Vice Jews actually put together a breddy gud piece on based Duterte's RWDS and their work. I especially like the duct-taped hands, feet, and head on many of the good drug dealers.
Documenting RWDS
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they've been cucked for yonks - is this a return to their defining stuff?
They still have the "omg these poor innocent souls" angle, but you can just mute the audio to get rid of that.
More than a few are softening their stance incase Trump wins, they will hide like the rats they are.
The pictures are good, the editorializing is cucked out.
Give dislikes for the anti-Duterte bias and upvote based comments; most of the comment section is typical Vice cancer.
Well that's just what you expect from cucks. Do you think that journalists subconsciously understand that they are the Western analogue of these Oriental drug dealers yet? That the destructive poisons they pedal to the public make them the greatest enemies of the people in our countries, therefore the targets of such a clean up here?
All the average leftist understands is how to conform to the groupthink. Their inability to engage in independent thought stems from their inability - or unwillingness - to see themselves as individuals.
This is their weakness and the reason why they fail to adapt to our bantz.
You can't deny they have sort of an animal instinct, a primitive fear, of when they are about to be purged. I wonder if they've reached that stage yet, or are still only being theatrical with their rhetoric.
Nah, leftist are incapable of being funny because they sold their souls away long ago to be part of the groupies
If you're going to be a lazy faggot who doesn't want to webm down to size, get it off Jewtube and put it on a pomf clone.
Then grab the link and go to ss
I think I'll stick with being a lazy faggot.
Damnit, I made the LUGENPRESSE.webm everyone knows and loves. Get off my case!
We need someone like him in Mexico. Their drug war keeps spilling over to the US. We need either a wall or a based Pinoy to contain it.
post pics
Sleepy tiems for me. On a parting note, I just want to point out that duct-taping their heads serves another purpose beyond gagging and blindfolding them: headshots at point blank range tend to send skull fragments flying in all directions. By taping the skull ahead of time, you greatly limit the potential shrapnel.
In case anyone needs to know that.
day of the duct tape when?
This is great.
Why not just shoot them in the heart or fuck just knife them?
If you're capable of grabbing them and duck-taping their head, then you don't even have to waste ammo. Use a long-dagger and pluge it into their heart.
How much of this is actually killing drug dealers and how much of this is drug dealers and other misc thugs killing whoever they want under the guise of 'muh degenerate purging' ? I can't imagine the police department is doing a very thorough investigation of these killings.
It's a win/win regardless. It makes people avoid the criminal underworld altogether if it gets them killed.
Doesn't Cripplecuck live in flipland? Is he execute by RWDS yet? Or will he make an escape?
Jim fed him to the pigs a while ago because he was a drugged out degenerate. It's Jim's own Right Wing Pig Squad.
Yeah it's a totally retarded policy but it's a great meme when you're an idiot memer thousands of miles away
t. weedman
A lone pig farmer on an island full of drug addicts must avoid the brutal government while trying to figure out ways to sell the data of users of his edgy internet forum and make it big.
This could literally be a chinese cartoon.
Let's call it Big Man, Pig Man anyone know any studios that need ideas?
I was against it at first due to being soft but I can't argue with the results, and his people really like him for having put his whole soul into killing those who destroy his city.