What are the best plugins to add in the browser?
What are the best plugins to add in the browser?
AdBlock Latitude
Checked. Listen to this man.
Mozilla Archive Format
(neither of them leaks or modifies the Tor Browser's fingeprint)
Macromedia Flash
Sun Java Plug-in
play with MPV
Blender or random agent spoofer
Self destructing cookies or crush those cookies
https everywhere
That plugin fucks with Firefox's multithreading and will die once WebExtensions are mandatory. Cookie AutoDelete is basically a reimplementation of the same shit in WebExtensions and you should look into that in the meantime.
Don't use any of these ad blockers mentioned ITT. Use AdNauseam to hit them where it hurts.
The suggested plugins can I install in any browser or should it be a specific browser?
What is the best multiplatform browser?
Cross platform throws a wrench into the mix. I would use brave browser, but I like chromium so that's just the best chromium based browser that isn't built to spy on you.
If you don't mind running a nearly identical but not exactly the same browser on your computer and phone, use Iridium and Brave.
ad nauseam
Protip: Use Brave and you won't need plug-ins.
I only use uBlock Origin.
I have JavaScript disabled in about:config and manually enable it if I absolutely need it. So uBlock is some kind of fallback when I enable JavaScript.
I don't accept third party cookies. and on Firefox restart I clean all my cookies, cache, history...
I don't really care that much for CDN tracking etc.
sh uninstall
Stop please! Random is still unique.
You can configure it to use most common user agents.
blender is less bloat, tbh only listed it because some fags actually use it.
I'd like to derail the thread by starting a debate on whether spoofing referrers is preferable or not. TBB doesn't by default:
network.http.referer.spoofSource falsenetwork.http.sendRefererHeader 2
It's unique ONCE moron. That's what random is.