End ''''''''adultism''''''''


have you ever seen ideology so pure you could almost feel its metaphorical crystallized edges poking at you from the trashcan?

you know who to call

Well… Pretty decent blog post imo.

This is what anarchists actually believe

>you'd think leftist spaces would acknowledge adult-child """"""hierarchy"""" more
>I do see it mentioned on Anarchist pages
oh my.

more realistic tbh

they have some points actually

I'm gonna assume this page is some sort of parody or disturbed individual posing as a teenager.

Im glad i live in a third world country that doesn't take this kind of shit seriously

I've been waiting for this for years and was wondering when it would happen.
Its the slippery slope. Every time I see someone arguing that they should have more autonomy, often so they can pursue decisions which involve some kind of self harm, I wonder how long until this is a thing.
Next will be people taking pedosexuals seriously.

I have to ask, if they are respecting transexuals, why are they allowing FTM students in the school? Are they not male now?/

Tankies should kill themselves tbh, fam.

Can we talk about adultism/ageism in general?

Truly striving for freedom in an anarchist society would mean maximizing freedom while minimizing restrictions on the basis that actions hurt other other people (negative liberty), so in that case doing things like forcing children to attend school or hitting your kids should be illegal, at least. They both infringe upon freedoms.

Then you have adultists/ageist faggots, "We're doing this for their own good", that's the same kind of thinking that was used to justify slavery. Fact of the matter is, you do not know what's best for other people. To a Stirnerite, there's a reason why the word "should" is a spook.

And remember, maturity is based on experience, not how many times the earth has revolved around the sun in a person's lifetime. Back in older times we had 14-year-olds as captains of pirate ships and priests. Kids can do a lot more than we give them credit for.

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Isn't Stirnerite a spook?

I haven't seen a good post with this flag in a while, even though it's full of stirfaggery.

Fact is, children aren't necessarily the almost retarded thing that needs to be protected from evil at all times.

Is forcing a child to not touch a hot stove an illegal use of force now? Kids need some fucking education, preferably free, or else we're back to feudal peasant levels of knowledge. You'd be a nutcase for thinking that they'll somehow always voluntarily choose to attend school every day.

Even other anarchists must think this is insane.

Well… Why should they attend school every day?

"I am happy to be called a Stirnerite anarchist, provided 'Stirnerite' means one who agrees with Stirner's general drift, not one who agrees with Stirner's every word. Please judge my arguments on their merits, not on the merits of Stirner's arguments, and not by the test of whether I conform to Stirner." ["Anarchism and Selfishness", pp. 251-9, The Raven, no. 3, p. 259fn]

Because they need an education in order to function in a society of other educated people. Otherwise we're depriving them of the ability to be an informed voter, an informed worker. I don't want to live in a society where the new generations are left to be country bumpkins because we're so afraid of the nebulous idea of 'force' instead of realizing that education is a means of providing people with liberty, not a way of taking it away from them.

I feel sorry for her. I noticed most people in general are ageist with young and sometimes older than themselves too. It's pretty messed up everyone thinking how superior they are.

I have not been in quite that situation like in that blog writings but

I'm still not right from it even though she backed off some after a few years of her trying to socially isolate me to have no one in my life.


This is the logical conclusion of both socialism and libertarianism.

All egalitarian ideologies belong in the garbage.

You're in equal parts a naive liberal and a dumbass reactionary.

It is not only that, it is the only worthwhile end.

Your comment is worthless without an explanation.

Why is their skin green?

They're orks.

are these people living in some alternate dimension or something?

it`s like humans versus orcs

My mom did this to but I'm actually thankful for that
I stayed strictly as a Lurker on the internet until Highschool and it was good advice as a little kid

How much ideology did you snort before writing that

Kropotkin has an interesting argument about this, when he says that every human being should be free, but children are only human beings "in development" basically, and as they get educated and more and more adult, they gain more and more freedom until the process is over and they are full-fledged membes of society. I like the point he makes because, although it seems a little artificial (why would children not be "complete" human beings?), it intuitively makes a lot of sense and that's already basically the way we function. Being free thus becomes both the criterion of adulthood, and its consequence. Probably not very sound logically, but it's an elegant way to solve the problem I think…

Everyone who has any interest in politics whatsoever has an indeology.

Given the time period, by children he probably meant at least people 12 years or younger, not fucking 14 year olds or even 17 year olds who are treated as children today.

Being considered a "child" seems to correlate quite strongly with being in required education. Sometimes even people in their early 20's are thought of as being children, even if legally they've been adults for a while.

wew york

Interesting, but how does one determinate when someone is no longer a child? Not everyone matures at the same rythm.

We're using two different definitions of ideology here, fam

Maybe you should stop using confusing terminology. And stop it with the degenerate "fam".

kys tbh fam

Children literally can't evaluate whats in their self interest, the younger they are the more true that statement is. The best solution is leaving the decisions of whats beast for them to the parents or guardians, as they can generally be believed to have the child's best interest at heart.
Since being a kid is a transitional state everyone goes trough you can't call it discrimination. But top kek for comparing black slaves to children.
The real problem is when children are forced to make these decisions in spite of not having the mental abilities to act in their self interest. It happens all the time in countries with out security nets, and are never a glorious display of freedom.

I wasn't a kid though.

This "adultism" bullshit is further proof that only teenage anarkiddies that don't get along with their parents believe in identity politics.

If you read through more posts you would have seen that person complains about SJWs though.

could you seriously fuck off? you lot are becoming more and more like Holla Forums by the day.