Holla Forums outpozzes the media

Basically we create the ultimate current year cartoon character.
The rules are simple, just keep adding details on the same pic after the previous user.

Other urls found in this thread:


2016 is over user.

current year is never over, you'll learn it the hard way

Oh boy
Add some rainbow hair and dildo earrings

Sjws hate 2016, the whole end of 2016 was about how much they hated it

How old are you 12? 15?
Honestly asking.

Hi actual 15 y.o., how's life on reddit?

Needs big ears with those inset hoop earrings.. Gauges, I think they're called?

We're in The year of our God Emperor, CY+2
Get with the times.

Face isn't potato-faced enough. Needs to be grinny as well as a big red nose.

My masterpiece. MSpaint masterrace.

So what, did you expect them to magically dissapear?
They're still people, fags but you still share 99% of the DNA, and at least 70% of the anthropological similarities.
Under the right circumstances you could've been one.

See SJW's live in a bubble where they believe a majority thinks like they do, reality is people mostly don't care what other faggots do with their live.

I'm really 20, and you must be a wizard.

Grinning WITH missing jagged teeth, of course.


Beautiful, user.

I can't stand this old man's art style! Or as I like to say; ugh! I made it more modern for you.

It's kinda cute


Here are some stipulations that must be met

>Must be genderfluid or at least identify as trans, strictly male to female, as female to male trannies are gender traitors and must be put to death

They should also be crying, because crying = feels = good character.



Add some cinnamon


is this the artist who does melty eyes?

Pretty sure it's him/her

do we know the persons name?


Clearly some sort of foodie meatcuck.

I think this is the one:

nah, too extreme for cartoons

Explain this

Is this the protagonist?

Crystal dildos. The "thing" of the show.


Fuck, gimme a picture of the dildo by itself so I can add it to



Real streamlined. Thank you for keeping my horrible heart thing there, while making it much better, and the booty shorts.

Well don't stop now, dubs. Let's keep the thread going.

I wanted to do this for a while now.
There you go.
Unrelated to the thread.

Beard out of 4 stripes. Very important and iconic.

Was Yoshi embarrassed?

Ah, the "nu male goatee" for XY tumblrinas who never made it through puberty… Iconic indeed.

I was talking more of a design importance, like it's the thing that tumblr cosplayers will draw on their faces.
But you're right too.

What do you mean by this

Hmm, how can you illustrate that he's in "free relationship"…

Either a backpack nearby or a shed.

Two tattoos, one for each girlfriend.
Or a rainbow bracelet if you wanna add "gigantic faggot" to the mix.

I think like "Mary+Sandy+____=Love" tattoo, but we'll need his name first.


Communist hammer and sickle maybe?


men aren't allowed to have 2 girlfriends, but girls are allowed to have N boyfriends

Aw shit, paradigm shift


took me a minute

At first I wanted to add a bulge, but this is supposed to be a character in CURRENT YEAR kids cartoon, not FUTURE YEAR.
So I added generic tattoos instead. I could have extended to legs as well, but I think that'd go too far.
And we can't add those earhoops since this thing doesn't have ears.

I was actually thinking, this character seems to be nearly done, but there are still some many ideas left, so how about we extend the theme to create an entire cartoons cast. I'd say we'll need about… 3 more characters? Then we can think of a title and make a poster with the final results. Are anons interested?

Could be fun. But they'd need to be of varying body types. Don't wanna be problematic now :^)

Oh yeah, of course.

I was gonna say, the thinness of this character is pretty triggering.

check your body present privilege!
We need non-solid out-of-body persons of smell to be present in this progressive roster!
Yes, I'm talking about a sentient fart

You need an asshole white male. You can either make him hot but a bastard, or Really Ugly.
Point being fuck white people. MRITE?

Also focus on something that SJWs hate, like science or making money legitimately. Like he has to be a person that for all intents and purposes is actually great, but not a SJW so we gotta play him up as an asshole.

Like a person who exercises and is confident in himself. Plays sports and is a Christian.

Oh and likes America. Fuck those people especially.

What are the tattoos supposed to be? Wanna clean em up a bit..

You might find some inspiration in pic related :^)

Aryan guy with a /fit/ body in a suit.
He's married and has kids girly girl and boyish boy.

IT still doesn't have pants, and we need something progressive!

How about this as a second template?

I'd fuck schorl and hematite.

Eh too on the nose. You gotta portray fat as pretty. Like morbid obesity as a good thing.

Like turquoise from ?

Here are some other templates straight from Jewgle

Snake(s)/tribal tattoos
Rings from The Fountain
Star of Chaos

Maybe add one of those "abstract" triangles they love so much or a deer/owl.
Bonus points if the entire arm is gone to shit.


Some of these actually look neat, too bad it's SU autism

How about this

Better, reminds me of Garnet. Let's use this.

How did I do?


Why are they so painful to look at?
Can someone with some knowledge of color theory help me point out the heresy in this?

Move the hipster mustache to the bottom of it's neck (the v cut on it's shirt) and you're golden.

It's too late for me to say otherwise but make her arms thicker. Wouldn't want to imply that this just happens to be a fit woman with a wide behind.

Also MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO BREASTS. SJWs hate breasts. Like if they are there they have to be only a SLIGHT implication.

Is even going too far Id say.

actually, this is more accurate list

Now with ear gauges!
It still needs pants though

Pants are oppressive tools of the patriarchy. What it really needs are hair legs.

Says YOU!
We're breaking the social norms here!
What's ironic is that we're just doing what everyone else is doing, just with a little bit of exaggeration

What's worse is almost how little the exaggeration is.

Again I recommend shrinking the breasts a bit

just do what Holla Forums did and just add more and more details, like a scenary/room or vehicle with details, or pet or something like that.
Pic related, started only as the game from the second monitor(there wasn't even a monitor at first), then as a table with several monitors, then the entire room.

already doing it

Alright feel free to blow up its tats again if you feel like it I just don't feel like her size is wrong.

Added hair.
How about pic related?


Is that supposed to be female hair?

scientists aren't sure

Ayy lmao
I wonder where >she is now?

Make them cutoffs and we got a deal.

Hopefully in an extended grave following diabetes.



I can't draw for shit so I hope this is okay

It's okay to be proud of being female. Not male though.

Sorry I posted the wrong versions, here are the correct ones.

She looks too manly, needs eye lashes or something.

all dykes want to look like men, that's the point

They got my approval.

I don't know how make up works.

Eh, it'll do.
Too lazy to fix this right now tbqh

Gentlemen and transladies, this might be ready. We need to name it now.

Salacious Moon.
Roger Moon.
Moon Moon.
Moon Wo Mann.

now's not the time to be lazy fam

ayy lmao

It's always Sam.
I hate how it ridicules the manliness attached to that name by Sam "Serious" Stone

Sam Wo Mann?

Sam "Wu" Mann?
As a reference to you know Wu.

Any gender-neutral name will do.
Last name is

I have to sleep, sorry. Maybe tomorrow.

I like it. Let's hear other anons

Jenny der Utrahl gender neutral
Muhammad Ingudi ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!
Samantha Guinness mental illness
Melany Ali millennial
Thomas Unterbunker von Burdneglicht, but everybody calls me Queer fag

Not thick* enough


fucking kek

It's not enough.



I still clicked it, hoping it was a renamed APNG

We need to go deeper…
But I don't know how. How do you do a double wheelchair? Do you put her in a permatricycle Harley bike? Do you put her hear on a smaller wheelchair, and then she has misadventures of her head rolling off, her ears pushing those little wheels, a-la Megas XLR? Do you give each hand an even smaller wheelchair because her middle and ring fingers don't work on both arms?


Is she voiced by the same woman who did Bleh?
I hate this edgetastic show, what was I thinking watching it back in the day?

WAAAAY too thin! make it dumpy!

WAAAAY too late! read the thread!

At least it's not a McFarlane show

Are you fucking retarded mate? Its probably the last show to ever discuss jews to the extent that they did. They literally had a character named "The Jew Producer"


We didn't know how good we had it, I'm surprised Holla Forums hasn't mined the show for its dank meme potential. Maybe even add the spongebob ripoff as another mascot.

I think this show is what redpilled me. I started questioning the jew question.

I'll raise you one better!

By that logic SU can be a good show.
The show was shit… *I liked it though.**

Except that drawn together was for an audience that was well aware of jewry. SU is filth literally targeted at children.

It says PG.
At PG age I was stopping to watch shows that were obvious author track.

Fucking kek, that last one sounds like a Jerk City comic.

How does it feel to be this blue pilled?

I knew what shit was author track at a young age.
Isn't that the opposite of Blue pill?

unidentifiable skin color

jesus fucking christ, you did it Holla Forums

This is the easily the best Holla Forums thread in a while.


Much better.

That's because no is bitching or complaining like if it were a blog just a fun OC thread.

What other special flags are there?



That's better.

jesus christ we're switching into turbo already

UGH! The-hair-is-not-colured! UGH!

this, it should be a bright tone of either blue or magenta




Needs a second color

the wheelchair doesn't have enough dildos glued to it.


how could you forget the MOST IMPORTANT PART?

radioactive burns?


This looks interesting. S/he could be like Rorschach but instead of having shifting ink marks it's skin ones.

Interesting. The lore is starting to shape.

What's its name tho

Sam Wu Mann

Shaniqa (pronounced Sha Nee Ku Wah) Le-a (Le Dash Ah) Abdulahedaya (Abdula he da-e-a) Sam Wu Mann

Streamlined it a bit.
We also need to pick a name for this.

Let's make Shaniqa Le-a and Sam Wu Mann

makes sense now.
What's Sam's quirky ability?

It has an ability called Hotwheels

Nah. That looks too good. More loose, and formless.



What's the next character should be? I'm thinking like white cuck who hates being white.

Needs more hair dye.

A trans-furry

Don't forget to make it wear (adult) diapers!

Oh god

That already exists.

Looks like the alien language from Prometheus and Bob.




It does. use it anyways

have you ever been so special snowflake that in place of genitalia you have a time and space distortion in your crotch area?


Ask chris chan

Someone post the pic

I dare you to find one user who wouldn't fuck schorl

Let's do the third one

Let's do fourth one

You don fucked up.




Shit my bad redoing it

I've put in as much effort as current year animators.

Are we going for Bix Nood or BlackNess?

Excuse my previous fuckup



I dont know, he's still missing something.

A father ?

Severe lack of Problem glasses and bad feminist make-up.

Something like one of those IBOT wheelchairs (with a pair of identical sized wheels attached to a pivoting bar for stair climbing) crossed with the recently revealed "Handle" 2 wheeled robot from Boston Dynamics?

- left drawing, cruddy 45 degree angle view
- middle drawing, front view
- right drawing, side view.
Red are the pivot points and the blue is the wheels.

Needs the parody version with examples like "Hellboy" gender.

The hair needs more color.

Chest not big enough.

I say we add a bit of puke green


I say we can add a third.

That wheelchair needs a parking ticket

You can't ticket a sovereign citizen, you double shitlord.


Still needs the diaper

Wheels for knees

I demand more flags.

Uhhh am I the only one to notice how problematically pale our character is?

No, not flags - badges! A handbag or a backupacku by Cuaqeu la Paris covered with rageface badges.

She doesn't have any. Unless you mean her phantom knees in which case she already has phantom wheels.

I demand more badges!

Since the steam has waned I guess these are our characters. Anyone has ideas about the show's name and what should go onto the poster

Poorly cropped, especially the nigger. Otherwise good job.

The Mojo Jonesin' Squad of Super Awesome

I unironically like the nigger's design

Wait there needs to be a midget!

Just make the dick a workable third leg.

We already have a non-visible character and thon-thon name is Jk'lsfhg'ulsehrgaior'gčpsw! Thin-thin is a gaseous individual who can take up all of the least of the room depending on thon fronting personality!


Seconding this. Would be more subtle and children-friendly considering that it's supposed to be a cartoon.


You cheeky faggot

Now we need a setting

The magical kingdom of PCuckelot

Safespaceville: The most tolerant and understanding place in existence! Where every day and every year is Current Year!

and you want a plot
basically the white patriarchy is oppressing them all and they do literally nothing but "hip and trendy" virtue signalling until the last 2 minutes of each episode during which some white guys come out and yell at them and they scream for the cops to get them arrested for wrongthink

These three share a studio apartment in a big hip city while they attend their liberal arts college and deal with all the crazy antics of being college students in a big city.

Too on the nose:
Just do steven Universe again:

First of all start off with a Dirt Deep plot…Uh…An evil monster was buried long ago after a meteorite. The dark power also fell off in fragments and so some people have superpowers. But don't reveal that plot until 50 episodes. The meteorite was part of a bunch of evil demons experiments from another dimension.

STRETCH it out. Keep your audience in the dark, like give hints or shit. Make sure NOBODY asks followup questions.

Then have a 9/1 Drama/Action ratio. Also make sure none of the drama is related to the action happening. Evil demons attacking the town is no problem. But Sally said my hair was tacky! Time to teach her a lesson!

This is also a good one.

Stockholm, Sweden.

I was thinking something with a city theme.

Like San Fran?

Or los angles

That sounds perfect

Or that

Needs something magic

Maybe some magical shit in the collage, like magical "art" books that bring them "original" abilities, a catsword, a puppy bomb.
You can also bring "mystery" to the story at the end

This looks like Hotwheels and that woman with the read hair, white coat and problem glasses (forgot her name) had a baby.



I can't wait for this hipster shit to either end in mass suicides, or come full circle and they start making really good shows with engrossing stories, fleshed out characters, and great art direction.. y'know.. ironically

A closet in their apartment, where the only white guy in the show resides, is actually a gateway to another, more magical dimension.


We still need a name first


oh god is she that tumblrfag that gets a million views on her shitty flash animations

amputate her hands
she should not be allowed to animate

I just realized that every Steven Universe character is a drag queen.



Can't really be any worse than the stuff Holla Forums usually comes up with.

We could go further

Im still waiting for the setting picture.

It's long over. You should have contributed instead of waiting.

Hey, wait a minute. You're that guy who used to shit up /tg/ with pointless negativity! The one who was always saying threads and trying to discourage other anons.

Low energy.


Roundabouts are the tool of the devil.


Needs more hook