shit. All their humor is thinking 'heh i got u guys figured out so good, im a piece of shit but im so much more self aware about it than you xDDD'

The real problem is that it's starting to become evident that some serious federal bankrolling is going into this shit so that they can stab in the dark a hell of a lot more.


Well, they can't really do that because their ideology is littered with landmines. Sooner or later they will implode doing this.

What can't Holla Forums do?

It brought fucking death and despair God knows how many times.

When do we start taking voting right away from the clinically retarded?

Even when they try to steal our material, the universal truth remains:


They're all unfunny cunts with their heads buried up their own arses. Their innate cuckoldry and unwillingness to offend will forever handicap them from being genuinely funny, and when they do try to be spiky and edgy it just comes off as sad and bitter, like this coffee communist heeb throwing around terms like 'incel' to describe nerds.

There's also a core of misery to them from their suppressed natures. They hide it but it seeps out in diseased ideology.

Oh, so gamers aren't the only ones who are dead now?
GamerGate worked out so well for them. I can understand why they want to expand it to all nerds.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Not like this.

Shit fucking damnit user. China is mercantilist. The economy there is designed around aggrandizing the state, not generating capital for private individuals.

Wealthy guy wanting communism. Why is always the same song.

More from le edgy nihilist commies twitter. These are the faggots calling us basement dwellers/autists/neets etc.

These memes have such low energy they can hardly even be called memes.

The funding has been around forever. See The Daily Show, John "Limey Tell Me The Timey" Oliver's show, Bill Mahar, etc etc. It's already established and these clowns are nothing new. If throwing money at the problem made an appreciable difference at all, the establishment wouldn't be losing their shit so consistently about people like us. Again, the issue is a fundamental one. Their worldview precludes them from being able to explore into the forest of humor to find the primal spark, and without that spark all they have is coincidence.

Although I'll admit "Y'all qaeda" wasn't bad


Too low energy.
These are throw away shitposts that will never rival our God-summoning powers.

American commies are the worst. They would never survive in authoritarian state that strips any rights of owning more than state prescribes to you. Fucking iphone generation. All their precious capitalistic consumerism trash, they like so much in their liberal world, would get taken away.

More to it, it was exactly during Lenin when most of russian royals were murdered, and there was a thing called "raskulachivanie", which was basically commies seizing away any property, lands or homes of middle class citizen who owned more than they should during communism reign. Who was resisting or served under White Guard before were killed. I am just imagining how typical liberal rich murrican would scream if most of his possessions would get "seized".


The plan is to have a pro-white left fighting a pro-white right in the future, and that means that the left will need to uncuck themselves as well, and that they will do it by copying us until they have found a message that works(pro-white leftism).

You have to understand. As soon as GamerGate got off the ground I saw this for what it was, as I'm sure others did. Years ago, it was very uncool to be a nerd - I should know, I was, and am, one. Being an introverted recluse who spent their time messing around with computers, playing tabletop games and RPGs, collecting old videogames, reading comics, etc was a social death sentence. The accepted form of 'alternate' culture that had some level of social cache was to be into a flavour of the month obscure-but-not-really form of 'indy' music and wear tighter-than-normal jeans. Beyond that, you were only fully acceptable if you fell into the range of the 'Jock/Stacy' archetype.

If you had any of those interests, and you wanted to be able to socialise with people, you had to hide it.

Then, something interesting happened. Those awkwardly-dressed nerds with collections of Guyver action figures, they started making money. A lot of money. Elon Musk and Paypal. The Google founders. Zuckerberg. Etc. All spergy weirdos with no dress sense or social graces. Suddenly Steve Jobs was cool. Bill 'Austismo' Gates was being paraded around as the richest man on earth. And these people, who'd devoted their adolescence and young adulthood to being 'cool' and 'socially-acceptable' and part of the 'in-crowd'? They didn't get the future of wealth and power they'd been promised. They were toiling away working for nerds made good.

What you're seeing here, is the end result of the bland, worthless, shallow, image-obsessed 'popular kids' in your school trying to jump the bandwagon. The only problem is, a real nerd/geek/whatever can smell them from a mile off. They don't wear it right. A real nerd will spend hours at a time getting good at obscure Japanese scrolling shooters from the 80's. These people have only just become aware of the existence of Mario games. A real nerd has a carefully-curated collection of exceedingly rare and obscure Japanese action figures, robot toys, Sofubis, etc. These people have Funko Pop vinyls. A real nerd has first-printing copies of Barry Windsor-Smith's Weapon X in mint condition. These people would be repulsed by the violence and confused by the panel layout.

They've tried to adapt, to wear the skin of nerds, in the hopes that by doing so they'll magically become rich nerds themselves. It never occurred to them that years of genuine interest and skill development would also be necessary. So they take what they learned in their worthless college degrees (critical theory, Marxism, feminism, postcolonialism, etc) and use it to start browbeating the real nerds like they're back in high school - 'videogame coding is too, uh, oppressive and exclusionary to women and minorities, yes that will do…', 'these comics are sexist and violent and problematic and I can't hope to write or draw on this level so the industry has to change for me', etc.

And after all this, it's still not working. They're not making money being nerds. They're still falling back into their old behaviour patterns of social and cultural one-upmanship, just now with SDCC exclusive Pop Vinyls and not fashionable jeans. And most importantly, turning on those actual nerds they so desperately, utterly hate.

kek. what a fucking oxymoron.

They're nihilists so really they're no threat other than an annoyance. I think one of them ran off and joined YPG though which is funny because it shows that irony leftists don't actually care about leftism since they're willing to fight for Capitalist causes or consume Capitalist goods more than willingly instead of out of necessity.

You should probably just ignore them since you'll just fall into their trap of annoying you. They don't bleed out of their shitty weird twitter circlejerk and are just angry that the alt-right has probably become more influential than any of them.

I sense a new copypasta in the offing

thats actually really funny because for some reason sand niggers love celine dion or what ever her name is.

Cargo cults still haven't quite taken off. Maybe if they keep going.éline


reeks of CTR style irony, only fatties with 0 life experience and fellow SJWs like them.

Your previous thread was bumplocked. It's still e-celebrity drama

If any of this is an example, we should just ship them to africa

Nazbol is international movement.

Anyone got the pics from the Holla Forums face thread? These leftists are mostly kids and degenerate tumblrkin types, it is actually quite cringe inducing.

Decent concept, 6/10 would shitpost
What the hell is this supposed to be?

i like the 'crybully' meme normies brought into the mix

wew these future bags of fertilizer are STRAIGHT from something awful

exact same maoist 3d worldist shit

they will need to be rooted the fuck out in the trumpenreich. the mystery meat like the last pic will be easy to expell, the cucks among our own more difficult

It have not started yet, but genociding White people is not a core part of collectivist ideology, so it will be ditched, when diversity force leftists to discover that diversity is bad for everybody, also themselves.

just double triple and quadruple down.

"once Trump is in you will all be punished for what you did to this country"

unfortunately bro, I don't think this is avoidable

in the greek war of independence from the turkish yoke, the greek rebels rode into town and asked for volunteers from the men

those who hid or refused were assumed to be benefiting from the turks' rule, they were traitors and they were executed

one day we may need to do the same. either you're ready to clean out the commies/SJWs/globalists or you can be fertilizer along with them

This degenerate would probably be the first one in the Gulag.

I googled the the quote and nothing came up so i figured it was a pop culture reference.

Whats real good is

Don't let them intimidate YOU!
Praise KEK

This is Holla Forums in a nutshell.

What a bunch of plebs. By keeping to an archetype of strong, healthy and traditional they will either become us or get slapped out of their illusions, as nature mandates.

is fargothchan still up and running?

I feel real bad for that pupper. Hopefully that faggot gets his legs blown off so the lil guy gets a nice treat before wandering his way into a NATO camp and gets sent to the states.

So you're saying that the beta chads are becoming numales/females for popularity points? KEK

basically on the DOTR over 70% of the student body of NYU, harvard, UC berkeley etc will need to be pranked

that is where this disease germinates

most of the faculty too


weev has very bright red nipples

They'll fail because they have no heart in their cause.

All they care about is making a quick buck from underage internet commies.

The left already lost and is on the retreat.

I imagine they get played with a lot considering how much of a fucking faggot he is.


I always hated fucking pop vinyls.
I prefer nendroids or getting actual figures.

Frederick Brennan's Infinitechan

People have been using the "you're probably a fat loser" card to try and win internet arguments for years. As for imitating the right's behavior and terms, it's just a case of them ingroup signalling to show they're "hip" and "knowledgable" so they won't just be dismissed out of hand as the degenerate faggots they are.

Its goons you stupid newfag.

Its weird 2 weeks back there was this subreddit named 'incel abode' where they had one poorly illustrated pepe and wojak as banner and the posts were about some kind of liberal fetish where they parade women around in chains like cows.
The moment i saw the sub and their attempt at forced edginess I knew it was some of these guys making /r9k/ look bad,they were linked on few sjw subreddits but the replies by the moderators to some comments were plain dumb.Last I checked few days ago that subreddit was deleted.

FYI, those are the ringleaders of SRS. We doxed them and this was one of their pics.

Can't they come up with anything on their own?

The lack of humor disturbs me more than it should. If you aren't funny, don't try to be, god damn.

In my experience a lot of these people are somewhat nerdy themselves. I think much of their interest in nerd stuff is genuine. It's just that they would never do it if it had a real social cost. It's the same thing with leftypol ideology. They seem to want something similar to what we do, which is to kill the disgusting globalist order, but they pick the response that won't cost them anything SOCIALLY even if it carries other costs (like third world hordes destroying their quality of life and perhaps actually killing them).

What they really hate is low social status, and people similar to them who have it bother the FUCK out of them. It's no shock that the same goon fucks going off on gamers are also Islamophilic communists who post shitty black twitter memes.

They are so low-energy.
The difference between a slave and a free man.

Leftists are not funny. They can copy, but it never makes sense.

Whenever I see the hillary pepe… after they tried to brand it a racist image a month earlier…. I can't express the emotion. It's not fully rage, it's not fully disgust, it's a lot of cringe… I just can't describe the level of disgust and hatred.

It's like someone trying to sit at your cool kids lunch table who you REALLY don't want there. but no matter what you do they wont leave, and if you kick them out you know they'll go to the teachers and you'll be forced to accept them. THat is the best way to describe the emotion I have towards them.

The guys a legitimate cuckold ain't he.

Remind them that Pepe is in the Antisemitic Drawings Library hatesymbol database and they are pushing an antisemitic meme.

Nah, most probably a tryhard. The ace of spades used to be a pretty common tattoo before the cucks started using it.

just a prank bro

He has never worked a productive job in his entire life. Communists now a days never have it's all about the theory to them. They need to be gassed

does anybody have those shitty leftypol commie edits of AfD-tan?

They only parrot the "Lenin a good guy" shit because Jews told them to. Stalin wasn't a Jew and purged Jews so he is bad. Lenin was a Jew and he gave Jews special privileges, Lenin good.

Oxymoron, "leftism" is anti-White.

Fresh cringe harvested from Holla Forums

Seems like they're hitting other boards since we control them when they try to come here.

These pictures are fucking embarrassing.

First day newfaggot?


Uhh, that MonkeyBall team is 90% nigger. No wonder they are protesting fake racism.

Congratulations, you discover the goons with their shit that they tried since the beginning of GoodGoy.

Chad nationalism is already a thing

jesus, this is worse than anything that reddit could conjure up

I don't understand these memes. They seem artificial as if they were made in a Hollywood corporate board room of 40 year old jewish men trying to appeal to the younger generation.

What's the problem with TRS? Haven't checked them for a year or so.
They were not that bad.

Guy's a retarded faggot. Came here to post that vid.

Probably something to do with caring about MUH PR, having closet fags and degenerates in their camp and not denouncing them for it.

The biggest things that turned me off socialists and communists was the stealing and the naiveté. The politics just sort of followed from there IMO.

They're falling behind in the culture war. Overton shifting and all that.

раскулачивание exiled grain speculators and it was held back initially, then brought on after peasant agitation and finally intensified after the kulaks tried to form Ukrainian right wing death squads that were absolutely BTFO by the OGPU.
Like a second Russian Civil War but even more one-sided and with no large scale fights.


its primarily the TRS forums that get shat on here

Please stop shilling TRS jewery here

Pretty funny given how the core of Weird Twitter was/is pretty much a group of communist hipster Jews from Williamsburg, thereby givining them unparalleld access to the media to spread their cancer.

Gee, socialism is leftist. National socialism is pro-white leftism.

I have a theory on why leftists are unfunny and keep doing bargain bin (breadline?) copies of our memes. They are, as said, mortally terrified of losing any social standing. When you create something original, especially a joke, your put a bit of yourself into it. A leftist can't do that because that's a part of their very being exposed and the risk horrifies them. It also doesn't help that that put their full name and face on everything they say via normiebook or twitter, which they do so their good boy points from virtue signalling go straight to them, but so would any failure. As a result they can't put enough soul into their propaganda/jokes/anything really because any inadequacy also is squarely on them. This leads to taking an existing, successful joke because not because they think it'll be original and hilarious but because it can only blow up in their face so badly. They're not necessarily inherently uncreative, but it's probably atrophied on them while they're mentally imprisoned by the same fear that keeps them from questioning their own ideology, that being the fear of disapproval. It's the same reason they do things "ironically". They're scared of judgement so they dare not do things sincerely.

Ignoring your retarded adherence to the wrong Right-Left dichotomy, National Socialism wasn't even socialist, it was corporatist.
Socialism was just the hot buzzword of its day.

Similar scene in Toronto a few years ago user.

And yes, (((Goldsbie))) was everything you would expect, and more.

You would make a great leader of the National Faggottry party.

Their whole ideology is based around taking the fruits of everyone else's labor.

This. And I never knew why the numales were so passive until later. They literally had to kiss legbeard ass to keep their employment prospects.

TRS is trying really hard to imitate the internet right too.

Trips, yet missed the shitshow.
Well you got trips so here is the proofs.

pretty much every place that isn't 8/pol/ gets shit on here.
also Checked

TRS are the internet right

These faggots need to be gassed too.

Spread the Shill detection tutorial and the sunlight virgin email to another boards.

i was a jock though

It's pretty much an artificial conflict kept alive by few spamming autists on both sides.

In a nutshell, we disdain forum culture and they don't. That, and they adopt leaders which is completely haram to most anons.
We post on different platforms for a reason, but I think any hostility between Holla Forums and the TRS faggots is unwarranted.

They're probably Holla Forums

Keep this TRS faggotry where it belongs


Something that always struck me about these cunts is that had the tumblr/social justice movement been more popular ten to fifteen years ago, they would very likely have defended nerds and nerd culture from the bully/chad types, before nerd culture went mainstream and normalfags hijacked it, making actual nerds the outcasts again.

You can thank some retards on here for making that. They were probably shills posing as us but those were made here "because it'll be super funny to associate Hillary with a meme they called racist".

A joke is most funny when you know you aren't supposed to tell it, and the other person knows they aren't supposed to laugh at it. This is why our memes are funny. Also the best humour has an element of truth and insight to it but the left is built upon lies and delusion.

The left still seem to think it's the 1950s and they are the rebels against the establishment but now they ARE the establishment. The establishment is never funny.. it's boring, except to mock and laugh at.

no one here is falling for it shlomo \ paid SJW shill

Sooooo, Strasserism?

It doesn't help that all their meme attempts are just them taking an existing meme that someone else made and slapping masturbatory communist references all over it. There's no joke it's just "haha look guys harambe is a communist now lol". Maybe that's because they see people laughing at communists all the time and they think they're actually laughing with communists, but excuses or no excuses their memes are still garbage.

Wrong, they will survive because the establishment will never shut them down and will allow they on any and all mainstream platforms to grub for cash. Their content will suck, they will be worthy of mockery, but like the court jester they will be well paid and fed.

Paleonazism is best nazism



The one thing the left really needs to try and imitate is the high energy nature of the right.
The content itself matters less than being up beat, witty, creative, motivated and persistent.

By copying the right they are always going to be behind the times.
Like when your grandad send you the epic naked banana meme on facebook 3 years after everyone else was talking about it. *I dont have facebook or a living grandad but Im told this happens*

This may be deep cover 4d anti-Shrillary meme'ing.

It may also be that the left is just that damned retarded, wouldn't surprise me

Hehe, right.

I was thinking that.

God that sounds fucking cancerous to the max. Goony snarkgasm combined with tactics straight outta Alinsky.

By that same logic you can argue that every modern socialist country today isnt socialist.

The Nazis did a lot of socialist shit. Such as:

OK maybe not the last one.

so you mean they're culturally appropriating nerdism?
typical of those racist pieces of shit

and fitting

and they wrote a treasure trove of social-sciences inane bullshit that we can throw back at them, if some autist amongst us can be bothered to sort the usable bit to smash their heads with

That image sent me down a rabbit hole, and you won't believe what carrots I found while I was down there.

They are not even trying to hide it anymore

Nendoroids actually have a pleasing, cohesive stylisation and aesthetic.

Funko Pops are some of the ugliest, cheapest shit I've ever seen.

Ten to fifteen years ago, they'd have been the normalfags. It's very telling how they've colonialism 'nerd culture' (ugh, that fucking phrase) and pushed out the natives.

Yeah, pretty much. The thing is, when you pull a reverse-Alinsky on these people they show their true colours and start calling you a shitlord, pissbaby, etc and make fun of you for being triggered. If you press the point further from that, they don't know how to handle it.

Remember, these identity politics and the cultural Marxism are nothing more than a cover. A good example would be SJW shitstain Devin Faraci being outed as a sexual predator. They don't practice what they preach, and what they preach is used to browbeat and nullify anyone who disagrees with or challenges them.

Largely manufactured conflict. Some retard thought it'd be a good idea to market their podcasts and website here and obviously didn't realize that sort of thing is absolutely haram.

Conversation on the subject is fruitless. Some are determined keep a visible TRS presence on Holla Forums, others are determined to misrepresent TRS as Milo fans. There's a subculture ego clash here that serves no real purpose in the larger scheme of things, there was a large overlap of the userbases to begin with. TRS poses no real threat to Holla Forums, they're not as subversive as they think they are.

The Funny thing is Holla Forums has no problem posting a lot of TRS generated content and using memes they came up with, I think there's a whole thread of those poorly drawn memes that make fun of liberals right now. I even see the parentheses meme being used. I'm quite glad the googles and skypes bullshit never stuck.

that guy does his eyelashes. fucking scum, what has happened to the West?

Praise kek

Jews. Liberalism. Easy life.

It seems to be a newer, more sophisticated form of shilling IMO. They think it's the images and edgy style which attracts our audiences. While they make for a neater package, it's actually our message. People know race is real in their hearts, but its suppression through propaganda is why they so violently oppose race realism when confronted with it.

I always hated coke.

"Male feminists" especially those with a mediocum of fame or those who are really loud about their stances are usually sexual predators or complete deviants cf. Hugo Schwyzer, Jian Ghomeshi, Devin Faraci and a shitload of other. Their feminism is properly understood as a keycard they use to access certain female populations esp. those on the urban, progressive and neurotic side.

I honestly suspect a lot of this shit is asshurt IronMarchers who want to get two communities into a slapfight.


These are fine though, but that Trump is too offensive!

It could just be because he's got his name copyrighted though

let's dox the coca cola CEO

Fucked up the muh dick one a bit, here's a better one where you can see the input field.

It's still do-able, of course, their word filter is low energy as fuck, but still, the shameless hypocrisy of it all.


Mods, unanchor this thread. We've got some digging to do.

For years I've been saying these shits have been using Patreon and other crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter as elaborate money-laundering schemes, there's no way this cuck got that much money that fast legitimately.

what more can you expect from people that hate art and tradition and deny culture
the commies worship stagnation

because an insane feminist would never imagine the beta cuck she occasionally pegs and makes video her coalburning actually spends most nights while shes out on the town having fun with her girlfriends sticking his dick in her 6 yo daughter
remember theres a statistical correlation between non-religious veganism and high levels of neuroses

Went and had a look at their Patreon.

Something really fucky is going on here. By episode 11 (the oldest in the comment chain, September) they supposedly had over 4,000 Patrons, and the comments to their profile are equally suspicious. Most of them are from accounts that don't even have profile pictures, and post bizarrely meaningless co-opted versions of old 4chan/Holla Forums memes.

I'm convinced this is a complete psyop/astroturfing attempt.

you sure?
it just looks like pure cancer and a commie somehow got melded together

Somebody should still have the DB from the Patreon hack, if not ask on >>>/8diamonds/ or something. These are the same fucks that became internet maoists to ebin trole the Paulistas and this shit looks like a "ironic" cooption of Holla Forums memes.

Also why the fuck is this thread bumblocked?

That's redundant.

Presumably the "TRS are shills" "NUUU TRS are based" back-and-forth earlier in the thread.

I have no idea why this would give him any credibility.
Sam is just a comedian.

Sam Al-Hayeed is the greatest mujahadeen in ISIS with over 300 confirmed kills
he is secretly the perpetrator behind the boston bombings and the florida fag shootout


As I understand it the patreonbux are essentially a big circlejerk where very few actually make what their page says at the end of the month.

No OP, we haven't noticed that because ONLY YOU follow these losers.

No, they aren't. It's a fucking overgrown slob still doing a, too cool for school act. It's le edgy teenager on the computer whose now 28.

I've found that as well. It's an act they put on because they think it will get them pussy but all it does is result in friendzoning. It's a concern troll but because they aren't caring people they don't recognize that. So like you said, predators.

Vintage Takatoku Gokin you pleb tier scoundrels.

I get the sense these are supposed to be ironic.

When has the Kike every done anything, than imitate civilization? He is unable to exist without a host, because he produces nothing, is empty and void of ideas. All he does, is leech off other civilizations, assimilate and digest the things necessary to survive as what he is,

nothing but a fucking cancer cell.

time to cut it out, once and for all.