Was the Moon Moon arc the closest Gundam ever came to being kino?
Was the Moon Moon arc the closest Gundam ever came to being kino?
Macross is the thinking man's mechkino.
Turn A?
First or second visit to Moon Moon ?
I like Gundam but please keep this kind of shit to /m/
Anikino is allowed on Holla Forums, nigger.
I don't care that it's anime, if it was Transformers I'd say the same thing.
Back to /a/ spic
Well it is too bad for you that the board owner condones anikino.
Anime is inherently revolutionary. Kill la Kill and LWA are perfect examples of leftist narative and emblematic of the core philosophy of the medium
Are the supposed to be catchy nicknames? This is the lowest of the lowest energy I've ever witnessed.
Children understand that war is something unpleasant. You need more than that to impress me.
They are perfect descriptions of their underlying philosophical motives.
It's not just trigger. Kinmoza, Keion, almost ever anikino you know and love is leftist.
No I think we are more than welcome here.
80 million plus slavs and chinese died for the cause you champion while you play pretend with your little japanese cartoons, you fucking disgust me, get some dignity please. You don't want anarchism anyways, you'd be sold into slavery to a roving gang instantly by your "comrades".
Gundam ZZ isn't anime, though. It says so at the very start of it's theme song.
I don't even use Holla Forums. These things are just apparent to anyone who has a brain.
Goes on /a/.
It never fails to amaze me how little self-awareness reddipol has. You scream about the evils of SJWs and then demand censorship when your feefees get hurt.
The horseshoe is real
We should force Holla Forums and Holla Forums and all the other political boards back together.
Or we should just have janitors that enforce the rules like the /a/ janitors and would keep the nazi larpers who refuse to actually discuss the boards subject off the board.
Sure that one poster might be discussing the revolutionary aspects of anime, but at least he is on topic instead of spamming bullshit and spilling his spaghetti everywhere because
Holla Forums please go and stay go
Stop projecting all the time. It's bad for your psyche.
Actually it's the opposite but be a retard,
All anime is garbage and inferior to any western entertainment. AnimeAutistâ„¢ BTFO eternally.
Who fucking cares about this board's subject?