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smh tbh


Not short enough tbh

Known fact : Men who like women with short hair / dress in men's clothing have latent homosexual tendencies.

I can play mind games too.
Men who are obsessed with women looking and dressing as feminine as possible are clearly insecure with their sexuality

to add to that, a cute girl is always a cute girl.
Hell, less hair emphasizes the feminine features of the face.
Hair is like a fallback for mediocre women, only way to really tell how attractive they are is to cut it

an anti-faggot posting a faggot to prove he's not a faggot

You sound tremendously flustered, m'lord.

pic 1 & 2 case in point

1st one is good (and is probably because she's smiling) others are too manly/faggy looking and would look better with long hair.

Ugly and not that short.

In short, :¬) Eveveryone is gay and people who say they aren't are just hiding it.

I have nothing against short hair, but waist-long hair is one of my strongest fetishes.

Manliest man ever.

Either that or you're a dyke.

found the faggot…

It looks like she is wearing a wig.

Or maybe they just want someone who looks nice.

How does this prove your point? It's really the opposite since male and female children have the same features (besides benis and vag) until puberty. If it weren't for certain hairstyles and clothing they'd look the same unless they were nude all the time.

Homo reported

Where is the screen?

She's typing on the phone, which outputs to the printer.

it's cool to have short hair, but not a faggoty haircut like yours dingus.


Is she, /ourgirl/?


Are women with short hair kino?

Only ASR.

Pic 1 related

Pic 2

you know I'm right homo


t. homos

cute but it suits a certain kind of girl
every pretty woman looks good with short hair

also spoiler that shit user, they're like naked and shit

Second one is better. First looks like your typical white slut.


fuck me the one on the right is too perfect

I just know there's gotta be something wrong, like a slutty tattoo out of view

fag detected

That you're flustered?

Pixie cuts are almost universally bad.
But bobs are totes my fetish.
It's a hard life.

You say that in theory, but in reality

How to see them (from left to right)

1 - Hi Mom.

2 - Uh…yeah. So you wanna go hang out in my roo- I mean the mall? Oh Christ. What is wrong with me?

3 - *Sniff* "You couldn't afford this piece."


5 - Marry me.

post pics of your mom

A true heterosexual finds both sexy


I wanna fuck your mom.

id probably try in life if I knew a girl like the one in the 2nd picture

Yeah but long hair is better.

Sad reality they are the most comformists people on earth.

Anons, is it gay?





Heil the short hair master race, gas the long hair whores NOW!

if you hate spiders it means you want to fuck them

The smell of a woman's hair is easily the sexiest thing about her.

/monster/ has discussed this at length.

Why not agree that both are superior to the medium length untermensch?

She still would look better with long hair.

no she wouldn't

Punzie a qt

2 a cute

No one rocked short hair like Shayso in her prime.

Millie confirmed Holla Forums lurker.


Life would be easier if you were a girl though.


Hell no. Imagine being you, but dumber, shorter and weaker, and having the society constantly claim you are just as good as you would have been as a man. Your current mental issues would look trivial compared to the ones you'd develope as a woman from the mental dissonance.

Go back to /waifuist you fucking degenerates. This place is for memes.

but women are literally a meme



Sad individual.

Dykes need to be gassed first.

stay mad longhairfag

She's a qt, but she's confusing me user.

Please. You can easily find happiness much easier as a girl. Lets say your average looking, average intelligence etc. If you worried about getting a relationship, just hit the gym, 6 months tops if your are of average weight you get a hot body guys will lust over for. You get scholarships and multiple passes for just having a pussy pass, easier to make friends or have support groups if you need it.
Buy a gun faggot, this will only put you out of construction jobs really, other than that its easy, not only is it easy to pass female skills like in sports and gain a scholarship etc but you will be praised for beating less skilled players compared to the skill level needed in guy sports etc. You may get limitations and down sides of being a girl like periods and being weaker, but the bar for everything else has also been lowered so much that its a gain to offset your downgrade/


thanks for posting my celebfu OP she was in Sinister 2 and turned into a cutie MILF

Daily reminder that genuine tomboys don't exist in real life. Most of them just pretend to have male interests (usually at a very superficial level) so they can get dick. The fact that they're often easy sluts is the only reason why guys tolerate hanging out with them.



That's quite the leap user

I can be your grill for the night, if you want user.

Is your hair short? :^)


I want more pics of pixie and bob qt3.14s please.

Learn how to use a search engine.

sexually frustrated? hell yeah

I don't get it.

You can find lots of cute boys like that user

It's the most ungay thing in existence.
It's just right.

short hair is a meme

This is a social place, people want to talk you sourpuss


I like all fit girls so call me unless you're not gorgeous or muslim scum

I see no sluts, I see pure innocent waifus

go back to whatever weeb board you crawled out from under

good taste fam

Whatever you say, slut-lover.

Say no more, my friend

That was close, thanks user.
Still #NotGay

Let them live, though I prefer them faithful women have a mind of their own

So gorgeous especially the last one .


now in casual conversation how do you differentiate between the shoulder length 1-4 and the absolute hnng number 5 is rocking?

you're just a herd of plebs

kys tbqh famalam


b-but I think #2 is hella qt
hmmmm, really makes you think

there's literally nothing wrong with having a qt jewfu



Shlomo please.

you can't understand

All the salt ITT

>giving a kikess your hard earned shekels so that she can propagate the (((people))) where you'll be an outsider looked down upon by your (((wife))), your (((wife's friends and relatives))) and your (((children))).
Yes user, truly this is bliss.

trips of truth

that's just Holla Forumsyps propaganda, jewish women are actually very submissive

>look at this anecdotal evidence of a (((chick))) sharing her rape fantasy

Would totes dress up like a natsi for holohoax kink rp with a kosher grill tho.

it's not just an anecdotal thing, nazisploitation stuff was a huge success in israel, look it up

I want to believe, user
Jewfus are still a bigger trap than OP's #2 secret peepee

would totally blow #2 fempeepee iykwim ;)

Name 1 good short haired actress.
Now try to name 10 long haired actresses.

but all actresses are shitty, user


I guess it's an inverted or graduated bob.
Inverted/graduated and typical/layered is ultimate qt


she has a peepee user.


she probably had it cut off by now

she is cute same way young kate is cute in a "find out your best twink friend is a girl and you no longer feel awkward wanting to fuck him/her" sort of way

where do you think we are?

you have made your own bed

oh boy i'm laffin

oh, well when you out it that way…


#2 is moar qt than young kate tbqh, user.
But, Traps aren't gay, feminine peepees are straight af, and inverse bobs > pixies.

i'm gonna ignore your obviously wrong comment about pixie cuts and instead ask wtf an inverse bob is?

I wish #2 was a trap, oh lawd what has happened to me

pic 5

you're developing exquisite taste, user.

please don't ruin this thread

you're just turning gay

insidious (((Feminist))) evil has no end

no, pixie cuts don't make you gay, wishing your girl was a trap, however, does

I need feminism because I'm not less of a man when I'm enjoying my girlfriend's strap on.

Fixed. This thread is starting to attract trap and kike fuckers now. But that's just a "coincidence", right?

well, this is a pleasant surprise.

it was good until trapfags ruined it though


Not really. There's nothing but ugly 3D women being posted.

Truly the last Holla Forums patrician.
2d jewfu
2d slippery slope to traphood

She looks way better with long hair in Firefly



punzie is 3d tho

Still pure.

you're an incoherent faggot

I just want to talk about pixie and bob qts, user.

Gas yourself

Back too ((( >>>Holla Forums )))

Possibly >>>/suicide/

Then go here

>>>Holla Forums


t. triggered Drumpfcucklet



user, please



Pretty good.



Have you seen her?
She went from looking like my middle school friend to a smoking hot babe

androgyny is the ultimate redpill

I know it's hard to separate from all the mental trans illness these days

I'm so confused rn. How does that shit work?

dropped. only one side is believable

Plastic surgery
also a funny trick called growing your hair out

No shit, pr0n lesbos aren't real. """real""" dykes look like miserable lard attempting to impersonate men or, for whatever reason, KStew.

Cheeky cunt


link me, then.
real authentic feeling but still hot lesbians are actually quite rare, most normies wouldn't even think of it

I won't even dignify that with a response.

no, as in, KStew is quite literally the only """"real"""" lesbian that looks feminine.

Granted she's gotten old, but she's held up pretty well and she was banging back in the day.

Every hot "lesbian" I've seen turned out to be a bisexual.

You gay, son.

I don't believe you
and since when is she a lesbian

how does it feel to be gay?
And how the fuck would you even know that? You stalk every porn star's profile?

watson is best emma, but even if you didn't like her for some reason there's no way she's worse emma than stone

maybe you're just gay

I am a pornstar.

but do you have short hair?


Jodie Foster?

really faggot

tits or gtfo

KStew is "so gay."

another dead link, wtf is going on

what even is this thread?

Lesbians and lesbian accessories.

still better than kirsten cunst


a faggot

No, it's called having standards.
A lot of dykes mention having sex with men or get married to a man later on in life.

the lesbos I knew a decade ago looked tomboyish to androgynous at worst then *poof* over the last few years many of them turned into fat disgusting bulldykes. something must've happend with the food supply or something.

political lesbianism is a disease.

having gay standards, yes

Yeah, because women have sexual plasticity. Lesbians are gay as a political statement. James Bond can cure lesbianism with his peepee.

she was posted though

but emily stone is worst emma or the tv actress roberts you dumbfuck




Nigger faggot detected

then how come a loser like you would never be allowed to speak at UN?

Found the nigger.



moar mellisa clarke

Sometimes I think about what Jodie did with Kstew while initiating her.

Now I know what sexual confusion feels like.

Not disgusted, but a weird combination of lust and unsurety of how to proceed.

I know your feel, user.

so you're following dykes then?
read their profiles. or watch their interviews?

sounds like you're gay too

embrace it

why would she do that?

Bumping into something ≠ following. Especially when someone posted a dyke interview on this exact board at one point.

Pretty sure the discussion that started this was about hot "lesbians", aka the ones that aren't mannish-looking.

lesbos don't real user.


Granted, she's in a transparent ass closet but she's fucking mommy

That was my point this entire time.

I would like example pics of cuteboys that look like the pic2 grill. For science.

>>>/cuteboys/ or >>>/bl/ would probably help you.


Which irrelevant girl do you like? Did you think Taylor Swift was going to talk about something, does she even talk about anything at all?

kys tbqh

Her speech was fine and encouraged good will, she even talked about mens mental health and suicide I havent heard one other actor talk about that.

For some reason waist long hair only looks good on nude girls to me.
I wonder what reason that could be.

how many times do you just "stumble" across something?

that's what you were implying by saying they're ugly

you're full of shit, and you know it.

If I knew, I wouldn't be here. I'd be over there 24/7

fact is men are better at everything. women with mannish traits are just better.



you're confusing the shit out of my peepee, user.

t. angry "lesbian"
Don't worry, you'll grow out of it soon.

I don't know user, a lot of them die angry and miserable surrounded by cats.


mostly all me tbh
OP's second pic is the most alluring grill in thread, and I have no idea how to process this.

She has no chest. Her neck is weirdly long. She is androgynous to the point where if you told me she was a twink, I wouldn't bat an eye. Anons please explain this shit to me.

user she has talked about mens mental health and suicide and has championed her father and the importance (and lack thereof recently) of it


I'd pick 1, 3 & 5 before 2 because of how honestly boyish she looks, but I will admit that she does have an aesthetically pleasing face.

why the fuck is everyone clamoring over girl 2 when girl 5 is the real pick of the litter here.

This. 1 and 5 are the only two even worth considering

Girl 4's face is nice, but her cut isn't stylish enough for me

1, 3, 5, Mellisa Clarke, and (((Cohan))) are all conventionally attractive. 4 has a cute face but the pixie isn't doing her any favors and makes her look like a cunt.

Is 2 just "aesthetically pleasing"? Or am I doing that faggoty shit where attainable looking grills are more fun? Would totes play vidya, watch kino and coodle with.

4's pixie is just a bad pixie cut. It isn't styled right, and the edges are too thin to make her face appealing. If she let it grow out like 1 to 1 1/2 more inches she'd be looking better.

I wouldn't read too much into it mate, for your own sake.
You should also consider that you're just looking at a picture. She is sort of cute but I'd doubt I'd ever actually approach her in real life.

Yeah, but I doubt I'd approach any girl in real life so kind of a moot point for me.

When have girls ever genuinely been into vidya or kino anyway?

I know some autistic girls who are into serious games, OR kino (note not and, female autism has a narrow blast zone). The downside of this is that they're incredibly unbearable to be around.

Nice mature response user

mellisa clarke has gone criminally under appreciated itt.

2 is still a conundrum qt

There is no justice ;_;

you faggots have a shit taste and i don't know what to do with you

Damn straight. Shannyn Sossamon is hot as fuck.

thx for the name

Something I've noticed, why aren't there more blondes itt?

Brunettes are the thinking man's fetish.

why would you ruin such a nice thread by posting some blondniggers?

No problem.

I prefer both tbh. Either works for me. Hair in-between honestly bothers me though.

It's like 70% me tbh

NeuroFaggot reportin

Alright, the 2nd one has one hell of a symmetrical bone structure AND desirable facial features. Since your body evolved to seek these traits you'll automatically find it attractive.
Even if she's a twink, those features signal fit-for-mating-genes. Thats all there is to it.

Thank you based NeuroFag, you are a wonderful friend.


t. got found out

traplovers tbh

not that there's anything wrong with that

I know that feel

gonna need names for all five of these girls

already seen the first girl named, where are the others?

Why can't you keep your cancer in one board?


i loled

What did she do to that poor cat?

i wish i was that cat tbh

what do you mean with in-between? neck long? shoulder long?
anyway i like long haired girls aswell, and if a girl is hot, usually she's hot with both cuts
but short hair have something peculiar with them, idk, short haired girls have somewhat of a comfy vibe to them

also, as for OP n.1 is the best one but now that i look at her n. 3 is also a qt and should be getting more love ITT

Because >>>/cuteboys/ doesn't have any pics of twinks that look like qt 2 to further confuse the shit out me.

Watch this piece of shit if you want that kind of autistic anger

It's because her hair isn't short.

l*ng haired bitches truly are trash

t. no reading comprehension


explains why 2 is such a qtpatooti

A wannabe man will never be the same as a real one.

I'm still waiting on pics of twinks that look like 2.

Quit being lazy and find them yourself.

why don't you just reverse search it you lazy faggot


paula zago strictly better with short hair
l*ng hair faggots btfo

yeah long hair version is pretty much shit



that's not even the same girl

It's paula zago circa 2013, the lighting is way different but it's the same girl

Better than , still worse than OP and

I disagree, long hair is marriage tier, but short hair is fuck tier. short hair is definitely sexier, but the long hair version doesn't give me a sick feeling in the stomach.

3rd pic looks like a Realdoll

first pic looks like a dude. Grill is confusing af.

not a big jump there, no sir.

fuck your extremisms you nigger

t. irony

nobody said that.
I wouldn't rule it out though

her skin is kind of sickly looking
maybe it's just the lighting

I don't know how to look them up without Google thinking I'm gay

what help? that's just a shit hairstyle by comparison



Google already knows anyway. do a reverse image search and add "short men's hairstyles" or something like that.

Short hair is a gigantic red flag and you deserve what's coming to you

bugger off Holla Forums you have a friggin loli nazi icon, I won't take your word on anything

I thought that was the #2 girl, from OP's post. Kelly Kopen.

Wait, I see now. Kelly is the first one in this Paula is the second (and yes I want pics of her boypucci) but who is the third chick?

don't know, don't care, user. I just want pics of Paula Zago's boipucci and maybe her penis.

why don't you reverse search em


It's totally not gay if the peepee is feminine my dude.

she's just very pale, and that's good

no, short hair version looks more comfy


Pic 2 and Pic 1 and 2 are optimal comfi

This comes close though tbh
Maybe l*ng hairs aren't always terrible.

I tried user, I can't find anything with her peepee.

long hair takes fucking maintenance.
I find it annoying with my medium length guy-style long hair. Can't imagine what it's like for girls.

ergo, not comfy at all.

just ask someone to shop a bulge on her or something

Zago's hair in those pics is about "medium length guy-style long." I think it's still hella kampfi.

Shooping a bulge would be the easy way out.

bye, short hair qt thread :(