There are people on this board who ACTUALLY believe that systemd is part of a jewish gloablist conspiracy to steal loli porn from a bunch of NEETs.
That's all you need to know about the state of Holla Forums
There are people on this board who ACTUALLY believe that systemd is part of a jewish gloablist conspiracy to steal loli porn from a bunch of NEETs.
That's all you need to know about the state of Holla Forums
Better than LARPing as an anime little girl
prolly tru tbh.
smh fam tbh
Well no silly, systemd is a kile conspiracy to hack all computers all the times. That is of everyone, not just NEETS.
Never attribute to ignorance what can be adequately explained by malice.
BSD fags LARPing as Linux users, shilling against systemd because if software starts to depend on systemd, it is going to make porting to BSD a lot harder.
Linuxfags LARPing as BSD users LARPing as Linuxfags, shilling against systemd because if they make BSDfags look like falseflagging autists, then nobody will want to use their OS.
Windowsfags LARPing as BSD users LARPing as Linux users LARPing as BSD users because the further you LARP, the further you are from people finding out you actually use Windows
All I see are shills shilling shills.
LARPing shills
pretending on the internet isnt larp, just roleplaying.
LARPing as a programmer includes roleplaying on the internet as part of your persona
It is if you take it seriously and bring it to your real life
Go home ESL user
I don't watch little animes.
This is not about anime as much as it is about your non-existent english skills.
You should really go back to school.
Well, I, for one, store all my loli porn in an encrypted zfs pool on my FreeBSD server.
But I still use Loonix with systemd on my desktop and laptop
Animi* for plural then
There are people on this board who ACTUALLY believe low effort meta threads aren't complete shit.
t. triggered tinfoil
There are people on this board who ACTUALLY believe low effort shitposters ACTUALLY give a shit about post quality.
t. fuccboi
There are people on this board who ACTUALLY believe this is a serious board and not Holla Forums but for tech hobbyists instead
Haven't seen any manlet or cunny threads
here's a handlet thread
if you want a non-retarded, non-autistic, non-conspirifag, and non-technical argument against systemD here's one:
if software was like crops, SystemD is that one single strain of potatoes, that everybody uses because it's the biggest and the best. why bother risking time and effort to grow your own seeds or use older heirloom seeds like Sysvinit, so they cut eyes out and use the SystemD strain.
now tell me what the fuck happens when that strain that everybody uses gets diseased?
Then you fix it and continue. Bugs and crop diseases differ in major ways.
There was not that much variety in market share before systemd caught on either, and systemd takes some excellent security measures.
That's one shit analogy.
The reality is that these people don't know why they even hate SystemD, so they literally have to invent reasons to justify it. Keep in mind a rejection of change is a major sign of autism. And yes, it's not unrealistic to assume these people do indeed have real, clinical autism. GNU/Linux is these peoples lives, as sad as that sounds, and so when there's a major change to the core system, like SystemD, it triggers this autistic response.
While this makes the most sense its also pretty fucked up
No, what we don't like is the vertical integration taking place on the FOSSscape. Systems are easiest to handle when their dependencies are close to horizontal, and become very cumbersome quickly when deep vertical dependencies are created.
Systemd shits on decades of sound design decisions. It's a sign that the community isn't as independent as it claimed, and can be easily dragged around by a powerful enough interest. We saw it with systemd, and you are a fool if you can't see it still going on all over Holla Forums with oxidation.
Good thing my init is Upstart.
Just a shame that upstart is dead though
OpenRC masterrace
So if I decide I don't want to use systemd on my Debian installation I should just go fuck myself then? Half of the point of GNU/Linux is that you can run it on anything with any software, it's all universal.
But fuck BSD users for using an operating system that isn't GNU/Linux, right?
All BSD systems have the same init, so fuck off kid.
Yet you can still use GNOME on BSD, even though it's had a hard dependency on systemd for a while.
It's all fine as long as it is abstracted properly, meaning you'd just have to implement the same header files systemd uses.
Where did I say they didn't, kid?
Okay, but what if I want to use OpenRC, sysvinit, runit, or any other init system? Should they all really have to be designed with systemd style compatibility in mind?
It doens't really need be systemd's API, you could propose some kind of standardized init system API and implement it in all commonly used init systems. You could think of it as an extension of POSIX.
but we all now that's not going to happen
oh i am laffin
2 million irish people starve
It actually happened.
Yes. Now fuck off, shill.
But it is for Linux, which only NEETS use, so what ya point???>>799179