Maybe it will be something this time.
CTR is already working on damage control.
Here's one of the kikes, right now.
sounds like you didnt see the end of the last video, PV was setting up one of their reporters to meet shillary herself
Don't directly link to Filterman Jonestein 4 times in a row.
but will they release the meeting with her tomorrow or save it for next week?
I cant wait to see the video of her saying "we need to stop the niggers from voting for trump"
Kill yourself
it boils my blood to see this stuff withheld until the last 10 days of the election because these fuckers are media whores.
if it was seriously something bad enough to get the hillbully removed from the candidacy, he'd be dead already, so it follows that it's not as bad for cunton as he thinks it is. instead he waits until early voting starts and people have pretty much decided who they're going to support. the closer we get to election day, the easier it will be for the MSM to ignore his videos or fill all of their coverage time on this to setting up pretend arguments between talking heads about the veracity of his editing or some bullshit distraction.
you're and idiot that just wants shit right at the instant
Do you even strategy? The closer to the election the greater the impact. You just don't want it TOO close. Now to about nov 1-2 is primetime. If they had released it too early the impact might've worn off.
I am honestly impressed with the dedication of you kikes to get the first reply. If only your were as good at shilling as you were at first posting.
If you release shit too early then it just gets memoryholed. Politicians have known this for yonks. Did you real in the emails about scheduled media releases so the press can run with it, e.g. dont do friday, avoid afternoon news etc
(((Roth))) was actually an entirely fabricated fake British Jew that Project Veritas used to give them donations from a bank in Belize so they could get insider access and infiltrate further.
That glorious Mick bastard actually pretended to be a Jew to Jew Clinton.
What i'm worried about is that apparently Clinton has 9 hours of secretly recorded Trump audio.
We might get a November Surprise too.
Fuck yes, my body is ready.
he crypto'ed the jew, that magnificent bastard
the media has blown their load too hard recently, and everyone but the most diehard shillary supporters are sick of them. so we'll see what affect it has
Is that what I think it is? Smoking gun that the DNC and Hillary have the (((media))) in their backpocket?
praise kek
It's past noon where is the video
It's past noon where is the video
Expecting punctuality from a potato peeler? Now that's a mistake
t-thats not nice. t-take it back! potatos are people too! plzthxkbiii
t-thats not nice. t-take it back! potatos are people too! plzthxkbiii
If this isn't at least a 3 minute supercut of Hllary shouting NIGGER then it'll just get buried by the media rush as all kinda of bullshit will be happening soon.
Still, anything will be better than that stupid Donald Duck video, that one just seemed so lame.
Campaign finance laws are a thing though.
Shut up kike
Hillary could actually be on Video, shoot someone and they would still not send someone to putt her in cuffs. This is how rigged the system is. She has to be the next president, king nigger is protecting her. If she wins the election he will pardon her for everything she had done, cant do that while she is still running.
I want them to release the blackmail video the kikes have of her in the early 1980s where she’s fucking an underage boy.
Kill yourself you worthless chode
What is it like to have a double digit IQ?
>convinces himself that o'keefe has hillary on tape saying nigger
>gets mad when anything else is released.
You are either a shill, or have fallen for a shill mind trap. Either way, you should probably kill yourself.
The Irish are the white's jews.
She doesn't fuck males, not literally at least.
Can confirm.
mfw part Irish, potato nigger
mfw part Italian, actual nigger
mfw part German and I get golden locks and bright blue eyes anyways
nice try
Sauce of email?
Irish/Italian/German is a good combo, particularly if you're predominately German like me (only 1/8th Irish).
That must make it super awkward then.
By that I mean the fact that the Irish have the most pure haplogroup I dna on the planet.
The rest of Europe interbred with Asians, that's why Europe looks more asian the further out east you go, so have fun being a happa.
Yeah, but what about people who voted already?
I voted on the 24th. If somebody's undecided, I suppose they'd probably wait until the last couple of days though.
Where is chief keefe? Waiting until monday again?
Heres the video guys
It does prove that the media doesn't care about pursuing the truth, they just seek to destroy people's careers.
More like it proves that the alphabet mainstream medias care more about their PC image so they ban and distance themselves from Roger.
Media Matters will be purged for their defamation of Comrade Roger Stone.
Senator David Duke will trust bust the corporate media insha'Allah.
So this is just a teaser for video 5?
watching now bumb
did you use constant bitrate for that?
i mean yes, the more comes out about them the better, but whoever still doesn't understand that hillary and the dems are fucking rotten to the core is pretty much irredeemable
we need something simpler and of more effect, and we need it FAST, does he realize that there are people who already fucking voted?
He said that from the assumption that the video will be enough to get her out of the race completely, not just lose votes.
He's an idiot, don't make excuses for him.
I rushed it actually, I used mediacoder to encode it with nvenc with output size set to 11mb(this uses constant bit rate btw). I could've went for better quality by encoding VP9 and sacrificing audio a bit. But that uses cpu which isn't nearly as fast as gpu.
Why not ffmpeg?
You're talking about different things user.
Be grumpy, I don't care.
I can barely keep up, how are normalfags handling it? Some of the undecided have to see that the flood is bad and that they cannot vote for such a criminal.
which is why we need something undeniably compromising coming out from the mouth of hillary asap
ffmpeg is pretty nice and quick but does not (as far as i know) provide an option to set the output size of an encoding. I'd rather not waste time encoding a bunch of videos to get as close to 12mb as possible. inb4 bit rate calculations, too lazy to open a calculator.
Lazy ass nigger, it takes me like 10 seconds to do rate calcs.
For example for this vid:
64 * 274 = 17536
12 * 8192 - (17536) = 80768
80768 / 274 = ~294 kbps space for video maximum with 64kbps audio.
Or another way I like to do:
12 * 8192 / 274 = 358 (total bit per second)
358 - 64 = 294 video kbps
358 - 32 = 326 video kbps
Click.Drag."11".Click. Done. Decent enough to upload to autists who don't use youtube quickly. I'm not saying you're wrong, your way would've been better overall. I'm just too lazy.
Then why not use 12 mb?
MediaCoder goes slightly over the limit I set (like .04MB). It's more failsafe to use 11mb as the target.
Robbie Mook just deleted all his tweets
Does it only take integer values?
Unfortunately. It bugs me too.
You're still a lazy nigger
ikr? thanks tbh fam smh
alright, so when does the next one come out?
Another good video, but not good enough to make the waves we need to sink Clinton's campaign. He said he has videos for next week and they better be complete nukes or else nothing will come out of this.
Another good video, but not good enough to make the waves we need to sink Clinton's campaign. He said he has videos for next week and they better be complete nukes or else nothing will come out of this.
Not sure, best bet is probably monday/tuesday around noonish
this time he's better getting out the nukes
time's getting short
best for last my friend
Americans are a distracted society. 3 days after you inform them of something they have already forgotten it. Releasing the worst just before election week is best or on the weekend before.
The FBI reopened the investigation on Hillary, that's a nuke by itself.
suuure, give them time to get another candidate, moran
suuure, give them time to get another candidate, moran
can they arrest them before nov. 8th?
if not, i'm afraid normies are still not going to give a fuck
No, big doubt they would arrest her before the election. However, there seems to be rumors that the FBI will have to recommend an indictment in order to prevent her 33,000 emails (with classified information) from getting released to the general public.
Isn't the limit 12mb now?
I'd assume that's the 12 in that user's calculations, so it'd be "8 * 8192 / 274" with the old limit.
Ah yeah, those GPU-based encoders are great.
What a mook.
sum it up faggots whats in the video?
Just watch it you fucking retarded aspie ADHD piece of fucking filthy trash
absolutely nothing. it is 4 minutes of vertias and roger stone bitching that media matters got stone kicked off major news networks
Hat needs moar MAGA tbh.
Wasnt it supposed to be today? Am i confused? Where is it
Why are you so shameless about having a luke-warm IQ?
Most people vote on the day. Clinton's lead has completely collapsed in light of this email shit and some people are even asking if they can change their vote. The closer to election day these videos come out, the better. They do the most damage that way.
People always ask to change their votes.
What's significant is it's a larger number than for Osama-Romney, and still climbing, as long as google searches reflects that.
Had O'Keefe blown his load a few weeks ago, they may have been able to try and pull a Kaine-Bernie ticket or something, which might actually have a chance. It's too late now.
About fucking time. Does Okeefe realize early voting is taking place? Then again, it probably doesnt matter at this point.
CTR, fuck off
still waiting cuck