How the fuck does S-100 computer boards work ?

how the fuck does S-100 computer boards work ?
how the CPU board knows where the ram, rom, and other peripherals are ?!

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Super simple version:
The CPU does not see devices or capabilities, it only sees its own address space. Certain pins on the CPU correspond to certain places in this space, i.e. if there is a signal on a pin the bit at its address reads as 1. Everything else is up to the programmer. If you know there is a ROM at a certain address, you tell your program to read from that address. If you know there is RAM, you can read and write there.

Simple bus systems map each slot directly into a different place of the address space.

The same way all computers work, there's fucking wires connecting them together.

Don't reply to fucktards who create shit threads, autistic.

i'm still confused.
when a cpu boots up it automatically reads a specific address, i'm guessing this address has to be somewhere in the rom where information about other peripherals are, right ?

That or when the CPU first receives electricty it GOTO's the beggining of the first adress space because that's the way it was wired. Eventually hitting memory you "control" such as the CMOS on x86.

Almost. The CPU does not care where what is, only the programs running on it need to know such things.

Go have a look at some "How Computers Work" books from the 50's, or learn how to program an old 8 bit micro, if you want an easy and fun way to understand the very basics of computing.

Shut up. Early home-computing is a fun topic.

Stick to /n/ crabposting, pajeet. Holla Forums does not tolerate low caste untouchables like you.

i understand how moder computer works (somhow)
the bios handles all the layout and I/O.
when the CPU boots, it goes to the bios and gets everything.
but there were no such thing on S-100, the motherboard was passive.
i can't find any info about how S-100 computers were built.

Don't forget about special IC's for various (((purposes))) and the MMU on modern systems.

What you are missing is how a simple CPU works. I does not boot, booting describes loading the first program. Learn yourself some Assembler, and things will make a lot more sense. Or go back a bit further and start somewhere like here:

this isn't a debate about choice of proper word. stop being autistic.
a cpu will always start by reading a specific address.
assembler are different from one architecture to another.

Different things have different names. It's much easier to talk to each other when everybody uses the same names for the same things.

Is completely irrelevant for understanding the basic concepts.

I didn't get it until I read the homebrew z80 computer book. I'd check it out if I were you.

Most cpus (including x86) start executing at address 0, so there should be some ram with the code. I'm not 100% sure about that, but I think some of the Intel x86 cpus actually start at some very high address, but if you try to read from address that is not hired to ram you get 0xFF which is nop and it will eventually wrap to 0

There should be some rom*

There's like 100+ problems and issues with building a TTL through-hole computer. Finding plans and designs for them doesn't even count as the first.

i will! i will!
i love interacting with anons i'll just cut&paste search results to keep the flow going

go back to your shitting street, faggot

haha relax man it's a fun thread. not everyone knows ROM/RAM/CPUs work

stop feeding that histrionic fag.

Did you just assume my gender? What the fuck?

This board clearly isn't elite enough for elite persons such as you. I highly recommend suicide as a method to find where you truly belong.

If you are genuinely interest in how simply computers work, this entire channel is fantastic

it dont

looks nice, thanks m8.
i also found a couple books about the Z80, 68k and 8086.
i'm gonna drop the s-100 for now and make my own stuff instead.

6502 ftw

a bit too limited for my taste tbh