/dcrg/ Storytime Thread #19 Superman Reborn Edition

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Get Hyped

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Superman #18






Rip in peace Jonno ;_;7 you will be missed

Cyborg #10







Batman #18







Green Lanterns #18







Nightwing #16







Justice League #16







Avout time


Thanks OP

Well fuck.

tfw no one cares anymore

Maybe, if you didn't spam the dubs bullshit in almost every thread and just saved it for the bigger gets maybe people would've cared faggot.

No I am talking about no one cares enough to notice…

Green Arrow #18






Aquaman #18







Harley Quinn #15







Death of Hawkman #6








Midnighter and Apollo #6






Super Powers #5







will post the rest in a couple of hours

Ok boys here what is up, family emergency I will be away for what might be 2 weeks or a month I am not quite sure so I wont be able to story time for a while, hopefully someone steps up here.

The Rise and Fall of Captain Atom #3


oops wrong issue






Shade, The Changing Girl #6








and thats all for this week :)

That is a goddamn parental murder face if I've ever seen one. Holy shit.

Who ever that Clark Kent is he is in for a world of hurt

Damian has really grown on me. His dickish-ness is amusing.

From what I saw of him before I used to hate him but now I actually really love him



God this art is terrible.

Superboy-Prime about to get his ass handed to him.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed that.

I heard that some new tranny character is going to be Scarecrow in the Batman comics, is this true? Haven't been following Batman or Detective Comics in Rebirth because they seem pretty bad tbh.


Wait..Power Girl? I thought she's back on Earth-Edge..err 2.

It's like Dick's old (and terrible) looks are coming to haunt him. All it's missing is the disco collar

Isn't this a little too harsh? I mean, she was a bully, but the other Shade took the body of a unrepentant serial killer that tried to kill again as soon as he got some control of his body back. And even then they tried to be more accepting of him.

What? How? Why?

Thanks for the read OP

None of the stuff happening in the Harley Quinn book is canon. Or, to be more accurate, it's a bunch of wild lies that she's making up about her own backstory because she's crazy like that.

So it's basically DC's equivalent to Marvel's Patsy Walker aka Hellcat title, except that Harley Quinn has better art and is at least doing well enough to avoid cancellation.

A world where Superman isn't wearing red underwear over his tights is a world I want no part of.

Holy fuck he actually is Superboy-Prime.

I can't believe I never saw that coming.

We've been talking about it for weeks now.

I wouldn't say its clear or obvious yet, but Superboy Prime is the ONLY other being in the multiverse that has such hatred, and looks like Superman.
Fucking with Jon will probably be his death though. Clark and Lois don't fuck around when their kid is the topic.

Oh that explains why that stuff is going on yet Harley is with the suicide squad at the same time.

The disco collar looked good on Vibe.

Thanks for the story time

I am going to reiterate this I am not going to be able to story time at least for 2 weeks I have been shanghaied

I can pick up the slack for you for the next 2 weeks, based user. Where do the issues usually get uploaded?

Ever since kat got shoah'd nem uploads to worldwidetorrents.eu/, thank you friendo

LIES….It's actually Myx

Yeah, he's pretty much fucked. He's going be pretty lucky Clark doesn't give him a taste of his own medicine.

I just read it. It's not Superboy Prime, and NO ONE who has speculated on this was right.


It;s MYX!

Substitute user reporting in. This week's Rebirth issues are…

Action Comics #975
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8
Deathstroke #14
Detective Comics #952
The Flash #18
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #16
Justice League of America #2
New Super Man #9
Red Hood and the Outlaws #8
Suicide Squad #13
Supergirl #7
Superwoman #8
Titans #9
Wonder Woman #18

I'll start posting as soon as I find them.

Action Comics #975











Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8







Detective Comics 952







Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #16







Justice League of America #2







New Super Man #9







The Flash #18







Wonder Woman #18







Red Hood and the Outlaws #8






Deathstroke #14







Suicide Squad, Supergirl, Superwoman and Titans aren't up yet, so I'll be back a bit later and put them up.

Hey I want to thank you for doing this, waiting to pick up action comics in print and read it before I post lol.

Has the Bane story any continuation?

Btw, thanks for the uploads OP!

Thanks for posting anons, there were a few good ones this time. Nice to to see the guy I will never learn to type his name because I am too lazy.

Titans #9







Superwoman #8







Suicide Squad and Supergirl still MIA. I'll come back tomorrow and upload if they ever show up.

Suicide Squad #13







Supergirl #7







That's all for this week. I'll post next week as well before leaving the job to the superior Rebirth user.

Thanks OP




Thanks OP

So the entire story arc revolves around Superman, Lois, and Jon. Interesting.

This hasn't happened before?

It has but this one seems to be really focused on it instead of being sidelined

Also I just read the new issue of action comics in print and holy fuck that issue. I dont know if this counts of calling but I said mr mxylasoasdoas would show up in supersons but this is close enough, also really liked how this issue was done the twist got better after the second story. Overall pretty hyped that DC is making Mr. M the main villian of their big superman event, also I like how they are doing events right now with bi weekly books. its nice to see that we get another chapter every week. Cant wait to see the Lazarus Contract do this too.

Yeah, I'm wondering if they'll take a page from "Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow" with Mxy now being malevolent.

Tbh he is probably doing this because he is hurt and is going to make up with supes at the end

Nice storytime

Rebirth might be a rather hit-and-miss event for most other characters, but damn has it been great for Superman so far.

…Huh. I can't help but feel like Orlando is drawing from modern politics for this opening story arc of JLA, but he's being a hell of a lot more subtle about it than most other authors in the big two who are trying to do the same thing.

So… does this mean that New Chinese Super-Man's powers come from Chinese Hell, or was Lex just getting those readings because the soul of someone powered by the same energy as him was trapped in there?

Drunk Jason Todd is best Jason Todd.

This should be interesting.

…Man, it's a real pity that this book turns completely to shit whenever it focuses on Supergirl's civilian life. Any time the focus of the story has been on her being a superhero, it's been pretty damn good.

That was good fam. Thanks.

I generally love Supergirl as a character, and I don't quite understand why she has to have any focus on her civilian life. Granted, I liked the pre-Flashpoint run which I know a lot of other people don't, but in it her civilian life was secondary, if not tertiary, with most of the focus placed on her identifying so much more with her Kryptonian heritage and history than even Superman does.

I just don't get why they have to force her into a regular teenage girl role when she's anything but. To me, Supergirl is very much about how she remembers Krypton in a way that Superman does not, and has a hard time adapting to Earth, and questions whether she even wants to, all the while performing heroics because it's the right thing to do.

I just hate her current incarnation

Nice user

Substitute user reporting in. It's not time for the comic uploads for 2 more days, but I figured I'd list the comics you can expect to see this week, at least.

All-Star Batman #8
Aquaman #19
Batman #19
Batwoman #1
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #6
Green Arrow #19
Green Lanterns #19
Harley Quinn #16
Justice League #17
Nightwing #17
Super Sons #2
Superman #19
Trinity #7

Fuckin' A!

Thanks in advance substitute user.

Don't forget the final issue of He-Man/Thundercats and Wild Storm #2. And thanks again for filling in for Rebirth user.

Thanks, I'll make sure to include them. And you're welcome.

I was starting to warm up to Batwoman due to the Detective Comics arcs she was in, because it seemed that her character was going to have more depth than just "LOL I'M A DYKE," but now that Maugerite Bennet is writing her, I expect her to be a lesbian Mary Sue again.

No force in heaven or earth is going to stop them.

All-Star Batman #8









Batman #19







Batwoman #1







Justice League #17






Nightwing #17







Superman #19






Trinity #7







Green Lanterns #19







Scans aren't out yet for Aquaman, Cave Carson, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, He-Man/Thundercats, Super Sons or Wild Storm, so I'll be back a bit later to look for them.

Thanks guys!

no super sons yet :(

Also good man substitute.

Hey guys, the rest of the scans are up now, I'll start uploading them now.

Aquaman #19







Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #6








Green Arrow #19






Harley Quinn #16







He-Man/Thundercats #6







The Wild Storm #2







And the long-awaited…

Super Sons #2







My job as substitute user is complete. I leave the rest of you, based Rebirth user.

Oh..shit, Supes got his red eyes glowing…and Jon is again being the nicest ball of sunshine he can be. Did I mention how I fucking love the art on this?

What's everyone's impression's of this week's releases? Kind of a mixed week I feel.

So from reading this week's Superman, it seems that we have Supes Blue and Red, and Lois Blue and Red. Will the next issue tie up a bunch of threads left over from Convergence?

I bet that it's not actually the real Superman and Batman, and that Kid Amazo's powers are continuing to evolve.

Also, Jon being so friendly to the little sister reminds me a bit of the original Super-Sons stories, where Bruce Jr was the one who would try to pick up chicks, but Clark Jr was always the one they wound up falling for. I wonder if that will wind up being a thing with Jon and Damian, too?

That's how it usually is, in my experience. Rebirth is a bit of a mixed bag in general, with some characters coming out of it better than others.

The finale seems like it's going to be a team-up between New52 and OG Supes, followed by a merger, and then we're getting a few tie-ins to this crossover as part of a little mini-event called Superman Reborn: Aftermath. They certainly will have plenty of room to deal with leftover plot threads from Convergence, if that's what they want to do.

I fucking knew that DC is going to rehash the old Superman Red/Blue thing…

From the last page, I get the feeling that they've already merged.

Jon is raised by Clark. Of course he is gonna be nice as hell. He might even develop his powers faster than Clark did, due to being born on Earth and having him there to help him along.

The preview for next week's finale would seem to agree.

Thanks user for taking the helm for two weeks really appreciate it.

Superman still continues to be the best and supersons is great, love the art and Jon is the best.

Jonno is truly the best and the art is the good and the best of the Spaniards that they are getting to draw for them by far.

No thats new 52 superman his costume is different and Post-Crisis superman was blown away with his Lois.

I have the feeling this next issue is going to fuck with my head.