Computer books and why they're all terrible

Save for maybe SICP, every book to do with every aspect of computers is absolutely terrible. Technological people who don't know how to write pretend they do: determined to sell a sixty dollar book to everyone they write as many words as possible to have the thickest book in town, explaining relatively straightforward concepts in terms a nigger can understand, and if they run out of words doing this they will decide to go on a rant about what they ate for breakfast before they embarked on a quest to find the Starbucks in town with the least macbook users so that they can feel special about writing on a macbook.
So how is a person with an IQ over 100, one who the people who might actually find this book useful would call a genius, supposed to organize ones study in a way that one doesn't go off on a tangent writing tip calculators in Scheme like the second time I cracked open SICP, or blow ones brains out?

make shit instead of reading about it, young code monkey. don't actually read those meme books, user. they're only there to mislead you and waste your time. i don't know what A+ certification has to do with SICP but that's for niggers anyway, who can't even read to begin with.

Clearly you never read Python For Kids

Web development books are written with the knowledge that they will be toilet paper in 4 years. So they are written as fast as possible and are really bad, most often.

If you are reading more than a chapter a week from a technical book, you're doing it wrong.
You are suppose to read a chapter, practice what you learned over the week and read the next chapter. If you read a technical book cover to cover in a single week, you will understand less than a person that reads a single chapter twice.

Technical books are not fantasy novels, you will need to know the last chapter word for word to understand the next, there is no reading between the lines.

That is good, when you are teaching people, you want to explain every concept in great detail. Unless the book calls itself an advanced book on a subject, it should explain everything in detail.

Would you prefer:

CPUs have registers.

Addition operations are done like so


CPUs have a limited number of registers which have different names such as EAX EBX..etc Registers have a limited number of bytes to store data
A CPU may perform an addition operation on registers using the mnemonic "ADD", for example


This operation will store the value 50 in the EAX register

HR managers love the 'I have no pieces of paper to my name but here's some shit I wrote' game. If there exists a mystical realm where a 'people person' would consider hiring a white male with no relevant experience because he writes programs well, please tell me of it so I can just move there and take money that would have gone for a frame for my Excel Specialist cert and spend it on a guitar pick that is also a toothpick.

Computerbook? Isn't that what Penny uses to play Mineycrafta?

Except they're like

CPU (central processing unit, remember earlier when we called this the brain of your computer) uses things called registers to store data it might need later, maybe a shopping list so that it can buy more brain food! Each register can only hold so much data, like a piece of paper can hold so many words, so it has many registers, named EAX, EBX, and can you guess the next one? Yes, ECX. If you didn't get that, don't worry! Later in this book we'll be learning the alphabet.

Some actually do. Not companies you'd probably want to work for, but some do. It's usually listed in the job description if they work that way. Personally I think it's quite invasive and it puts unreasonable expectations on the applicant (oh hey look this guy works for free in his spare time! wonder how much unpaid overtime we can squeeze out of him!) I refuse to write shit just to pad a portfolio or github profile, but I fully acknowledge that that places me behind a good deal of pack animals slavering for the first gibs they can get when it comes to applying for jobs.

If you can honestly say that you write programs well, then how do you have no relevant experience? Degrees don't mean jack shit in the codemonkey industry, you can get an interview nearly anywhere with nothing but a well written cover letter and resume. Hide your power level and I have faith that you can at least get a few phone interviews.

t. escaped code ape


I've read 12 technical books to completion this year. Filler out the ass.
Also your first example was much much better than the second.

Some tech books teach you more obscure things about certain concepts. I like Higher Order Perl because it's about bringing out the Lispiness of the language, which is something you don't see often.


then read it and suffer. extract notes. study your own notes. did you go to a private school so elite that I would be killed if I learned its name? was Plato your personal tutor? you should be used to mining information from idiotic babble.
tech books are fine, except for O'Reilly not updating their books often enough. The "X in 21 hours" books have a place and are easily avoided.

K&R C is pretty good, though.

I would have questioned whether public school was that bad, but given the colleagues I have who can barely read and not do math, that's not a very good question.

How about: where's the A+ book for people who weren't raised in an urban plantation?

Fuck it, let's make a list of good, straight to the point, computer books:
>cyberciti bash guide I don't actually know how good this one is
What other ones do you fags know of?

read up on Erlang

why the fuck is that fish so smug

erlang beautiful language

god fucking dammit


gawdfuckingdamnit, user


Because it's written by the key people involved. If you're going to read something, read the work put out by the language author, or just the language specs.

3rd Edition just came out. If you're going into Pajeet's wheelhouse, you should at least learn the right way to use the damn thing.


you're probably reading the wrong books tbh
have you at least completed SICP OP, exercises and all?
