Dilbert man meme idea

Watch the Persuasion Battle

If Dilbert is to be believed, calling liberals bullies causes significant whining because it hits too close to home. Can Holla Forums (should?) use its superior memetics (praise Kek) to kick this bruise?


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It's not bad, but you have to get them to bully you in the first place so not many people will be willing or able to pull that off

First post. Every fucking time without fail. How hard is it to get a lib to bully you? I could catch like 50 libs off one bait.

I cannot tolerate intolerance

You've been licking Brock's asshole so long you've gone crazy from syphilis.

Yes, we should be spreading this as far as possible. There is no other intent for Adams here, finally.
He has given us the kill shot, mint condition, in its case, shining, beautiful, lethal.
The time has arrived.
This is what normies can use. If they can't use it, they will see it. They will see that anyone who supports Trump openly is indeed bullied. And the gears will turn.
It must be spread EVERYWHERE.

I for one will remember that in the final days, Scott Adams delivered, where Wikileaks teased and Dotcom trolled and O'Keefe overhyped.

breddy gud line

hello Scott, good to see you are out here cruising the gutters with the rest of us scum

Adams is a cuck. lives in commiefornia, says Obama is a great president, and thinks that bullying is the worst plague on earth, when it has numerous benefits since every culture and human has been bullied or bully as a natural part of life to get rid of the weakness in people. He uses the pc trendy words like bully to sell himself.

Furthermore, you don't even need to get a lib to bully you. Plenty of videos exist of libs bullying people at Trump rallies, stealing Trump signs, etc. Now we have proof that the Clinton campaign actively funded it. Dilbertman has the right idea, we need to do whatever we can to meme Hillary and her supporters as bullies.

I'm sure there are a few former goymer-gaters here that remember how OPDISNOD really got it's legs and gave Gawker a bloody nose with seven figures in lost ad-revenue. If done correctly this could have the potential to be a hell of a lot more damaging to the dems than that was to Gawker, as this isn't just some niche hobbyists being assailed, it's half the fucking electorate. All we need is the right strategy.

Le cubicle cartoon man has a point. This is a perfect reframing easily backed by proof as well as anecdote (according to Scott, anecdote is more important for persuasion). Bump for interest.


autism alert
who the fuck cares, he's useful for this election and is a pretty insightful dude. do you live in a shed and only interact with Holla Forumsacks?


Not an argument dumb-ass. He changes his fucking position every week, because he is a pussy and scared for his little life. Give me an angle and perspective of which I can respect on the man and I will like him. He is just such fucking slime.


Sure, perhaps. Kill the messenger. Use the message. He's been using his self-proclaimed persuasion skills the entire time. Every time he changes his position, he's pacing. Holla Forumsacks are used to it through applied skills. My only point is that, just like "dark" seemed to stick in the average person's mind, "bully" might have some normie power and be easily spreadable on the socials after it's initially boosted from here.

Do you have a version of that image without the "Democrats. The Bully Party." on the bottom?


Doesn't take much. Just disagree with them and they'll try to tear you down cultist-style until you either leave or give up.

Tying threads


I know this is Holla Forums but this shit is proven to be staged. Stop falling for retarded tricks, this just feeds more into the narrative that trump isn't massively winning.

This has already worked for me twice today. One apparent CTR shill disappeared, and one IRL old democrat friend of a friend left the table morose and fully demoralized.

It's the most beautiful rhetorical device I have ever seen or employed.

If you liked my book you might also like my book

ive seen youtube comments calling shills "hillary bullies" already. Seems mildly successful

Twitter has some hashtags about it already. They're not trending, but they've already got some legs.

https:// twitter.com/hashtag/ClintonBullies
https:// twitter.com/hashtag/Hillarysbullies
https:// twitter.com/hashtag/Hillbullies

It's pretty good. Americans love the underdog. And they are actual bullies.

It's good, especially because the majority of democrats were probably hardcore bullied in high school

That's a masterful meme, associates them in their minds with hillbillies, maybe makes them lash out and proves you right

it will cause them to expose their supremacist views on the inferiority of Appalachian mountain dwellers

The bantz master himself is in on it already.

oh shit


Juantia Brodick was told by a #Hillbully to shut up.

Clinton sends roving gangs of #Hillbullies to disrupt Trump rallies

Hillary Clinton, just a #HillBully from Arkansas

It's gold.

This is nothing but pathetic weakness. Being a cuck surrounded by other cucks in California has rotted his brain.

Self-victimizing is the ultimate cuckoldry..

What Scott Adams is at this point is a Jesus figure. Before he was the kid in high school science class who thought he was Einstein and everyone else knew he was somewhat smart but just pretended to go along with his delusions and let him do his thing. He's seriously taken a hit on his image, credibility, "brand", and mental health… and rather than back off and save face, he's just doubling down.

Scott "Oh Shit I went Too Far, Better Go Whole Hog" Adams

Wait I take back my last post. That's a good framework for this and if it catches off will affect a lot of them. Liberals are obsessed with their own sense of being intelligent(because they're scared to death that others will realize just how dumb they are). This term can work.


The mark of a genuine fucking retard right here

It's a joke, you fucking autist.

Youre fucking dumb. Muh tolaerant progressive libshits loooove to virtue signal and bully and insult anybody whom disagrees. Soctss handing you ammo to make them lose their mind and you whine about him? Re-read what hes wirtten. This is a great new line of attack that really affects libtards, calling them out for what they are

that is actually really clever.

blog. dilbert. com/post/152117093416/how-to-insult-me-on-twitter

#3. #6. #8.

retrophys1cal is sperging quite a bit.
got something special coming for him.

quick and dirty.

does it have legs?

It's a start. Mother's cancer can be used as a great trigger for him.

Michael Schwartz
Raleigh, NC


family fbs
(Mother) Natalie schwartz

Mother undergoing treatment at this place

(father) Full name Jeffrey steven schwartz
works at usps


Posting it to my twitter. thanks fam


shit quality but it's the most i'm willing to put in atm.
His cancer patient mother.

You're thinking of this wrong. We hate this tactic because we value strength which is why we never used it before. Liberals on the other hand value the appearance of being nice and compassionate, so paradoxically making them look strong hurts them, since they see themselves as the nice guy underdog fighting the overmasculine right wing bullies.

In order to beat lefties you have to understand their twisted logic and emotional make up.

Hillbullies is a great term. It sounds like the kind of hashtag a Dem focus group would spend weeks coming up with, so it's in their language, and it flips the script on them, for example

This is pretty solid. A whole mess of leftists will abandon Clinton if this is reframed successfully. Trump is currently the bully for saying "uncouth" things, actions trump words every time. Remember lads we don't need every liberal to run screaming white power in the streets, not immediately anyway, we just need to instill doubt.

What's Jimmy Carter doing in a dress?

shits hilarious

Remember that to leftists, this image is supposed to be insulting. They see being strong as being oppressive. It doesn't make sense to us to portray your enemies that way, but to leftists, the important thing is to appear to be the underdog. Subverting that on them hits them where they're weak, and causes them to lash out and reveal to the general public that they're not underdogs but a bunch of shills for the establishment power.

Time to bully some bullies.

that was quick

you glorious piece of shit

People REALLY liked these. I only have 14 followers, but I posted this in reply to some famous conservative commentators and people are retweeting the fuck out of it.



yeah, this is the shit I talk about every day. These people live in another dimension. When we see anti Trump or anti right wing propaganda, it's usually entertaining to us or straight up makes us feel proud. Like in a "which one of you made this?" kind of way then it dawns on us that oh…this is made by some liberal as an insult…

it's all positive things. They are so insane, good is bad, up is down, etc


wtf i love hillary now

We can help him, if the cucks don't dare start bullying campaigns if the Missus don't give the order.

I'm sure CTR and other professional whores will join, once they smell blood, so it can become quite the spectacle if it is played right.

wow, what a hillbully

Someone send him a picture of his brother and ask him if he means like that.

yeah, i remember discussing that a couple years ago in gamergate.


This is the meme that will break Hillary's campaign, no waiting for Superman now, we have the tactic, we have 12 days to push it as hard as possible.

There comes a time in history where you can claim you are part of an army that defeated a great evil.

Anons, are you ready to raise your sword of shitposting up high and spam this every single place online, even if… especially if everybody calls you a weird autist?!





It's like how a jew will recoil at being called a jew, but is generally resilient to any other name you call them.

This, to test it out I just called my liberal girlfriend (don't worry I'm slowly converting her) a liberal bully and it upset her to the brink of tears.

I may have started the thread, but you made it worth something, user.

heard normies come up with 'crybully'

Top notch stuff. Maybe we can use that time Trump supporters and little girls got pepper sprayed by liberals.

That 7 figures which was the just enough to make it so they did not have enough to pay hogan and were forced to liquidate

Ha. Hillbullies. Democrats never stopped being the south did they? And they will lose yet again.

Don't forget that old liberal actor Robert Dinero that said he'd pop Trump in the mouth. (Even though he's short and a feeble actor that only portrays boxers and tough guys in films)

Yes! We need to target their self image of being good people to demoralize them. They are not good, nice or compassionate people, but bullies who will violently or otherwise target anyone who disagrees.

Yep. They cannot ever make their actions and words match.

We're all in this together.

I didn't realize what firepower was out there until you made a thread.

KEK bless us all


Have a video for the feed.

How do we 10x this stuff? We should be tweeting them to the Don and his associates.


Who else?


I'm skeptical of that man, rightfully so. The bullying meme has a lot of meme potential. THAT is the kind of meme that will pull fence sitters to Trump.

more addresses. we need to get these to bubble up to those with bigger audiences.


I'm not endorsing these accounts, I'm only looking for amplification.

First image is extremely fast hilbully

It has a lot of power and potential. The anti-bullying hysteria was created by the left. To subvert that and turn it against them is glorious and seemingly possible. Now that some of the headliner stuff from wikileaks is diffusing amongst the general populace, they'll be more willing to absorb the idea that the dems are bullies.
The best way to get this off the ground is with our irrefutable excellence with memetic forces. The general populace won't inquire too deeply about wikileaks and Veritas because it's a) too much effort and b) too much of a rabbit hole. So what has to be done is either a subversion or breadcrumbing. Gamergate breadcrumbed a lot of liberals to Holla Forums (myself included) and turned them right wing. Subversion could be taking a policy the dems introduced about anti-bullying and overlaying it with the chicago riot. The egged lady or the bleeding cop with quotes from Creampie or Fogal maybe and a dem politician everyone hates giving the thumbs up (like that bitch that pretended to be native american, or Killary herself).

Bullying is a serious problem.
No wait not when we do it though stop STOP!

photo stock for text


Obamacare rate-hikes would probably do more to get people to vote for Trump than anything else. With that, you can easily show people how Obama and Hillary are going to fuck with them on a personal level.

Im out of steam. last batch for me. I just used imgflip to make these. I tried to keep a consistent structure:

Clinton Supporters Bully #####

Since we're in the home stretch, any and all avenues should be persuaded/memed.

Dilbert man has stumbled upon some breddy gud dank meme material that is already causing a wave of libtard butthurt.

Good stuff. This seems to be striking a nerve so it would be nice to use as well. Liberals making fun of Wojak because his dog died.

Took out the audio on this because it had shity music over it. Going to upload a bunch of these tiny clips.

Let's meme this shit out there goyim.




Every time

Also do one for his walk of fame star. Lacks the human element I admit but still shows what kind of people they are turning(ed) into.

Spelled business wrong like a retard, hand slipped. Fixed, and new batch.

Holla Forums shouldn't be exploiting the suffering of Trump supporters for our own agenda.
We're better than this.

Here is the video


no we're not

we do everything to win

this isn't a game, this is war


are you kidding me? this is memeing the truth for normies to spread not exploitation. fuck off.

Liberals are masters of self reflection. So good that they don't even see it. I don't whether to feel sad for or just to laugh at them.






This is the most high-quality memetic attack I've seen come out of here since the primaries.
I'm just a lowly lurker, but I'm posting now to commend you all for this campaign.
Please keep this up. I can already see the tides turning on social media.

May Kek bless you all, anons. Thank you.

I just realize how smart this man is, He's letting his opposition preach about how the otherside is bad and then turn their own word against them.

I burst out laughing every time I see first image.

Scott Adams is very redpilled on this shit. His whole thing about endorsing Hillary for his "personal safety" was to make the point that violent niggers and violent spics and other deranged leftists are her base.

same lol

This might need a sticky.
We need more people on this and get it rolling more smoothly

Honestly just calling them bullies is a pretty shitty tactic. The SJW know they are bullies and will shed their sheep's clothing just to mock a weak prey.

HOWEVER, Hillbullies is great because it preys on their hatred for Appalachia, while making them sound like dumb hicks short-circuits their ability to go on the whiny manbaby attack route.

Last one for now, off to bed. Left the sound on for this one. :^) Hope the clips spread, and I wake up to more hillbully memes

Looks to me like twitter might be trying to keep the hashtag down

Twitter's scared.

You're doing Kek's work, user

Spread these like typhoid through a bombed Auschwitz

A useful cuck that is.

He's trolling leftists, you fucking retard.
Jesus Christ, is the average IQ of this board 75?

This is fucking genius.


Get it to Don Jr.

We all know this. Its only shills who pretending to be stupid who claim Adams has not been supporting Trump the whole time.





Holla Forumsacks, we are definitely on to something. Hillary just announced she is going to be the anti-bully candidate.

After calling Trump a bully, Clinton campaign announces anti-bullying plan


#Hillbully and #Hillbullies gives your every day Trump supporter the means to channel all their frustration over the actual bullying they've seen or experienced during this election cycle. They needed a meme and a hashtag to focus their voice. They needed some sharable content that is safe for kikebook. We need to continue to build our OC and get it seen so it can be picked up and spread around.

I haven't seen slides like this since I last played Chutes and Ladders.

Remember that time a black homeless woman defended the refurbished Trump star, then got bullied and assaulted by Hillary supporters?


bumpity bump

Let's false flag.

Let's pose as Hillbullies and bully Trump supporters in wheelchairs or something.

Kill yourself retard

And let's use their "OC" against them by spamming pics of the Pepe Hillary giving a middle finger while we print out pics of victim's cancer survivor mothers and spit on it on camera in the name of Hillary.

Why? There are more than enough documented actual instances of Hillbullying available. They firebombed a campaign office for fucks sake.

It's manufactured consent by bullying, where they bully the weak to scare others from showing sympathy.

It's a good strategy, given that the heretic don't reflect a majority that is too scared to speak out for fear of getting the same treatment.

If the heretic reflect a majority, is going to implode sooner or later though, when the heretics finally become too many to silence. When this happens, it's all over, as the safety of numbers helps the scared majority to speak their minds.

how about no.

Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?

Holla Forums shouldn't be exploiting violence perpetrated against Trump supporters for election propaganda.

We're better than this.


Most overrated kikery since psychoanalysis



Think again.

Right. Biddle. Forgot about him.

We are necessary evil.

What the fuck, I went to sleep and come back to no new meme material. Bumping


mfw young Huma was super hot and had a Trump-stickered laptop

something fucked up on the text, disregard this one. fixed and new batch

washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/27/scott-adams-dilbert-creator-hillbullies-could-caus/ WW3

HOLY SHIT. Didnt read the article, the title alone is enough. This means it's working


use archive. archive.is/tDHT7

They're obsessed with seeing themselves as the victim. The little guys kicking back against the big meanies. I think this angle can seriously mess with their heads.



Based nig stands up for trump

Don't let nobody tell you that Scott Adams can't meme!

Hillbullies BTFO

This would be perfect if it identified her as a lone WOMAN rather than just victim.
specifically the guy in the Trump shirt

if you redo the text to point out that the Clinton supporters peppersprayed (rather than just bullied) children/minorities
I think these are the best images on here.

Ideally you want 3 things.
That's why I said this one is perfect. Identifies the victim as a Trump supporter, the victim is a child/female/minority and the narrative is clear.

We need to spread these but we'll get the most return on our investment just shilling the absolute best ones.

This has been confirmed staged, but as we all know, based on real events.

Salads has his heart in the right place, but hes hurting us, because when you say "trump supporters were attacked" they say "that was proven to be false" and most people go on their way after that.

Except that's not Trump's star and also not a good photoshop job.