90s: Film renaissance, so many great classics that still influence our culture today
00s: Some good stuff, not as much though
10s: Not a single good film
What went wrong?
90s: Film renaissance, so many great classics that still influence our culture today
00s: Some good stuff, not as much though
10s: Not a single good film
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers. Niggers is what went wrong. Now everything has to pander to niggers. Even stuff that's already been made that didn't pander to niggers is being remade so that it does pander to niggers.
yeah that weak, limp wristed, nigger, faggot gave (((them))) the justification they needed to go turbo marxist with their degenerate and subversive propaganda.
films are all very bland and forgettable do you remember details from movies from the 2010-2017 time frame? Compare to say LotR which was a pretty good trilogy not prefect but good enough that I remember and quote lines from.
genuinely asking for a recommendation
Christ I'm sick of hearing about this stupid movie.
What's the best 2010's movie Holla Forums?
a 1930's film you watched in 2010.
John Carter.
Pain & Gain
reddit happened
2007 is when everything went to shit
Hacksaw Ridge
I posted it already, pleb
Hope you enjoy it
The Master
The Tribe
High Rise
The Lobster
The Color Wheel
There is more but these are some of the best 2010 onwards has to offer.
Literally only heard of two of those
Meme movie, not a great one on merit alone.
good taste
Get the Gringo
It's just Mel melling out on a bunch of spics. It's hilarious and awesome.
And 2 jews
Good movie but didn't like the directing in certain parts, felt too melodramatic
(((Jew))) infestation hit critical levels.
You have zero taste admit it
I will list a few.. in no order.
Hell over High water
Black swan
Night Crawler
The Gift
Midnight in Paris
Hacksaw ridge
Gone girl
The hand maiden
The wailing
funny way to spell jews
Ones I haven't included are
The Lobster
The Circle
and probably one or two more that I can't even remember
These are all tried and true pure kino, reminder pure kino is not for everyone.
the emoji kino
Black Swan is fine
Top plebbit
Where is your list niggers?
What's jewish about Whiplash?
right here:
nowhere because movies are shit
it's about a white man betraying his race. jews love that.
I'm the only one who has posted any actual reclist
What??????? HOW? There isnt even a hint of race mixing.