Tan/board-crossing OCs Thread?

Haven't seen one in a while, and I kind of like them.

*here, I'll post something from here instead of an old 4chan one

How about no.

What's wrong with that though? A lot of the tans evolved from 4chan.
Though, the OP could've avoided that.

Are you fucking stupid or something?

Shouldn't 8/co/'s be Eddie Brock?

Kid i get you like venom, i like venom, but pushing this on every thread is going to cause people to start disliking venom. Too much of a good thing leads to redundancy, especially when you're trying to force shit likr this.

Also dknt forget to sage.

fucking this.


No. What's the problem? It's still board-tan OC

If not Venom, then who? Requiem: Vampire Knight? Millar's Nemesis? Jack?

Oh, I know, how about Chat Noir? We're all gay for Chat Noir.

Yeah and the more you continue to ask why, the more this thread will derail and become metaposting and will get posted.

Kid you're trying too hard.


How about Eddie Brock with the symbiote shaped as Cat Noir's outfit?

lol wut

Oh you're you're that female Australian shitposter. That would explain why this thread devolved into shit.

We already have a board tan. You're three years too late kid.

New -tans need some love. /tg/-lich needs some love.

Make a new thread for it then, this one is already lost.

Well, there is >>>/btan/ but that's pretty dead.


Are you Coldsteel the Hedgehog?
Cannot unsee.

Any drawfags? I want to see an image of Eddie Brock dressed as Cat Noir.

We have 5.

Go ask the drawthread

Bullshit we do.

At most we have 2 if you wanna count both Future Holla Forumsnrad and Holla Forumsnner. That becomes 4 if you include Tom/co/ and Bos/co/.

Whatever happened to that user who was doing the comics of them? I think he got too busy with life to continue.

We count regular Holla Forumsnrad too?

People left the thread die, he's still in the drawthread.

Realy are you fucking stupid or something we had 3 threads straight, finally agreeing that Holla Forums had 5 with green Holla Forumsnrad as the head.

Of course we count Bos/co/ you fucking mouth breather

Don't forget to sage, the thread is beyond saving.

but we can't lose that fucking bear
I could give a shit about Holla Forumsnrad tho

I thought that was Holla Forums.

What the fuck have I missed?
And this board, including the top boards are shit because halfchan decided to pay us a visit when their site went down.

See, all this sudden use of "kid" as an insult which I've only seen on sites like JewTube, and this sort of reddit-tier posting.

Holla Forums decided to sperg out a while ago and a bunch of shitposters came to Holla Forums along with some faggots from Reddit, 420chan and cuckchan. They're obvious to tell apart just by the way they type, post, obsess over celebs, try to get ID's implemented and how they bitch about other boards Basically Holla Forums again
These threads are prime example of their doing: >>798517 >>797434 >>797533 >>795357 >>788170

Eh, I'll stop if what you're saying is true but it seems to expose them quicker.


Best boadrtan coming right thru

Found the millennial!

Fuck off cuck

nice bump retard
and the fact that he's obviously a millennial doesn't detract from the fact that people that used kid as an insult were always faggots that had no argument

