Is vs code worth using

Work requires I use golang. I dont mind but had a question about the recommended ide, vs code..

Is it still botnet? Seems like a great lightweight ide that still implements telemetry.. M$oft claims that the connection to their telemetry server after you've turned off the setting simply is to verify you have it turned off... If that was the case wouldnt it be programmed as an event to ping the server once it was turned back on?

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Look at the source code. It is FOSS, after all.


Install Neovim
Follow the instructions to set it up
Recommended plugins:
- NERDTree
- YouCompleteMe
- Syntastic
- vim-airline
YouCompleteMe's instructions include setting it up for Go.
Learn neovim: Open Neovim, and type ":Tutor" (no quotes)

If you care about telemetry your best bet is to not use any Microsoft products. I would expect the type of person to care about telemetry would also be the type of person to train and become a god at vim.

I use VS Code and love it, but only because I don't care about telemetry.

I'm at work and will probably have a look this weekend

I'll take a look

True, I'm just pissed it still exists, my work does medical related things and they dont even realize that I shouldn't have a pro edition of win10 because I need enterprise to actually turn off telemetry.. Their liability I guess

Use emacs or vim. I don't know why would people want to use editors like vs code, sublime or atom.
That's the kind of person I would imagine uses those editors.

It was just recommended at work, I use a dark scheme for my eyes, but I have no loyalty. I havent touched vim or emacs, was always daunted by the huge scale of ambiguity, and most workplaces have had me use visual studio or eclipse

You don't really need to learn everything to start using those editors, saving/opening files and moving around is enough to get started (15 minutes to learn emacs tutorial or vimtutor). If you prefer editors for mortals look at kate, gedit or geany those are nice as well (lightweight, no telemetry). The reason why I don't like those "new" editors is the community behind them. Yes autistic reason, but if you search for something related to those editors or community of its users you will get a load of:

use this instead, free actual lightweight open sores editor that requires no learning curve and can be customized as you want

don't shit on dark color schemes faggot
t. badeyes

This plugin enhances TA quite a bit imo.

At work now, I'll get a good laugh out of those when I get home. I loved geany though a few years back.

I'll check that out after another look at shougo vim mentioned above.

Thanks fullchan!!

If you work in dark environment then dark schemes make sense, but if you're in well lit place there is no benefit using dark color scheme. I see many people using dark color schemes in broad daylight, cranking backlight on their laptops to the max instead of using lighter color scheme to improve contrast between text and background. It's all about readability, using dark colors just for looks is stupid.

get the fuck out normalfaggot.


you said it was lightweight.
it isnt.
therefore you are retarded.

Neovim user here. Learning Vim is like learning a new language, you use keyboard keys to communicate with your text editor. Here is a good writeup on the topic:

First thing you want to learn is the basics, the tutor will get you up an running in less than an hour. From there on it's all about "sharpening your saw" (i.e. customize the editor to your liking) and learning more about its features. Don't try to just copy-paste someone else's config, instead use Neovim vanilla and when you catch yourself thinking "there should be a better way" look for a solution. It took me about a week to get really comfortable in Vim, but after settling in it feels just so right. Again, it's like learning a language, you want to get the basics, then keep using the language and learn to form more and more complex sentences. Here are some good Vim videos to watch after you get familiar with the basics:

It's programming text editor for people who don't like to program, who just do it for the fashion. It's like having stores selling punk merchandise, it goes fully against what punk stands for, but idiots who like the fashion have deep pockets.

I don't see any connection between normalfags and well-lit places. Are you pretending to be some faggy vampire or something that you need to live your life in the shadows.

no captain retard, you just need good contrast which can be achieved with light or dark schemes.
light background is distracting and hurts your eyes because your pupils expand by looking at the light background all day.

No major retard, that's not how it works.

Of course you wouldn't, normalfaggot.

not an argument

Use a real text editor. Try vi (not vim, but regular old vi) or ed.

Stay away from Emacs, it's the Gentoo of text editors.

Going back to a thread you saged to make a subjective point of what constitutes lightweight.. Edgy

I'll keep that in mind, I wont touch emacs

Saging for the obvious derailment of the battle of light vs dark mode, I use dark mode, I don't think about it, then again I use f.lux all day long anywho, probably overkill.

Top kek


nice damage control vs code shill

It's as worth using as Golang

a poopy rupie? on my Holla Forums board??
it's more likely than you think!

agreed. all the kool kids are using remacs

literally a meme editor


so OP which editor are you using now?

Work didn't give me a choice, still using geany at home, but honestly thw intellisense is so nice. I wouldnt mind digging through the source and compiling my own vs code platform that checks for my tin foil hat worries about telemetry

Chords > Modal

Learn to remap your keyboard. Control should be where alt is and Alt should be where capslock is.

Sorry but we use Vim