So many people whining over some attention whore getting banned for an obvious infringement of TOS.
Twitter banned Milo Yiannopoulos, favorite puppet of the alt right
Other urls found in this thread:
poor thing, now he can't attention whore on twitter.
Isn't that one of those "he'll only get stronger" type of things
Lose your will to live tbh
y should i care?
Milo's mistake was doing it as a conservative. If he harassed people from a feminist perspective twitter would give him mod powers.
It's a pity they can't both lose
Christmas came early this year
Might —trigger— a landslide in the companies prospects.
milo is an attention whoring sycophant fop
Fuel to the flame lads
actually (8)Holla Forums hates him, apparently he shat on them in an article and is also a gay nigger loving jew
I don't care
Another Milo thread? Really?
Yeah. He seemed pretty inconsistent with the Holla Forums crowd. He's Catholic and is very much into black guys sexually. But I guess he's anti-feminist and calls other guys cucks. :^)
Also a fan of Trump and capitalism.
or having his little fans harass someone
B-but free speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feminists do that all the time and get away with it though
what feminists? point us to them.
Proof? And even if it were true, there are many accounts similar to this attention whore that don't get banned either.
Hell, Twitter seemed hesitant to ban Milo at first because it'd only enforce the alt-right teens that "the left is enforcing censorship" or whatever.
This thread for starters.
Look up idislikecispeople. I'm actually a big part of what eventually did her in, so I guess that's my contribution to internet history.
we're talking about twitter here
getting someone banned for harassment is harrassment
so a literal who on tumblr?
Really makes you think…
Milo's a faggot cuntbag but I'm not celebrating this too much. This is the kind of thing that emboldens the alt-right because victimization makes them feel justified in needing to speak out about how niggers and jews are taking over everything and somehow people end up believing it. If you're going to crush the alt-right, you have to do it completely. If you only shut up one person or one segment of it, their shouts just get louder.
Hardly a who, she had an entire cult of personality and tens of thousands of followers. Tumblr has various little cliques that come and go, fandoms, fetishes, politics, you get the drift, and she's the only person besides maybe Purplekecleon to manage to build a clique entirely around themselves.
Same principle.
But does she lead her followers to harass others for hours? This is important.
And have you reported her? This is important too.
Don't expect the staff of a website to take action if nobody's blowing a whistle.
This thread would not exist if thefeminist lynch mob hadnot taken exception to Milos' obnoxious trolling.
More evidence:
Except that twitter feminists consider expressing disagreement to their faces harrassment and Milo would not have had a personal army but for the feminists endless feeding of him.
Did, before we exposed her thoroughly enough.
Oh you're pulling my leg
Go through the gamergate hashtag, click on the people throwing ragefits at gamergate's existence. It won't take you long to find some people doing things comparable to Milo if not nastier.
Off the top of my head, Graham Linehan, Brianna Wu and Randi Harper.
eh its kinda creepy twitter did that being the radical free speech advocate i am
But I wasn't. You seriously think the staff is some omniscient being or whatever? Don't expect them to do anything if you don't report people breaking the ToS.
getting banned for breaking the rules isn't against "free speech"
oh boy
Yeah, I did report her. I got a canned inaction response that I recognized as canned because it wasn't even the first time I fucking saw it.
yea all of this racist shit she received is legitimate criticism
And also because it didn't apply to the situation at all.
actaully im uninformed (i know assumptions make
and ass out of you and me)
did he actually do something wrong, or did we piss off an sjw
What the fuck, did someone advertise on /r/socialism? Where's our standard anarchofem to just shitpost and suggest that there's validity to the arguments given without suggesting that everyone who has ever supported feminism has clean hands?
Literally the exact same shit Milo does. But Randi has connections and Twitter's owners prefer her ideology, so she gets away with it.
maybe now that kike faggot will finally loose relevance
Holla Forums on milo
I couldn't give a fuck what few of the windowlickers following Milo have done in this case. I was referring to the actions of the man himself.
What does this mean? There are also people who support leftism, and communism, or what have you and have less than immaculate records, or whose deeds have brought a pettifog on the sanctity of an ideology.
dont expect to not get banned after breaking the rules of a website you dumb fucks
asked his followers to call the black girl from the shitty new ghostbusters an ape and they did it endlessly for hours
also many other things
It's one thing to say offensive stuff to your own followers, but encouraging harassment is a different sort of thing. It's not just between him and his audience at that point, it also involves another in consenting party that can't back out and if it's severe enough might make Twitter unusable. I don't follow him on Twitter, so I have no idea what he actually did.
da rules
I'm referencing >>798616's idea that no feminist has ever harassed people on the internet. Ideas should not be soured due to the people propagating them - the reason Milo's ideas are shit is not because he's a horrible human being, but because the ideas themselves are trash. People get way too caught up in this battle over representatives of ideas, this 'oh so-and-so did a bad thing that means that I don't actually have the discuss the ideas in question' shit gets really obnoxious.
I mean, we’re all well aware of how shitty bourgeois identity politics is but there’s some straight pol-tier shitposting going on here tbh fam
even though she's a literal who she should be banned.
Although it's also important to remember that Milo has been suspended before and even got his verification removed for harrassment
if you break the rules you get banned, this isnt rocket science
i think so too, why would anyone defend this narcissist fuck
Both sides do it :^)))))
dude she has 19k followers while milo has 300+k followers
Personally I just think it's not worth celebrating because banning a prominent alt-right person is just going to make the alt-right angrier and give them more ammo to prove that they're actually being attacked and that they need support from fellow racist fuckwads. It's more harmful than it is positive, yet somehow that equals hurr durr I sure love Milo and his cuckery yep that's all my opinion is here
It's not our fault the alt right is so retarded they can't realize someone's getting banned for breaking the rules on several occasions and think there's some underlying conspiracy behind it.
Yes. Please explain how this in any way excuses the feminists who're just as guilty of lynch mob tactics on twitter, please, as we were discussing.
stopped reading there, I think his ban was justified but I don't think it's a "great victory" fuck off faggot.
It is your fault for laughing as fascism becomes more and more acceptable worldwide. I hate to tell you, friend, but we're not winning right now. The ideas that Milo and other alt-righters have spread are becoming more and more common, and the left is fractured into tons of subgroups that can't agree on an appropriate response. If that doesn't bother you big time, I don't know what the fuck to say.
it's not a goal post move you moron. A small twitter profile is going to get away with a lot more shit than a large controversial repeat offending twitter profile. I think she should be banned but comparing them and saying 'well why did they ban him and not her!?' is a bit silly
i guess thats harasment,
of course. it just reaffirms their victim complex.
in all honesty, while i find the suspension of some users on facebook for merely promoting trump appalling, i cannot blame twitter for banning a user who incites abuse against other users. twitter pretty clearly states that such behavior is against their terms of service.
complaining about this reminds me of this south park scene where randy gets kicked out of a baseball game for fighting and starts screaming 'this is america' in a drunken rage
I don't think the point is that she shouldn't be banned, but that clearly Milo's actions are a lot more visible. Who knows if she actually has connections to the Twitter cabal; the point is that with 300k followers Milo's actions are just more obvious. It's also a simpler explanation.
Nazis and IDpol sitting on a three!
kys pol
I bet you complain about "harassment" when someone does it to you in return. You're a walking caricature.
At least have the courtesy to post with the black and yellow flag.
why would you
Man, I would think they would go full happening with this shit.
if he wanted to complain about the casting of the film, why didnt he direct his ire toward the people who actually casted it instead of directing his cult to attack a woman who accepted a role anyone would have? guy is a joke.
best tweet tbh
People are explaining to you why it's not arbitrary and you're choosing to ignore those responses.
Holla Forums pls
So, basically, telling everyone to join the nazi movement?
You're no leftist, son.
TBH this thread shouldn't exist for that reason.
tumblr pls
never said i liked inconsistent enforcement of the rules. i said it's not a legitimate excuse. you cant expect twitter to effectively ban every single person who breaks a rule. there's just too many. milo has tons of followers, so when he breaks a rule, he's going to be the first taken down.
ITT crypto-polyps get triggered when alt-right edgequeen gets Twitter-banned but muh spooky feminists get off the hook :^(((((((((((((((((
Proof the idpol cancer is here.
Holy fuck who cares about this faggot how did this get 90+ replies kys all of you
I really regret making this thread now.
Is that Mesut Ozil?
wow, clearly politically motivated. if it had been a leftist inciting this harassment, they certainly wouldnt have been banned.
If you don't want to be compared to fascists, have you considered not acting like them? It might work better at dispelling the association than celebrating every time someone who criticizes you gets silenced..
Yeah. I think the other guy is either Holla Forums bait or just didn't think it all the way through.
i dont understand. you're saying if workers owned twitter, they wouldnt be allowed to set community guidelines?
please stop trying to rewrite history. I know you want to believe that poor innocent Milo just put out a an honest and unbiased film review and was banned but that's not at all accurate.
please go back
Huh, that's strange. The account pictured uses the handle evyarb9000, and hasn't been banned yet. But Milo's handle is Nero, and he has.
lmao my dude I’m not even a feminist. Seriously, kys or go back to Holla Forums
End this thread guys, cmon
Why do tumblrites always resort to spamming really shit reaction images and the greentext of a five year old whenever the mean internet hate machine starts to bully them? I swear, I've seen this from Tumblr users on multiple *chans by now.
It's almost like a defense mechanism. Curl up into your shell of memes. :^)
Funny. Back you go, now.
you mean Holla Forums doesnt o the same???
please, just stop.
Please go back and stop trying to fit in
U wut m8?
Back to tumblr, now.
do you know what exposure is?
right after you go back to reddit my good sir!
Why do repliers on chans always resort to pretending to be an oldfag and then diagnosing posters' history based on their superiority to memes? I swear I've seen this multiple times by now.
I think you're being a disingenuous right now.
1. This guy isn't behind the harassment campaign.
2. His individual tweet out of however many of Milos 300k followers is not very meaningful or noticeable.
3. He should also be banned for doing that. Just because he wasn't doesn't mean that Milo should be given a free pass.
This thread triggers me in all the right ways.
Not a redditor, thanks.
You can go back to tumblr, now.
funny, you sure do posts a lot of reddit tier images.
Basically, actually discussing ideas takes way too much time and imageboards and forums don't really have the order necessary to do so, so you have to find some way to simplify a discussion into one of the following:
sloganism and strawmanning
arguing over definitions of terms rather than the ideas those terms hold
attacking credibility using someone not immediately getting a reference you make
calling people faggots
That's basically it.
If you think the ban's justified, post what he did. Not what someone else did and got away with but somehow Milo's responsible for their actions.
People have explained to you why it's not arbitrary. You're being stupid.
Hardly my fault this place is overflowing with people like Reddit_Obesity and tumblrinas like yourself.
If I harass someone feminists spoke unkindly of under a burner account, will a high-profile feminist get banned for it? I didn't see any get purged when they threw that ragefit at AGVN.
and we want to keep it that way. so shoo shoo, back to reddit with you. Tumblrinas and redditors are like oil and water, you wont fit in here but you'll fit in great with reddit, imgur, funnyjunk, and ifunny!
it's arbitrary because they banned the guy with like 300,000 followers encouraging people to call a celebrity a nigger for accepting a role in a movie but not some random feminist? twitter has millions of users. they dont have time to ban every single one. plenty of the people who were harassing leslie jones still have active accounts.
No, tumblr, this isn't one of your safe spaces. Off you go now.
Uhn huh…I forgot that most if not all political discussion on imageboards ends up in puerile mush…
Holla Forums would benefit from a mass deportation of shitposters and making a high bar for entry, like having 145< IQ, to filter them out. I promise this will be how we MAKE Holla Forums GREAT AGAIN.
if the harassment can actually be linked to the account of a feminist that's a repeat offender then yes.
Since when does a redditor have a say in what leftypol is and isn't
See, this is what I'm getting at! What he actually did! Not what someone else did!
Now provide proof he actually said that and proof that Twitter bans feminists who engage in similar behavior.
Stay triggered, tumblrinas.
This whole thread
Will do fine sir, you've properly triggered us, now that your job here is done why dont you see yourself out and maybe go back to to the site you came from?
I don't think most people spend as much time as you do keeping up with what feminists are doing on Twitter.
Both sites are for-profit entities run by multimillionaires, both sites have unhealthy hiveminds and architecture inimical to any kind of political discussion. Both sites allow the social justice movement to harass and abuse whoever they want, because porky loves SJWs.
If you click on reddit because you want the alternative to tumblr you're in for a disappointment
i honestly dont know of any high profile feminists who engage in similar behavior.
all me
I knew I saved this for a reason.
there's no point in responding to you seriously.
here's how it will go
you've been doing it all thread, I know you're emotional over Milo's banned but can you shitpost somewhere else?
Thanks for proving my point, trying to claim that everything Holla Forums does is peachy (LOL), and using the classic "I'll restate your argument but make it more insulting toward you" non-response.
I win. :)
not just the inter real life
You basically ignore or don't respond seriously to any post that challenges you. There is reason to think that Milo encouraged the harassment based on his reaction to her getting hate messages and his tweets to her. You're also assuming we all follow your habit of following feminists on Twitter to see if they harass people also. You're being unreasonable.
The only thing I've got from you so far is insinuations Milo did something wrong - but you can't say exactly what and the evidence you did provide is laughable.
And a relentless defense of Twitter's administration against accusations of bias, because feminists never harass people or if they do it doesn't count because none of them are ever important enough.
I don't care about Milo. I care about twitter, because I don't think large web platforms should be run by corporations who ban whoever the fuck they want. It's the same shit that happens to us when we try to run outreach on facebook.
There is no way to verify IQ online. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the IQ test you took online was fake.
You'd be the first to go if it was so.
If he writes one of these Ann Coulterish books now and it becomes successful, then yes.
Otherwise … as much as I dislike SJW, Milo was never that funny and he was never like Oscar Wilde or something but more like your archetypical British fraud who makes Americans believe that he is smarter than he actually is.
Unlike Ben Shapiro, I can't really imagine Milo writing an actual NYT bestseller.
I've never actually taken an IQ test. I hear they're bunk anyway and Mensa eats children.
the more i read about this the dumber i get
No one gives a shit about your shitty edgelord’s ban, fam. Cry about it to Holla Forums.
Holla Forums hates identity politics and would hardly be classified as "feminist" or other related social justice ideologies by any common usage of those terms. But you sound utterly disingenuous when you whinge about muh feminist fascist bullies and your persecution complex—and all the more when you try to make Milo’s ban into an issue of free speech vs. muh corporate censorship. Now off you fuck, little one.
Isn't original feminism (not the new wave one) about making all genders equal?
Would this count as something that would influence his fans to harass someone?
It was about getting women the right to vote.
Yes ;_;
Also don't listen to that user saying it was about the right to vote, suffrage, and whatever
No, the history of feminism starts even before that, by saying that women have a right to be educated outside of the home
i guess ur right. Does "first wave feminism" refer to suffrage?
Of course he'd blame the "leftie" boogeyman.
‘But, some will say, why this singling out of women workers? Why special “Women’s Days,” special leaflets for working women, meetings and conferences of working-class women? Is this not, in the final analysis, a concession to the feminists and bourgeois suffragettes?
Only those who do not understand the radical difference between the movement of socialist women and bourgeois suffragettes can think this way.
What is the aim of the feminists? Their aim is to achieve the same advantages, the same power, the same rights within capitalist society as those possessed now by their husbands, fathers, and brothers. What is the aim of the women workers? Their aim is to abolish all muh privileges deriving from birth or wealth. For the woman worker it is a matter of indifference who is the “master,” a man or a woman. Together with the whole of her class, she can ease her position as a worker.
Feminists demand equal rights always and everywhere. Women workers reply: we demand rights for every citizen, man and woman, but we are not prepared to forget that we are not only workers and citizens, but also mothers! And as mothers, as women who give birth to the future, we demand special concern for ourselves and our children, special protection from the state and society.’
—Alexandra Kollontai, Pravda, 1913.
It’s a little more complicated than that now, but the general picture is right.
even i, a normie nows that
I'm pretty sure this was written to the 4chan Holla Forums audience. They get the reference – being that they were behind it– and are probably chuckling to themselves about how Milo is one of them.
This ideology is dead. It is never coming back.
My dude, the Facebook group got shut down by liberals who got triggered when their brocialistic B████ bro bros liked that shitty meme and it appeared on the liberals’ news feeds, triggering a massive sperg-out. They were all the sort of “feminists” that the Pravda piece was rejecting.
I think its even more unreasonable to even ask for proof, the same for any dogmatic group really. Especially if you have been on the internet for the last decade.
Yes. That was exactly my point. Regardless of what they might claim, no other sort of feminist exists.
… isn't twitter doing exactly that in your name right now? Milo's right-wing, he gets banned because of what his followers do. Thousands are left-wing, never get in trouble either for what their followers do or what they themselves do. Milo mocks an actress, gets banned for it. Thousands call for the death of others, nothing. So on and so forth.
Not really seeing how anyone here can defend this other than on a "this is wrong but shows capitalist companies hold too much power" angle, because otherwise it's a clear-cut "what's fine for me isn't fine for you".
Yiannopolous is a horrible writer anyway. He did the same thing with Gamergate and it failed miserably.
And remember folks, if you beat up the fascists, you’re just as bad as them :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Like, Milo's a douchebag, yes. He might've been justified in getting banned here- didn't actually see what he's tweeted beyond variations of "this movie's unfunny", but fine.
You've equally as popular comedians calling Trump's family rapists. You've the actress who was targetted, Leslie Jones, directly going "my followers, attack this person!". You've repeated cases of clique-people getting away with shit. Remember when a CN writer spent his day telling people to die, got banned, and immediately his LA friends went crying to Twitter's CEO and in a day he was off scot-free?
I really don't get why people here are defending this beyond Holla Forums falling into IDPOL here. You don't have to be against this just because it's Holla Forums's darling who was banned. Hell, you don't have to be against the ban. Just be against the double-standard. Or am I supposed to find Holla Forums agreeing with the classic "it's a private company, it doesn't have to obey free speech!"? Am I supposed to find Holla Forums take the worst self-centered traits of chan culture and not care that the two sites that control public discourse and culture, Facebook and Twitter, are authoritarian messes?
Maybe you think you're not, but you're certainly fuelling the next generation of fascists to feel justified in their actions. Do you not have a scope beyond short-term "HAHA A RIGHT-WINGER WAS BANNED!!"?
Not that that's relevant here- we're not talking fascists, we're talking one of the biggest means of mass media getting away with outright bias. Please explain to me how that's allowable and defendable? Because all I see there is then, when in a few years the right-wing gains the mainstream back since these things always cycle, a whole lot of arguments to be used to "oh it's fine to shut up leftism now, they did it to us!"
He did break the rules of Twitter several times.
I'm sure everyone here would like it if everyone breaking the rules was banned. The thing is, Milo has hundreds of thousands of followers, and he decided to target some actress from Hollywood, so neither party was a "nobody". Besides, this guy probably got mass reported so it isn't like Twitter could've ignored this issue.
It isn't like a smaller website wouldn't have community guidelines.
The terms of service is a spook.
A smaller website would also not be as important to the world at large. I hate twitter, but to act like it should obey the same rules as mom's first baking forum dot proboards dot com is ridiculous. There's a reason countries like Turkey ban this website, or Facebook. Public information and culture is now syphoned through these means, shitty as that is, and to ignore it is one of the most idiotic things someone can do.
Should also be mentioned on the interests of pure practicality- the reason Milo got so big was exactly boosts in popularity every time he got suspended. There's a reason the old "don't feed trolls" adage exists. It doesn't mean "trolls are right", it means "while we work to solve the trolls problem, don't ignite them further".
I also don't get the "it's fine because Milo's more notable" argument, because that only justifies Milo being the first. Going back to the mom's bakery forum analogy, if an asshole with 1000 posts shits up the place together with an asshole with 5 posts, they both get banned, normally. Twitter has a history of not doing this.
I'm just surprised at the response here, that's all. Would expect more people would see 1. Twitter having clear double-standards 2. Twitter feeding into the alt-right messiah complex.
he's probobly a tankie who loves purges
They still are a private company providing a service for free, there's no difference and they have no social obligation.
Well, if anyone ever needed evidence of Holla Forums going to shit, this thread is it. Half the thread is feminists defending feminism. You're all fucking golden.
he deserved it he was a literal faggot on all levels
fuck off
You shouldn't be with all the redditcucks that flooded in with the B████ brigade
you cant seriously expect them to ignore some celebrity exposing the dozens of people calling her a nigger, illiterate, etc. just too much exposure for them not to act, especially considering what those people did is against the terms of service to begin with.
should they ban feminist harassers? yeah, but can you name some prominent feminists who have partaken in hate speech against celebrities, to such an extent that they decided to leave twitter after exposing the harassment to their hundreds of thousands of followers?
this was more about image than political bias. twitter wants to be profitable unlike the chans.
hello Holla Forums
hilarious how well this works. that paul joseph watson character does it as well - affects an overly "proper" english accent and all the americans flock to him
They targeted alt-right.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time to repost all the epic memes from 4chan on twitter to draw out a single extra trigger from feminazis.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same memes over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such euphoric nirvana that they can literally post these memes blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many sad frogs have been smashed, arguments over heated, cucks and nu-males destroyed with rationality? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our free speech? Alt-right isn't shy about throwing their money else where, or even migrating to voat our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Alt-right is competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
Please tell me someone wrote this seriously and it's not a pasta or anything.
Hello SRS.
Holla Forums hates Milo
what the hell is wrong with him isn't that common knowledge at this point ?
if I understand this right he was basically calling insult brigades on specific users, the only sane option for anyone running any website would be to ban him.
omg this thread was saved
Holla Forums s'il vous plait
You are the cancer.
I hope he doesn't come to GNU Social, we have enough fascists from Holla Forums already.
That's like getting caught standing over the corpse, still idly stabbing it with recordings of you stabbing it, then standing up full of zeal and pointing to anyone else going " HE DID IT; IT WAS NOT ME I SWEAR I'M GETTING FRAMED".
Bloody hell anyone who gives any validity to those statements must have a hard time tying their shoelaces.
I'm not expecting them to ignore Milo, I'm saying this isn't to be celebrated because they never follow with it. Even accepting "Milo had to go first because he was the most notable and no-one else goes to the lengths he goes", that's still FIRST, not ALONE.
My copypasta-fu is failing me, was the original about WoW or something?
It's a gamergate copypasta. Replace alt-right with "gamers".
What does this have to do with socialism?
Kinda funny that four years ago this guy wrote this:
I don't give a shit about America's bullshit moronic "culture wars" and they have nothing to o with socialism.
Good riddance. That alt-right house faggot did nothing but incite and pander to reactionaries.
And I get the same whenever I report "anti-SJW" reactionaries. That's Twitter for you.
Every time.
This! We have to protect the freedom of the job creators!
Cry more.
reading theory and forming my own opinions is hard ;~;
Link to such a thread then.
gonna be fun to watch the monkeys rattle their cages and fling their feces about their free speech, which they suddenly care about.
Check out the original Holla Forums thread on it, it's in there somewhere. She attempted to sic followers on people in response more than once.
>>>Holla Forums406699
I'm seeing a lot of people saying McFaggot incited his mob. Where is the proof tot hat?
He's right, though.
No one has free speech on private property and people who actually expect to find it are retarded.
Do I disagree with it? Yes, but I much rather get rid of private property altogether than make it more tolerable as a whole.
is just me or joseph paul watson seem like a nazi,
i know hes not but, just the way he looks and talks, i can easily imagine him gunning down a bunch of poles.
He causes major SJW rectalragnarok so I'm hoping he's unbanned. I underestimated how much they hated him, every single one of them has been celebrating his ban.
It's like GG and harassment. SJWs repeated it often enough until it became an article of faith and no one bothers to actually provide proof. The advantages of being entrenched in the media.
he either went off the deep end or realized he'd get more attention making "sjws" mad and getting alt right retards like to ride on his dick by only tweeting meme tier garbage
he also did the same thing with the actress of the new shitty ghostbusters movie, posting fake tweets of her and the sort
Fuck off. You alt-left poseurs are nothing more than the mirror of alt-right degenerates, complete with a dogged commitment to idpol and an unhealthy obsession with the "SJW" bogeyman. Go back to your circlejerk on KiA, Holla Forums, or Holla Forums, cancer.
Kyle yet again shows himself MAYBE just above the gulag
surely this is worth having a loud and vocal platform for this professional rhetorician who siphons potential comrades away from us and deep into the rabbit hole of gultural margsism conspiracies
Keep it in this thread, you tremendous liberal faggot.
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You can't prove a negative.
Fucking what?
Yeah, that's why they fucked around and took away his verified check mark.
Having prominent alt-righters is a threat to their profits.
Yeah, that's why they were experimenting with un-verifying him too, right?
people think that him being banned from a social network owned by a private company is proof 1984 is real
1984 is real though.
hello reddit
Yes but that don't prove shit
Simplistic. This is behaving as a collectivist should, not giving a shit about the consequences and ethics involved with private property itself. People think their spaces on the internet are their own property in the same sense. On top of this, twitter enforcing a rule that otherwise gets rid of someone irresponsible by not actually behaving under the implied guidelines of private property, "right to speech", "right to free expression", is interesting
IF you want to see who is siphoning comrades away, just look at this worthless faggot:
So I'm both alt-left and alt-right now. Did I just found the alt-center movement?
Have you even seen it? Milo shits on her (deservedly, because she's a perfect specimen of the tech sociopath), and that's all he does. Yes, retards who follow him bother her, but that's a) meaningless because pic related, b) happens literally every single time someone with a large following criticizes someone else, and c) been done on purpose by SJWs for years. It's one of those things that is just bantz when they do, but terrorassmentisogyny when it's done to them.
We're not drawing from the same base, champ. Nevermind the fact that he's nowhere near a professional rhetorician, if he wasn't around, all these retards surrounding him would instead be worshipping a similar Youtube e-celeb.
This. The moment someone unironically whines about online "harassment" I lose the ability to take them seriously ever again.
Except I am a comrade, you dumb fuck. Or are you going to play petty sectarianism while simultaneously promoting a cryptoreactionary agenda which outs you as a Holla Forums provocateur?
The alt-right and alt-left are not meaningfully different. The only significant difference is that the alt-left pretends to be leftist and uses some leftist jargon.
I take it you've never been the victim of online harassment. Or do you just not understand what it is? It's simply untenable to say online harassment doesn't exist.
I wish rednecks would drag him through the sonora with an F-150
Hello again, SRS.
That's what feminism has always about and remains to be, though it has taken different forms and had different objectives over the decades. I'm not very familiar with the "zero wave" feminism that predated first-wave feminism, so I'll refrain from commenting about that. First-wave feminism was principally focused on women's suffrage and other legal issues. Second-wave feminism broadened the movement to include workplace rights, reproductive, rights, and challenging the role of women in society as members of the family and the workforce.
Third-wave feminism was then a rapid expansion from second-wave feminism, which involved the academization of feminism as a movement with academic disciplines and the diversification of feminism as a movement, since feminism was historically the movement of—and led by—affluent white women. Queer theory and other developments occurred during this time, including the so-called "feminist sex wars", which led to a schism within the feminist movement on the matter of sexuality and sexually activity—for example, whether feminism should be sex positive or sex negative and what its position is on issues like pornography and sex work. Overall, third-wave feminism was were feminism began to develop its own theory independent of the ideas which originally informed it, and where feminism began to question how the organization and history of society itself might have impacted women. This is where patriarchy theory grew to prominence, which was essentially a critique of the sex-based hierarchy which has historically persisted within virtually all of human society. In this sense, third-wave feminism was the point at which feminism stopped focusing on specific objectives and goals and began turning its attentions to more general and fundamental critiques. It was from this that radical feminism arose.
So-called "fourth-wave" feminism is the suggested or hypothesized continuation of feminism, which professes to continue the movement of the previous three waves while including some new features, such as: support for transgenderism, plus-size fashion support, the introduction of thealogy (feminist spirituality that reflects on the meaning of Goddess as opposed to God from a feminine perspective), "male feminism", and the continued integration of feminist ideas into mainstream society as the new social epoch which replaces the historically patriarchal nature of human civilization. The new epoch wouldn't be matriarchal, but would be what we would probably consider to be something similar to the bourgeois equivalent of sex and gender equality.
Overall, feminism is a rich tradition in bourgeois thought, though it doesn't have much revolutionary potential, especially since it has integrated so well into bourgeois ideology. The last refuges of feminism which do have revolutionary potential, such as Marxist feminism and socialist feminism, are not very mainstream among feminism outside of the more politically radical parts of it. I doubt feminism would ever return to its radical roots (and radical feminism doesn't really do that, in my opinion), but I wouldn't immediately dismiss Marxist feminism, socialist feminism, or anarcha-feminism as potential comrades.
If you're a petty sectarian, you're either a Holla Forums provocateur or an embittered #NotMyComrade poseur. In either case, you might as well be considered Holla Forums and should fuck off accordingly.
I think I'll be staying right where I am, SRS.
Without friends?
I'm an anti-social misanthrope with schizoid pd.
why are they all so punchable?
Truth is that twitter banned a trolling journalist because he is right wing in the culture war and twitter is left aligned as a company. Nothing more nothing less.
fuck off Holla Forums
nice bump, retard
Milo seems like a dick, but are there any concrete examples of Milo encouraging harassment? Simply critiquing X, and then Y who follows you on $PLATFORM sends $INAPPROPRIATE_MESSAGE to X, is no proof that you want Y harass X.
They are a monopolistic corporate entity. Sympathizing with liberal idpol is not leftist.
He was banned because he insulted a Hollywood celebrity, and pandering to them is profitable.
Nope, that's what leftism is in everyone's eyes in the world so that's what it is.
That's nice, call me when you're relevant again and not a boogeyman people pull of the closet when they are losing an argument.
You're the sort of people Orwell wrote about on 1984.
American companies are capitalist cults in everyone's eyes outside of the United States.
You're making John cry tbh