Stop the Steal volunteering

Stop the Steal volunteering

The goal according to Roger Stone: have volunteers in contested areas conduct exit polls with the same methods as MSM exit pollers. We can then use this data to contrast exit polls to actual election results. If the data is drastically different it is, to quote Stone, the "only tangible proof we have."

I'm considering joining because I have the free time and want to help. However I'm concerned about privacy and having my name in any of these databases which could be used against me in future employment, renting, what have you. Because you know how the left are.

Is it worth it signing up help? I trust Roger Stone and believe this is one of the most effective ways to volunteer but am not sure they wouldn't disqualify the results as a "conspiracy", making it pointless. Anyone have thoughts on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

The left are scared of him and smearing him. This makes me want to do it more.

bump.. any thoughts or info on this? Why is this rarely discussed here? This seems like a much more effective way than "calling stations and demanding paper ballots" as the sticky thread is suggesting.


remember, if the left is attacking someone, help them out

Signed up.

Bump. Roger Stone is the man. I remember when he made that video with Jonestein warning supporters about the NeverTrumpAlwaysCuck "movement" lead by top cuck Mitt Romney before it happened. I remember watching the video and he laid out like three things they were going to pull, and it sounded like total bullshit at the time, but wouldn't you know it, a few days later, in exactly that order they came true, all of it. There's a reason why we used to say "Roger Stone is always right"

I'll sign up to do this.

this is confirmation bias tbh fam. only trump supporters would sign up for this, which means the election would look rigged by comparison even if trump wins.

Take your nigardisms back to SA you filthy goon.

Take your nigardisms back to SA you filthy goon.

This makes no sense.

Nobody ever said that.

Thanks for correcting the record.

OP here .. I'm amazed how uninformed about this / uninterested people here seem to be? Meanwhile the sticky thread has the suggestion to "call and demand paper ballots"?

Come one this is one of the only real world things you can actually volunteer to do that's associated with a known, successful right wing political operative. Has anyone signed up for this or know others who have?

OP, it is late at night for burgerland. Wait a bit. Also, we're being slid to shit right now because of shills.

No seriously, nobody ever said that.

Stone is a jewish name and he has shilling against nazis on his site, I'm not working for him.

.25 cents has been deposited into your account. Thank your for correcting the record.

Bump for Trump. I registered a while ago.

Yes we did. He had a perfect track record during the primaries. You would know that if you were here. Of course CTR wasn't funded till after the Conventions so it would have been impossible for you to be here back then.

Do you wait on-call for them to suggest a local polling place that you should attend?
What all does it entail? As stated I want to help but would like to know how useful it would be before I risk having my name in their database.

The future of the WHOLE WESTERN CIVILIZATION depends on this fucking election, what do you think???

assuming massive unchecked voter fraud will commence everywhere

assuming completely fabicated and untrue vote stats from OR and NJ due to vote-by-mail


Guys this is important. If you have the time please register. You'll be assigned a polling station to go to and you'll be trained how to conduct the exit polling. You just have to ask people exiting who they voted for and record the data. This is the largest grassroots effort ever to combat voter fraud and the information can be used to fight any voting irregularities.

The campaign itself also have poll watchers who will be inside the station observing to make sure no foul play occurs. You can volunteer for either of them, whichever one sounds better to you. But we gotta get all hands on deck if we're going to pull this election off.




I caught a 30 second piece of frigid dyke (((Rachel Maddow))) screeching that Trump is "trying have his supporters intimidate minority voters." Ironic, considering how many people have had their heads smashed in with rocks for wearing Trumps hats.


Can confirm, no one ever said that phrase, but he has been a good source of scoops this election cycle even if they don't all pan out.

I'm just telling you what I think of the guy. I'm not stopping you working for him, but I can't help but roll my eyes when the simplest things have to turn into nazi bashing.

Bump.. really, nobody here knows abour or is involved with this?

Jesus you worthless neetsocs…

Sounds like a good idea tbh