Are you ready for Doctor MILF Holla Forums? You're not a bigot who forgot to pay their tv licence are you?
Next Doctor on Doctor Who to be female
britcucks gonna cuck
I'm ready for the porn.
Fuck me. My life gets more horrible by the every day…
please let it end
racist af tbh
So are there any nudes of her floating around?
I've already seen 6, 9, 10 naked, I want to keep up my collection
>6) What does it feel like to be the first woman Doctor?
>It feels completely overwhelming, as a feminist, as a woman, as an actor, as a human, as someone who wants to continually push themselves and challenge themselves, and not be boxed in by what you’re told you can and can’t be. It feels incredible.
>7) What do you want to tell the fans?
>I want to tell the fans not to be scared by my gender. Because this is a really exciting time, and Doctor Who represents everything that’s exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one.
hope she's not staying longer than two years, she'll age like sour milk if she stays too long.
women are so fucking dumb im honestly embarrassed for them
I agree completely famalamadingdong, don't forget ableist unless the misogynist writings think female is a disability which wouldn't surprise me either tbqfhatmifkwis
Can misogynerds ever recover?
For once in their fucking lives they get someone who could pull off some interesting stuff and they shaft him with gay stories and replace him with a whore. What a joke.
When your sexual value drops faster than a slipstream engine and you have more wrinkles than the face of boe
What were they thinking?
This is why you shouldn't believe the 'white liberal' meme. Literally every white is a white supremacist underneath
- Justin Trudeau is a terrorist that oppresses the BLM
- Emmanuel Macron said black people reproduce like roaches
- Shia Lebouf said black people will go to Hell when they die.
Who the fuck cares what he says…
Nice try schlomo, Jews are not white.
Ah ah, and there was an user here who told me that Chibnall would be better than Moffat in a previous Who thread. Chibnall will add more diversity to please the BBC. Expect a black man as her companion.
Moffat was the only one to say "no" to a female Doctor.
That's not even possible
Ratings will be high for the first episode or two and then begin to drop. No one wants to see a female Doctor. What are tumblrettes going to finger themselves to?
The entire concept of the doctor being a woman was a punchline to a joke he made 20 years ago
Aren't they supposed to be everything-sexual?
Is the writing still fucking awful?
The lead actor is the least of the show's problems.
35? More like Grandmother Who. British women peak at 14.
It's obvious that they are recycling ideas, but not from the past, only from the very recent times. Some ideas are cool, but every episode is ruined by an amount of fucked-up liberal propaganda. I suggest to watch 2 episodes: Extremis (that was the best of the last season) and the 12th one - the latter shows why this series is shit now…
Literally nobody cared for it when it aired. No tweet from the official account has reached this amount of feedback ever
When you upset the fundementals of a show based on gimmicks and sensationalism, don't act surprised when the novelty wears off after a couple of episodes, and you're left with something that just doesn't quite work. This is the equivalent of Scrappy Doo, or one of those really awkward superhero rebrandings (remember when Punisher was an angel?).
woah guess the future really is female
hopefully she has a black male companion
How long til Doctor only gang bang art?
I know right?
I like Moffat when he writes a couple of episodes or when he handles a show with a limited number of episodes, but he's not good as a showrunner, we've seen that during his DW run and on Sherlock.
This season wasn't that great in terms of writing, especially with the [current year] references.
As for the poz, he's a leftist but he knows when to stop. One of his characters (Jack Harkness) was fine as an omnisexual alien until Russel T. Davies turned him into a faggot on Torchwood.
It's a tv series airing on the BBC. They've been shoving diversity everywhere for the last couple of years, replacing hwhite men who hosted successful shows on tv and on the public radio. Doctor Poz will get the full treatment once Chibnall is at the helm, 13 is only the beginning.
She looks like Piper Perri with dark hair.
Talking about Doctor Who is like dropping Downton Abbey in the middle of a conversation, it's pop culture shit.
I agree.
Good job britcucks, keep on being a reminder of what not to do. How the fuck do people still watch this shit? 20 gorrillion seasons and counting and the British "people" don't have the courage, will power, or even intellect to put this crap in the trash where it belongs.
This show is the mascot of British pop culture: an unfunny, tired, washed-out, cliched, boring, pandering, poorly-written, cheap product brought to you by the taxpayer.
it would be perfect
It just keeps getting worse. Everything that any white male ever loved will be forcibly taken and mutated for the Current Year.
at least female doctor, right?
Glad I dropped this shit a long time ago. BBC just has to fuck everything up with retarded propaganda decisions. And bongs get to pay for all that garbage.
Just more proof women can't achieve anything of their own and instead have to cannibalize men's work and accomplishments to give themselves the illusion of greatness. Parasites only good for their wombs.
Ok I won't watch it.
It'll have the lowest viewer ratings in plain numbers since the first episode 50 years ago. Despite all the praise coming from the blogs, reviewers and other proglib sycophants.
Post yfw:
>BBC decide the reason we didn't like it is because it wasn't feminist enough
>Among this includes several more seasons of Ecclestone and Capaldi, as well as a few seasons of McGann's Doctor and a gargantuan epic of a film covering the most important event in the whole timeline that we still haven't seen more than 50 years later; the War of the Daleks
>Oh, and all of this is completely free and is simultaneously happening with every franchise in existence thanks to people with genuine heart and passion for what they do; billions of hours worth of quality entertainment is produced at an unbelievably fast rate
…you know, I probably would've given it at least one watch if it wasn't a change simply for agenda sake.
Palestinians disagree.
Palestinians see Jews as demons, not whites
Those would be the demon's pawns, of course
You forgot the part where NuWho series 5-12 is deemed non canon and only spared from burning so future generations can see what not to do.
They will make the Daleks the good guys, straight white males will be the baddies. The women will be DALEKED to produce the diverse new human/dalek race. The Cult of Skaro were just ahead of their time you see.
You know, it's easy to just chalk this up to the kikes, but you have to wonder why do they own all the things white men created so that now they can corrupt them? Because they were sold to them, because white men didn't give a shit. Our ancestors dropped the ball and now there is a war on all fronts to extinguish our popular culture, and the (((corporations))) control everything in it.
I don't give a shit about Doctor Who, but it's everywhere. Thor is a woman. Captain America is a nigger. Captain Britain is a muslim. Luke is gay and The Force is Female. Ghost Busters is feminist. It's an all out attack everywhere, and it happened because the content owners cashed out.
God bless Christopher Tolkien. The only reason the Silmarillon won't be pozzed is because of him, and his righteous hatred of all the studios.
Quite is sadly enough to keep it going…
That won't gonna stop it
No if it flops it is because of the migonysts.
I can't wait for the pretend shock at the plummeting viewership. So may unironic tweets to the effect of "I don't watch it but this is fantastic news!" from the spiteful cunts being pandered to. As the BBC is propped up with tax money, they will learn nothing from this catastrophic failure.
A true prophet.
I liked Doctor Who up untill Clara, the stories just became too shit. Didn't even bother with Capaldi.
I'm alright with this.
Clara was fun, until she became impossible. Also, the nigger boyfriend.
Half nigger. And that guy wasn't irritating at all
Thanks for correcting me, Schlomo. Shouldn't call the goyim the wrong pronouns.
I don't think it will fail. Anybody who watched this garbage was a Boogie-tier cuck anyways. Doctor Who has been pozzed since they had an elderly dyke 'married' couple. The new episodes will draw some feminists and the people who watch this shit are so blue pilled they'll tell themselves if they don't like it, they are bad people.
That was a random pic from my checking folder…
Boss, I'm just saying that Danny Pink was the most tolerable black character in Nu-Who. There's no reason to hate him…
As a person who watches this show, I can tell you, there are still non-fucked-in-the-head guys like me in the fandom. Just very few of us… I'll drop it after the Christmas Special, because Capaldi is my Doctor and I want to see his last ever episode
this is all the krauts had to say
That's where you are wrong.
Not surprising as capeshit was kiked from the start.
whats wrong with minions lol?
dont you like bananas?
I really really want to watch this.
That's not how you spell Martha.
smhtbqh fam
It will get worse, when the next Doctor is a dude but still wants to fuck men.
Next Doctor will transcend race and gender and likely fuck children.
Dr.Fem might be a big fat lezzer and just love slapping claras' little shitties about
See, I'm not sure. Having a Lesbian Doctor might be too much. It would be saying he's still a man, just in a woman's body.
I'm betting the new Doctor will be aggressively after guys, probably dark-skinned ones and be constantly making jokes about how great it is.
Just fuck my shit up
Just when you thought they'd fucked it up enough
Nurse? A doctor is a doctor is a doctor is a doctor. It's not gendered, you dumb cunt.
The fucking goofy hipster isn't a medical doctor, is he?
Don't matter. Medical or otherwise, a doctor is a doctor.
My point is nobody would accidentally call a PhD in a science-related field a Nurse.
Retards that know nothing about PhDs would.
They've been doing that since 64…
that's a funny way of spelling nineteen-sixty-four
that'd probably cost you like $500 max, that's what, ten tv licenses?
license = £147.
3. 3 TV licenses.
Most of them are children.
I bet nobody in this thread even gives a fuck about Dr Who
You're the dumb cunt I'm afraid. I really don't want to have to explain the shitty joke to you so I'll just ask that you read the tweet again.
Jesus Christ, I should hope not.
they never disappoint
How about they find some of those missing first season episodes instead? That would be history, also while they're at it they should dig up the entire 1st season of the Avengers. Just keeping 15 minutes of the 1st episode is unacceptable.
i'm starting to forget why doctorwho is popular
Remember, the original series started to shit the bed with the fifth Doctor too.
No, this can't be true…
This is Moffet's last middle finger to the fans as he departs as writer. Yep, saving the worst till last. That's it, I'm dropping this. Season 10 was a struggle but this is the last thing.
I have no idea why its popular.
I looked at it years ago because someone told me it was scifi, space, and time travel show…..
Some shows were meh nearly all were infested with faggots and other degeneracy or hipster shit. It got really unbearable when under Moffat weak effeminate doctor being pushed around by feminist twat and her servile cucked boyfriend.
A fucking Space whale….worst show I've ever watched.
Ok. I laughed at that.
feels good man
gamergators BTFO ;)
Remember when we used the word "fanbase"?
I like how they're still mad about that :^)
Time Travel is gay.
Time doesn't really exist, it's just a jewish construct.
Oh great, another reason not to watch Dr SJW. I used to enjoy this show as a kid, with whathisname Pertwee and Tom Baker. I even thought the Eccleston episodes were fun. Tenant was all right when he was riffing, but his apologetic cuck-face got tiresome after a while. Matt Smith was overrated and I'm glad no one is hiring the rubber faced wanker any more.
The writing is shit. Camp sci-fi is supposed to be shit, but it's also supposed to spark the imagination or at least feign being clever. What I've seen from the show lately hasn't been clever. Justifying that by saying "it's a kids show" misses the point. It should be encouraging kids to be clever or teach them to be wary of space-niggers trying to enrich the planet, or something. PC Willy Wonka meets ultra-progressive Star Trek is a shit direction for the show. It alienates old fans of the series, fans of sci-fi and just regular viewers that just want an hour of escapism, not force fed more Jew nonsense. Why can't the Doctor go back to being an elitist aristocrat that talks down to plebs?
I hope it fails harder than Ghostbusters and kills the series for good.
No, the next Doctor is chosen by the new showrunner (Chibnall) and the BBC.
>I've now seen two different ppl commenting on facebook posts about the new doctor with something like
he regenderated
Well, tell me then, what do you call the masses of fans?
This is what they can't understand
Please mods and BO remove the Marion Cotillard banner I find it to be disrespectful and not in accordance with a good entente.
Everybody make mistake and she is still a waifu to us.
Wow it's not like the word is right there in the post or anything
A fanbase. 'Fandom' is tumblr cancer. Women have to incorporate a social aspect into it to enjoy it. It's no longer about the series, it's about sharing feelings together and being bestest buddies.
Womanchildren are the real cringe, never let them forget it.
And they wonder why Hillary Lost
So why did he never become a woman all those other times?
Didn't they set some shit up where Maisie Williams plays some immortal girl and then flies off in a spaceship shaped like a 1920 dinner. Honestly expected them to do a spin off series with that for the my sex junk narrative.
You mean slapping pertinacious whinny twat Bill about
Jesus christ
Wtf he's 10
Cross dressers are now "gender creative".
children are entitled to choose their sexuality you bigot white male, if your children want to wear makeup and skirts and kiss other boys it should be encouraged, famous pediatricians like dr. nosewitz said so.
I remember a time when boys would play with dolls and parents would e afraid that their son would turn into a homo. Good times, gone now.
I m-mean
dr. nosewitz
On a side note, what's with this corny coat/hoodie combo?
I'm still waiting it to happen
That's what the 12th Doctor was wearing. He originally only had that long coat in season 8, when he had no real personality and the writers had no idea what to do with Peter Capaldi.
In season 9, he started to wear the hoodie, sunglasses and he started to play the guitar, because now he is turned into the "old guy who acts like he is really young but looks bloody old".
And on a sidenote, he lost most of his personality in the last season. They used him only to be there and mock the patriarchy as often as possible.
Should have been Picaldi in drag. Missed opportunity.
atleast she's got a nice bod
So Dr. Who is going to become a Mary Sue now, right? I can't imagine the writers having the balls to put the character through the same wringer and force her to earn victories and respect. I need only look to Disney's Star Wars to know that's coming.
So is she going to make out with the already other timelord that became female and was forgiven for his/her previous sins? Will they start having lesbian sex in the tardis while discussing Ally McBeal? She could even get blacked by the female companion they've got now.
A female doctor was to be expected. Of course they had to give her the unlucky 13th number. Also, I thought that timelords only had 12 reincarnations in them. Was I wrong on that because I thought I heard that mentioned.
I thought Calpadi was good but he got shafted in these later episodes with the worse and more apparent recycling this season. He did the best he can despite the even more abysmal writing the series has seen in a long while.
Hopefully the BBC does something like this and inspires some Muslims to correct their deviant behavior with jihad.
The amazing thing, is that Moffat was so bad, I'm not even mad at this.
I mean, watched the show since Kill the Moon, but the next season HAS to be an improvement on Moffat's run surely?
i heard there's nudes of this chick out somewhere. anyone get em?
Think about what you're saying.
the show went to shit once eccleston left.
that was ten years ago
I swear after this shit sinks, they will come to the conclusion that they were not progressive enough and do just that. Hire a Muslim actress to play.
I'd fill her old, rotten and ill-functioning womb with my semen and make autistic kids
Why? Everything needs to be gender- or skin-swapped? And they except us to applaud it?
They do only have 12, and The Doctor used up all of his, because counting the War Doctor, Matt Smith was the 12th. But in his very last episode, Gallifrey ganted another regeneration for him to protect the universe or something. Now I have no idea how will they explain this 14th one…
I had days to think about this recent turn of events, and I've came to the conclusion that this will be a complete reboot now. Since Bill left, the companion is gone, Nardole is also gone because he stayed behind, so the 12th is all alone. After he meets the 1st one at Christmas, he will regenerate, which means new Doctor, no companion and just the basis will be the same (TARDIS, psychic paper, sonic).
So you can go out and say "I don't care about this reboot" and doesn't have to think about it as part of the continuity at all.
Probably because the Beeb were going to cuck to the idea the second any sort of discussion began about it, since they are marxist trash.
This is actually a great trend. The more franchises are femmed, the less time I spend caring about and consuming useless entertainment.
What makes it even more disappointing is the actress looks so nothing. At least Michelle Gomez was distinctive.
Gonna have to be honest here, I'm about ready to solo dotr
men btfo
What alternate dimension does she come from?
To any hateful troll reading this, I am proud that soon young girls all over the world will be able to turn on the TV and see a powerful woman being a Doctor Who and performing Doctor Who tasks, which, I don’t know, probably involve fixing gadgets or facing off against robots? If that’s not something to celebrate, I don’t know what is.
If a young woman watched this show a few years ago, she likely couldn’t imagine herself doing any of the things that a male Doctor Who does in a truly puzzling YouTube clip I found, like whatever the fuck is going on with that phone booth. The most she could ever dream of being was whoever the hell that lady is who hangs out with Doctor Who a lot, which is probably his girlfriend or sidekick or something. That’s why it’s so inspiring that the BBC has just declared publicly that gender doesn’t matter when it comes to running a laboratory or spaceship or whatever.
it's bigger on the inside, like a womb
Source, by the way?
This should be framed and put in a museum.
t. BBC executive
We need to be teaching our girls that they too can travel in time, live for thousands of years, and cheat death by regenerating into a new body whenever neccessary. How are they going to get ahead without these important lessons.
The only people left watching Doctor Who after Amy left are Tumblr retards who want to ship everything. Two women won't interest them even if ones a dyke nigger, so it will tank the viewing figures.
Expect the first episode to do astonishingly well as a freak show watch, then expect the figures to tank extremely hard. BBC won't care as it doesn't have to pay it's own bill but American networks will reject it after their contract is up. Show will die and go into the storage locker for another reboot.
Jenna Coleman is not attractive enough for you?
Who said it will be two women?
Nope. Pearl Mackie was in for only one season, as far as I know. There will be a new companion.
I don't think so. Tumblr is mostly in America, why would they reject?
I'm anticipating a whole lot of Tumblr posters complaining the the magic just isn't there anymore. The fantasy of the amazing magical man who whisks you off your feet and gives you all of time and space is obviously what hooked most of these people, even if they're too dense to realise that themselves.
If only all whites were white supremacists, oh what a wonderful world it would be!
Sure it is! Just kill the white people!
Meanwhile in America…
All she needs now are a pack of skittles and some watermelon lean.
The Doctor has always been a mary sue.
I remember when he was Doctor Who, a wacky old man with a time machine. Now he's some cosmic force or some shit.
Ideological cucks
I guess we will never ever get to see Romana again. Such a shame, she was a qt, moreso after the regeneration. She was a capable character, even made a better sonic screwdriver.
This is how you spot a teenager
That's why we won't see her
Apparently the ratings are down 2mil since David Tennant.
This self destructive pandering should kill it dead
i would watch the shit out of Capaldi Doctor if he went full Malcom Tucker
but the went full sjw instead
yeh while Matt Smith seemed to be a gay man larping as a straight one I don't think anyone is blaming the actors
you misspelled "Bad Wolf"
it's the BBC, we can safely bet her companion will be a male dindu