How does /leftlypol/ feel about people using socialism/anarchism/communism to justify dumb shit, aka looting,vandalism, justifying 9/11 etc
How does /leftlypol/ feel about people using socialism/anarchism/communism to justify dumb shit, aka looting,vandalism...
What like breaking the rules that the bourgeoisie set up for themselves to keep people in line, it totally goes against any of those ideologies and shouldn't be tolerated by us commies.
it don't like them
little eichmanns btfo
I don't mean pointing out capitalist foreign policy failures I mean sorta like what MRN was doing.
Although, he is an attentionfag
Are you trying to claim that looting Wal Mart would be anything other than expropriation and redistribution of wealth?
sage sage sage –There we go again with this law and order ideology– sage sage sage
I think that looting and things like vandalism are mostly pointless. Taking political power and enforcing a different economic system would be more effective. As for Antifa I respect them but they seem to call everyone a Nazi or a Fascist, which not every right-wing reactionary is.
yes its revolutionary to break shop windows
and beat up people for neoliberalism
What's dumb about looting and vandalism?
You can hardly blame people for looting and vandalism once you realize how fun it is.
Have you ever really just fucking destroyed something? Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to bash something with a baseball bat and watch it shatter, especially when it's complex and expensive? Goddamn man.
Riots give us an opportunity to cast aside the mask of civilisation and revel in destruction. It's quite amazing.
Has anyone got that video of Zizek talking about how the Nazis promised an opportunity to "have some fun" in the course of "setting things right" and so on and so on? It would supplement our fellow leftist's point quite well I think.
this one?
That's the one my gomrade
I strongly dislike it.
Nothing wrong with them, they're just not revolutionary in and of themselves.
Looting small businesses, though it's as legit as looting Wal Mart, tends to alienate others though.
The enjoyment is not entirely experienced through the act of smashing alone. It is magnified - and indeed directed - by one's ideological position and real material position. That's why you don't see the rich folks rioting, because it is "their" stuff (according to current property law). It is an act of defiance towards the present order, a fluctuation that comes to full fruition from time to time (not to say its revolutionary though).
Can't tell if I smell the odor of anarkiddie or edgy nihilist.
webm mildly related
My dad once gave me a broken stopwatch and told me I could destroy it with a hammer.
Was one of the most fun I ever had slowly dismantling the little piece of shit.
Also I once broke into my old elementary school with friends and there was a single bike left there, so we broke the lock and started throwing it off the roof until it was all bent, then set the tires on fire using paper from the trash.
Destroying things is inherently fun.
You're right, I do agree with this. All I'm saying is that destruction is enhanced when you have the desire for the object to be smashed before permission to do so.
Starbucks never invited anyone to chuck bricks at their windows, yet it is an activity enjoyed beyond the mere "messy dismantlement." There is an additional ideological fulfillment or whatever sated in the activity.
That said, I played with firecrackers as a kid so I won't try to take the high-ground here haha
Are you sure you're not a sociopath?
I don't understand.
What's not ok about it?
The destruction and theft of bourgeoisie "property".
I mean, fuck them right?
U sure ur a lefty?
its bad because we should vote CPUSA to achieve communism, not have direct action or organize a vanguard.
srsly though, whats up with all these recent violence-hating cop-loving bullshit on Holla Forums? is this what happens every summer? fucking socdem 15 year olds man
Nothing wrong with vandalizing and looting muh small business owners.