Pokedates take a vacation to campaign against Trump


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So what, is it a “gotta catch all STDs” site? No one cares.

What the fuck is Pokedates and why isn't someone reporting them to the extremely DMCA-hungry Nintendo kike lawyers?

race mixing, race mixing everywhere on their site. and how many girls really play pokemon go?

literally who

literally who

and it is ran by jews


Tons actually, virtually every girl at my college was playing this shit until the tracker broke.

any reason why the art looks like that shit Win95 official game?

Only nips can draw anime. It's genetic.

If you find a game that has no real consequences, no real difficulty and is easy to get into then normie chicks will be all over it for that sweet sweet "I'm a nerd, lol"-cred and beta attention.




Put her on the list

Goddamn, I'm descended from Pols too but that doesn't instill me with a genetic fear

Remember when lefties made fun of hardcore religious people instead of sheltering them?

It says so right on the op.

Start making a shitstorm about this on Twitter.
You can force NOA to push a DMCA claim against the website due to public outcry.

Start making a shitstorm about this on Twitter.
You can force NOA to push a DMCA claim against the website due to public outcry.


Why has there been so much double posting lately? Is the site broken again?

Fucking A, these people have all the originality of a Xerox copier.

I have no idea, but it definitely seems to be happening quite a bit lately.


Where is this idea that democracy will end if Trump is elected even coming from?

Again, they're more afraid of a business man than an insider who's been part of the problem for decades


If even only a couple of people send messages to both Nintendo and The Pokémon Company (different entities) claiming dismay at the fact that their brand is being used to promote political ideologies and to make offensive statements then action will be taken.

Appropriate contact details attached.

Is that a man?

I can't WAIT for the article about the evil Goobergrapes getting a strong female CEO's company shutdown for "literally no reason" thanks to their raging misogyny

Just like how Alison Rapp was fired because she was a woman

Anyone who preaches even an iota of nationalism gives kikes palpable fear. I'm sure today's Jews all got stories from their elders about how they dindu nuffin and the mean goyim persecuted them so.

Uncle Adolf and Benito Mussolini both made serious efforts to destroy the Jewish banking empire. The first step to actually removing the Jew is to rally and organize the people to take decisive actions to fight back against an enemy that is often cloaked in shadow.

When Donald talks about Making America Great Again and putting Americans first in America, Jews hear that he's going to send the SS to pull Anne Frank out of a wall and stuff her in an oven after gassing her.

Might be worth sending it as a tip to any Right leaning news groups, they are always looking for ways to earn a few extra click-shekels.

Very much try, but it likely wont amount to anything, the whole "Nintenjews" thing is a myth, lawyers are rarely involved (they are usually fighting off patent trolls anyway) and nintendo actually outsources the work to a third party whom identifies perceived claims and goes through official channels to take care of it.

Even when they do get involved, they are surprisingly lenient, provided you dont threaten the validity of their copyright and are not making money, one notable example is "a fox in space" which was contested by nintendo for copyright violation because he was making money on it, all they asked him to do was either remove all identifying references, or to cease the kickstarter, he replaced it with a patreon instead and has been producing (for money) a starfox animated series.

Sage for offtopic, its just really annoying that people dont look into this stuff for themselves and just parrot what some faggot numale on youtube said because he wasnt making enough money at his 60k a year job doing jack shit.



Welp I guess im not getting laid.

she admitted to being jewish too
Holla Forums is never wrong

don't give up, with sun and moon coming out soon more chicks will become more obvious

Compared to other games, a lot. Still, nothing compared to launch.

Ironically muzzies have always been more dangerous and religiously hardcore than the average christcuck. Which really exposes leftists for the hypocrites they really are: they only went against christcucks because they are a representation of Old America/Europe - in other words, they got daddy issues.

Everyone should have their deal breakers laid out.

I don't seem to get it when they claim that the flak aimed at jews are unwarranted. Jews always receive flak for being Zionist hypocrites who don't practice what they preach to gentiles.

They're anti-nationalist, anti-nepotism, and pro-equality, but immediately drop those stances whenever it comes to facing the same repercussions that they demand for other "oppressive" races to face. A lot of them dropped support for BLM when Israel was accused of being discriminatory to other races.

They target the higher class of races in developed countries, but draw the line when it comes to the Jewish high class. That's why they criticize Koch Brothers, but weirdly defend George Soros for doing the exact same shit.

Explaim AM2R.

destroy them

hit them where it hurts, in their shekels

From what I heard, it was cutting into Ninty's profits since it's an improved remake of a game they're still selling on eShop.

Good luck finding this, not that it wouldn't be ideal.

I have 10 inches of raging misogyny right here babe

I'm trying to get a girl interested in geocaching. (You get actual stuff, not just 'points')

I puked in my mouth a little bit, put her on the list.

I puked in my mouth a little bit, put her on the list.

Don't forget about the anti-boycott for Israeli company laws.

The issue that we have with them is that they don't desire the equality that they romanticize for white people to have, they just want to permanently be a special class of protected people due to their genetics.

Doesn't sound like a threat

You dont know how copyright works, do you?

Regardless of whether or not nintendo intends to remake metroid 2, they have a duty under copyright law to prevent any third party from using their intellectual property without permission, or they could lose the ability to contest its use in the future.

This is something every company MUST do, but you only ever hear about it from nintendo because nintendo happens to be the most influential and iconic name in the industry.

There was once an MMO called graal, it was literally just a modded ALttP, it used all the same sound and sprite assets, but it was in a user created world. It originally released under the name "Legend of Zelda Online" but was shut down by Nintendo, when it was re-released as "Graal" literally the only thing that changed was the title, Nintendo had made no further efforts to stop the developer because it no longer threatened their copyright, despite the fact that, again, all the assets were ripped directly from zelda.
Too bad Graal online went to hell and turned into scifi gang wars garbage.

additionally: (checked)

You made a contradiction in your first post

If what your second post says is true, then they WILL take action and take it down, they won't ignore it, they'll do exactly what you said just now, to protect their brand, name and all.

Wouldn't it still have the same effect against that dating site since they have to protect their IP? Because if they don't contest it, then it permits others to profit off of it.

Because it could be claimed as parody, its harder when you arent just straight up remaking their games or whatnot.

as above, theres no reason they couldnt claim parody. If nintendo hasnt taken it down yet, it was likely figured there was nothing worth doing.

again, it should be reported just in case, but i wouldnt rely on it.

You really think so user? I don't want to blindly believe you but that sounds so promising.

that's a man

Then who's controlling the election before?

I'm going to have to check those suicide club dubs.

Pure coincidence.

This site gets posted and Holla Forumsacks instantly dox it, report it, line it up for a lawsuit and expose it as being run by Jews.

Fine work gentlemen, I am truly proud

There was really little to expose. She outright admits it in the article that even brought it to our attention

This. If they don't do anything, oh well. If they do something, then we all get a good laugh.

That's a man.

=Ah man, does this mean I can't go on anymore PokéDates?==

Of course a "womyn in tech" is a CEO of something this fucking retarded.

So she's the most useless CEO in history or this "company" is not making any money anyway.

Where is this statement written? I can't find it anywhere on the site.

Pokemon Go isn't made by nintendo, it's Niantic. I'm not sure if that matters.

that is good. i chuckled

Its funny i'm of the same admixture and that fucking taint jew blood is what fuels my hatred for these kikes hotter than their imaginary ovens could ever be imagined to get. Poland was rightful German clay, the only thing hitler did wrong is NOT kill the yids.
