The smug style in American liberalism alienates the working-class

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The smug style in American liberalism
by Emmett Rensin on April 21, 2016

There is a smug style in American liberalism. It has been growing these past decades. It is a way of conducting politics, predicated on the belief that American life is not divided by moral difference or policy divergence — not really — but by the failure of half the country to know what's good for them.

In 2016, the smug style has found expression in media and in policy, in the attitudes of liberals both visible and private, providing a foundational set of assumptions above which a great number of liberals comport their understanding of the world.

It has led an American ideology hitherto responsible for a great share of the good accomplished over the past century of our political life to a posture of reaction and disrespect: a condescending, defensive sneer toward any person or movement outside of its consensus, dressed up as a monopoly on reason.

The smug style is a psychological reaction to a profound shift in American political demography.
Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, the working class, once the core of the coalition, began abandoning the Democratic Party. In 1948, in the immediate wake of the Franklin Roosevelt, 66 percent of manual laborers voted for Democrats, along with 60 percent of farmers. In 1964, it was 55 percent of working-class voters. By 1980, it was 35 percent.
The white working class in particular saw even sharper declines. Despite historic advantages with both poor and middle-class white voters, by 2012 Democrats possessed only a 2-point advantage among poor white voters. Among white voters making between $30,000 and $75,000 per year, the GOP has taken a 17-point lead.

Finding comfort in the notion that their former allies were disdainful, hapless rubes, smug liberals created a culture animated by that contempt

The consequence was a shift in liberalism's center of intellectual gravity. A movement once fleshed out in union halls and little magazines shifted into universities and major press, from the center of the country to its cities and elite enclaves. Minority voters remained, but bereft of the material and social capital required to dominate elite decision-making, they were largely excluded from an agenda driven by the new Democratic core: the educated, the coastal, and the professional.

It is not that these forces captured the party so much as it fell to them. When the laborer left, they remained.

The origins of this shift are overdetermined. Richard Nixon bears a large part of the blame, but so does Bill Clinton. The evangelical revival, yes, but the destruction of labor unions, too. I have my own sympathies, but I do not propose to adjudicate that question here.
Suffice it to say, by the 1990s the better part of the working class wanted nothing to do with the word liberal. What remained of the American progressive elite was left to puzzle: What happened to our coalition?

Why did they abandon us?

What's the matter with Kansas?

The smug style arose to answer these questions. It provided an answer so simple and so emotionally satisfying that its success was perhaps inevitable: the theory that conservatism, and particularly the kind embraced by those out there in the country, was not a political ideology at all.

The trouble is that stupid hicks don't know what's good for them. They're getting conned by right-wingers and tent revivalists until they believe all the lies that've made them so wrong. They don't know any better. That's why they're voting against their own self-interest.
As anybody who has gone through a particularly nasty breakup knows, disdain cultivated in the aftermath of a divide quickly exceeds the original grievance. You lose somebody. You blame them. Soon, the blame is reason enough to keep them at a distance, the excuse to drive them even further away.
Finding comfort in the notion that their former allies were disdainful, hapless rubes, smug liberals created a culture animated by that contempt. The rubes noticed and replied in kind. The result is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Financial incentive compounded this tendency — there is money, after all, in reassuring the bitter. Over 20 years, an industry arose to cater to the smug style. It began in humor, and culminated for a time in The Daily Show, a program that more than any other thing advanced the idea that liberal orthodoxy was a kind of educated savvy and that its opponents were, before anything else, stupid. The smug liberal found relief in ridiculing them.
The internet only made it worse. Today, a liberal who finds himself troubled by the currents of contemporary political life need look no further than his Facebook newsfeed to find the explanation:

Study finds Daily Show viewers more informed than viewers of Fox News

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yep liberals do this,, my dad does this, can't debate without ad hominims, incapable

To be fair, I have seen a lot of smug conservatives and especially smug libertarians too. Oh my God, libertarians.

Remember when Libertarian Party USA leader (former New Mexico Republican Governor) Gary Johnson told a mentally ill chronically unemployed Redditor to "create his own job" and stop being a victim on a Reddit AMA? That was totally "Let Them Eat Cake."

Liberals can be smug as hell. But it does seem like smug style seems to be rampant in society in general. Lack of empathy or something.


it exists on both ends of the political spectrum. it's largely a result of the fact that american politics have become increasingly partisan, with both sides viewing each other as mortal enemies. notice the rhetoric of the left and right when addressing the opposing candidate: no policy discussion, purely character analysis.

conservatives constantly insult the work ethic of those on the left. liberals constantly insult the intelligence of lower and middle class conservatives.

Its like a self-fulfilling prophesy though. If the Dems brand themselves as the "smart guys" and the Reps brand themselves as the "normal guys" then people will segregate themselves as such. And so you get a situation where Republicans really *are* saying that evolution is a lie, global warming is a lie. And Dems really are in a position to just roll their eyes and be "knowing", as the author says.

You are free to bemoan that the days of intelligent debate on both sides are over, but this is the world we live in now. With a party seemingly dedicated to anti-intellectualism as part of its core message. What are we supposed to do, act like both science and made up nonsense are equally valid?

It's not even partisan though, the two actual parties are very similar in ideology. It's an imaginary distinction. People form identities around their pointless label and make everything overly personal.

I like the smug style in japanese anime girls.

there is more distinction than in previous years, albeit still not much.

democrats and republicans have steadily drifted away from each other ideologically. trump's policies are farther right than anything republicans in the past few decades have proposed, and clinton's farther left (although still pretty far right) than anything democrats in the past decades have proposed.

Interesting graph. When you compare the numbers, it really isn't symmetrical at all. The center died because the House moved far to the right.

The three farthest left columns:
95 (1979) -> 121 (2009) = Gain of 26 votes

The three farthest right:
30 (1979) -> 119 (2009) = gain of 89 votes

of course. reagan introduced a new ideology to republicans.


I always hated the Daily Show and it's epigones, this shit almost made a Nazi out of me when I was a teen before I got despooked.

They go for the easiest targets like some conservative nutjobs but never actually have an own opinion: Someone needs to write an article that it's also not fucking funny when you always make fun of the handicapped, there is no comic relief.

Plus, everything that's not smoothed out liberalism is allegedly utter shit but they don't have any sort of own ideology themselves. The constant Obama shilling is absolutely revolting as well.

Well libertarians are basically just radical liberals by the classical European definition. Of course they take the smugness to a whole new level

In the USA there seems to be a huge ideological inconsistency when it comes to comparing it to the foreign policy elements of their agenda. The Bush clan and then Clinton clan are almost indistinguishable in terms of interventionism. In the end, they are both the executive branch of global capital but have some smaller differences on domestic economy and culture.

Now this is a valid point. But that same arrogant, self-assuredness leeches into other (non-scientific) debates too. Brexit, and the response of the center and left media was basically 'dumb plebs know your fucking place'. A lot of the anti-sci on Holla Forums pisses me off, though the only sincere one is climate change skepticism. I think about half the skeptics are sincere, the other half trolling or trying to make Holla Forums look dumb, or hjave taken that position because politics is so polarised at the minute. This polarisation (d&c) is a brilliant hand played by both sides of the mainstream spectrum in most countries (though by far the most obvious in the US). People start following their 'side' like you would a football team, 'everything we do good and noble, all "they" do bad and wrong'. Both sides play this game and people on both sides are susceptible to it.

A game well played by the neo-liberal elite who've controlled both parties until yesterday. I'm not saying Trump is even a good man. But he is NOT an insider. And that's why they're terrified. IF he came to power and pulled the plug on TTIP, TPP and NAFTA this would be a massive deal and would roll back the frontiers of neo-liberalism.

hillary now opposes tpp

Good one.

Clinton has found a way to paint asia as the bad guys because she knows it is unpopular. She still wants this deal. Voting for her thinking she wouldn't would be short-sighted to the extreme.

I can't help but cringe at the thought of Clinton being far-left. But B████ ██████ did kind of force her hand. She would have never called for $12/hour if it wasn't for S█████ kicking her ass.

Hillary Clinton is just a politician who will do whatever she needs to do to get elected. She makes me sick.

Do you think that Hillary will go back on her campaign promises? I think that's entirely possible. If she goes back on her promises, it's not like B████ can cuck the incumbent president in 2020. Unless he runs against her in the general. lol.

im not saying she's far left, but she is far left of her husband.

I don't think she is more progressive than Bill. Its more so that if she didn't make some compromises, B████ would have won for sure. She worked for Barry Goldwater in 1964. lol.

she supports global trade, obviously, but she does oppose tpp and cafta. he trade policy is better than trump's, imo, if we're talking about raw economic growth. but long term, the failure of globalization as well as trump's protectionism in helping the working class could potentially turn some onto real socialism.

in fairness, she says she was in high school but that she changed her views completely once in college.

obviously, her yearly flip-flops as an experienced politician demonstrate a lack of principles, but i dont have a hard time believing a young person changed their views in light of new education and experience.

even pre-bernie she was left of bill because of the direction obama has taken the democratic party.

Did you read the reason she gave for her doubts? Not the outflow of jobs to markets the US cannot compete with, or the smashing down to lowest common denominator of regulation. But because she wanted to bully Asia into bending more to US will. I assure you if she wins she'll sign up to TPP straight away.

In case you were in any doubt,

CLINTON ADVISOR: “Look, it doesn’t matter what you or I think. The President wants the TPP, and the Party isn’t going to oppose him.”

REICH: “You mean Hillary won’t oppose him.”

CLINTON ADVISOR: “Hillary won’t, and Debbie [Wasserman Schultz] won’t, and neither will Nancy [Pelosi] or Harry [Reid] or Dick [Durbin] or Chuck [Schumer].

REICH: “But it’s terrible policy. And it’s awful politics. It gives Trump a battering ram. Obama won’t be president in six months. Why risk it?”

CLINTON ADVISOR: “They don’t see much of a risk. Most Americans don’t know or care about the TPP.”

REICH: “But they know big corporations are running economic policy. They think the whole system is corrupt. Believe me, Trump will use this against Hillary.”

CLINTON ADVISOR: “He can’t. She’s inoculated. She’s come out against the TPP.”

This is the attitude of Clinton reflected perfectly.

Anybody believing Clinton turned left in an ideological way is delusional.

She picked up some SocDem ideas from S█████ because it flattens her path to power. It's as simple as that. She doesn't give a single shit about any ideology. She's the real life version of Frank Underwood.

God, Rensin is good. Really unfortunate that he left Vox. Very few true lefties in Big Media. Why was this posted so long after it ran?

Exactly! Bill and Hillary Clinton remind me of Frank and Claire Underwood. lol. They have no principles. They just want power at all cost.

Very good article, I don't think condescension is a useful move right now. The right wing is cucked but to uncuck them we're going to have to give them something in exchange. Let them have their guns, just make sure they take a safety class.

The white American working class is what you call rednecks. They fucking hate you people with a passion, they're mostly conservative/libertarian and you will not gain an edge on them. So I would recommend that you keep firing up spics and niggers that is the only place you will find your revolution

How are white red necks libertarian?

I talked with actual libertarians. And they make fun of the "they took our jobs" Donald Trump/Brexit crowd.

Libertarians are tone-deaf and bourgeoisie as fuck. I talked with a libertarian who even employs cheap foreign labour abroad. They are the most despicable human beings on the planet.

I'm the only non-libertarian in my profession (more like a hobby at this point) and my colleagues are all libertarians. I have never seen more smug pieces of shit in my life. Some are legit petit-bourgeoisie. I recently revealed my power level because I was fed up with their bullshit. I told them straight up I respect Donald Trump reactionaries more than I respect tone-deaf libertarians like them.

I voted for the Anarcha-Fem. But I change my mind. Lolberts are the biggest fucking cancer on the planet. Society hasn't went full lolbert. But society already incorporates a lot of the sociopathic elements of libertarianism.

If I had to choose between voting for Hitler or voting for Gary Johnson, I would vote for Hitler. If I had to choose between being sexually dominated by Anarcha-Fem and voting for Gary Johnson, I would be Anarcha-Fem's toilet. I've spent way too much time talking to libertarians. I think I'm going insane. I'm just going to stop talking politics with lolberts at all. lol. I get so riled up talking to lolberts.

Whatever works.

"smug style" doesn't alienate the working class. Our shitshow, hardly funded, funded based upon property value education system, makes the working class easier to alienate.

These are the same people who think academics are smug, or outright conspiratorial, because the rigor doesn't provide the answers they want. You don't have this problem with educated people, because educated people usually know how to debate.

You cannot blame "smugness" on this, this is entirely the fault of our society. The total failure of them to nourish the capacity of successive generations.

except we need the support of the white working class to make the necessary changes to it in the first place, and talking down to them isn't going to make that work.

You will never ever in a million years convince them of Communism. What the fuck, are you serious? Why would you even want to convince them when they're so easily manipulated and resistant to any kind of rigor, any kind of skepticism.

So is your plan to stay in capitalism or to switch to communism against the will of the people?

It's simple. There is currently no way to transition into anything that could possibly resemble communism in the next hundred years, in our lifetimes.

The cards are set in such a way that the strategies laid out during the Cold War, and the effect it had, and the way Americans are intellectually built, and our education; that it is impossible to pull off on such a scale.

If scale exists it must start small.

There is no way you will ever convince everyone and anyone. You must provide results first to persuade the ignorant and the useful.

Which too is a problem. Small scale first is easy to get rid of. Large scale first is fantastical bullshit. There's too many problems involved.

State socialism on the road to Communism within America is impossible. Done. Never happening.

hey, I never said communism, I just said fixing the education system and other reforms that will put us on the right path. It's not hard to imagine that we can sell co-ops as a tool to prevent outsourcing, and socialized capital as a system to boost the economy and decrease tax-payer funded welfare. Not to mention that if the left focuses more on democratizing government, improving government services and infrastructure and start showing that in modern capitalism a strong state role is necessary to get a strong economy: see China and Vietnam. Our first priority shouldn't be an immediate transition to socialism or communism, but building credibility while remaining skeptical of capitalism.

Yeah and then the external world sanctions your commune and tries to coup it and spreads propaganda about it.

I have talked to many about socialism and how it could benefit them, and they certainly don't hate me. Why do you think they hate us?

I have without bringing up words that might trigger them, the only reason why you might not be able to is because you're a piece of shit.

Exactly, see

I doubt that's happening either. There's a reason they cut it in the first place, and it was never the budget.

You can't have the world we live in, with Democracy, if the public is educated. It might spell doom for porkey. Porkies are within the capitalist state in such a way that negotiation of this is impossible.

You'll never convince the entire American public of Communism. You simply won't. Those who are convinced don't last forever. Ideological belief for the average schmo is not permanent but in change. The fact you can convince someone so easily of whatever kind of Communism you're selling shouldn't be a sign of open mindedness, it should be a warning.


There's a big opportunity in american politics right now with the sheer amount of anti-establishment sentiments. If a strong independent or 3rd party left that bills itself not as morally superior but economically sensible gets enough power to make any lack of party unity among dems or reps into a situation where they'd be a power broker, then I can see several obvious ways to play the two parties off each other to get what we want.

I find it interesting I respond to someone supporting Communism who deletes their posts for spelling errors, grammar mistakes. Trying to argue we have to appease Holla Forums and their ilk and not fight them to win the working class.

When the last person I noticed who did that was someone arguing in favor of the beliefs of Holla Forums.

It's a small world.

Emmet Rensin was literally the only good writer for Vox.

His Twitter is worth following, btw.

But the space for public support exists for it, there is an opportunity for social democracy and market socialism if we organize hard enough and don't leave the left up to idpol and moralism.

It's the direct opposite. There is even less.

This is not a situation of opportunity. This is a situation of easy subversion.

As long as capital tied with state tied with capital exists, and makes a lot of money off Imperialism; it's simple. It's extremely simple. You will never win by trying to subvert the state; the state doesn't want you. Money doesn't want you. Nobody does.

You have to accomplish this in other ways then by gaming the state, it's a rigged game from the start.

No there isn't. The public doesn't matter. The government is in a way that "market socialism" is as much pipe dream as anarchy. Perhaps more so.

If you're clear about your goals you'll never win.

Amazingly naive. No matter how hard you organize it won't matter. Not leaving the left to "idpol and moralism" is simply irrelevant.

You're setting up collectivism for even a worse state of affairs.

Why are you even here again?

Things didn't work before so they will more so never work again in the future. Trying the same thing twice will get you nowhere. Capital is the master of strategy and manipulation since it has no principle to stay on.

You have to work in different strategy. I have different ideas.

Sander's 13 million voters says otherwise. And I don't even think he had the best possible message.

No game can be rigged perfectly. You know roulette? Just like every game in a casino it's designed using the laws of statistics to make the house a lot of money. Since it was thought to be completely random, nobody thought it could be beat. But in the 60's a couple mathematicians built a pocket computer that told them where to place their bets in order to win. They beat the game because given normal physics the ball's ending place can be predicted using its speed and starting location.

Just like Roulette, the us political system is a rigged game, but it's not unbeatable either. Their are flaws, that if your opponent thinks your acting in good faith, or even if just the public does, you can win.

I remember Bookchin asking why the vietnam war wasn't settled with nuclear bombs. The answer was that it would have been against public opinion, meaning that the US's democratic institutions held it back from its imperialist instinct. As in any political economy, you have to at least get a bare amount of public support in order for it to work.

The us political system has several glaring flaws in it. Most people don't like the two main parties, they just hate the other one more than the one they vote for. The coalitions the two parties have built are falling apart at the seams. There are many point of attack to choose from.

It still wasn't enough, and otherwise, there can be millions of people involved. What I say still stands.

It is unbeatable because it subverts your accomplishments or refuses to move to prevent them.

Wrong again. It wasn't settled that way because it'd never make enough money, doing it would cost them, and the world was in such a state that would trigger nuclear war.

The entire United States political system is the glaring flaw.

And none of them will suceed. Do you think politicians people know are behind this? It's private citizens whom they work with. People they don't know, they aren't educated about. The closest you have is David Koch and Murdoch.

Nobody knows or gives a fuck about John C. Malone. Nobody knows or gives a fuck about Frederick W. Smith. Nobody gives a fuck about Roger Hertog or John A Luke Jr.

They just, don't. They never will. They think it can work in their favor by a vote. That is why it fails.

I just saw a libertarian colleague make fun of people who shop at Wal-Mart. Just like they were making fun of "they took our jerbs" types (ie. brexit, Donald Trump)

I don't know where people are getting this idea that there is a alt-right/libertarian alliance (Holla Forums likes to push this idea). Because libertarians certainly are looking down on their alt-right allies.

That seems to be a liberal thing to do. But libertarians look down upon white trash too. They are totally bourgeoisie (please someone hit me with the Lenin meme).

As a pretty proley white dude (chronically unemployed, autism) who has to shop at Wal-Mart out of necessity, I can't stand these liberal and libertarian snobs.

When I tell libertarians I can't afford to shop at Whole Foods, I have to shop at Wal-Mart, they tell you that you can eat healthy (whole foods, no processed anything, no meat or dairy) on just $3/day and to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.

Fuck libertarians. I have never seen such a tone-deaf group of people. Sometimes I wonder if my autism really is that bad when I encounter libertarians.

sure she does