NATO seeks troops to deter Russia on eastern flank

NATO seeks troops to deter Russia on eastern flank

I was wondering what was begin slid. This is as hot as I've seen the Russia/NATO conflict in my life time and I was around for the fall of the Berlin wall. Next president is a war time president for sure.

Forgot to mention, if you come across any undecided voters focus on the Russia/NATO conflict. Normalfags might be dumb but they have a distrust of the mainstream media especially after the last year. I point out that the Russia issue is what they avoid talking about then explain that the next president is going to be dealing with war even if we do a 180 on policy and turn Russia into an alley. Even normalfags that want a woman for president shudder at the thought of one begin in during a major war. I've managed to convert a few folks to Trump just in the last week by bringing this up.

At the very least make sure you go vote.

Reminder that our leaders are insane enough to start a nuclear war rather than lose control in the west
Getting all those whites killed is just a benefit

Also, the Pentagon lost/misplaced something along the lines of $3 trillion, the last time they lost something of this magnitude was right before 9/11

All the dubs in this thread.

Yes user a lot of things are adding up. Something major is about to go down, the economy is going to collapse soon and with that always comes a major war. I expect it'll go down like last time: Economy tanks, major false flag event, then war with whomever the elites blame it on.

I've never seen Russia be as bold as they've been as of late. We've had 25 years or so of the bear begin timid and weak but now it's as strong as ever and now afraid to show off all its new toys. The message is clear, they aren't going to bow down to the west's influence a long their border any longer and are prepared to defend themselves with everything they've got. They know we are weak, hell we've having to hitch rides on their obsolete space craft.

If NATO starts World War 3 before Trump gets elected, I'm going postal on every fucking Iknowwhoyouare I can find.


To be fair, we've crossed every red line they've warned us about
We agreed not to expanding into was the Russian near abroad, and now we're stationing troops there. That's an existential threat for Russia to deal with.
Not to mention the US military has become much more of a paper tiger since the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan than we like to let on

For sure we've poked them every chance we've gotten. Back when Russia's money was worth toilet paper we could push the bear around all we wanted without much worry, but they managed to hold together despite long odds. I think the elites were expecting Russia to descend into Civil War and further break apart but instead the leadership over there expelled degeneracy and focused on developing weapons that surpassed our own.