Apparently George Romero is ded

Apparently George Romero is ded

i know his career died after day of the dead, so that's what i'll be giving respect to


goodnight grampa

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He must have read the GoT spoilers.

Dawn > Day > Night

No one watched the other ones.

Good. Fuck him. He's responsible for the worst cancer of all: zombie films.



he's not a hebe though

according to Wikipedia his mom was "Lithuanian-American". how many non-Jewish Lithuanian-Americans do you know of?

lithuania has a population of 0.1% jews

so a very good chance

even before the holocaust it was considerably low


*Romero zoomba cameo when?**

inb4 zombie grampa

7%, and 45% in the capital. a lot of them moved to America around the turn of the century.

kikepedia doesn't say he's a jew, so he's not a jew.

Not really. Most of Europe's jews were in Lithuania.



Day is the best one you fuck

as far as I can see from his post dawn is the best

another racist dead, trumpt BTFO

it flips back and forth between the two

dawn is an excellent commentary on consumerism, day is just a great flick all around.

Influential filmmaker or not, he was a cuck in the truest sense of the word. Notice how in every single one of the classic trilogy films, the black man and the white woman are the last two survivors. I'm sure it's just (((pure coincidence))) and not the director projecting his disgusting fetish onto film. It's been a few years since I've seen it, but I distinctly remember a line in Day of the Dead where one of the black men talks about repopulating the earth with the remaining white woman.

At least Hack Cryder was man enough to show the horrors of recemixing in the Dawn of the Dead remake.


Here's a list of all the people who care:

everyone died in night
ben was the only nig i remember in dawn
i don't recall any blacks at all in day

I can think of one.


That doesn't change the fact that the nig spends a significant portion of the movie with Barbara.
Yeah, and the two of them ride off together in the helicopter at the end, as the only remaining survivors.
There were two, IIRC. One of them dies at some point and the other one survives all the way to the end.

George Romero? More like George C.K., amirite?



Now, how long 'til he comes back?




A zombie that hungers for cuck porn instead of brains, that'd suit Romero.

Stalin dindu nuffin!
Himmler was a gud boi!


Yeah, the only thing he did wrong was not exterminate the Jews.


Yeah I guess if you ignore those two minor things he did everything right my fellow Holla Forumsack!

Pretty good. I hope they reboot Romero's films now that he isn't around to stop the endless attempt at making movie franchises he sadly died.


honestly though who care? He hasn't made a good film in decades


iirc almost all of his dead movies have been remade, and some of his non-zombie movies were remade as well.

On 1 hand
On the other
fuck him

he's the progenitor, sure, but autistic faggots and suits were the ones that pumped up the zombie craze, not romero.

He tried. He gave us a way out of the madness, but the world didn't listen.

He committed suicide in the original version. It was deemed too depressing, which is why got that cheesy ending scene. The 2000s remake goes back to the depressing ending though. You know they're all dead after that. I'm still curious how that zombie got inside of their boat's bilge. In the original Day, only three of them survive, but you know they're fucked. The fucked up when they let that quack run his freakshow rather than fortifying the bunker and clearing out the dead from the tunnels. Of course, the entire thing went tits up when Captain Rhodes got put in charge. He was not ready to lead that shit show. The others just lost their minds and turned on one another.

In the Day remake, a lot of them survive, but it was such a corny movie. It was much closer to Return of the Living Dead than the Romero movies, but without a lot of the charm. It was interesting as long as you go in expecting cheese.

He was a socialist in a world where communism was going to start spreading like wildfire. Communism is also a higher stage of socialism, so Germany was fucked either way. In general though, Europe has always been a bit retarded.


Good, zombie movies are shit.

Old people die. Too bad.

We're at a point where a cluster of life-expediencies are coming to an end. We have, and will continue to see, a large number of actors, actresses, and director we grew up with die soon. Shit sucks.


Zombie movies are depression suicide cult influencers. The entire intent is to make you sad, depressed, no hope, all is lost,
They all belong in the trash.
>implying natsoc was actually socialism >>>Holla Forums



This is terrible news. Fuck the edgelords shitting up this thread.

Anyone who doesn't like those three movies is a fucking faggot millenial who wouldn't know a good movie from their asshole. If people are mad about the zombie genre, it was other people aping his films he got no dime from. Go fuck yourselves.

It's sad that a fellow BBC lover is dead huh Louis?

If you don't like Dawn of the Dead, you're a faggot. That's one of the greatest genre movies ever made. Let's be honest, the Holla Forums shit is a fucking meme. None of you fags would ever say a thing to a jew or a nigger in real life, and you fucking know it.

Also there was no race mixing in his fucking movies as far as I remember. If you're having a autistic sperg out over there being niggers in his movies, you're fucking retarded.

Then you obviously didn't see Day of the Dead, you little nigger. Remember Miguel Salazar?

And for the record, I did enjoy Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead, you're the one being are retarded getting easily offended.

come watch day of the dead and probably some other romero films later on with us

The storm faggot meme got played out like a year ago. Are you seriously sperging out over a character who is a complete asshole and only with the female in the beginning of the movie? Some of you fuckers belong on /cow/ honestly. I'm not going to turn into some reverse-SJW who wets his pants over a spic killing himself in a movie.

buzz off, Trump owns this board

I can view it through both lenses.

Holla Forums side

Film snob Holla Forums side of me
>muh (((studio systems)))

I can still enjoy stuff while criticizing it. I see GR more as an artist than a DISGUSTING KIKE despite whatever amount of jewish he was. I never felt like he force fed me a narrative in his movies. I can acknowledge and criticize undertones but they're mostly SJW tropes people project onto his movies rather than tropes he was trying to present I believe.

I've listened to a lot of director's commentaries and behind the scenes stuff on him. He liked the idea of a black hero but I never got the "cuck" impression from any of this movies. You can project that trope onto them if you want but that wasn't his intention. He was big on the whole social commentary. Some might argue he wasn't subtle enough in the trilogy but I think things went way far south with land of the dead. That was the movie that really it was more intended for plebs and such.

He's half Cuban. He's not jewish.

Cubans are known as the latin jew between spics
Still, his cuban pop was just a galician immigrant, so i don't think he was really jewish

US Cubans are on the right, retard, they're the ones who gave Florida to Trump and pissed off regressives so bad Obama administration members wrote them off as "a dwindling minority." Romero is on the left (not a retarded progressive, but on the left) but US Cubans aren't the fucking Jews of anything.

if he doesn't rise from the dead ill be a sad panda

There's no need to hide your inadequacies, user. I'm sure someone out there still loves you for who you are.

Fuck off you kike. Go shit up reddit.

It's the eternal summer. There a bunch of underaged fags, who are especially retarded, on during the summer.

for this thread

Yet they receive your sweet welfare from the wet feet program, isn't it?
The ones who also throw cheap used boats to Cuba so niglets can latch onto them and return said vessels to Miami to receive more welfare
The same ones who impulsed all the cheap labor for the Colombian drug cartels, and made Florida the distribution hub to all the East coast, starting in Jacksonville
The same negroes who kick the so-called "white hispanic" Venezuelan refugees and Dominicans from their turfs due to 40's and 50's rivalry, as both had far-right ideals, notoriously the recent anti-communist venezuelans
Or you forgot all the bolshevik and jewish influence in Castro's government that infiltrated, both physicially and intellectually, Florida and both Virginias unviersities?

You are just a retarded the_d shitposter who knows nothing about geopolitical alignments of your own shitstained immigrants, who the hell do you think formed all those progressive latino movements in the 80's on Orlando soil? you mong, sure as hell weren't the mexicans
Go back to receive your "hurr redpill me on x" thread back in your hugbox hut, cunt. Or go to /k/ as i believe there were 2 Florida militia vets there
You know nothing

AGAIN, Cubans are the reason Trump is in the White House, actual Jews in Florida would have put Hilary in the White House if it wasn't for Cubans swinging for Trump, they hate commies, try to spin that shit all you want, you're fucking wrong

go back to stormfront, faggot, with your pleb taste in movies, I was on Holla Forums before you were while you were still taking it up the ass from moot, go masturbate to your edgelord fanfiction, the Turner Diaries, pussy faggot so you can live out something that will never happen and you will never do, you know nothing about movies, and no one wants your input here or anyone else about film

Now i can see your hide you dirty mulatto, might as well say the natives put him in the white house, as 90% voted for him, winning him 2 states. I don't spin, i state facts which you dindus can't still mind

And all you did was squat because only Holla Forums had activity before September
Also nice projecting on the movie taste, you only smell Heeb propaganda and all the red shit with beans those niggers gave you

Joking aside now you done it, i don't know where you put that, as i'm not even american
Reported for being a nigger

german/english American, sperg, going to guess my bloodline is a lot more aryan then yours, fuck I'm even blonde with blue eyes

how fucking new are you? you have no clue what the history of this site is, I guess you really are a summerfag, fuck back off to cuckchan then

every country other than America is shit, must make you mad you don't live in the greatest nation on earth, foreign scum

sounds like projection, also this board isn't your hugbox ran by 60 year old LARPers


RIP in peace.
Loved his games.


The 60's and 70's was racial propaganda. The 2010's and 20's is feminist propaganda.

This can be unstickied now. It's enough time.

Dawn>Day>Night>Dawn '04>Return>Night '90>top of the shit pile>Land>shit>Diary>diarrhea>everything else>Children

Garbage>Shit>TFA>Of the Dead films

I fucking hate this place.


Hey, you found the eighth level! That's a tough accomplishment.


underrated post.

He died knowing his work was tainted by internet memes and people with no creativity at all.

There has literally never been a good zombie movie since the original day of the dead. Why is that?

Because there's really very little you can do with the concept of zombies. Romero's first three films covered pretty much everything and every zombie flick after that has just been doing the same thing but with a different coat of paint. I mean you could make the same argument for all classic monsters but at least with something like vampires or werewolves, the monsters can have some depth and aren't just a cheap obstacle for our heroes.

Don't you know that sage is a downvote, you newfag?

With zombie films, the zombies themselves are never the problem, it's other humans, and so zombie films become social commentary vehicles to the point where it is ingrained in their making. Vampire films and werewolf films don't lend themseves to this kind of bullshit as much. Those films tend to be more character driven and less preachy.

Upvoted my friend! Link me your email so I can give you Holla Forums gold too!

You could, but they choose not to.

you're a fucking sperg if this triggered you

notice how you fags can't list horror movies that are better in your manufactured complaints?

Showing instances where there is race mixing = / = triggering. I still enjoyed Day of the Dead, one of my top ten horror flicks, but doesn't mean I'm not going to call out Jewish tricks when I see it just because I like the flick.


do you ever read sentences like this back to yourself and perhaps consider the fact you ideology sounds fucking retarded? I'm not saying Romero wasn't a leftist, but the fact a cuban put people like himself in his movies isn't a fucking cospiracy theory, you shit heel

There aren't any good horror films, manchild. They're all garbage. But they are better than the zombie shit you fap to.

horror is a great genre, the fact you can't list any movies proves you don't know shit about film period, there are horror movies I would consider better, but you don't know them, because you don't know movies, doesn't change the fact the first three dead films are certified classics that people will talk about 50 years from now

It's well documented the Spanish sent Jews to their colonies in the Americas


I identify as a transnigger, you better check your privilege whitey.

No, you are just a boy who refuses to grow up, who likes the lowest common denominator junk.


This is pretty low effort but whatever gets replies I guess

Horror is great you plebeian. The Thing is a masterpiece.


What habits and burdens do you have to pick up to die at that age?

pretty cool guy told me about how he hated LOTR and that made some shitty movies and even had work on a game

He knocks her out like a nigger and shes asleep most of the movie before she gets eaten.

Maybe you should stop sperging out over a minor detail in a good movie, storm queer. Shouldn't you be cumming on some skin head's Hitler mustache right now?

He died of lung cancer.

It's not sperging over a minor detail, it's a minor detail pointed out to prove you wrong. Saying it's sperging is overstating, I know it's hard to admit you're wrong, but it's an anonymous board. You lose nothing, and on the flip side I gain nothing.

Shouldn't you be sucking some black cock right now, faggot?

People say or joke about things on anonymous imageboards they wouldn't say or joke about in real life.

[Pause for gasps]

Anyway, his movies were cool.

He's a redditor, he can't grasp the concept of saying shit that pisses someone else off without fear of any real consequences.

While any death is sad, to make it to 77 without ever making a film better than just "average" is much sadder.

He made Night of the Living Dead.
What have you ever made?


You butthurt.

your penis is 3 inches
what if Holla Forums had people in it that knew what movies were?

You're giving way to much credit to zombie movies man.

He's literally responsible for making the zombie genre as popular as it is.
Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you, but don't deny he had one hell of an impact simply because you don't like his movies.

yeah, call me when argento dies
*drops iphone*

Yeah, and the black guy gets killed by the rwds purging the area. The guy is sperging about nothing. Night is literally about how libs and minorities will just panic and eat eachother in a collapse until rwds restore sanity.

I like to think that happened in the mid 80s

Stendhal Syndrome was great. Some of the movies after that were good.

you still don't know what movies are, Night of the Living Dead wasn't revolutionary just because it was a zombie movie, you pleb.

I didn't claim he had no impact, only that he had no good films.

Fix'd that for you.
You know it's a messed up world when someone who watches zombie flicks calls someone else a pleb.

let's hope he doesn't come back.

Oh it wasn't? Was it for other reasons, Louis?

They really were pretty good though

Martin was also nice

And The Crazies