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When will it stop Holla Forums?

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volagitvnzf3o56b.onion /master/styleguide/

When all white men are dead and the Jews have no threats to their power. Or when we decide to fight back.

That's how it stops.

Only when all cultural marxists will be physically removed, OP.


Are you describing the "kissed a girl" meme?


If it's that simple why haven't you weaponized it to take down projects that shouldn't exist?

is there a site like github for this?

Is that Brian? Cute.

based bitbucket

Hitler dubs speak truth

They're not based, they pushed out fag flags back in June at random to people.


Git can be run over mailing lists. Mailing lists work like forums or chans. So git over Holla Forums would be feasible, it was how it was designed to work from the beginning and what the Linux kernel uses.

I understand the kernel uses patches that are mailed but how exactly does it work?
How do you retain author information or commit messages/tags if wanted?

You use git request-pull, which prepares a nice e-mail for you. It's not complicated at all :)

man git-request-pull

See also git-format-patch and git-am

format-patch generates a set of .patch files per commit that contain author and commit message.

Just leave Marx alone, dude. He'd have hated this shit as much as we do. Find a new buzzword name to spit out, preferably one that means something this time.

Fuck off Holla Forumsjeet.


Something is odd about these posts.

Maybe Marx wouldn't be a marxist today (unlikely, given his daddy's money would shield him from all the shit you people cause). But that's irrelevant. Living marxists defend sjwry with almost as much zeal as they defend turning Europe into the middle east.

No, people are just sick of political autism and Holla Forumstarded people coming here and shitting up Holla Forums.


This is your problem now.

I haven't noticed much a problem with Holla Forums seeping into Holla Forums. What I have noticed is Holla Forums types probably all just you autistically screeching Everytime someone says something that could be construed as even slightly Holla Forums related.


I only know two so called marxists and they don't want either or maybe better gay rights, because their shithole is homophobic as fuck, but i can't call it "sjw" thing.

Marx lived in the fucking early to mid 1800s you dumb nigger, many people didn't even have access to education. The issue of home/private/state education bore no resemblance to what it does today. Read a fucking book instead of kneejerking to shitty social media images and downloading them to you "dumb commies" folder

I'm not leftypol either, I'm neither of them and both should kill themselves. Fuck politics.

youre in a political thread dumbass

teh perl community is being invaded by these people

pic somewhat related



This is your problem now.

It goes like this

Glad someone still remembers that it's supposed to run over email, it's fucking disgusting how Github has become synonymous with git.

Nobody does (or is doing) that. Ironic or subversive shitposting is still shitposting.

Was FOSS a mistake?

Nigga, the proprietary software industry is equally tainted by the same cancer. Hell, the corporates are even feeding this cancer in hope that it makes them look "hip" and "human".


GENDER NEUTRAL CODE /master/styleguide/


"I shouldn't have to work a day in my life and even less repay any kind of debt i ever contracted".
Karl Marx; Slave owner, working class exploiter and notorious drunk.

(Heil Hitler. Heil Holla Forums!!!!)

Remember when this shit was confined to Tumblr? The check your privilege meme was something to laugh out, now it seems the mental illness is infecting half of the internet.

Shouldn't be hard for you to figure out why you haven't noticed much of a problem, friendo

This is your problem now.

The Jews have been cultivating this since after the war. We're now weak enough that they think they can push us over the edge.

Take your shitposting autism elsewhere please. Screaming jews doesn't make you a clever lad and if we wanted to hear jewish conspiracy theories we'd be posting on Holla Forums, not Holla Forums. This is a board about technology, not jewish conspiracy theories from fringe nutters. What the fuck happened to concealing your power level when you're not on Holla Forums.

Just because SJWs are cancer doesn't mean shitposters like you aren't also cancer. I'm sure there are quality posters on Holla Forums but you sure as fuck aren't one of them and you certainly can't seem to keep it in your pants so do us a favor and fuck off already.