Xexizy just destroyed Anarchy Ball
Xexizy just destroyed Anarchy Ball
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I'd totally support a Leninist when a fucking anti-state capitalist is in question.
both are cancer
There's no doubt that Xexizy is preferable.
At least neither is reddit obesity
xexizy should get a better haircut
Reddit obesity actually contributed with videos and he was way better at attracting people and non-socialists.
Xexizy isn't the best but let's be honest none of you NEETs would come across any better on camera.
haha that's because we're autistic. We're in need of more sophisticated ppl though
So, what's exactly wrong with me again?
you're okay dude ppl just like complaining.
For example, I think you're too simple-minded and shallow.
I'd much rather have non-socialists watch Xexizy than have some Maonigger babble at them with "sophisticated" (a.k.a. impenetrable) theory.
You need to read and stop associating yourself with people like RedditObesity and Yuiposter.
post dick
we do need people to read and cultivate their own minds but socialists do need to discuss and associate with one another. We need coalitions.
You come to quickly when you fuck my butt
Your too qt to fight.
Yea but, where are you getting this idea from is what I'm wondering
I honestly don't get why rebel gets so much hate. Every time someone calls him 'rebel obesity' it gets me right in the feels and makes me pity him.
Do it muke. Its a warm night out.
The 'reddit' part in 'reddit obesity' is more central tbh
He's not even remotely obese though.
Don't talk ill of the dead
why the fuck are there so many views?
I hope it's because of view bots…
Yea it was a meme started on the IRC a while ago. We all know he's not fat, but he gets extremely pissed off whenever it's bought up so it stuck. It would of been gone in a week if he just laughed it off.
He's not dead lol
Yea exactly. Way to warm to fap to cuteboy dicks either way.
Also, nice cat.
Well how come it's been so good around here lately then?
You take anons too seriously.
and the rest "read moar" faggots,
you want someone that gets it on a lower level to talk to people that don't get it at all.
If you have the nomenklatura and the inteligentsia spewing terms that noone gets, how do you expect to talk to the common man?
You then need people that have read too much to support the one that hasn't as much.
RIP Rebel. You'll be missed.
it's weed, it makes people want to watch youtube videos with the word illuminati in the title.
Ah, like those MLG videos.
I just have to wonder how many people accidentally click on Illuminati conspiracy videos because because high and watch MLG videos?
Not bad.
I'm sure he'll come back with some "nuh-uh, wouludn't happen in 100% freedoms AynCrap utopia" nonsense.
You're not me.
He's beat us to the tinfoilers.
Why aren't we agitating to the tinfoilers?
Fear of alienating the general public?
Tjen folket, the stalinist/illegalist faction of the communist party here in norway, started targeting mentally unstable people and lonely kids after being excommunicated from the party.
Worked pretty well, they have a solid activist base. But the leadership was targeted by the law for fraud and economic crimes, so the organization sort of imploded.
Then how do we organize normies?
This image sums up Anarchyball in a nutshell
Linked comment ayyy
idk, Im really bad at organizing and getting people involved.
That being said. In my experience getting the right people is key.
Good people in a organization contribute and make meetings fun and enjoyable (pretty girls with high spirits are the best). Bad people make meetings boring, they often like to hear themselves talk, or they come just to blow of some steam.
If you get good people the organization grows, if you get bad people the organization dwindles.
For some reason people wernt seeing the linked comment, so here are screen shots. Had to use my gaming channel cus he blocked Xexizy.
fuck off bunkerfags
kill yourselves, it's the least you can do considering you killed all irc leftism
Hi prickly.
You don't even know how far ahead of you I am my comment is the most significant thing to happen to your channel do this again and I'll blow you the fuck out.
prickly pls
cmon it's all fun teehe
You a hating ass nigga. Fall back.
C'mon, of course they haven't. W-They surely help people learn their dialectics, don't they?
Hello fellow neutral third party, how do you do?
You know it's bad when the other windbag narcissist at the meeting gives you a knowing look when the other windbag narcissist won't shut the fuck up.
Anarchyball is a fucking idiot
anarcho-anything is absolutely retarded and small-skulled thinking.
As is shown by the what he was saying the comments of xexizy's video, he is concerned with growing, probably for the money like the piggies whose dicks he sucks. Making videos about some bullshit conspiracy theory and pretending (very likely) to be part of anonymous gives you that.
yeah, but he isn't an anarchist. Don't group anscaps (anti-state capitalists) with anarchists.
i like xexizy but please keep your shit out of Holla Forums
You are a great lad Prickly.
I fucking love this, nice job comrade.
don't take anons too seriously cutie
Grow your hair more and you'll become a cutie
I'm getting it cut in a week or so but only a trim to get the shape of it back. When I last got it cut, my mum made me go to a cheaper guy and he ruined it. Going back to an actual good hair dressed this time so when it next grows out it will not look er, shit.
You're skinny and have the voice of a teen. You need to lift. Also post dick.
you dont post dick
wish that bird were my friend
Oh my fucking god guys he actually made a response video to me.
Responding to this is going to be so much fun.
Oh shit, this guy's an idiot
Well that was physically painful.
haha holy shit
talk about unwarranted self importance
Xexizy BTFO!!!!!
Will he ever recover?
I bet he recovers, I still want to see that boipussy tbh
Are you 12?
This guy… is fucking stupid.
uh huh…
And this is how I never go to women hairdressers, after I could speak for myself.
… Being a kid is awfull…
My mum dosnt decide my hair style, but she does pay for the hair appointments, and this one time she wanted to try out a barber instead of a hair dresser because it was cheaper. I told him to keep my hair below the top of the ears, and he gave me a fucking normie footballer cut. My mum realized the mistake she made but obviously it was too late by then.
Like I said I'm going back to the good hair dresser in…12 hours actually.
What irc chat are you guys talking about? #bunkerchan
this, just get a buzz cut, fam.
wew lads, Bunkerchan never ever
Is it on Rizon as well?
Hey Xexizy. Are you an aussie? Brit? What accent is that?
The filthy leninist is a brit. He looks strange or a Brit.
Hows that comment reading video coming along?
Well er, thanks for writing the video script for me ahah.
Kill yourself cancer.
He's a paki.
The fucking rhetoric coming from this guy is off the charts.
Response is done, give it a watch I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I wont be making another vid on this guy.
It's quite long, but it's really funny for the first 5 mins, so if you're not interested in the arguments at least check that out.
Holy shit that explanation of class struggle was cancer.
Otherwise bretty good.but bost benis
Good video though I do have one question. When Anarchyball called you a conspiracy theorist why did you not make a joke about the fact that Anarchyball has videos about the Illuminati on his channel?
damnit it xexizy, you could have said so much shit, but you don't. You're not clever
Goddamn, use this summer for reading muke!
I did say as a disclaimer it was simplified to high fuck, but it got the point across didnt it?
I didnt know he had that on his channel tbh.
What could I had said then?
I have been reading! Revolution at the Gates is really fucking fun.
Hey, after you finish Zizek, try reading Lukacks' "History & Class Consciousness".
I was considering reading Lenin's Imperialism after Revolution at the Gates tbh.
Oh, well you can still read Lukacks after.
And have this book by Harvey on Imperialism.
Good luck!
He was easy to humiliate with all with shit of him claiming to be anonymous and "exposing the Illuminati and all that bs
Good point, but again I just didnt know quite autistic he was with that stuff, I guess I could do more channel research in the future.
That guy is a charlatan.
no shit. you lost a good opportunity
He responded to my response of his response to my response.
well shit… more bs to deal with.
God dammit just listen to this guys voice why are you responding.
Hey Xexizy now it's time to take what you've learned about Anarchyballs autism and apply it
I never knew AnCaps are actually serious about their bullshit.
This guy's arguments are so fucking constructed, childish and simply disconnected from realty that it makes my skin crawl. His voice and his fake laugh combined with the fact that he doesn't show his face makes me visualise his fedora-wearing personality in an even more intense way.
Except the whole fucking market isn't about grocery shopping lol
The owner of a small craft shop with 2 employees is surely gonna buy that 10 gorillion ton of cloth that H&M buy, yeah
And how the fuck is voting with your wallet in any way different from the census suffrage within the monarchist nation states of the 19th century.
Throwing 2k years of law evolution out the window in favor of some business fags that legally de-facto bribe the jurisdiction will surely work out!
How the fuck are they even supposed to enforce the verdicts with private security that is only allowed to defend property? Will the capitalists have a trial by arms, the way it's supposed to be in a good feudal society?
Sexy did it:
I find it surreal how even non-communists can point to the problems of unrestrained capitalism in the current system, and yet they seem to think less government restriction is a good thing.
I mean, look, I know we love to bash on welfare and reformism, but if we are going to be living in a capitalist system, I WANT a democratic state. It's fucked, but better than what these ancap nutters believe.
If anything is surreal it's the discussion about the government itself. They (and, probably, you) are operating within flawed field of decisions. Ideology is important, yes. It's like asking "do you want to be strangled or drowned?" and then treating answer like a request to forcibly euthanize you one way or another.
If government restrictions are implemented, they will be abused (which is how non-communists are correct).
If they are not implemented, the freedom will be abused (which is how you are correct).
The problem is that neither approach can solve anything. They are both wrong, because both assume that government restrictions matter. What matters is who is in charge.
Communists (Marxists, obviously; I do not understand how people can consider themselves Communists and reject Marx) point out that the key is economic power. Who owns the means of production. This is the question that matters.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I just accept that society is currently not class conscious enough for socialism to be implemented on this very day. I don't have a crystal ball, maybe tomorrow something amazing will happen. But maybe not. But in the mean time, I'd rather the status quo than a regression into idiocy that ancaps suggest.
You are assuming that status quo is an option.
The state intervention does not presuppose it. Why do you think it will not become similar regression into idiocy (aka optimal exploitation)?
That is indeed a thing.
But what ancaps are agitating for is immediate change from government to anarchy, as opposed to ol slick porky trying to "reform" his way into optimal exploitation.