"[Homestuck is] massive undertaking of deftly-handled long-term serialized storytelling...

"[Homestuck is] massive undertaking of deftly-handled long-term serialized storytelling. It's well-written and thoughtful. It has things to say."

So, what does it have to say, exactly?

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Shipping and oc bait gets you dosh

Whatever happened to that kikestarter game, did that go anywhere?

He witched developers and had to get more funding because he was stupid enough to not have any oversight on the devs he first approached, The Odd Gentleman, they proceeded to steal some of the kickstarter money to develop King's Quest reboot with tumblr noses and writing, he then went to Pumpkin Studios, the new game is called "Hiveswap" little updates for a year now youtube.com/channel/UCXPhRTZpd1-807Q_lkESpOQ/videos Oh, and he begged his more famous "friend" Toby Fox to write the music for his game, ala Tumblrtale style.


Reminder that Hussie is a piece of shit pushover.

So it pretty much went the Yogcast Yogventures route. I wished I saved it but I saw on their official site that they were begging so they could pay this one guy who was working in some dreamworks division to help out by asking some, I think, $45,000 a year. They didn't even supervise how the game was progressing and still paid the guy. In the end, it still ruined the life of the guy that was stealing, working on the game.

Pretty much, daily reminder when you're funding a creator's ego fantasy product, make sure you know they can deliver.

homestuck was, by virtue, an experiment. you could tell right from the onset that it was an experiment that eventually grew a life of its own and became something the creator felt he could no longer keep real control of. those who REALLY paid attention to it KNEW it was a god damn experiment because hussie originally planned for homestuck to be made entirely in flash, which he quickly shitcanned due to realising he knew approximately fuck-all about flash and couldn't be fucked to learn quickly enough to sate his desire to dig the rabbit hole he had created a little bit deeper right the fuck now.
it was questionable whether andrew hussie, a snarky brash asshole known on the early-2000's penny arcade forums for having a drawing hand as quick as his wit, really knew the real end-situation of the old forum-based "next post says what I do" collaborative adventure. the man's ability to weave a monstrous clusterfuck of a story and make it work far longer than it should by pilfering or making up dumb RPG concepts to explain away inconsistencies or purposefully add new ones in an attempt to bewilder the reader with a system seemingly too complicated or obtuse to comprehend is undeniable, however. with him being a damn decent artist with a unique style, along with the knowledge he had collected something of a hipstery backwoods internet cult-following by the time he had finished problem sleuth, he decided on a "grand project", something that not even HE knew where the fuck it was really going to go.
he had an idea, a good framework of events and things to do but he clearly wanted to leave the real meat and potatoes of homestuck to "future andrew".
"future andrew can come up with how the fuck to make those coding language jokes work."
"future andrew can think of new fun ways to make captchalogue relevant and useful past the gags i used up in the first act."
"future andrew can figure out what the fuck the other 9 trolls are meant to be or why they are relevant."
"future andrew will sort it out."

too bad future andrew was a fucking flake.

we can't lump it all on that fucker future andrew, though. the issue was that past andrew was writing cheques that future andrew couldn't cash, writing half-baked bullshit stories and expecting that simp future andrew to carry his sorry ass over the finish line. this is because in the end they were the same fucking person and andrew hussie wrote himself into more corners than an ant with a pen shoved up its ass running around on a mobius strip that's stuck in a hypercube.

by the time the stupid fucking kickstarter happened (which hussie only joked of initially but caused him to get swamped with so many retards throwing their wallets at him he couldn't see the writing on the wall) hussie should have learned to stop leaving important shit to that useless fucker called "future andrew". too bad past andrew was too lazy to sort something out.
when future andrew realised he was in over his head, he decided to entrust the old gentleman with the entirety of the game budget with no oversight or legal accountability! but what else was he meant to do, past andrew left it all to him at the last minute!

the saddest thing was that homestuck was fun as shit. you could see where it was good and where things could have gone so fucking right. but they didn't. even fucking hivebent was fun and interesting at first but you just see that it almost immediately just starts spiralling into fucking nowhere because hussie just couldn't fucking help himself.
homestuck should be a stark reminder to plan and set out your fucking stories before you write them, and to NOT GET FUCKING DISTRACTED BY YOUR OWN BULLSHIT.

tl;dr why are you in a homestuck thread if you arent prepared to read walls of autistic text

Nobody should ever hand goons money under any circumstances. Not to mention that the whole project stunk of mismanagement and fraud.

Never trust a Goon.

They trusted some goons, so they got fucked, there's a lesson to learn for every encounter with a goon.

Wasn't that the fucking case though? I mean the fucking guy stopped taking suggestions pretty early on in this clusterfuck and then took extended hiatuses repeatedly in order to do just that.

While an accurate statement, I do feel like leaving room for spontaneity in your story is well and good. Planning cannot be underestimated, no doubt, but if you stick to a one hundred percent rigid plan you might miss out on some good shit.

fucking kek

hussie wasn't taking suggestions by that point because he thought he knew what the fuck he was doing. he kind of knew what the fuck he was doing, but you can tell the structure of homestuck was a big jumbled sack of ideas (mostly his own) with the beginning stuff generally around the top and the end stuff generally around the bottom.
hussie thought he could put the pieces together and make it all work while writing, drawing and updating at a breakneck speed and didn't realise he had strayed off his intended path so far that he was now dedicating something like 26 pages describing the intricacies of the troll relationship dynamics matrix as a "fuck you" to the fans who demanded their shipping fantasies between twelve cookie-cut out special snowflake characters be sated.
I'm sure he took a step back around then and tried to think of where he was actually meant to be at this point, and it sure as fuck wasn't where he was at the time. I think he even said something to that tune during that retarded recap interjection where he drew himself stuck in an attic with a wolf head and a bunch of dildoes.
you could tell that the hiatuses weren't hussie taking a break from updating constantly. most of the pre-hiatus flashes could have been made in a day or two and primarily consisted of other people's work, especially near the end. the hiatuses were hussie taking a break from homestuck entirely. dude was fucking fried by the end.

I often reread the first few acts, before the trolls are introduced. The kids exploring the mechanics of the game is so much fun.

According to Whatpumpkin's thread on Kiwifarms he took the money and ran and now it's going to his new best friend Zoe Quinn's new game.

this better not be serious or I'm going to shoot myself.

I'm a huge UnderTale fan, but I've never understood the appeal of Homestuck. I made this thread literally to figure out what Brian O'Malley meant. Brian O'Malley knows themes. Brian O'Malley knows story. And he's just Homestuck to have themes and a story, so, uhhh.. what was the appeal?

This was a good read. I get now that Hussie didn't have anything to say at the beginning. If O'Malley is right, though, he had something to say eventuaalllyyy.


No, no, it went to King's Quest.

I don't know if she does has the kickstarter money but Hussie has been in Quinn's circle since last year. Apparently he's helping her make that real life VN she's making.

According to his website the game is supposedly complete, but it just needs extra time for "bugfixing". He's more than likely blowing smoke up everyone's ass, but only time will tell for sure.

It's O'Malley just bullcrapping. If there were "things to say" then he would just say them.

Ironically I think the game ended up in a better place with the choice to go 2D. It's still a fucking utter shame that hussie and his "team" screwed up so much it took years to figure that out.

That if you don't do enough planning before starting a story, you risk creating a plot that consists of convoluted story leads and ultimately leads to a confusing mess of disappointment and disenchantment.



So does anyone know if The Odd Gentlemen were at fault?

Loved the Misadventures of PB Winterbottom, and I heard Kings Quest was decent. I find it hard to believe that they would ditch something like Homestuck unless Hussie was a cunt, which it sounds like he is.

it;s weird to think toby is more famous now, too bad all of hussies games suck and the one he;s making now is a guaranteed failure

This was really well written and I'd like to subscribe to your blog.
