Im so sick of the the "ugly british actresses" meme" on this board

Im so sick of the the "ugly british actresses" meme" on this board

All Goddess-tier beauties. Who does USA have? JFAT? Amy Schumer? Im an American, and I still want all overrated,stronk, smelly amerifat cunts to fuck off. Our women are not as classy or graceful as English ladies. Even when I watch a British show, even the extras look prettier and cleaner and more dignified than the biggest Amerifat "star"

British women are the most beautiful women in the world.

yeah, couldn't agree more
i mean, britain gave us Best Emma, how can amerishits even compete with those other two slobs?

trust me you don't want these slags. you're seeing what they want you to see.


the first is obviously half nigger, the other is obviously jewish
nice try, amerifat


you got any problem with that boy?

You know who agrees with you limeys that your women are beautiful? The "Asians" that you are letting gang-rape them while you post here.

One more

that's some middle eastern/indian breed of some kind, and anyway she's hot and i'd do her

Also Juno Temple

Not that user but you are wrongo bongo

Only emma

That photo is mirrored

You're going to hell, user

Emma is good looking but she is too libtard to my taste.

nevermind, I misread your post

All is well again!


not important, the only thing that matter is the beauty of our Queen

Inner ugliness is also judged, old chap

she really isn't bad at all compared to others 😛, for example I bet you could actually have a civil conversation with her and banter and she would be cute. im an independent though, so i dont get caught up in normal shitflinging between liberals and conservatives

t. Butthurt Redcoat

shoop a doop



Americans win again.

Wow these people.

more attractive than fat hwite american whales for sure

I dont even like game of thrones and im american as well

I forgot this one though, but turner was always a complete dumbfuck



How those immigrants treatin' you, Anglocucks?

One dat I'm going to make Emma Watson eat my cum from the floor.



there's a difference between white europeans and hwite amerishits

I still want to fuck Laci.

i wonder what kind of psychological issues must one have to hate this beautiful creature

Good Lord, brits need to get a handle on their cuisine. Are there no fitness shows or sociopolitical understanding courses taught over there?

You're a dead man, user

Why is she so perfect?


I'm going to spit and slap her in the face, while she's sitting there or her knees naked and crying so hard that her mascara is running down her cheeks, then I'm going to cum on the floor in front of her, and then grab her by the root of her neck hair, push her face down in to my puddle of cum and make her lick it up and show me when she swallows.

She would feel disgusted with herself, how pathetic she is, how easily she surrenders under the threat of physical violence, and by how wet she is, how turned on she is by being handled like a worthless cocksleeve, how much she really wanted my cum inside of her.

She's a spic with nappy hair, look it up



How many British children have you fucked Mohammad?

>implying there's any (((real))) British people left in Britistan

Which actress isn't?

the leaked shit will change your mind


past her prime, no tits, too skinny
waaay past her prime (it was in Mulholland Drive)
kek, this pointy nosed, man jawed trollop is hot to you?
no idea who that is
Butt chinned, thinning hair, fucked teeth
jew, used to be sorta good looking, past her prime
had no idea she was a bong, nice rack, crazy eyes, wouldn't trust
TOP KEK, maybe 50 years ago
no name, D-list actress with no defining features at all
has a really good plastic surgeon, still past her prime
feminist, cute, but highly overrated, mediocre acting skills
the blonde who can't act? kind of cute, I guess
no idea who this person is
used to be hot in the 90's, past her prime, sadly
Fuck, took me this long to realize you were just shitposting the entire time.
This rat faced, buck toothed twat is about as wooden as George Washington's teeth. People actually think she's hot? What, next you're going to tell me you think door-shaped Alicia Vikander is hot next, right?

Get some fucking standards, you worthless beta orbiting faggots

Shit taste in everything. Here's your pity you, you also are a memer.

godspeed, user. make sure to stream it.

she's the best thing on that list tbh, gillan is 2nd. rest of the list is trash.

Fellow actress, Astrogel Shart, did not make the list.

You have to go back

who the fuck is haley atwell and why isn't anyone posting her best pics right now

shit taste, but anyway that's to be expected by a tomcuckposter

trips confirm

she's the forgettable brunette in the Captain America movies. She's somewhat cute.

Exactly, European whites are ones who are so guilty over it's past that they'll commit ethnic and cultural genocide of their own people while Amerishit hwites are trying their hardest to resist the mistake you Eurofags keep dragging yourselves in.

That's a jew.

but the usa is demographically in a far worse position than any european country, and the first who allowed jewish neomarxist academics to pomp out the ideological garbage that caused the mess we're in, like adorno, marcuse and horkeimer, was america

You weren't tipped off by Watson?

Shit taste for you too


Yes, but it's not like we're completely lost. If we were, there wouldn't have been a landslide victory for Trump. inb4 DRUMPFTY DDRUMPTYDRUMPFTY DRUMTY DRUMPFTY
And at least we don't get terrorist attacks three months in a row ala the U.K.

vids are .mov and can't be fucked. not hard to find tho

Keira Knightley is super pretty.

Brittain is a non white, muslim rape shithole tough.

I have no problem with that boy
that's a cute boy


it's a cute girl