We know Trump is a civic Nationalist, he is pretty much a protectionist when it comes to trade, but what about banking...

We know Trump is a civic Nationalist, he is pretty much a protectionist when it comes to trade, but what about banking? Will he ban usury and interest? Will he nationalize the banks and kill the federal reserve?

I know the jewish bankers will be kvetching, but so far he hasn't said anything on banks other than they are a plotting the destruction of US sovereignty. Will he do it?

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Holla Forums actually thinks trump will suddenly turn around and give us everything we want

all he has promised is civic nationalism and more jobs for the goyim

the chance of killing the federal reserve is 1/6000000.

lmao you guys are shook huh?

Can you be any more obvious?

Everything is going to come falling down.

most likely

Will be make a interest illegal?

I'd like to think that he will try to restrict the power of your FedRes & banks, not ban interest outright, because with zero interest than there is no incentive in money lending in the first place. Money lending with interest itself is not wrong principally, it's just that kikes have been infecting it for centuries to keep your debt around forever. Or you can just do it like Muslims and their Sharia-styled profit sharing loans where you actually pay a larger fixed amount of money.

The ennoblement of the world is incentive enough, or not at all. Usury is madness.


Jews have a monopoly on the loan business, which gives them the power to away your possessions and your livelihood. This is one of the things that Hitler tried to stop when he was in office.

I would hope he would end the business of debt, and if he is what the media portrays him as. A fascist.

If he's a democratic-Fascist, that will have the jews kvetching regardless.

oy vey, who'll make money off the cattle?

Well, Trump did say that he's like to remove Janet Jewllen as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Now I'm not sure if this is the media spinning this or if it's actually true, but the Fed might actually try to resist Trump's efforts if he wins.

I think when Trump is faced with the reality that the Fed does not have the interests of the American people, and won't bow down to the government, then he will work to dismantle the Fed.

what the fuck? my post turned into reddit spacing.

The madman went full Hitler in his speeches last week. There's no telling how far he's going to go. He hasn't even revealed his final form yet, and he's still growing stronger.

Time to fuck yourself.

Making interest is complete idiocy. And we aren't mudslimes (who still engage in interest).

Making it illegal I mean.

No he doesn't. Where the fuck have you been, retard?
Wanna provide a single source for that dumbfuck claim?
He is the definition of a civic nationalist.

interest is also considered to be sinful in the new testament.

All these parasites will go to hell some day


Great argument. Kill yourself.
Blow your fucking brains out.

Islam forbids usury. Christianity does, too, but the kikes have subverted our countries.

You sure are retarded user. There's voting for Trump because he pushes things in our direction and then there's voting for Trump because you've deluded yourself into thinking that he's full Holla Forums tier.

Yeah I know, but time has a money value. Money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future because it has potential earning capacity. Investing capital in non-pozzed pro-white endeavors should be encouraged, not discouraged.

big beautiful door*

Better than 0%

There is literally not a shred of evidence to suggest Trump wants to deport all non-whites. Slit your fucking wrists, you mental reject

No nation in history has been able to debase their money and escape the consequences. The money becomes worth less and les, this is called inflation.

We can't get a paper dollar that is anything except Babylon's money, the Federal Reserve note. There isn't any paper government money it is bank money. There is no way the "borrowed" money can ever be repaid. For example, if there is one billion dollars borrowed into circulation and we have to pay 6% interest, where does the interest come from, more borrowed money?

When more money is needed for the economy to function, the government cannot issue it. The government goes in debt to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve issues the money for their own profit. Any time these Jews want to pull the plug on this scam, our economy will go down the drain. All they have to do is tighten the money supply. They know this and it will be part of the general attack. They will use this just before they spring the military attack on us.

In 1998 all the top people in our defense department and foreign relations are all Jews. The degenerate President Clinton has appointed more Jews than any other president in history.

With financial disaster comes the closing of the factories and the throwing into the streets millions of unemployed people. These people can be led into riots and revolution, like the Negroes. These Jewish bankers can tell us to finance our own defense because we are broke and in a depression.

First these banksters took all our gold, now they have also taken our silver. They have left us with worthless paper and they will laugh at us. We will be told our paper money is nothing but worthless IOUs of a private banking corporation. We don't have anything to pay you with except more paper IOUs, what are you going to spend them on? Who will accept this worthless paper? It will be just like Germany when it took a bushel basket full of money just to buy a loaf of bread.

Then these Jewish bankers will gloat that they have all our gold and silver. This is the real money with intrinsic value.

Ezekiel 7:19 promises, "They shall cast their silver in the streets and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them to the day of the wrath of Yahweh: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity."

James 5:3 says, "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you…" Something that is kept in use is not the thing that rusts. It is the thing that is set away and idle that rusts out. These Canaanite banksters are taking the gold and silver away, so it can't be used as our money. Instead they are going to use this silver and gold to destroy us. Yahweh warns us in James 5:3, "The rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days."

Yes, the Bible reveals that these children of the devil are coming to their final doom, for having done this to us. However, you must remember that as long as we are in the same boat with them, the process of sinking that boat is going to be rough on us also. Isn't it about time we came out of the Babylonian system? We can't get out of any of this trouble until we get out of the system of Babylon's money.


Yes goy. Hoard your gold and only give it away if you get something from it.

If you give money to family or friends, you shouldn't expect anything back.

even the pre-1965 immigration system allowed non-whites in, albeit in limited quantities. That being said, Trump has repeatedly talked about bringing in boatloads of legal hispanics.

Gold is no more "real" than paper money, and has no inherent or intrinsic value. The gold standard is a shitty system and just another means for kikes to control us.

Now you're the one distorting things.
>10. Reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, keeping immigration levels within historic norms.

get the fuck out

Do you really think giving to charity and family and friends is equivalent to raising capital for business endeavors?

Your people are your family, faggot.

You're not going to convince him, this is clearly someone that knows jack shit about running a business or capital. Trump's not going to completely eliminate interest regardless so the argument's pointless.

Read it maggot

i.e the amount of people coming into the country. That says nothing about the racial constitution of the immigrants. Trump has said time and time again that there will be a big beautiful door in his wall to allow legal immigration, and has repeatedly invoked the lack of "fairness" that legal immigrants have to wait while illegals can hop the border, as if we want or need either of them at all.

I did, faggot.

So now you're changing definitions? Or are you actually arguing from ridiculous premises that no reasonable person would understand?

He's letting some in, he's not letting in "boatloads" like you were saying in that post.

A very interesting question. I don't have a source, so take it for what it's worth, but I remember reading many years ago (pre-internet) that this money was going to come from liquidating US assets - natural resources, vast swaths of land, and the labor of the American worker.
It's part of the reason the BLM, the EPA, and the National Park system were created - to ensure that when the time came and the debt came due, that there would be millions and millions of acres of pristine acreage teeming with natural flora and fauna, water rights, mineral rights, all waiting to be exploited.


I believe Jesus was the original anti-Semite, Hitler was his vengeance against the Satans Synagogue.

Trump already knows the Fed doesn't have the interests of the American people at heart, but it does him no good to attack them now. He will be in a better position to do so after he is in the oval office.

Its red pilling the public of the FED's criminal activities.

We're convince Trump into becoming Hitler, it's an offer he can't refuse.

*We're going to

What happens if this Sinaggoga get 11/9'd?

My house has a door on it, that doesn't mean I let tons of people inside. "Big beautiful door" says nothing about number and people can read whatever they want into it, talking about keeping immigration to historical levels and prioritizing US citizens getting jobs first is quite clear though.

Nigger he name dropped 1965, "historical immigration norms", and stressed assimilation in his main immigration speech. He accused international bankers of plotting the destruction of nation states.

He's our fucking guy.

No he said "people will come into our country legally". He never specified what people are coming in.

I'm sure there's a lot of slavs and other white Europeans that would be more than happy to hop over to participate in the Trumpenreich. And it's true that America was founded on white immigration.

No, no, no, and no. Get real.

Well what the fuck do you think he's implying the, retard? He didn't even need to say that. He's also repeated multiple times that they have to go, but they can come back in legally.

He said that in the context of mexishits.

I know it's true. I wish it were still like that.