
what is the best Linux OS or free OS out there i should get i have 2 desktops running windows 7 but i want to use Linux on my laptop as i need a change from using windows all the time

its an i5 4gb 320gb laptop

Other urls found in this thread:;searl|2749702895>>799549

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Install Gentoo

worst meme ever


Install Gentoo.


Lmao, you just got meme'd, son.

As a more serious answer to your question, do you want some similar to windows, so that you're familiar with it, or do you want something with a steeper learning curve?

If you're looking for babby's first linux, mint is a good place to start. It's infested with systemdicks, but as a new user that won't mean much to you. If you do care about systemdicks, go with Devuan, it's certified systemdick free.

If you're looking for something with a steep learning curve so you can try, fail, and then bitch about how much linux sucks, go for Gentoo or Arch

ves breast pump enlargement system dick

What GPU? What Wifi hardware?

Intel hd

If it's Haswell or under, you're good with any distro. Lookup your wifi hardware to see if you'll need to install proprietary drivers. I think Ubuntu and Mint might come with these, but other distros you'll need to put the firmware (.fw/.bin) in the root directory on a fat32 formated USB flash drive and plug it in during installation.



get ubuntu 5.10



muse is a good band


It's gnu

i like android but the gui is shit

+1 for ubuntu




what did he mean by this

my setup

They're all good enough, really. I'd go with Ubuntu MATE, because it's a good base with lots of available software, and it has lots of neat tools to make using it more convenient.

get lunix mint the gui is nice and its simple to use


winblows 98


Chome OS is good for porn surfing

All those bad responses... OP

install Solus

Make sure you correctly write ISO to usb. Here are instructions:

Just fucking install some linux man, go with ubuntu or some crap... when you come across something that you are having a hard time doing something the distro (like compiling and getting dependencies and rsync everything on one server) then install gentoo hardened or Void.
Tldr install something linux or bsd.

Screenshot is Solus Budgie.

How do I hold back from using this copy pasta in real life?
Whenever someone says Linux when referring to the operating system it makes me tense up. I would say the copy pasta aloud but I'm too autistic to speak up and it would be kind of embarrassing since I only have the first two paragraphs memorized.
Any other Anons have advice on how to deal with people using Linux instead of GNU/Linux or when people use proprietary software?

Linux isn't an OS. It's a component of an OS.
Android is an OS that includes the kernel Linux.
GNU is an OS that includes the kernel Linux.
Linux is a kernel.

your brain on GNU

tried it last week. the fonts are fucking dogshit. if you don't notice you're probably legally blind. went back to ubuntu after 20 minutes.


Shit question gets shit answers. /thread

kernel makes some good chicken


what are you retarded or something? operating systems running on the linux kernel are generally referred to as 'linux' for short.

it gets the people going

Nothing says "n00b" like insisting obsessively that "gnu/linux" is the correct terminology for "linux". I've been using linux since the 90s. It's always been "linux". Also, Stallman is dead wrong about gnu utilities being the main part of the os. The linux kernel is by far the main, central, and most important part of the os. Gnu utiluties are some very, very nice additions, and that's all. The os, as well as the kernel, are very properly called "linux".

"Linux Definition
Linux is a high performance, yet completely free, Unix-like operating system that is suitable for use on a wide range of computers and other products. Most distributions (i.e., versions) consist of a kernel (i.e., the core of the operating system) together with hundreds of free utilities and application programs in a coordinated package.
A narrower, and somewhat less common, meaning of the term Linux is just the kernel itself. However, when referring to just the kernel, usually the expression the Linux kernel is used."

"Lin·ux (lĭn′ŭks)
A trademark for an open-source version of the UNIX operating system."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

"Linux (ˈlaɪnʌks) (ˈlɪnʌks) n
(Computer Science) a nonproprietary computer operating system suitable for use on personal computers"
Collins English Dictionary, 12th Edition

Pronounced lee-nucks or lih-nucks. A freely-distributable open source operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms."

"Linux (/ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less frequently, /ˈlaɪnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source softwaredevelopment and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel,[12]"

best os on your pc would be ubuntu or lunix mint

i still have an old laptop around here from 2001 running puppy lunix

Right. It's nothing but trolling/spam. No idea why mods allow it. It serves no purpose, and it's factually wrong.

relax m8 it's just a littel bit of shitposting

my pc

Tell that to the people that write my os texts books. The kernel is the operating system. Userspace is just window dressing to make it easier to use.


go suck a lemon


And the 12yo babbies derail yet another thread with the 'gnu/linux' horseshit.

dont ever fuckin reply to me again

suck a cock, junior. :^)

haha retard i used reverse psychology to get you to reply to me. that means ur derailing the thread too. owned haha

Hey guys, don't get me wrong, I like the four freedoms and the GPL. I don't like cuck licenses. I'm not particularly a fan of Stallam himself, nor his butthurt over not getting credit in the name of the os.

Let's do it how they do on the Discovery channel.


This is the worst thread I've ever seen on Holla Forums.

Use MX Linux if you want something that actually works and would rather not blow (system)dicks. Use it's smaller cousin, AntiX if you have a toaster or prefer minimalism. Any other response recommending Ubuntu, Mint or any other infested systems is bait.

get the fuck out with that bullshit

t. 12yo

OP, if you want something sleek looking, easy to use with up to date packages, good out of box support & healthy community of people running it as a desktop OS just pick Ubuntu. if you're feeling adventurous pick a ubuntu based distro such as Xubuntu or Linux Mint.

if he picks one of these meme distros he's going to have a bad first experience with linux.


+1 if your using a potato pc

it's the best we've got in terms of desktop Linux.
yeah for someone who has never used Linux before.

I wish this meme would die already.

Yeah because no one ever has bad first experiences with Linux. Linux works great with no problems. No driver issues, no WiFi issues, no screen tearing, no bugs


Do you happen to be this guy?

I started with Debian. The only thing that didn't work out of box was video card drivers. Ubuntu/Mint/MX/Zorin/flavor-of-month-desktop-distro all handle it nice and illiterate users don't even have to "bother" with terminals or repositories.

Debian no>>799530

Do you happen to be schizophrenic?

Q4OS 0.5.11


k. so why did you put "bother" in quotes? are you implying that fiddling around with the terminal for hours trying to fix your broken system is your idea of fun? you clearly have advanced staged turbo autism so i know you probably won't understand when i tell you that's not what most people enjoy doing on a sunday afternoon


you guys are bat shit crazy

my first Linux experience was Xubuntu,
there is a reason I switched to BSD a month later


i cannot make sense of this comment. so did you dislike Xfce and choose to install BSD? how are those related? did you have hardware support issues so you decided to switch to BSD which has even less support?

just download zorn os;searl|2749702895>>799549

muh systemdicks
install macos

I live in a CIA prison. A nigger runs my prison. In prison, the nigger tries to torment me. We can take away his knives by confessing, every day. In about 2000, I masturbated fantacizing about my niece, Lani. She looks like Star Trek Seven of Nine! In 1985, at my sister's wedding, I stuck my crotch on the hot tub drain because it kinda sucked. In 1985, I tried to get a dog to lick my dick. From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of Mexicans or Brazilians? That was dumb because they're niggers. In 2003, I played tag with a black girl about 7-years-old. She reached for my crotch. In high school, in the library, Carlos and I said 'juicy' or 'toxic' as a way of evaluating girls. In 1988, I cheated on my SAT by talking in the hall during the break -- two problems. On 9/9/1999, I killed a CIA nigger on purpose with my car. In 1982, when I was 12, I babysat Kevin's kids. I changed a diaper because I thought that was being professional. In 1975, when I was about age five, my brother, Keith, put my penis in a vacuum. In 1977, when I was about age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each other's dicks. Dr. Tsakalis had an oddly round ass. Paul Keck at Xytec had an oddly round ass. Distracting? At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched dicks to each other's assholes.

It's always those goddamn glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers.

I second this, Zorin OS actually runs like a dream.

AntiX is gr8 for Pentium III era laptops.

t. runs AntiX on his T2x series ThinkPads

AntiX and MX are great, but they're also ugly. They're based off Debian oldstable for now, meaning that you won't get the latest software.
I use MX on my laptop because it's very good at what it does, but someone starting out will be better off learning the basics with an Ubuntu variant. Once they're used to it, they can decide whether they need something different.

I love MX Linux, it has become my default desktop distro by now.

My nigga. You are right though. I think it's a good middle path between Ubuntu variants and more advanced distros. I usually recommend it as a second distro once people had enough of Ubuntu's bullshit, but still don't have high enough powerlevel to tame Gentoo.



nice, but games won't work for him.



if you cocksucking niggas still don't understand X is more infested than systemd, kys.

Linux can't refer to both an OS and a kernel. It always should refer to the kernel else you are using it wrong
When someone says they are going to install or upgrade Linux, it means that they are installing or upgrading the Linux kernel.
The GNU part of the OS is very important. If you just usual Linux it will greet you with
You can't even use the system nor install any software to do

Additionally, if you were to use GNU or GNU with differrent kernel, the user experience is almost identical.
Just because a lot of people misuse a term, it doesn't make it the proper one.

Programs that run on an OS are the OS because without those programs nothing would be running on the OS and then it couldn't be an OS because where's the programs at dude. So it isn't even an OS even though you need it to run anything because nothing is even running yet that's why the programs are the OS and the OS is a kernel.

he probably had a hard time compiling the kernel


This is why we should stop calling Linux "Android" or "GNU"; it's just Linux.

- posted from my Linux, installed on my Linux drive, which uses the Linux filesystem, using my Linux browser in my Linux PC, connected to my Linux router which I just connected using Linux commands in my Linux shell

Try giving them some vitamin supplements

Stop being an autist, it's as simple as that.

Literally the reasoning that will end with the entire thing being called systemd/gnu/linux. With the gnu part getting dropped once people rewrite the utils in Rust.

I call it GNOME/Gtk+/bash/glibc.

Gargle with bleach.



If you want a Unix-like, try NetBSD, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD. If you want an "easy" desktop Unix system, try Mac OS X. Linux is a joke.

Thanks pulseaudio
>realized because I uninstalled somethings I shouldn't of
>went back to Windows 10

My worst experiences where OpenSuse, Kubuntu, and Debian. Had some big issues with them so I didn't bother. Best experiences where Mint, Xubuntu (newer versions), PcLinuxOS, Zorin, and Deepin. If Linux is going to appeal to the masses, Windows is going have to fuck up hard, which wouldn't guarantee it because people are comfortable with it, and devolpers on different Linux distros need to get their shit together. Only then MAYBE people will take it seriously, Linux in general turns me away because their are a lack of vidya support, although that is slowly changing.

You know that is not a loonix specific issue right.
Let's be honest here, a not so small part of how MS and Wintel got to where they are is because the OS came pre-installed on machines. That wasn't the only reason, but it's not a small advantage either.
Windows has some advantages on things like papercut issues. For the most part you don't have to worry about fixing screen tearing out of the box, why is the mouse cursor size setting which seemed to work in *buntu 14.04 now regressing in 16.04, is it *buntu or is it XFCE, or is it the display, is it because Nvidia hardware and driver. Those annoyances while not necessarily system breaking, can not be ignored when trying to make a good first impression on a user.

There was multiple opportunities for loonix to get more users due to MS fucking up, that could have gone a lot better. When Vista was first released. When 8 was first released, actually that one did convince me to go into loonix much more. 10 I think did bring over some people over to loonix. The next possible opportunity for loonix desktop gaining even more users might be 2020, when Win7 extended support ends.

From what I've seen, they are improving. Unless you are talking about the absolute newest bleeding edge or very niche hardware, in my experience basic installation of loonix can be easier than even Win10. Anecdotally at least for things like basic office work and media centers, I've given formerly windows users a loonix box and they use loonix near seamlessly.

And before someone brings up that horseshit article of the guy who whines "waaah that's because loonix was pre-installed for them, go see what happens if they try to install it themselves" Those same users won't install windows 10 by themselves either, so it's a retarded argument.

leaves a sour taste in my mouth, finally call it quits
Really enjoying arch, it's been almost a year now I use it as my daily driver occasionally firing up a windows VM with GPU passthrough for vidya. It works so well I can play new releases at 4K with negligible performance loss, I've even managed to get the HTC Vive running without a hitch.

Once I started to understand that one of the major differences between various distros is the package manager and that you can configure any distribution with whatever desktop environment/window manager you like for most granted you know your way around the cli I stopped using the default Desktop environment as a selection criteria.

Perfect in theory, but kind of buggy because of small user and developer base.
I wish some big company would become a sugar daddy for Alpine development.

Nice user. You're on step 2 of the path.

The best linux OS is indisputably openSUSE.

Don't listen to the other anons. They're messing with you because you're a newfag.


do any of you fucking spergs actually computer for a living?