Why is everyone here so racist

why is everyone here so racist
cant you all just get along?
i dont understand why you all act like this, its so bad and rude. you dont even get anything done! you just sit here and sprew racist things all day.


i bet i get laid more than you racist idiots





men don't count faggot

time to gore this beta queer


dont compare me to your dad nerd

ex dee EX DEE :))))):"))((():")(():))())::)()))):))))):))(:(((:)(:):(:):():():(:)(:):((::(:(:

how do you type like that?>

sorry i type fast

Why do you shit post so much?

Enjoy your ban faggot. :D

It's 0 if you don't count men.

your mom's a man stupid shut up pendejo

if mexico is so great then why are they fleeing it? Checkmate cholos.

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Arbeit Macht Frei, Paco. Save you're strength, you'll be needing it for forced wall building.

uh theyre fleaing it because all the stupid american gangs and stuff that they put in there

mexico is being hurt by american raicism



but that's racist, we can't have that in the western world. Now fuck off and go have gay sex with cholo gang bangers on the "dl". :^)

Some of us tried and it didn't work.
You can't get along with wild animals in human shape.

what does that even mean
shut up

Hitler was a great man tbqh

yeah im the human ur a dog haha idiot