Are abos even human?
How can you be so stupid you don't even manage to invent fire making in thousands of years?
What's the communist solution to the Abo question?
Are abos even human?
How can you be so stupid you don't even manage to invent fire making in thousands of years?
What's the communist solution to the Abo question?
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They were living fine without those inventions. They shoulda been left alone in the wild
t. Teddy the Bomber
this thread is bad and OP should feel bad
What if they're not?
So what? Would you not judge elves and orks on their individual merits?
I have to admit that I think racialism is basically bunk, but Austrailian aborigines man… Idk
Well, if they can have fertile children with non-abo humans, then they are by definition human.
Nobody is.
Because they were shitposting eachother to death to even bother with creating heat on a stick.
Global Gulag.
Australian aboriginals did have firemaking. Where does this weird misconception come from?
Also, make a functioning boomerang or didgeridoo. I fucking dare you cunt
Fuck off Peter Singer
The Aussie settlers basically razed abo society to the ground like the US tried to do. They're less advanced now than they were before when they formed a decent tribal society.
Some of them are fugly when they're old, but that doesn't make them inhuman.
Seriously though, "why do you deny genetic differences" is the "then why are there still monkeys" of Holla Forums.
You didn't just acknowledge that fact. You made a moral judgement on it with the word 'should'.
Let them do what they want as long as they don't exploit those who do not wish to be exploited, if that is not inventing fire, sniffing petrol and drinking toads then fine.
abos didn't develop agriculture because there wasn't any decent crops or farm animals there until europeans imported them
This Straya is a fuggen wasteland of death people forget this
Yeah, why not?
Can they produce fertile offspring with other humans? then yes they are human.
Australia was mostly a tropical climate until the abbos burned it all down
Mainland straya abos discovered fire and apparently they burned all of the australia down.
Also: Megalania
it was burned down by settlers tho, aussie environmental policy is basically wediditpatrick.jpg
Same, I do have to admit I have a lot of cognitive dissonance when it comes to this..
Can someone actually explain this please?
no agriculture = no sedentary life = no civilization
I have heard once that Abos are so "subhuman" due to inbreeding or something, resulting in super low genetic variation.
Supposedly that is also the reason why irrelevant shiting with whites results in kids that are just mostly white, because of receiving fresh genes.
Not to mention they are incredibly ugly.
Genes can't be 'fresh'. That's not how genetics work. It's nonsensical symbolism based on personal feelings of ill will toward others.
The city of Catal Huyuk is actually pre-agricultural and definitely shows signs of what you'd call a "civilization".
Bookchin, From Urbanization to Cities, first chapter.
What "ought" matter to me but my own power and wellfare?
They actually harvest wheat and barley. Plus they had cattle as beasts of burden
Actually, they utilized fire as a method of land cultivation and management. They were conducting controlled burns long before "Australians" ever figured out that it might prevent their anus' being ravaged by a bushfire. And they culled the wildlife in order to keep the ecosystem in relative balance, living off the proceeds, while kangaroos regularly reach plague-levels without controlled shootings today.
The more you know.
You're right, looking back on the source I had apparently misread Bookchin's point. What he was really getting at is that urbanization (which I suspect you refer to as "civilization") does not form because of agriculture, because many other human societies have similar horticultural practices to Catal Huyuk. That seems to me to deal with >>799785's point just as well.
It all seems pretty silly to argue because doesn't really have any interesting input as of yet on what "civilization" is in the first place.
A stable food supply allows people to become sedentary and inevitable start living close to one another. This allows the development of villages and if they grow large enough, cities
im pretty sure they had fire, didn't they kill
austrialias megafauna with fire?
this is not denial they had fire. (exept the tasmaians)
Yeah I don't blame them for burning the bush down after I learned about the Megalania lizards
Happy living to the ripe old age of 35 eating raw snakes and drinking brown water
Just teach them to read, make sure they're well fed and active, and provide them with all the LSD and psilocybin they need.
The problems will resolve themselves in a generation or three.
Well…. .. Whites only in Europa, I guess!
This thread is based on a Holla Forums lie.
And that's why the only answer is pol arguments, perverted.
I know, that's what I'm saying; Holla Forums soundbites like these persist even when they're plainly untrue because they fit with the desired narrative they want and they're easy to memorize and rehash. "A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is still putting on its boots" and all that.
I'm going crazy over here I distinctly remember reading sources (probably just wikipedia) that very explicitly said abos didn't know how to make fire but now that I search for it I can't find anything about it anymore.
Weird, I'd love to remove Africa from the equation, and push B.L.M. into the sea, yet I think Aboriginal Australians have been treated cruel and have a well developed religion and should be given every opportunity to build their way of life.
It's like some of you people here only want to help ethnic groups that you know would rather rape & fire a rifle, rather than help people that just want to draw circles & huff gasoline fumes.
You just discovered the tampering of a Holla Forumsack.
Nah, I don't really know.
How did they do that without fire?
surely you aren't actually this stupid
It's sad. Don't fall for the Holla Forums memes.
fuck off civ apoligist scum
Australia is a scary place.
Of course they'd want to burn it all.
I'm not the one making assumptions about their agricultural developments, or use of fire. I just believe that the Australian government has responded inappropriately and has not met their needs.
That's… not an argument. They fine have art, good religion, and though they do have a lot of violent sexual assaults, they aren't armed.
If you can't resolve their problems with literacy and appropriate aid, then you won't have any hope of confronting these problems in an environment with an armed populace.
i would have to, someone should make a movie about that
Oh sorry. I meant to reply to
see its beacuase it waz the joozzz who burned it for them with their cultural marxism—-Holla Forums
sorry about my shitpost flag
This. You cannot build a civilization without a reliable agricultural base. They had no stable crop so they couldn't diversify labor and develop higher culture.
Higher culture is the result of literacy and large cities. It seems more like a Mediterranean fluke than anything.
Even with more advantages they likely wouldn't have developed a written tradition.
that's not how systems based theories work
They had agriculture but it wasn't super developed.
ITT - Non-Australians and inner city Australians talk about a group of people they've never met like they are experts on the topic.
I've met a fair few Aboriginals and they can be pretty fucking cool. Some of you seem to think that people raised in poverty in rural areas with no education are somehow genetically determined to be that way.
I want Holla Forums to leave.