Basketball negro Dennis Schröder and his white gf
That's all really. I looked at it and I was just thinking "bestiality".
Basketball negro Dennis Schröder and his white gf
That's all really. I looked at it and I was just thinking "bestiality".
It's disgusting in principal but
She's trash. And he is ugly.
Probably end up beaten or dead soon anyways.
Did this "thought" of yours really warrant the attention of the entire board?
Who the fuck cares??
At first I was thinking he is partially bald but he colored a crown into his hair lol.
He can have her.
when will you learn Holla Forums
It's like real life
He looks borderline mentally retarded.
Some head jew must've thought: Really ugly negro with above average white girl next door white gf: Let's make him a basketball millionaire.
Dubs confirm, He is mentally retarded
Then so is she
What are you, British or something?
Europoor. Are you living in Beverly Hills that this girl is average or below? She's probably a jewess but still.
Actually a guesstimated 80% of irish girls look like that.
Me second from the left
You must have low standards. She white trash. The kind of girl that you'd pay 5 bucks to blow your cock in a walmart parking lot.
Looking past the degenerative tattoos. She has a hideous bumpy and crooked nose that is the instant and constant attention grabber. She has beady mexican eyes and floppy deformed ears.
You must have low standards. She white trash. The kind of girl that you'd pay 5 bucks to blow your cock in a walmart parking lot.
Looking past the degenerative tattoos. She has a hideous bumpy and crooked nose that is the instant and constant attention grabber. She has beady mexican eyes and floppy deformed ears.
wan sum fuk?
looks part spic to me
Basic bitch/10
No, no, OP. How could you post this and not make it triple rage?
He's, 'Austrian'
White wife.
Just signed 4 years, 70m contract.
Sorry I only fuck basketball players
They try to pass off this nigger as being just as "German" as Dirk Nowitzki. Now, with a name like that, Dirk is probably Polish at best and Jewish at worst, but this guy isn't even European at all.
Holy, I didn't even realized that until I saw the last name. How is that even possible though? He can't have an actual German father? He's too black. Unless he is adopted or something.
Don't really care, since she's hideous and a trashy tattoo whore.
He's a nigger. They are pretty much retarded.