How to properly format function parameters to keep within 80 characters?
From this
extern "C" NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetTimerResolution(ULONG DesiredResolution,BOOLEAN SetResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution);
to this?
extern "C" NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetTimerResolution( ULONG DesiredResolution, BOOLEAN SetResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution);
pic related
Code style
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kys. doesnt your editor have automatic line wrap????
80 chars is gold for code diff viewers
it has word wrap and it's on, but just breaking the line looks ugly.
Also: readability.
kys. a hard line limit is fucking retarded and you should kys.
you have it backwards, this shitty tiny arbitrary limitation on line length makes it impossible to do anything besides the most basic bitch shit on a single line, and breaking simple commands into multiple lines is a heap of steaming dogshit that makes your code much less readable than if it were one coherent line. are you working in a 640x480 terminal? highly doubtful. either ignore pep 8 bullshit nonsense, use a better language, or kys.
Being able to quickly make sense of what the code does is more valuable than any pretentious style retardation. You can read and comprehend an english word significantly faster than some nonsensical condensed character combination.
Worrying over style is like making a minimalist flat "modern" UI; you'll sacrifice the actual usability for the sake of something irrelevant.
There's a reason newspapers have vertical columns.
If you need more complexity than a 80 char line you are doing it wrong. Good luck scrolling the screen to the right to make sense of some line, whilst losing track of the rest.
The fuck do you pajeets even get over 80 characters?
Oh wait lemme guess. Java* and some single pane editor on a widescreen monitor. And I bet you use a tiny "programming" font too.
i wrote some rust code yesterday for some user in /dpt/:
ohh dear
ooh dear
nice long lines, fag!
I remember something in the Linux kernel code guidelines, where it says that if your lines are longer (and I think they have it at 72) you are doing it wrong. I can't be bothered to find quote now, it's in the codestyle doc from the kernel.
You and your language are shit. It may not be an argument, but it's certainly a statement of fact.
extern "C" NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetTimerResolution(ULONG DesiredResolution, BOOLEAN SetResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution);
is my preference, with spaces for alignment so it doesn't misbehave when changing tab width.
no. it is neither an argument nor a fact. it is an opinion.
extern "C" NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetTimerResolution( ULONG DesiredResolution, BOOLEAN SetResolution, PULONG CurrentResolution);
tabs for indentation obviously
I think you need to learn what an opinion is.
Fact: Steve Klabnik!Steve.RD.. and rust are shit.
Opinion:Gum is a good food to eat.
Can you spot the difference?
i can spot reddit spacing
Not an argument.
You and your posts are shit. It may not be an argument, but it's certainly a statement of fact.
That's an opinion. What about this don't you get?
if != Allman { killYourself(); }
no it is a fact.
You really have issues differentiating fact from fiction. I think you may be schizophrenic, and not the good kind like Terry has.
fact: is using reddit spacing
opinion: i and rust are shit
Wow you're fucking dense and/or retarded. I wish I could live in your fantasy world.
either explain your retardation or kys
Filter tripfags.
Don't ever reply to tripfags
Ada masterrace!
I won't filter the faggot because I want to see every shilling he makes on this board so I can poo in it.
im getting bored of impersonating steve anyways. this is my last post using this trip xDDDDDD
This is why you'll never get a job.
Is Klabnik having second thoughts about shilling on h8chan?
lol retard at least make it
if !condition
fucking larpers
This is how I know you've never had a job.
In that case you should kys.
Shame on you for using scripts instead of letting randomness decide.
However the code you're working on did it, as everyone does it differently.
If you're doing your own project, I'd recommend not wrapping them. I only wrap long C++ constructors as their disgusting design pretty much requires it. For those, I do,
Foo() : mFuck(1), mYou(2), mAnon(3) { // First line.}
Shut up Steve, we know its you. Go buy a fucking gyro.
We may argue about the number, maybe not 80, maybe 100 or 120, but there needs to be a limit. You can't just write 500 chars long function calls or eternal hadouken style if chains, it's just fucking insane to read.
If Linux manages to get 80 char limit with 8 width tabs, you can manage a maybe 120 limit with 4 width tabs easily.
First of all, you should stop using windows, which requires you to use a shit ton of long ass bullshit return status types. In linux, it's just an `int`. And you should stop making or using shitty long ass function and variable names. Shorten them and your line gets quite a bit shorter.
For example: target_res instead of DesiredResolution, set_res instead of SetResolution, cur_res instead of CurrentResolution and so on.