No nation in history has been able to debase their money and escape the consequences. The money becomes worth less and les, this is called inflation.
We can't get a paper dollar that is anything except Babylon's money, the Federal Reserve note. There isn't any paper government money it is bank money. There is no way the "borrowed" money can ever be repaid. For example, if there is one billion dollars borrowed into circulation and we have to pay 6% interest, where does the interest come from, more borrowed money?
When more money is needed for the economy to function, the government cannot issue it. The government goes in debt to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve issues the money for their own profit. Any time these Jews want to pull the plug on this scam, our economy will go down the drain. All they have to do is tighten the money supply. They know this and it will be part of the general attack. They will use this just before they spring the military attack on us.
In 1998 all the top people in our defense department and foreign relations are all Jews. The degenerate President Clinton has appointed more Jews than any other president in history.
With financial disaster comes the closing of the factories and the throwing into the streets millions of unemployed people. These people can be led into riots and revolution, like the Negroes. These Jewish bankers can tell us to finance our own defense because we are broke and in a depression.
First these banksters took all our gold, now they have also taken our silver. They have left us with worthless paper and they will laugh at us. We will be told our paper money is nothing but worthless IOUs of a private banking corporation. We don't have anything to pay you with except more paper IOUs, what are you going to spend them on? Who will accept this worthless paper? It will be just like Germany when it took a bushel basket full of money just to buy a loaf of bread.
Then these Jewish bankers will gloat that they have all our gold and silver. This is the real money with intrinsic value.
Ezekiel 7:19 promises, "They shall cast their silver in the streets and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them to the day of the wrath of Yahweh: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity."
James 5:3 says, "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you…" Something that is kept in use is not the thing that rusts. It is the thing that is set away and idle that rusts out. These Canaanite banksters are taking the gold and silver away, so it can't be used as our money. Instead they are going to use this silver and gold to destroy us. Yahweh warns us in James 5:3, "The rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days."
Yes, the Bible reveals that these children of the devil are coming to their final doom, for having done this to us. However, you must remember that as long as we are in the same boat with them, the process of sinking that boat is going to be rough on us also. Isn't it about time we came out of the Babylonian system? We can't get out of any of this trouble until we get out of the system of Babylon's money.