At the end of the day I'm stuck being a wolf and you're stuck being a highly agitated, somewhat self-aware sheep for the foreseeable future, aren't you? If not then where do we go from here?
Be born Bourgeois
Well, stop entertaining leftist ideas. It makes it much easier for us to classify who to line up against the wall when the time comes.
Sell your family's wealth, go out into the shitting streets, cover your face in shit and submerge yourself in the filthy river like the rest of us, instead of preaching from your ivory tower. only then will we take you seriously gomrad.
Turn into George Soros.
Gr8 b8 m8
not bait, im serious. I fucking hate champagne socialists who dont do anything good for their community. Russel brand actually helps his community, but this guy wants to hypothesize about reform whilst wearing fucking blood diamonds.
I believe this is the same line of thought that the Chinese intellectuals took during the Cultural Revolution.
You can believe yourself to be a "wolf" because you wear expensive clothing or are going to be commissioned as an officer in the military, but you'll find that you're a sheep on wolf's clothing.
You have plenty to lose, including your family's fortunes, franchise, etc. What do Proletarians have to lose? When they become sufficiently agitated, what is the consequence for them when shedding sheep's clothing? What do they lose when they shoot your kind in the streets?
Certainly not an active revolutionary.
Hes a reformist. No ally of mine.
What makes you think that having been in the military as a family tradition somehow means that you'll be able to hold back a Proletarian Revolution? Do you think that because your people murdered browns in a Middle Eastern country, that means that you and your porky hoarkers will somehow be able to hold back a Revolution all by yourself?
oh fuck off with your bullshit, we eat the rich here. We will melt your watches, your rings and your ceremonial medals (congrats for doing jackshit, soldier) and use that "wolfblood" to help the poor.
Well, for starters, our experience, training, and large arsenal of weapons probably puts us on a different level than some idealistic kids who've probably never raised a fist in anger before.
Do you now?
None of this is true btw, nice rp you got goin
Poor people have no experience, training, or weapons in your fantasy land, then?
You folks really like to imagine your enemies as bloated and weak, but if we were that weak why haven't you toppled our feeble asses yet?
Russell Brand detected
Okay m8. You keep on thinking that you're about to storm the barricades with your nonexistent army.
oh bugger me mate, you gon and caught us you have
Why don't you set up some coops or send money to Rojava?
And have the FBI balls deep in my asshole this early in the game?
No, I imagine you as bloated and fat because you're an Internet shitposter pretending to be my 'enemy' (lol)
Whats next, the navy seal copy pasta?
Man… you are out of touch with reality.
Why would the FBI be up your ass?
Well, supporting Rojava might throw up some red flags.
Doo eeet.
That feel when I'll never win a large lottery jackpot and invest in cooperatives and so on.
you alright there mate? having a bit of a realisation?
Because a co-op is typically set up as a 501c, and many 501cs are the favorite of wealthy people looking to conceal assets and business ventures behind the guise of "non-profit".
Okay, post more on Holla Forums about your four figure watch and how you're a 'wolf' (holy shit you literal autist, do you even read your posts before you hit submit?). Again, dope rp bruv
Why not set up cooperatives as normal businesses? Get some workers, train them (or find ones with experience in the field) and have a business run itself while collecting a small stipend and being a figurehead.
It's doable, though it would raise flags with the IRS.
stop, hes a neet who doesnt own an analog clock, let alone a 4 figure watch. Hes not setting up any coops
You can start by killing yourself.
How so?
I assume everyone is trolling. Go with it.
My watch has six figures it counts the milliseconds too fucking choke on it.
Because it would look like a shell company doing a lot of business with a lot of money pumped into it. The more steps I took to hide it (registering an LLC in Nevada, overseas etc) would make it look fishier and fishier, and having it in the open would make it obvious that I had no intention of turning a profit, which would raise eyebrows.
It seems like having it in the open would be the better option. So what if eyebrows are raised? What business is it of others what you do with your money? I don't understand porky culture.
does t tell you how much of a faggot you are
Because something like that is bound to either make you look weak and stupid or devious and up to something. If someone doesn't get a satisfactory answer to what that something is then they're going to assume that it affects them.
If you're perceived as weak and stupid or as devious and up to something, what happens?
I see.
How does one allay these fears?
They start planning how to fuck you either way.
By letting them in on "the secret'.
Reform will always get rolled back as long as there is capitalism. The only way we will get socialism is if we have a bottom-up anarchist revolution. But that will take too long. A vanguard will collapse eventually because the people lack class consciousness. It's too late to save the Earth, tbh. Environmental damage will have gone to far. We might as well just kill the porkies and fry up their bacon while the world burns.
woops my shitposting flag
Jesus Christ.
How do you get them to agree to this?
Anyway, couldn't you just dress up your actions as a new, innovative business model or something?
Welcome to the upper class.
You don't.
It's possible, but you'd have to be stupid to buy it. That said, small co-ops I could fund, but not big ones.
Also, whats an anarchist revoloution? hows it different from, oh i dont know, a revoloution?
oh let me guess
bottom-up vs. a small party of people
you cant fund shit mate, i hope this cool little rp got your winky hard for ten minutes, now shut the fuck up.
Small co-ops it is, then.
I don't know what else you can do, honestly. Maybe spread your money among a lot of left wing causes and worker owned firms and quitting your position in society? (I wouldn't, lol)
so normal revolutions arent bottom up? Oh yeah, for sure bro, Colombia and Venezuela were definitely just a small party of people, not real socialism at all mate
Kill me now.
It's almost like you want to burn in hell after our Lord and savior comes back to lead us in glorious Holy Revolution.
What books can I read to learn about things like this other than pure textbooks
Not bloody likely.
Can you write me into your will first?
Don't listen to any of these faggots.
Sell your expensive status symbol shit. Spend what a hipster would spend. Give the extra to groups like Socialist Alternative and GPUSA and Our Revolution and the B████ Institute and Wikileaks. Take a look at local orgs, and if you like one, start volunteering in it. Otherwise, there's Grassrootspb.
Also, start reading leftist theory, or just lurk here long enough, it's the same thing really. And see about making your companies into cooperatives.
Live modestly and use your wealth to help your community and leftist political groups. If you own any businesses, implement profit-sharing.
Remember: having lots of money or not doesn't determine whether or not you're a piece of shit that needs to be gulaged. How you get the money and how you use it determines whether or not you're a piece of shit that needs to be gulaged.
Wew, Lad.
Without the state you're weak.
lol nigga stop larping you arent rich and your family isnt some dynasty of warriors.
youre a fag, on the internet, trying to impress people you will never ever know