Wait, I need some context.

Epic thread fellow Anonymoose!
Have an upboat!
You are a gentleman and a scholar!
*tips reddit gold subscription*

Suicide Squad won an award for Best Make-up. It was up against Star Trek Beyond and some other movie I never heard of

Well the makeup for killer croc was pretty neat

Beyond should of won that. It was much better than SS.

Speaking of which, wasn't that weeks ago? Why is OP making a thread now?

Doctor Strange didn't even win for best VFX.

Guys, Every single DC movie has made hundreds of millions in profit, and now they have an oscar…

I think somehow they're doing it better than marvel. I don't understand it, but it's true.

The awards are happening now

You forgot Heath Ledger winning an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight.

That was old, somewhat competant DC. I'm talking the new DCCU.

I'd feel more uncomfortable about this if only Marvel wasn't so shit

Now either I'm travelling through time or being memed. I'm certain there was a thread several weeks ago in red text talking about how SS got an award for make-up over ST Beyond.

Was that a different award show or something?

Wikipedia tells me there was a Make-up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild award ceremony, maybe that was it, as both films won awards in that.

It might of been a joke post.

Could've been either one of the several hundred other movie awards that happens during award seasons, or maybe it was the nominations.

Oscar doesn't mean the movie is good. It just means the people behind Dc oscar campaign know how to campaign better than Marvel's group. Oscar awards are like secret elections where the voters are limited to SAG and done in secret. There was an article about it 5 years ago and I'm pretty sure it has gotten worse since then.

It was for nominations

Man of Steel was pure cancer.
Batman v Superman was a lead weight.
Wonder Woman looks like it's going to fail hard.
Batman can't keep a director.

But hey, at lease Suicide Squad got an award.

Who the fuck cares about the oscars these days? I thought we were all in agreement that is was nothing but a popularity contest.

Stay salty, Mickey.

If it's not a popularity contest it's just a bribery contest. Movie awards don't mean shit. Suicide Squad was still a terrible movie. I'd watch Ant-Man over rewatching Suicide Squad.

Wait, what movie won VFX over Dr. Strange?

Batman v Superman was objectively kino.

Jungle Book. The movie that looks like blue screen shit 100% of the times.

What a shitshow.

They still shouldn't have gotten anything


A turd with glitter that a kike poured on it is still a turd. Even if it's shinier than the smaller less smelly turd.


>mfw CISBusters didn't

Well that's one good thing.

Like I said, pure cancer.

Just like the kind of people who actually use the term "kino".

Just report and ignore, just Holla Forums scum

Marvel/DC are both (((infested))).
So are the (((Oscars))).

Stop worrying about (((their))) games.

Everyone knows Marvel DC and the Oscars are shit already.

But at the same time, go home Holla Forums


You really need to stop bringing up Holla Forums. They only ever come here to shitpost because there's one user going around stirring up shit.
If you stop mentioning Holla Forums and ignore posts they make, they won't come here. Holla Forums needs to also ignore the Holla Forums bait made by the autist.

Never gets any less funny.

Are you at all surprised? Why would you give an Oscar to MCU when half of their movies have been the exact same by-the-numbers bullshit?

That being said, Makeup's about tge only category Suicide Squad could compete in.

I never understood how such obvious cancer was even liked in the first place.

Shawshank Redemption didn't win an Oscar.
The Oscars are a joke.

Ant-Man would have actually been good if Marvel didn't fuck Edgar Wright over like they did. At least DC respects its directors' visions… to an extent, anyway. Surely a farther extent than those MCUcks, that's for sure.

But their directors are crazy pretentious cunts like Snyder.

They respect directors' visions as long as it's the vision they want…WB/DC meanwhile spins being filmmaker-driven but doesn't seem to know how to make that work


The fact that a movie like Suicide Squad can win goes to show that the Oscar's are nothing more than public masturbation.

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'Master Race' my ass
