Depression and Anxiety

From what I have gathered it seems like everyone is on some sort of medication for depression or anxiety and that everyone has to respect their feelings. Can someone provide me some science to debunk these cucks

Other urls found in this thread: in pdf/Reich home Book.pdf

Medicalisation bro..

mental illness is a bitch.

It just seems like nowadays everyone has some form of mental illness

Either the internet attracts people with mental illness or people with mental illness are drawn to the internet.

Most people in meatworld have no mental illnesses.

They want you to take pills. It's an industry.

There are many more people in the world going through even worst shit without getting high and being spacy lazy fucks.

Or people self diagnose.

Meatworld is where you suck big meaty cocks. Homosexuality is not necessarily a mental disorder. It's 2016.

The medical jew is designed to treat the symptoms, not the underlying causes. By treating symptoms they keep you dependent.

1. Work out. This does miracles for your health, working simultaneously on digestion, cellular metabolism, endocrine system, circulation, and immune system.

2. Eat Healthy. Healthy digestive track will dramatically improve your immune system and reduce auto-immune disorders (many mental illnesses are auto-immune related) as well as dramatically increase your serotonnin production. Healthy gut means a healthy mind.

3. Exposure therapy technique. This is a simply therapy technique which is the basis for the benefits of "talking about your feelings." Essentially whenever you recollect a memory you re-record it. If you can work through a memory repeatedly you can reprogram how you feel about it, thereby disarming its effect on your subconscious. It's the only known cure for PTSD. PTSD is simply a more extreme version of having something bad happen to you. So the same technique applies. Talk to friends, to yourself, to God, or just meditate and remember incidents while self soothing. Man up and get those feels out of the subconcious and into the concious, not just feelings but the concrete experiences that caused them. Then use the truth to sooth yourself and come to a place of peace.

Modern society takes away meaning and purpose for a lot of people. Men do not get to work with their hands and be productive, the leftist media treats masculinity as though it's evil, there are more and more hoops to have to jump through simply to provide for yourself let alone a family.
Women are encouraged to act like men, going against their nature. Immigration and globalization has driven down wages enough where many women have to work to sustain kids.
Humans were not meant to live and work like we do in the west. We are going against our biology and it is damaging our psyche. Depression and anxiety are rising in the west and it's a lifestyle choice for the most part. Without a lifestyle choice, pills just simply help everyone cope.


To go with your eat healthy point, people in general need to drink more water. I read somewhere that most people are a bit dehydrated without even realizing. Being dehydrated makes you feel shitty. I have experienced feeling better after drinking a glass I shit you not.

The pandering which is taken seriously from all sides is a bigger bitch.

Start hitting the gym HARD, start going 6 days a week. Get a job as a busser at a high-end hotel where they give you tip percentage.

The wolves would eat depressedfags in a normal world. You have the shell of society, it's not a reason to stay in depression, but to count it as a blessing that you may live and to become a real human being, or else you shall surely die with no children.

I've got some serious issues. I take good goy meds. I don't give a fuck if people insult me for it because I just point out their flaws and completely tear into them.

Don't deal what you can't receive niggers.

Stop drinking municipal tap water meant for 10,000+ people.

Itll stop making you sad, you wont feel sick and constantly thirsty all the time, and if youre somebody who has acne past their teens as I did, It'll really help clear you up

I mean look at our leftist PC world now. You can't even have fun on Halloween without remembering all these offensiveness rules. Its insane. They suck the fun out of everything.

I remember a few years back we went up to Boston for Halloween and my friend put on blackface and got a little bag of confectioners sugar and another of oregano, and he was a "Somalian drug lord."

Some people were slightly offended, and I mean slightly. In just a few short years this is now like a capital offense!

I have it and I'm very, very close to getting on prescribed anti-anxiety meds. For the record I don't want to, but I'm at my wit's end and there's no way I can continue through life like this.

Trying to quit porn and go outside more in the interim to see if that makes a slight difference.

The mental cannot be sick, it is intangible and therefor above the material world; yes the material world by pain and suffering can make the persona bend in a way or another, but the mental that makes us experiment Existence, cannot be sick.

tl;dr fags will always be fags

Im anxious and depressed but im not any medication. :/

And my anxiety is more like OCD/Autism not panic attacks

The time of bondage is almost ogre laddies. Just keep your rifles at the ready.

Here's the dig on Anxiety and Depression.

Depression is the result of metabolic exhaustion. The brain ticking away trying to re-establish chemical equilibrium/homeostasis. Anxiety is, fundamentally, the upset to homeostasis itself. More on this later.

Serotonin is a neurochemical that acts as a precursor to other neurochemicals. It is akin to fuel for an engine and the reason why Serotonin supplementation (5-HTP) or reallocation (SSRI's) are often effective. Basically, it gives the neurochemical engine more to work with.

Very simply, the brain consists of three primary structures (each having more influence and growth both as the species evolves phylo-genetically and the individual matures on an onto-genetic level):
1. Brain Stem (Most primitive system - base of skull)
2. Limbic System (Mammalian system - layered around Brain Stem)
3. Cortex (Ape/Human system - layered around Limbic System)

Brain stem mediates Sympathetic/Parasympathetic response. Sympathetic response is often cited as "anxiety", but there is a difference here. Sympathetic response (Fight/Flight) is not unpleasant provided there is POSITIVE CONFIDENCE in the outcome. I.e. The cortex/cognitive centers do not feel "anxiety" if cognition determines there is no threat. This we refer to as "thrill" and "excitement".

Now, anxiety, in most cases, is basically the discordance (conflict, upset-to-equilibrium) between these three centers. Brain Stem says "do this" and Cognition or Limbic say to "do that". There is no quick fix for this. Intelligent people will be more prone to anxiety for the simple fact that they are more cognitively developed, and thus the "Voluntary" Motor Cortex (Primary Motor Cortex) is more apt at jamming Brain Stem and Limbic signalling - via contraction of the muscular (hint hint).

Most anti-depressants will have a negative effect long-term. This is because they do not fix the underlying problems themselves and thus leave the engine itself clogged and inefficient (serotonin = fuel as a chemical precursor. Not efficiency.) Short-term relief will, however, be gained and may provide the booster over the hill.

The fix is hard.

First, chronic (low-level) muscular tension must be released in the body (held in place by the Primary Motor Cortex and its subconscious mental-chatter).

Secondly, the Cortex must develop more neural connections that can signal to the lower systems (typically, Cognition accommodates to Brain Stem/Limbic signalling, not vice versa).

Saging for lack of happenings.

What if it's the other way around?

There is a passage somewhere in Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution where he says one comrade who was neurotic and dysfunctional before the revolution was made new, bold calm confident, empowered, useful, wanted, necessary.

He then went on to make a larger point about how many people internalize social injustice or contradictions, and turn on themselves to repress political struggle.

In other words, the average Holla Forumsack, has been shunned from society and made poor and powerless, literally unable to get job gf or out of basement.

Or in other words:
depression is frozen anger
depression is frozen anger
depression is frozen anger

Its time to man up and accept that with or without Trump we are going to have to have a revolution.

I'm no doctor, but I've been taking small steps over the past several months to deal with my ongoing mental issues. No guarantee they will work for you, but at least its a step in the right direction:

1. Spend time Outside in Nature. Plants release smells that have a calming effect on the mind. It doesn't matter if its the park or a forest, the key is to spend time outdoors in the natural world where you were meant to be. This has additional benefits of sunlight exposure, exercise, overcoming fears of socializing/meeting people etc.

2. Cold Showers. These help get rid of negative "funk" feelings I tend to get. If you're new to cold showers, just end your regular hot shower with 5-10 seconds of cold water (breathing helps). Soon you'll build up tolerance and can do it for 5+ minutes.

3. No Fap. I'm 5 months clean, almost every area of my life has benefited from this (mood, focus, clarity, energy-level, sleep etc.). Don't tell yourself you can't do it. Keep a daily journal and keep track of the number of times/times of day you fap. This helps you notice patterns and avoid common pitfalls that cause you to stumble.

Godspeed and remember: Slow progress is better than no progress. Only small steps accumulated over time will lead to real results. Keep track of your daily habits in a journal.

Can you recommend books or links with exercises?

Thanks Marcus

I don't experience depression or anxiety. But I am a psychopath. Not on any medications and I can feel my mind unravel.

What medication is in consideration? SSRI drugs are scary shit. Benzodiazepines have acute and powerful effects, but can be very addictive and have nasty withdrawals.
There are some natural or otherwise overlooked approaches that may be worth looking into. Ashwaganda and l-theanine can be quite helpful, and phenibut can be a good benzo substitute, though it has similar downsides. Kava and kratom may also be useful is treated carefully.

Read books on Yoga. Not the new age bullshit. The older stuff. New Age is polluted with feel-good horseshit and attempts to kill the NATURAL aggressive instinct in man.

Practise the various forms of pranayama (breathing techniques). As a quick, short-term fix, kapalbhati in particular.

Asana will help the wiring from higher to lower. It'll bring subconscious noise/tension to the surface (cognition). It is deliberately uncomfortable. 'Boredom' is just absence of gratification in the face of tension.

Techniques in this book are VERY effective: in pdf/Reich home Book.pdf

What the fuck are you doing?

Many of his theories (on psychology) are correct and the techniques are undoubtedly effective.

On sociology and political theory, however, his mistake was simple. Reich aimed to eliminate taboo. Taboo (inhibition) is an inherent biological trait. It is an evolutionary technique. Inhibition of impulse is what gave man his advantage over the other species. We're biologically wired to acquire taboo. Reich missed this.

Taboo (inhibition) is the crux of civilization and inhibition (nature impeded/mutated) is the driving force behind all evolution.

Well said, but you say "the west" like things are different in the east.

On your first two points, how would one go about this in a situation where, for example, their living space was extremely limited. Basically where there is no gym to go to, no weights to train with and the food they eat is not up to them.

Is there a minimalist version of this, that you can think of?


If forums and image boards are bad for your mental health it is your responsibility to remove yourself from the site you can't expect everyone else to Bend to your needs.


I have yet to meet a pleb who doesnt have panic attacks.

I will say Holla Forums is probably one of the most toxic environments you can possibly be in.

But don't forget, you're here forever.

I cannot handle black pills, think about suicide all the time. What should I do?