A new weapon in Russia's arsenal: the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, nicknamed "Satan 2."

is this real life? help?

Putin doesn't fuck around when it comes to naming their warheads.

No, there is much evidence to suggest that Nuclear weapons do not exist, and if they do they are small likes the ones allegedly used in Japan.

"Do what we say goyim or we blow up the world with the push of a big-red-button!"

Its just rule by fear. Terrorism 1.0.

Already a thread on this

It's a designation from NATO.

didnt see just searched "satan 2"

It's easy to calculate the ammount of energy delivered by fusion : e=mc^2
I'm sure at least someone checked if the ammount of energy was coherent with the destructive power claimed.
Now if what you are suggesting is fusion/fission doesn't exist, you are a retard.

Was the Tsar bomb a fake?

No. They tested.

i remember seeing vid related when I was a kid (before they had CGI / shops)

You don't need CGI or photoshop for special effects or to edit a photo/video, you do realise that, right?

Film special FX compositing techniques existed since the 1930s.

Satan 2: the Revenge

Please explain

it was fake, and pics

are clearly fakes.
The large orange fireballs can only be made by air fuel reactions i.e. chemical incendiaries.
The energy in nuclear reactions in in the x-ray range, and would appear as a split second blue flash, like flood lightning.

Air can only hang onto heat for 10 milliseconds. That is why lightning strikes which heat the air to 30,000 don't result in mushrooming orange clouds.
In supposed nukes there is no conventional fuel vapour to create and sustain an orange fireball, so the air heated by the nuke would drop in temp as fast as it does with lightning.

get on yt and search nuke hoax, there are a fuckton of vids

why did they have to make it look like a niggers cock

okay buddy

Are you the same dude who said space is made of water because NASA simulates spacewalks in a large pool?

Nah, Tsar Bomba (50Mt) was about the upper limit of nuclear warheads, and it was unwieldy as fuck.

Anything over like 5Mt is pointless.

I thought we wrote this off as disinfo a few days ago, now CNN is reporting it? What's going on here?


fuck off

oven yourself. anyway he's not 15, he's just a young manlet nerd. He can't ge gf, so doesn't need job, He spends his time debunking nukes in his moms basement.

So, you ADMIT that are retarded, okay.

So that American soldiers let them into their motherland.

So that the Swedish will welcome it being rammed up their rear end.

So the headlines will be even more hilarious when it finally drops to Washington.

fucking (((CNN)))

do the readers realise or are they all (((educated))) enough?

fucking (((CNN)))

do the readers realise or are they all (((educated))) enough?

This is the nuke that will glass Israel. Rejoice.