==================================== Those who blaspheme Kek must be brought to justice ====================================
We have doxx on anti-Trumpers in the media… Shouldn't we make a list of shillary faggots in general?
I used to think the only ones sharing shitty hillary pepe forgeries were CTR faggots. Apparently, a minority of people are actually doing it for free, and they think they just get away with appropriating our memes and being all around faggots in general.
Not condoning harming anyone, so fuck off, alphabets; but these shitheads and their crimes need to be waved around a bit.
To kick off the list, look at this atrocious, racially ambiguous piece of garbage.
I'm fairly certain this is some Revolver Ocelot shit.
Luis Campbell
Tyler Flores
I'm not sure. tbh seems like pulling energy away from targeting people who actually matter to focus on people like this is very dumb.
Grayson Reyes
I agree on this. We need to get to the bottom of the Holla Forums turning into /tb/ aspect. This Holla Forums thread alone is a prime example of the cancer:
You don't have to do anything to ruin his life. He's done it by himself
Isaiah Perez
What the fuck is that on his face? What the FUCK is this creature at all? Honestly just killing this thing would be doing him a favor, not like I condone such heinous acts fellow FBI agents!
Jeremiah Moore
Probably literal feces.
Grayson Wright
degenerate faggots for hillary are a dime a dozen. the only thing funny about this guy is that he thought 'sure, i could be a cybersecurity specialist' for however long it took him to make that post.
Dylan Morgan
No, he still thinks his life is decent, despite everyone else knowing it's not. The ruination comes when the victim UNDERSTANDS how shit their life is or has become.
Luis Hughes
I really think Liberalism will affect gene and DNA, not the other way round.
Jack Morales
Has anybody seen Season 3 of Black Mirror more like BLACKED Mirror at this fucking point
It got me thinking of the old days. I joined the chans around the time of chanology, maybe a bit before but enough that V for Vendetta was spammed everywhere.
Actually examining one of the episodes, they threaten people with social stigma or "outing" them as degenerates or racists Fun fact: My racism got me my last job. I think it was Season 3 Episode 3.
I won't talk about it much, I'll talk it about it more on the deep chans, but…it's something to look at it.
Levi Barnes
s3e3 was kekdamned brilliant, real cosmic horror
Josiah James
what the fuck is on that guy's face?
Evan Martinez
And something we could strive towards. Quite easily when you think about it. Colour me interested but again, I'll talk about implementation on the darker chans.
Samuel Stewart
Sure, why not? It's like a sport fuck. Gimps to test shit on before deploying on real targets.
This ugly asshole you posted, I would meme him with, electrocuting the gay out of him. His reponse would be to deny he's gay. We would continue and his denials would become increasing vicous. At which point we switch it up on him and go with his being a homophobe. Would drive him bonkers.
Daniel Ortiz
Why is the left so determined to steal our memes? Have they become aware that they're incapable of making their own memes?