Dear #WeAreTheLeft, You Are Not The Left

https:[email protected]/* *//dear-wearetheleft-you-are-not-the-left-d01355f274d5#.r3iiq5a0m

From Dave Chappelle, nearly two decades ago in 1998:

Other urls found in this thread:

And there it is.


…so, what, their problem is that the liberal idpolers are white and rich?

This does indeed make them hypocrites, but I dunno why we should care!

What is this sorcery?!

God damn what the fuck happened to Dave Chappelle? Last I heard he converted to Islam.

So idpolers are attacking each other over who's more lefist? Spoiler alert: it's neither.

Don't be retarded please.


He's been a Muslim since the 90s. You're thinking of when he suddenly walked out on his show and went to Africa.

Don’t forget—a lot of Holla Forums are tendie-loving sperglord NEETs who get triggered just as easily as Holla Forums regarding any mention of huh-wite males.

Define white.

european or american with european ancestry

Yeah, Chappelle's legitimate fears that the Chappelle Show was becoming a modern day minstrel show blossomed into full spookdom.

I think the first meme arrow was the quote and the rest was expounding on it


Because it's strongly suggestive of a racially reactionary political line - is the author okay with rich people so long as they're black women? (I don't think so, but then what value does the phrase "white male" add?)

It's basically the same reason we don't respect people who complain about bankers and finance capital while enclosing those phrases in triple parentheses.

The article's writer has his head on straight but I wish he'd break with idpol entirely on an ideological level. Still, recognizing how it's acting in effect as a tool of Capital is a good start.

Black and Palestinian here. I don't support any of that shit. Fuck off with that idpol crap.

Best part of the article imo

lmao my dude, this is precisely what I mean.

Is it not quite literally 100% accurate to say that the principal beneficiaries of capital have been and are white men? And does acknowledging that fact have anything at all to do with trying to diversify the ruling class?

Your auto-trigger that lumps all mentions of race/gender into liberal idpol is “strongly suggestive” of its own reactionary lines, fam.

Considering the post claiming that leftypol protest this stuff because we're all white males it was completely appropriate to bring up my identity.

No it isn't accurate. The principal benefactors of capitalism are capitalists that own the means of production. The majority of whites and males have as little say and control of this system is the rest of us do. You're focusing on superficial characteristics of the wealthy elite has a lot more in common with a reactionary Holla Forumstier Zionist conspiracy theory then his post did.


it's bad politics. you will never win over white blue collar workers as long as you vilify them for their "privilege."

why do you think trump is winning with them?

My post/s had no insinuation one way or the other of anyone being white—it was: Holla Forums are NEETs who get triggered at mentioning huhwite men. Reading comprehension, comrade; try it out before sperging out next time.

lmao at Holla Forums getting this triggered at my alleged """""""""focusing on superficial characteristics""""""""""" on the basis that I simply mentioned it—and nowhere once advanced a single argument beyond the mere mentioning of it, or even said the word muh privilege.

Reminder: The argument was whether it is legitimate to say the words "white men," and you sperglords once more proved my point that Holla Forums starts REEEing at the sight of the two words.

SJW's are liberal, upper class, educated, first world white people who go out of their way to get offended for colored people to relive their own self hatred and white guilt.

Political correctness does not solve problems, it just makes white people feel better.

Why mention that they're white males in the first place unless you're implying that there something inherently muh privileged about the position. It's like constantly pointing out that the majority of bankers are Jewish. What exactly are you implyimg by that?

Dude trigger lmao.

The Unabomber was so based fam. Why did they have to catch him?

ok, you can say "white men," but telling white male proles that they need to check their muh privilege is counterproductive and hardly socialist.

Marx called it the commoddification of culture, giant corporations fuse social activism with consuming.
So now every time a libtard buys a beyonce album they feel like they are fighting racism instead of funding beyonces record label.

Identity politics itself is tribalism, is liberal tribalism, we are all broken into our own groups, even white people, except white people are the evil tribe.
This is what given rise to the far right across the west.
The economy being shit doesn't help.

Lower class white men should not be divided from the proletariat, that is what is counter productive, they should be shown that they are oppressed as well, and brought under the lefty rainbow umbrella, it is not white who is evil it is rich, and the rich are the one who promote idpol and racial conflict to divide and conquer

Whether you like it or not, the material conditions of post-imperial global capital have developed according to, or supplemented with, a very distinct racialist (to an extent also sexual, but that’s a different story) component. It takes a Holla Forums-tier level of denialism or ignorance to ignore that. (And saying this has nothing to do with the liberal idpol position of trying to diversify or liberalize the oligarchy.)

It would be like going to occupied Palestine today and saying, “Nope, the conditions here are purely economic, it has nothing at all whatsoever, historically or currently, to do with Jews v. Arabs etc. In fact, even mentioning their identities is reactionary idpol.”

I know that bringing up this point triggers Holla Forums’s precious snowflake feels, but when you’re all ready to join the grown-ups in real-life leftist organization, no one will put up with your bullshit.

I never did that, comrade, and your inference that I did only proves the point I made.

This fucking shit.
We need to make some sort of Letter towards this tbh, like seriously this bullshit is making me want to kill myself.

This fucking shit.
We need to make some sort of Letter towards this tbh, like seriously this bullshit is making me want to kill myself.

Fuck double post sorry comr8s, didn't realise it posted because my browser crashed.

the article promotes idpol and white muh privilege theory, and you defended it. i thus naturally assumed you agreed.


Putting the Holla Forums in Holla Forums m8

If a pencil falls out of your hair, you're white.

Finally some material, objective analysis

truly the master race

Yeah but he wrote a lot about how one should not side with Marxists or Leftists.


As a Nordic i feel deeply offended by people refering to me as "white".
There is no "white race" and i wont accept being thrown together with the Eastern, Dinaric and others.
My people have a very own appearance and characteristics and proud history.

Fucking americans need to get over the fact that they have no idea about racism and that their "white nationalists" are just a bunch of undefined mongrels.