You glorious motherfuckers. Do not stop. The masses smell it. The information age and KEK cannot be stopped. Praise him.
Holla Forums is always right
You glorious motherfuckers. Do not stop. The masses smell it. The information age and KEK cannot be stopped. Praise him.
Holla Forums is always right
Other urls found in this thread:
I almost had tears in my eyes, but I played it cool and gave him a couple of redpills to research.
Forgot to add I probed to see if he was a Holla Forumsack his lack of even basic memes was astonishing. It was a complete normie.
video if anyone wants to share it
I don't think libtards realise just how impactful this election cycle has been.
They think that if Trump gets fucked by the rigging of the vote that that will be the end of it, but regular citizens, all across the world are waking up at a pace that makes your head spin, and we all know that once you take the redpill, there's no going back.
Win or lose, this is only the beginning.
*that will make your head spin
When they rig the vote there has to be immediate civil disobedience. This is why I have been suggesting that we start memeing this to the normal faggots. People are too comfortable. They don't understand that taking what you want by force is always an option.
Whatever you do don't get discredited. Pick a time when you'd win or people like you will be put down for another 70 years
Yep, just how he tore down the PC around questioning mass immigration, he's doing the same now with the corrupt media. The implications of that are HUGE.
I would hope that anyone on here had the common sense to know when to meme and when not to meme, and a random party with random strangers is not generally the best place to do that. While I'm sure anyone who knows me closely enough could figure out a connection to Holla Forums if they had one of their own, one would have to meet both of those criteria. It's the best way to play it safe.
Interesting. Same thing was happening in 2012.
I-It's just a poorly calibrated touchscreen, goy. Don't worry about it. It's not like your vote makes a difference anyways.
Every day i get more and more certain we will have a trump presidency or civil war. Asking people to accept clinton winning is bending them over and fucking them raw with a 12 inch dong. This will snowball out of control so fast it will be unbeleivable to watch.
You have no idea how much of a normie life I live on the weekends. I use my memes very sparingly and with great responsibility.
No need too worry user. I am not a English speaker or even living in a English speaking country, we don't play it fast and lose like Americans with their free speech laws at social events.
posted to jewtube for sharing
good post
The memes have become unstoppable. The only question is the death toll, which could be quite low if we scare the kikes into turning tail and running.
This is exactly the stuff which needs to be spread. Don't forget to share if you're on Facebook.
At this point i'm convinced we can't let them get away, if we do then in a couple generations they'll be back and then it will be our grand children that pay the price.
We need a more permanent solution to our problem.
what's wrong with pen and paper we have over a hundred million people with no jobs, we can find somebody to count them.
LWDS are coming. They are already printing up the arm-bands.
I don't know I kind of favor the ironic punishment here. Do the same thing to them they did to us. Let them flee to Israel, stop supporting its military, and let the Arabs overrun them butchering and raping at will until Jewishness has been bred into Islamized nonexistence.
Ours is better
I think I recall you post that. What ideas did you have in mind?
That leaves a paper trail, and we can't have something so outdated in [current year] :^)
It's probably just your fat, Texas fingers, goyim! Here, take some fat burning pills from my friend Dr. Silverstein.
Your post made me do a little digging. I wanted to find out why would Soros machines be rigged AGAINST Obama in 2012. Get a load of this:
Nice quints, brother.
Get your twitter, facebook and everything ready and blast those sites to oblivion with Voting Fraud hashtags, including videos, pictures and every information you can get. Try to get at least somewhat famous people to repost. Texas is just the first step. With luck more counties will change to paper ballots, and even if not, at least more people get aware of what's happening. Don't forget to
connect the name George Soros with Fraud too, at least that way the name will spread to normalfags.
And don't forget to add:
I want to have like the T but like the SS lightening bolts
This is an interesting angle.
Quints checked.
I laughed, it's sick how they attack then shift, honorless kikes.
though what OP posted does look more like input error, rather than software error. though we cannot be sure.
When we suspect voting fraud, electronic voting is really bad.
short version, watch until 0:49
That is the emblem of was used by Hungarian nationalists during WWII. I find it insulting someone would sully that emblem by tying it to that disgusting bolshevik, jew whore.
They don't create. Only destroy.
Fitting they would use an emblem that already has history.
Feels good diet red pilling my entire monkey sphere by just being right and funny, no one really believed me years ago about the shit Trump is talking about. Sister is still a dudeweedlol hipster though, mad at me for calling her gaggle of friends faggots and advising her not to screw around with bisexuals or effeminate orbiters.
Its the complete opposite of her… fucking jew communist love to subvert things.
You can clearly see a watermark for a hungarian website in . The pic obviously has nothing to do with clinton and that user took you on a ruse cruise by implying it did.
Stop being so gullible.
Only way letting them escape woRks is if they are under a never ending blockade
Holy shit so Obama was right about the voting being rigged and now has the nerve to say it's not rigged.
This is the same fucking line they used in 2000.
Trumping his dubs with superior dubs in less than 2 and a half minutes. Truly blessed by kek son.
the only way to be sure, at this point
Thanks user; here's an mp4 in case it gets taken down.
They can't deflect it as stupidity or folks begin butthurt anymore. I can't wait to see normalfags uploading videos of machines changing Trump votes to Hillary. The current year is the gift that keeps on giving.
ain't soros hungarian?
I live in a small university town in a midatlantic solid blue state. If the entire country were like this place, Trump would lose in a landslide. I hear people talk some of the most basic bitch uninformed shit about Trump that would make most Holla Forumsacks boil with rage. They mostly do this in groups too, so even if I tried to correct the record with them I would get nowhere and it would be a waste of everyone's time.
Yet, in the kike's nest I live in, there is still a small sliver of hope. I discovered a few Trump signs next to the overpass down the street, I saw a Trump sign on someone's lawn next to signs for the DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES for the local elections. Milo came to my campus recently Yes, greasy Greek Jew faggot, we all know and there were several people with MAGA that I saw around the event, I had other things I was busy with so I didn't go. Just today some kid was yelling "Crooked Hillary" as I was walking by and the guy I was walking with began to repeat the chants.
A lot of people hate Trump here and other places, but the amount who are actually supporting Hillary and the ones who are glad to do so are very few. I saw one ugly bitch with a "Ready for Hillary" button, and immediately after another bitch with a shirt that said "Idk who not Trump though". That's been it.
My point is this, this is supposed to be a place where Hillary has the strongest support, I can only imagine how much the rest of the country is in love with Trump. Right now, if I were to drive in any direction other than east, I would be in an endless sea of Trump signs. And this is in the suburbs of the East coast, it must be even greater in the Midwest, rural New England, western states, etc. If what I'm seeing can be used as any indication of the country at all, it's that the actual Clinton supporters are a vocal minority and they are on their way to having their shit kicked in on November 8th.
He's a Jew who was born in Hungary. Jews are a rootless international clique who have no loyalty to the countries they reside in, no matter what they might say to trick you.
He's about as Hungarian as (((Rákosi))).
I think you meant to say 'final'
After they replyed by blalantly calling everyone who wanted to designate BLM as terrorist "racists", I've had enough of their bullshit, fucking kikes.
I've been thinking about this for a bit:
Obama kind of fucked shit up in a big way for them back in 2008. Conservicucks and Clinton were going to be the only real options. But then this nobody named Hussein of all things takes the vote with promises that he obviously had no intention of really keeping and set shit back by a few years. Obviously he eventually fell in line but there's a difference between bowing to pressure and being an actual insider people like. He hates Clinton, this is well known.
At this point I think Obama's "real" game, in and of himself, is to try countering Clinton in 2020's primaries. If you know what to look for there's a few younger photogenic politicians he's been favoring and grooming for a shot at the white house they'd never have had before. The GOP is doing something similar because there's a couple of equally photogenic candidates who've been building their election resume as well.
I think the main thing to be aware of is that for Soros's it-crew this was probably their last real chance. Soros and Clinton are both fucking old now and they don't have a chance in hell as being this direct in four years, let alone eight. People say worry about Chelsea but it's obvious even Podesta doesn't take her seriously and her entire professional career is more or less summed up as "professional hot air machine".
Of course, Obama's plan would never work. As old and decrepit as that pack of jackals is, they'd still eat his boys alive and corrupt them just the same.
Kek is letting us know that he is about to send his judgement
Wikileaks allegedly revealed mails from the Clintons towards Obama, which are pretty much summed up to her telling Obama Osama to play game or she'll expose dirt on him or something like that.
True or not everyone knows President Islam is a femboy who bends over easy, and is an absolute cuck when it comes to his jew overlords.
Helicopter rides
Nevada is traditionally a red state but we all fell for the Obama meme(twice). It seems like the local elite are very much leaning Trump, but that may not be enough to surmount the growing Jewish and Hispanic populations.
On a side note, most Jews here are of Aryan descent. Is there anyway to redpill them?
Oy vey!
No they arent. People are fucking lemmings user. They follow whatever government / leader they perceive the majority to be supporting if that government is giving them their vidya, porn, and tendies.
90% of people don't give a shit as long as the TV is still working and they can get food from the grocery store.
Not true, if you can demonize something and make the ignorant masses see it as evil, like the kikes did with the NSDAP and now Le Ebil White Man, than you can make people care. At the very least you can align them with your goals. Its all in the memes.
TV viewership is at an all time low despite the population being over twice what it was when TV was at it's pinnacle. no one cares about it any more.
Is there something you need to tell us lad?
Nigger, this isn't the 80s anymore, most normalfags just use twitter, snapchat or some other shitty social media platform all day.
normie get out reeeee
Oh noooooo! Please don't pummel us with your bony little fists and handbags, liberals!
Get out while you can, and shake the dust from your sandals at the city limits to invoke Wrath on them for being faggots.
Ran into an old friend a couple of weeks ago. He doesn't even text. Completely computer illiterate. We start talking about the elections, and he starts talking about the election being rigged. I mention Soros; he smiles and says, "I know about him, man."
Shows me a sales slip for a pistol he just bought. Down at the bottom was listed a magazine for an SKS. I never would have dreamed it.
Careful lad they will sic their wive's boyfriends on you.
pick one lad
>>>Holla Forums
lol praise kek they will volunteer their positions for us!
Isn't this from 2014? I think it's great to show how fucked and potentially rigged the machines are, but it's disingenuous to report that this is happening during our current election cycle. I definitely would not doubt that machine is still in use wherever though. Also, I hope Democrats really aren't so stupid as to not just wait for electronic votes to come in and then change them in their favor, rather than rigging the machines to clearly display that the voter's choice is being changed.
These fucking electronic voting machines need to go though. I remember an older video, and the losing candidate had the machines investigated and it showed that choosing her name was outputting a choice for her opponent on all the machines they checked, and on those it was much less clear what had happened. There are tons of different machines out there, and they always have loads of problems every time anyone tries to use them. There are hardly any official standards or formats. Casino machines are more tightly regulated and maintained than these scrapheaps. You may as well be using a god damn slot machine when you use an electronic ballot machine. Putting the obvious and important point about rigging aside, these fucking awful things are destroying people's votes regardless. Not to mention many of them don't even give paper receipts. Counting paper ballots is not that fucking hard. No amount of "convenience" can outweigh the destruction of our rights.
That's what they want you to believe. It is called false majority and it is a technique invented by marxists to give the impression that all hope is lost and silence "dissenters". In reality a small core of marxists gets all the medias attention, giving the impression that they are the majority. This is the way they set the agenda.
The betas will naturally follow, because they in their egoism shy away from from conflict and does not care about other than themselves, even though they like to give the impression of it. It is politics steered by emotions, and aimed towards mostly women, which influence weak men.
There's been an omen. This is on top of Reddit right now.
A smug looking frog in a tray which reads "Change".
Kek is watching.
I'll ignore the Reddit shit. But damn this is some bible stuff.
This unironically makes me think
KEK is blocking the (((change))).
Wrong. Kek IS the change. He's chaos.
This is why (((they))) use touchscreens in their electronic machines, they can claim plausible deniability because touchscreens are pretty commonly imprecise. It would be much harder to hide rigging if electronic voting were done with a more traditional computer setup, with a mouse to move and select things.
If I remember correctly, Romney did nothing to complain about voter fraud even though there was some. In just one example:
worthy of a cap
Thread theme
That image is perfect for an Album Cover tbh.
That's Jobbik you fucking loon, if you took a moment to reverse search it you would realize it's an anti gyppo jew party in Hungary
As much as it hurts to admit it, its more thanks to le reddit because of the donald sub. But I'd rather them take the credit than have more faggots going to pol
funny. back in the day, if you complained about an unaccountable shadowy 1%-er oligarchy of (((financiers))) having complete power over the government, you were the fascist one.
Pepe's assault on the mainstream has begun
Soon there will be glorious doubles